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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 76

by Stephan James

  “Hey, can I take your order?” he asked, his hazel eyes flicking from face to face apprehensively.

  “Sure you can, sweetheart,” One of the men chuckled, immediately drawing Kole’s attention to the center of the table where a man just a few years older than himself sat. “But first you gotta tell me what a pretty little thing like yourself is doing in a place like this. Where’s your Alpha?” Wicked, stone grey eyes stared back at him from under a fringe of sun-bleached hair, and immediately Kole was assaulted with the scent of an Alpha.

  Choking softly at the question, Kole glared at the man furiously when he demanded to know where his Alpha was. He had no Alpha, and he had no intention of ever having an Alpha.

  “He ain’t here, most because I don’t have one,” he snapped, earning a round of chuckles from the other Alphas at the table.

  “Pretty little thing like you not mated? That’s a damn shame,” The blond alpha pouted, running his fingers through his tousled, wind tangled hair and humming softly. “Where’s your pack then, doll? It’s strange of them to not get you set up with someone.” He explained, “I didn’t even know there was a pack in this area. I figured it was open territory still.” He hummed, rolling a straw between his fingers as he studied Kole.

  “Just waters then, for now?” Kole rumbled, not willing to answer the man’s obvious question. The other knew that there was no pack in the area. That meant that he didn’t have a pack. He was a lone wolf, and had no desire to have anything to do with these shifters. “I’ll get started on it right away,” he growled before they could protest, bristling as he disappeared behind the counter again.

  He should duck out the back. The last thing he wanted was for these Alphas to think that they could have him just because he didn’t have someone who owned him. He wasn’t a prize they could just pluck off the streets.

  “Laura?” he called to the owner, frowning as the woman looked up at him.

  “Everything alright, sugar?” she asked, earning a quick shake of the head from Kole.

  “Do you think I can head out? I don’t feel well,” he mumbled, glancing towards the door worriedly. Following his gaze, Laura frowned and nodded.

  “Those bikers givin’ you trouble? Don’t you worry, hun. I’ll take care of those dirt bags, you go ahead and get yourself home,” Laura insisted, earning a relieved look from Kole who immediately headed for the back door. He needed a beer, a cigarette, and a good night’s sleep.

  Swinging onto his motorcycle, he glanced back at the diner with a glare. If he had any luck at all, the men would be long gone by the time he headed back to work the next day. Revving up his engine, he took off down the well-worn streets, heading back to his apartment so he could forget about the alphas.

  His apartment was far from glamorous, but it was enough for him to be comfortable living by himself. The one-bedroom space barely had enough room for a bed, a small table and a couch, all things that had been generously donated to him by Laura. He didn’t need much more than that to be happy.

  Pulling open the front door and locking it behind himself, Kole groaned as he flopped onto his bed and pulled open his laptop. He was going to focus on the internet for a few hours and see if that got his mind away from the Alphas at the diner.

  His hand groping beside his bed, he pulled a packet of cigarettes from underneath, lifting one to his lips and humming as he lit it and took a long drag from the cancer stick. Music playing in the background and a cigarette between his lips, Kole stared up at the ceiling and let the stress of the day roll off of him.

  He was still safe. He didn’t have to move again. He reassured himself gently, closing his eyes and taking a long drag from the cigarette.

  He had just stubbed out the cigarette and started to doze off when he heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling into the parking lot. His ears twitching slightly at the noise, he grumbled, turning up his music to block out the obnoxious sound. That had always been one thing that he hated about being a shifter, his ears seemed to pick up every little noise when he was trying to sleep.

  Letting his eyes flutter shut once again, he was just starting to doze off when he heard somebody knock at the door. Frowning, he sat up with a grunt, pushing his ebony hair out of his eyes when it fell into his face.

  “Who the hell could that possibly be?” he growled, moving to his feet and shuffling into the front room. Peering through the peephole, he felt his heart stop when he recognized who was standing outside his door.

  The blonde Alpha from the diner was standing in front of the door, his eyes locked onto the peephole with a wicked smile on his face.

  “Open up sweetheart, I know you’re in there. I can smell you,” the man called, earning a growl from Kole who glanced over his shoulder in an attempt to think of an escape route. He could try to loop around to the front, and grab his motorcycle, but by the time that he did, he was positive the man would know where he was. “C’mon, I just wanna talk.” The man promised, earning a shudder from Kole.

  “What the hell do you want, blondie?” he called through the door, his hands braced against the wall as he tried to figure out his chances of actually winning a fight against the man.

  “Oh come now, I haven’t even been able to properly introduce myself,” the man outside frowned, “Listen, sweetheart, if you let me in to talk with you, I’ll behave myself.” He promised, holding up his right hand. “Swear on my mother’s grave.”

  Hesitant, knowing that the man would probably just kick in the door and let himself in anyway, Kole felt himself groaning in defeat. Running his fingers through his hair, he let his claws start to grow out slowly, determined not to let the man get anything from him without a fight.

  “Alright, but you try anything, and I’m going to make sure you leave without some very important body parts,” he growled, stepping back and unlocking the door. Glaring back at the pleased looking Alpha, he stood aside and jerked his head towards the couch. “Go on, sit down.”

