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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 40

by Stephan James

  “’What’s the matter’? I nearly went balls-to-the-walls insane when I heard that some damn punks had kidnapped you. Your sister was in tears and I was ready to throw my fucking sofa. This is the second time someone I’ve loved and cared about has gotten into a dangerous mess because of me.”

  “Someone you loved… You mean, your fiancee?”

  “Yeah,” Vincent sighed softly. “I’m part of a gang that pretty much runs this town. My motorcycle wasn’t for show. That’s usually how we get around. I told you that my fiancee was killed a while ago. She was killed by a filthy bastard who snuck into our group, pretended to be friendly and shit before he tried to make off with a ton of cash from the Boss. That’s the guy who owns the club that you work in. And, just to get at me, he killed my Shiba and the unborn child in her stomach.”

  “Oh my gosh… I’m so sorry...”

  “It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine, but what else could he say? “We killed him once we found out what he’d done.”

  Axel moved closer to Vincent and hugged him tightly, burying his face in his face. “I didn’t mean to get myself kidnapped. I was really terrified but I also knew that you’d come to get me.”

  Vincent smiled as he rested his head atop the brunette’s. “Damn right. No way in hell I’m letting you get away from me. I’ll snap the necks of anyone who try to touch you again, you can bet your ass on that.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Axel said with a laugh.

  “Shut up, you brat.”

  “Make me, perverted kitty.”

  A wide smirk broke out on Vincent’s face that was only rivaled by the beaming smile on Axel’s. He held the other close and moved his lips by Axel’s ears, whispering in a low voice.

  “I love you, Axel.”

  “Yeah.” Axel fought back his happy tears as his eyes closed. “I love you too, Vincent.”

  A day or two after the incident, there was a knock on the door of the Barnette residence. Having the day off, Emmitt briskly strode down the entrance hall and peered through the peeping hole. He saw Axel’s figure standing there and a smug grin played on his lips. He opened the door but the grin soon vanished and morphed into a grimace when he saw that Axel wasn’t alone. Vincent stood by his side with a scowl almost as nasty as Emmitt’s.

  “What are you doing here?” Emmitt asked, his voice directed at Vincent more than Axel.

  Axel was the one who answered him though. “We’re coming inside, Emmitt.”

  With Vincent close behind him, they walked past a seething Emmitt who slammed the door closed after they entered. The three sat in the living room. Emmitt and Axel sat across from each other while Vincent leaned against the wall, nonchalant but still visibly pissed off. Emmitt did his best to ignore his presence and focused on Axel with a smile.

  “So, what is it, Axel? Finally realized how right I was? Perhaps you’ve brought...him along so he could see how much you respect your big brother and how well you listen when he says something to you.”

  “Emmitt, shut up already,” Axel said with a deep frown that wiped the amusement right off of Emmitt’s face. “I’m sick and tired of you sticking your nose into my business, trying to control my life like you honestly know what’s best for me.”

  Emmitt narrowed his eyes. “Of course I know what’s best for you.”

  “Then why did you have me kidnapped!?”

  The bespectacled alpha froze, his face losing its color. “Y-You… You have no proof that it was me. Why would I have my own little brother kidnapped? That’s ridiculous on the face of it, Axel, even for you.”

  “It’s not ridiculous,” Vincent interjected, standing up with his arms crossed over his chest. “Had I not been told about your secret plan to prove to Axel that I didn’t care about him, I don’t know what those fuckers would’ve done to him. You hired some real shitty men because when I found him, he was being stripped and groped.”

  “You… And who the hell told you about that?!” Emmitt spat.

  “I did...” From the other room, Cecilia emerged with a saddened look on her face.

  Emmitt sprung to his feet in disbelief. “Cecilia? Why…? How did you-”

  “I followed you that night. You’d been acting so strange lately that I knew you were about to do something bad, but going so far as to hire thugs to kidnap Axel? And all because you want to keep protecting him?! Emmitt, how could you not see that what you’re doing is insane?!”

