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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 41

by Stephan James

He was just starting to get his life together. He had a job working at a bookstore, his own apartment, and for the first time? Cameron had his own room. It was as though fate enjoyed kicking him while he was down. Now he got to watch his life burn to the ground, while he struggled to figure out how he was going to be able to find a new home, or even somewhere for them to sleep for the night.

  The city was a cruel place for an omega to be on his own. Lais was one of the largest cities in the country, the most advanced, and still omegas were treated as second class citizens. They were expected to obey their mates, to act as caretakers for their children. There were areas that were worse for people in his situation, but that didn’t make his current plight any easier. It just meant he couldn’t leave expecting there to be somewhere that he would be treated better.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” Kayden was dragged out of his dark thoughts by a familiar, gentle voice. Looking up, he felt a sad smile form on his lips when the alpha who had rescued them sat beside him with a groan.

  “As good as is to be expected. My son is safe, and I’m alright, but everything we have was in that apartment,” Kayden whispered, tears trailing down his face as the other looked back at him sympathetically. “Now it’s gone, and we have to start over.”

  “Do you need me to call your mate for you?” the man asked curiously, earning a snort from Kayden.

  “If you can find the father of my child, you should kick him as hard as you can between the legs for me, because that’s exactly what I would do,” Kayden snorted, shaking his head and trailing his fingers through his sleeping son’s hair. “I don’t have a mate. I never had one. I just had a few-week-long mistake that wound up giving me the best gift I’ve ever gotten. I’ve spent the last two years raising him on my own, and I wouldn’t change a moment of it.” He shrugged, looking up at the man with a grin and blushing when the other laughed.

  Without his helmet on, the firefighter was incredibly attractive. A thick mop of shaggy blond hair, aquamarine eyes, and a wicked smile on his full lips gave him a devilishly attractive look. The delicate scars tracing over his left cheek gave him a mysterious air about him that drew Kayden in.

  What could he say? He loved a bad boy. They were his weakness.

  “Well, if that’s your way of saying that you don’t have anywhere to go tonight,” the man began, reaching out his hand with a grin. “My name is Neil Hynes. I’d love to invite you and your son to crash at my apartment until you can figure out somewhere else to stay,” he explained gently.

  The bewilderment must have been clear on Kayden’s face, because the man laughed softly as he lifted up Kayden’s hand gently and shook it. A dark blush covered his cheeks. Kayden looked down and smiled as he pulled Cameron closer to his chest.

  “You’ve already done so much. You really don’t have to do that,” Kayden whispered, looking up at the other and shivering when Neil rested his hand over his own.

  “I don’t have to, no, but the idea of someone as beautiful as you sleeping on the streets tonight really doesn’t sit well with me,” Neil insisted, his thumb slowly moving over Kayden’s wrist as he smiled. “What do you say? I’ve got plenty of room, food, and a TV so the little one won’t be too bored while you figure out where to go from here. What have you got to lose?” the man asked, snagging onto a blanket from one of the EMT’s and draping it over Kayden’s shoulders.

  The man was right. Kayden had lived on the streets before, and as an omega, that was an incredibly dangerous place to be. The society that they lived in liked to believe that omegas were little more than property. There was a large segment of their community that treated omegas like himself as if they were little more than sex toys, or homemakers. Male or female, omegas found it near impossible to find jobs and support themselves without an alpha.

  He knew he could make it on his own, but the last thing he wanted was for his son to have to endure for even one day the suffering that he went through for most of his life.

  “Thank you. I think that given the circumstances, I would love to accept your kind offer.” Kayden smiled, taking one last look towards his smoldering apartment building and sighing. He had absolutely no idea how they were going to restart after this disaster, but at least things were looking as grim as they were moments before.

  “Do you know what caused this?” Kayden asked softly, wrapping the blanket that Neil had given him closer around his shoulders. For a moment, Neil didn’t answer, his aquamarine gaze locked onto the smoldering building.