  “It isn’t insane! You know exactly what alphas are capable of! Axel never should have gotten involved with this man! Someone like him will only hurt Axel! I bet he has several other men and women at his disposal, the fucking-”

  “Shut your damn mouth, Emmitt!” Axel snapped viciously.

  It made Emmitt shut up. Cecilia covered her mouth in shock and Vincent had the expression of the proudest lover he could ever be. Axel took in a deep breath and glared straight at Emmitt.

  “Don’t you fucking talk about Vincent like he’s anything like Dad was. I may have been little but you think that I couldn’t tell that Dad was a monster? I know he was horrible! But Vincent is nothing like him! He’s never once hit me, he cares about me and the only other partner he had was his fiancée, who died! She was killed along with their child! How can someone like that even move on after going through all that? It must have been so hard! And you have the nerve to say that all alphas are the same? Then what about you?! How many people have you slept with or abused, huh Emmitt?!”

  Emmitt seemed shocked by the accusation. “I’ve never done anything like that! Don’t lump me in with those brutes!”

  Axel shook his head. “You’re pathetic, Emmitt. I used to believe that you were being hard on me because of how badly you lost it when Mom died and Dad left us. Because it was just the three of us, I decided I wouldn’t be a brat and tried my hardest to listen to you. But I’m an adult now. I can make my own choices and whether I choose to listen to you or not is my choice. And I choose not to listen to you about leaving Vincent. I can’t. I love him.”

  The bespectacled alpha frowned and looked away, adjusting his frames. “And what about you, Mr. Laroche? How do you feel about Axel?”

  Vincent grinned when Axel’s eyes fell onto him. “I’ve figured it out. I love him even if he is a little brat.”

  “You’re so annoying...” Axel said with a smile.

  Cecilia came beside Axel and smiled warmly at him. “You know, Axel, I’m sure that Mom would be happy at how much you’ve changed now. I know I am. And Vincent,” Cecilia turned to him, her eyes bright. “Please continue to take care of my little brother, okay?”

  “You bet, Cecilia.”

  “Oh, that reminds me,” Cecilia looked at Axel with a knowing smile. “Since you two are practically dating now, are you going to move in with Vincent, Axel? You can, if you want to.”

  Axel looked back at the alpha, who raised an eyebrow at him. His cheeks and the tips of his ears turned red and he looked away, rubbing the back of his head. “Y-Yeah, I guess so...”

  “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed!” His sister giggled, making him turn even redder.

  They returned back to their place later that day. Cecilia told Axel she’d pack up his things and that he could come pick them up anytime. He thanked her, said a brisk goodbye to Emmitt who didn’t even bother to nod and just let the pair leave. Vincent fell onto the sofa and let out a long sigh, throwing his arm over his eyes.

  “That was exhausting as fuck,” he said in a tired tone. “I swear, how could you stand to have a brother that irritating? I might have already gone insane.”

  Axel laughed as he pulled a bowl of fresh, green grapes from the fridge and came over to where Vincent lay. “I held my own pretty well, though. I didn’t have too many friends that he approved off and I didn’t join any clubs or anything like that when I was in high school. He was seriously furious when I dropped out of college.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet…” Vincent went silent for a moment before he spoke again. “I
understand it, I guess, being a brother and trying to protect your omega sibling. Hell, I bet if your sister was younger and an omega, he’d be all over her too.”

  “You aren’t wrong about that...” Axel sighed as he sat on the couch, plucking off the grapes before eating them. “I don’t want to be angry at him forever and it’s not like he’s making this easy but not speaking to us. I don’t know...”

  Vincent sat up a bit and wrapped an arm around Axel. “Give him some time, Axel. Who knows? Maybe once he’s found someone that can stand up to his shitty attitude then maybe he’ll come around.”

  Axel burst into laughter, shaking his head. “I swear, you’re so annoyingly stupid.”

  “So what? You know you love me.”

  “Do I?”

  Vincent growled playfully and nipped at Axel’s skin, making him laugh even more. The omega moved to lay on top of the other and laid against him, smiling happily. Vincent smirked, lifting his eyebrow.

  “What’re you smiling about, brat?”

  “Just thinking about how much I love you.” Axel kissed him. “You alpha pervert.”

  “You’ve no right to talk when you’re the one who keeps seducing me,” Vincent said in a low voice that sent shivers down Axel’s spine.

  “Oh, shut up...”

  Embracing Axel gently, Vincent’s fingers brushed over the mark on Axel’s neck. A soft smile came to his face. “My Axel..

  Omega’s Protection


  In a town ruled by alphas, Kayden Byrne struggled to provide for himself and young son. Omega’s are considered weak and good for nothing more than raising children, but despite all the odds against him, Kayden managed to build a life in this unforgiving world.

  When Kayden wakes up to a room full of suffocating smoke, his first thought is his son. The walls that he built up to protect his son, Cameron, were crumbling around him. Out of the smoke a strong hand is waiting to pull them out.

  Neil Hynes is everything that Kayden has ever dreamed of and the cynical side of him can’t help but be skeptical. Maybe Neil isn’t as perfect as Kayden thought. Discovering Neil’s secrets might tear their budding relationship apart and leave Kayden struggling to keep together the life that he is so desperately trying to preserve.

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  There was nothing more terrifying than waking up to the smell of smoke. The claustrophobic, choking sensation of not being able to gather enough oxygen from the air immediately spiraled into uncontrollable panic. Disorientated, coughing and dizzy, the only thoughts that could form were desperate ones of escape. The primal urge to find a way out of the smoke and encroaching flames overrode every other sense that might attempt to form.

  For Kayden Byrne, those thoughts died away almost as soon as they formed. As an omega and single father living in a world dominated by alphas, fear was something that had to be overcome. There were things in his life that were far more important than his own safety and desire to escape the danger. Down the hall, his son was crying out for him, his wails piercing through the smoke choked room.

  “Cameron!” Kayden shouted, tumbling out of bed and rushing towards the door to his bedroom.

  Already, plumes of smoke billowed from under the door. Distantly, the sound of sirens filled the air, but that meant nothing to him. Who knew if they would reach them in time?

  Grabbing onto the doorknob, Kayden jerked back with a cry. The knob was red-hot, and sent pain shooting through his palm the moment that he wrapped his fingers around it. Panic surging through him, Kayden jerked back and rushed to the window, throwing it open and moving out onto the balcony.

  Below him, the world swam. The small balcony was the only thing separating him from a three-story fall to the ground. Moving onto the edge of the balcony, he felt his stomach drop when he came face to face with the ten-foot gap between his balcony and his son’s. He couldn’t do this. If he tried, he would die. Frozen with fear, Kayden could feel bile rising up in the back of his throat.

  “Daddy!” His son’s terrified voice shattered through the fog of panic that consumed him. His little boy needed his help. His son was all he had. He couldn’t lose him.

  “Daddy’s coming, Cameron!” he called, closing his eyes and letting his instincts take over. Slowly, his body began to shift and change growing smaller, lither as it did so.

  Where a man once stood, an ebony tomcat had taken Kayden’s place. His sharp yellow eyes focused onto the gap between himself and his son. Taking a few steps back, he leapt up onto the edge of the balcony and took a deep breath. He could do this.

  For a moment, the world went still. He didn’t focus on the flames roaring beneath him, or the screams of people gathering in the streets below. Instead, he kept his eyes locked onto the bedroom across from him where his terrified child would be waiting for him. With three powerful steps the balcony disappeared beneath him, and for one heart wrenching moment he was floating. His paws reaching out before him, Kayden’s body shifted as he jumped, his human body replacing his delicate paws as his fingers grasped nothing but air.

  He clipped the opposite railing, his body tumbling heavily over it and sending him crashing onto the balcony heavily. Pain shot up his shoulder when he landed, his body protesting movement with everything that it had. For a moment, he laid against the ground, barely daring to believe that he survived. His relief was short-lived. Cameron let out another wail of terror that immediately dragged him from his internal celebration.