  “It didn’t start in the apartment complex,” Neil explained after a moment, gesturing to the building next store that was already a charred husk of what had once been a laundry mat. “If I had to guess? I would say it was an electrical fire, but the Chief thinks that it’s something else entirely.” Kayden frowned, looking up at Neil curiously.

  “What do you mean?” Kayden asked, pulling his son a bit closer and pressing his lips to the top of his head.

  “What I mean is over the past few years we’ve had a string of arsons being committed across the city,” Neil explained, wiping his ash-covered face with his sleeve. “Most of the people who get their places burned down owe money to the mob, and though they all looked like accidents, their timing has always been perfect.” He shrugged, leaning back against the truck.

  “Do they have anyway to prove it?” Kayden asked curiously, earning a snort from Neil.

  “There’s never any evidence of wrong doing,” Neil explained, watching with a grimace as one of the upper floors of the apartment building caved in with a long moan of protest. “This doesn’t fit the MO of the usual suspect. It was too sloppy, too many people at risk. It’s not their style. I don’t know who did this, but I’d be willing to bet money it wasn’t the mob,” he grumbled, his eyes scanning over the crowd as if the perpetrator would make an appearance.

  Leaning against Neil, Kayden let out a worried sound at the idea of two people going around the city and burning down buildings. The idea was terrifying, especially if one of the arsonists had no control over the damage that they were causing. Kayden couldn’t let himself worry about that. He wasn’t involved with the mob, and as long as he kept himself at a distance from whatever was going on? He had no reason to feel as though he and his son were in danger.

  At the moment, all he needed to focus on was getting Cameron over to Neil’s where they could bathe and rest.

  Chapter Three

  Neil’s apartment was on the north side of town, far from Kayden’s low-end living situation. Kayden wasn’t used to walking around the upscale area of the city let alone staying in it. Even in the early hours of the morning, Kayden could see alphas, betas, and omegas moving throughout the streets wearing clothes far more expensive than Kayden’s entire wardrobe.

  He was beginning to wonder if he had survived the fall at all. The only thing that was convincing him that the situation was not part of an elaborate dream was the ache in his injured shoulder. Still dazed after everything that he had been through, he was having a hard time wrapping his head around the selfless act of charity that Neil was offering him and his son.

  Then again, the way that the man was eyeing him every few seconds was starting to make Kayden believe that it was less of an act of charity, and more of an attempt to seduce a single omega that he found attractive. Either way was fine with Kayden. The man was absolutely gorgeous, had a job, and obviously didn’t mind that he already had a son. As long as the man didn’t turn out to be an ax murderer, he would pretty much be the complete package.

  The complex that Neil pulled into was two blocks away from one of the richer neighborhoods in the city. It was a quaint place, pretty far out of Kayden’s price range, but everything that he wanted in a home. Following Neil up the stairs, he carried Cameron cradled in his arms.

  Neil’s apartment was far larger than his own. It had a full kitchen, a separate dining and living room, one and a half bathrooms, and two full rooms. Despite being a relatively nice space, it was easy to see that
Neil lived there alone. There was very little in terms of furniture, and even less in terms of food. He would have to see about going grocery shopping in the morning so that he could acquire food for his little one.

  Following Neil into the spare room, Kayden sighed as he settled his groggy son on the mattress and draped the blankets over him. He would need to get some new clothes for them both as well. He doubted that Neil would have anything for them to wear.

  “Here,” Kayden looked up when Neil returned to the room, smiling gratefully when the alpha pressed a T-Shirt and a pair of sweatpants that were far too big into his arms. “The shower is right down the hall; I’ll see about getting us both something to drink once you’re cleaned up.” He winked, moving away once he was sure that Kayden was set up.

  Taking a moment to unwind in Neil’s shower, Kayden let the ash and dirt roll slowly off his skin leaving behind the smooth tan skin underneath. He worked hard to get himself back into shape after Cameron was born, and though he had a few stretchmarks that would never go away completely, he was proud of how he looked. Obviously he still looked good enough for people to take interest if someone as gorgeous as Neil was eyeing him the way that he was.