  Moving to his feet with some effort, Kayden hissed when his shoulder and knees protested angrily. Groaning when he realized that the door was locked, Kayden braced himself, sweat dripping down his face as he slammed against the locked balcony door with his good shoulder. It took a few attempts, but soon enough the door burst open in a splinter of wood and glass.

  He fell forward with the door, a moan falling from his lips as he laid on the ground for a moment, only looking up when he felt little hands touch his cheek urgently.

  Looking up with a pained noise, Kayden felt his heart lurch with relief when his son’s panicked gold eyes lock with his own. The toddler was hysterical, his little body shaking with fear as he pulled at his father’s shirt and desperately tried to get him to sit up. He was babbling nonsensically, hiccupping as he looked over at the door and whimpering when flames started to lick under it.

  “It’s ok, sweetheart,” Kayden whispered, shakily scooping his child into his arms and cradling the sobbing child to his chest. “I’ve got you. Daddy’s here,” he promised, moving away from the door and flinching when he heard boards start to crack and groan beneath his feet.

  Kayden grabbed onto his son’s blanket as he moved, wrapping the wailing toddler in the sheet before scrambling out onto the balcony again. Whimpering while his son’s ebony-haired head hid against his shoulder, Kayden moved slowly towards the edge of the platform and grunted as he leaned over the edge. How was he going to get down? The fire was shooting up from the floor below him, and behind him he could see tendrils of flames threatening to curl up under the doorway.

  Clutching his son to him, Kayden pressed his face to his child’s shoulder and closed his eyes. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to protect his son no matter what! He could do this. He just had no idea how.

  Below him, the sound of glass breaking quickly gained his attention. Looking to the side, he gasped when he spotted a ladder being pressed up against the building, and a firefighter quickly scrambling up towards them. Holding his trembling son in his hands, Kayden felt his heart lurch when the man reached towards him.

  “Hand the kid to me, then we’ll get you down, alright? Nice and easy,” the man insisted, opening up his arms and locking his steady gaze with Kayden’s. “It’ll be ok.” The man promised gently, keeping his cool aquamarine eyes on the pair.

  Kayden didn’t h
ave time to argue. Behind him, he could hear the wood floors buckling, the straining beams crackling as the flames engulfed them. Holding Cameron out, he gasped as the balcony suddenly cracked beneath him, the entire surface shifting as the firefighter plucked his son out of his arms.

  Cameron was safe. He was going to be ok. Kayden didn’t have time to focus on anything else as the floor gave way beneath him and he tumbled towards the lower level. Crying out, he braced himself for an impact that never came. A powerful hand managed to snag onto his before he could collide with the flames below him. Looking up, he felt his heart soar with hope as the firefighter hauled him upwards, his rescuer’s face strained as he fought to pull Kayden up while Cameron clung onto his back.

  “I’ve got ya, hang on!” the man ordered, pulling Kayden upwards and into his arms, his powerful legs wrapped around the ladder to keep them all up. Wrapping his arms around the firefighter’s neck, Kayden clung to him as the ladder was lowered down. The overwhelming smell of the alpha gradually calmed down his frayed nerves.

  Once they were safely on the ground again, Kayden felt himself crumble with a sob. His arms wrapped around his son the moment the alpha who rescued them rested him in his arms. Pressing his face to his son’s neck as the child wailed and clung onto him, he attempted to calm the boy despite the tears streaking down his own face.

  That had been far too close.

  Chapter Two

  Sitting on the back of the ambulance while the firefighters struggled to get the blaze under control, Kayden cradled his dozing toddler close to his chest and watched as everything that he had worked to build burned down to the ground. It wasn’t that their life had been perfect. It was everything but. He was an omega, struggling to support his son without any help from the deadbeat alpha that called himself Cameron’s father.

  Kayden at least owed the man one thing. If it wasn’t for him blowing into town and winning over his heart for a few weeks, he never would have had Cameron.


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