  He just hoped that he wasn’t reading too much into his kindness.

  Pulling on the clothes that Neil lent him, Kayden dried off his hair and stepped out into the hall. The shirt hung off him like a dress, the pants needing to be rolled a few times just to make sure he didn’t step on the ends.

  He could hear Neil moving around the kitchen, the smell of something cooking on the stove immediately leaving Kayden’s mouthwatering. After everything that he’d been through, he had more of an appetite than he ever remembered having before.

  “What are you making?” he asked, tugging at the sleeve of his oversized t-shirt when Neil turned to face him with a smile on his face. For a moment, Neil seemed to appreciate just how small that Kayden looked in his clothes, the man’s eyes wandering over his lithe form slowly. It was flattering, and Kayden couldn’t help but grin back at the man.

  “Eggs, I figured that you’d want something to eat,” Neil explained, scooping the eggs out onto a pair of plates before moving up to him. Taking the plate, Kayden hummed in gratitude before following him into the living room and joining him on the couch.

  “Thank you,” Kayden smiled, watching the other turn on the TV before letting himself relax against the couch. For a moment, they ate in silence. Neil’s arm moved around the back of the couch draping carelessly behind Kayden’s shoulders.

  Kayden could catch the scent of the other from where he was sitting. The musky, powerful aroma that only alphas had. It was always alluring to him, but Neil’s scent was different. It was better than any other alpha’s had ever been. While it held the usual feeling of power, Neil’s scent was clean and reminded him of fresh mint. It was intoxicating, and for a moment he felt himself drawn closer.

  “You know, you never told me why you brought us in,” Kayden hummed, finishing off his meal and setting the plate on the table before moving closer. “I mean obviously you’re a good man, but you could have easily just set us up in a hotel.” His eyes sparkled when the alpha’s lips quirked up in a grin.

  “I suppose I could have,” Neil hummed back, setting down his own plate and letting his body shift until he was facing Kayden. “But then I would have missed out on your company.” He explained that softly, his eyes lighting up with adoration as he leaned closer and let his hand move up to ghost over Kayden’s cheek gently.

  “Well, I’m glad,” Kayden grinned, shifting closer to the man at the gentle touch. “I’d like to thank my rescuer personally if that’s alright.” He slid into Neil’s lap slowly when the man shifted slightly to accommodate him.

  “That is more than alright with me,” Neil breathed, his hands sliding over Kayden’s hips slowly. Leaning closer, Kayden let his lips ghost over Neil’s, his pert rear pressing down against the growing arousal in Neil’s pants.

  “Well then, shall we?” Kayden breathed, trailing his fingers across Neil’s stubble-coated jaw and letting their breath mingle for a moment. The pleased noise that rumbled through Neil’s chest at his words left Kayden shivering slowly.

  The man didn’t answer. Instead, he scooped Kayden up into his arms, carrying him towards the bedroom and dumping him onto the bed. Rolling onto his back, Kayden spread his legs and opened his arms for the alpha, coaxing him forward with a beaming grin on his face.

  Ever since his fling with his son’s father, Kayden hadn’t allowed himself to get close to other alphas. He couldn’t trust them. He didn’t want to be left behind again. Though he didn’t like struggling through life alone, it was the safest thing to do. Leaving up his walls left no room for anyone to hurt him again.

  Neil had managed to tear down those walls in less than twenty-four hours.

  One look from his aquamarine eyes, and the man had him wrapped around his finger. Until that moment, he hadn’t realized just how lonely he was. Just how much he missed being held against a powerful, muscular chest. He felt protected, warm, and despite having only just met the alpha, completely head over heels.

  From the moment that his back hit the sheets, Neil’s lips were dancing over every inch of his skin that he could reach. Biting, sucking, licking at the skin until Kayden was shaking with desire. Each kiss sent sparks cascading across his skin. He had never felt as wanted and beautiful as he did lying out under the alpha.

  Warm, powerful hands trailed over Kayden’s pale hips, leaving thin white lines in their wake. The sweatpants that he borrowed hung so loosely around his thin frame that they fell away with only the smallest amount of coaxing from Neil’s hands. He didn’t see where they were thrown, instead he felt his body lurch up to capture Neil’s lips with his own.

  Neil’s tongue and nails danced slowly down his body, his hands sliding over every inch of exposed skin that he could reach. The little marks that he left on his skin sent bolts of arousal shooting from the top of his head down to the tips of his toes. Heat pooled in his groin each time that Neil’s arousal ground down against his thigh.

  Needling against his shoulder, Neil’s teeth danced down to tease at the sensitive nubs on his chest. The sensation left Kayden writhing in desperation. He wanted to feel more of the man. Neil saved his life, in more ways than one, and he wanted nothing more than to repay him with everything that he had: body and soul.

  Feeling the man’s hands wander down his thighs, a slicked finger breached his inner walls and made his back arch off the bed. He was completely enthralled with the other, his mouth parting in cries of praise each time the man found the spot inside him that left him writhing. They had just met, and yet somehow Neil knew exactly what to do to make him throw back his head in pleasure.

  The empty feeling that he felt when Neil’s fingers slid free from his opening only lasted for a brief moment. Instead, it was replaced with something far better. His toes curled, and his back arched as the man slid himself inside of him, arousal curling in his stomach the moment that the other bottomed out. Filled to the brim, he could feel his lover’s lips dance against his throat once more.

  Their bodies rolling and grinding against each other, Kayden’s vision went white when he felt Neil’s teeth sink into his shoulder marking him as his own. He should have protested, but the words escaped him. Writhing and gasping, he arched up against the man, allowing him to go deeper.

  Each thrust was more and more powerful, drawing soundless gasps from his lips. Arching, his nails raked across his lover’s shoulders. Each movement left long pink scores down his lover’s back, marking him as his lover marked him. Pressing his face to the man’s shoulder he took a long breath of his powerful scent, letting the warmth that it sent rushing through him travel from his head to the tips of his toes.

  His orgasm came before he could warn his lover. Rolling his hips upwards to meet the powerful thrusts the man was still pounding into him, he felt the orgasm leaving spasms rolling through his bod
y. His toes curling as he threw back his head, he bit down on his new mate’s shoulder. Then, his body slumped in exhaustion as his orgasm dissipated. The sensation left him pleasantly numb, his body twitching as his head rolled back against his shoulder.

  His eyes were drooping even as Neil bottomed out inside of him one last time, a flood of warmth shooting through him as his lover reached his own orgasm with a final thrust. Pressing his face to his lover’s shoulder, Kayden trailed his fingers through the man’s hair. Slowly, he felt as though he should protest the fact that the other had finished inside, but not able to find it in himself to care.

  “Neil,” Kayden breathed in the other’s ear, shivering when the alpha pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder. “That was amazing.” He giggled, laughing when the other pulled him closer and pressed a few kisses to his shoulder.

  “Agreed,” Neil laughed, curling around the man and pressing his lips to his shoulder gently.

  Taking a moment to relish in the post-orgasmic bliss that rolled through their bodies, the couple curled as close as they possibly could to each other. It had been so long since he had shared a bed with another person, that feeling the man’s gentle breathing under his cheek left his heart soaring in his chest.

  He fell to sleep wrapped up in his lover’s arms, his face pressed to the crook of Neil’s neck while the man’s warm hands rested on his back. It was amazing to him how a situation as terrible as losing his house could lead to him finding someone as wonderful as Neil.

  Chapter Four

  The dream could only last so long. Reality always seemed to find him as soon as he escaped it.

  Waking up to the sound of his son’s confused cries, Kayden was dragged from the first sound sleep he’d gotten in weeks. Immediately, his head began to pound angrily, the smoke that he had inhaled the night before leaving his throat and eyes burning.

  Sitting up and coughing angrily into the crook of his neck, he grimaced as he looked towards where Neil had been sleeping the night before, disappointed and surprised to see the man was missing. Sighing, Kayden slid out of bed and into the room where his two-year-old was shrieking angrily.


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