  “So hostile,” The Alpha sighed, letting Kole close the door behind him, and moving over to the couch to sit down. Spotting Kole staring out the window to check for more of his pack, the Alpha rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You woulda heard if I brought other people, sweetheart. It’s just you and me.”

  “Very comforting, and stop calling me sweetheart,” Kole growled shutting the curtains and moving to stand across from the man with his arms crossed. “Now who are you and what the hell do you want?” he demanded. He did not escape from home just to wind up dealing with Alphas again. Holding up his hands defensively, the Alpha studied the small space he was in before turning back to Kole.

  “My names Miles Jaeger, and I’m the leader of that pack you ran away from today,” He pointed out, leaning back against the couch and studying the omega with clearly interested eyes. “I’m here, because you fascinated me.” He grinned wickedly, his canines flashing noticeably. Kole cursed the way that his stomach flipped at the man’s attractive smile, and forced a glare onto his face.

  “Well I’m glad I fascinated you, but that’s no reason for you to stalk me back to my place,” Kole’s voice was stern, unimpressed with the seductive, tough show that the other was putting on. Most Alphas tried to puff themselves up when trying to win over an Omega, and he wasn’t looking to let this guy flirt his way to what he wanted. “Now either tell me what you want, or get the hell out.” he hissed, frowning when the Alpha laughed at his order.

  “My God, you have got some fight in you, haven’t you?” Miles beamed, moving to his feet suddenly and lurching forward, looking even more impressed when Kole jumped back with a snarl, his hazel eyes filled with malice and his claws held out in front of himself defensively. “I’ve never seen an Omega with as much spice as you’ve got!” Miles grinned, his eyes locked onto the other heatedly.

  His hands defensively at his sides, Kole allowed his nails to slowly transform into claws, the blade like appendages digging lightly into his palms as he squared off with Miles. His threatening pos
e and the appearance of his claws seeming to only amuse the Alpha standing in front of him, the man slowly moving closer even as Kole let out a threatening glare.

  “Am I supposed to thank you for the compliment?” Kole rumbled, fighting the urge to change shapes and lunge at the man. The other was giving off an aroused scent that left Kole’s nose twitching. He had never been attracted to an Alpha’s scent before, but something about the dangerous, spicy heat that the other gave off was enough to leave Kole’s mind reeling.

  “Aw, baby, if I wanted you to thank me I wouldn’t be here,” Miles hummed, his stony eyes locked onto Kole as he moved forward slowly. “You are a feisty ball of fire, and damn do I like that.” He rumbled, his voice making Kole’s legs quiver slightly as he backed up against the wall.

  The man was handsome in his own rugged way. He had a jagged scar over his right cheek, and a nose that had been broken one too many times that prevented him from having any sort of supermodel like appeal, but otherwise he was gorgeous. A strong jaw, defined cheekbones, and a body that looked carved from stone, Miles held himself like a man perfectly aware of how attractive he really was. Normally, the cocky attitude that the man held would be a turn off for Kole, but for some reason, the smug grin on his thin lips was enough to leave his body melting under his gaze.

  “C’mon,” Miles purred, moving forward and pinning Kole’s wrists to the wall, his lips moving down to trail over the other’s throat. “I’ve been looking for an Omega with your kind of fire for years to take as my mate.” He rumbled in his ear, leaning forward and pressing his lips to his neck slowly earning a soft keening moan from Kole.

  He had never been more attracted to anyone than he was in that moment. Miles was gorgeous, dominant, and absolutely sexy. He could feel his legs spreading before he could cognitively comprehend what was going on. Melting under his touches, Kole found himself tilting his head to the side submissively for the other, all of his thoughts of running fading away like mist. He was completely wrapped around the other’s finger, and he had no desire to try and break away.

  “You’re mine now, Kole,” Miles breathed in his ear, trailing his teeth over the man’s throat slowly. Despite all of his previous anger, Kole couldn’t find it in himself to argue with the man. The only thought in his mind at that moment, was to get the other in his bed.

  “Shut up and take me already then,” Kole snarled back, reaching up to tangle his fingers into Miles’ hair. Laughing at this, Miles nodded, hooking his arms under Kole’s rear and heaving him up onto his shoulders.

  “As you command,” Miles smirked, carrying the other back towards the bedroom with a self-satisfied grin on his face.

  Feeling himself being deposited onto his bed with a wicked grin from Miles, he moaned as the Alpha climbed over the top of him with a lust filled look, his eyes roaming over his body slowly. Licking his lips, Miles leaned down and tore off the Omega’s shirt leaving Kole gasping with delight.

  Shivering lowly, Kole found himself loving the way that Miles’ kisses danced heatedly against his skin, his teeth grazing against his pulse before he lurched forward to kiss Kole on the lips. Groaning heatedly as their teeth clashed and tongues battled for dominance, Kole spread his legs to welcome the other’s grinding hips.

  “You are so gorgeous,” Miles growled in his ear, tearing off his own shirt, and tossing it to the side. “When I saw you in the bar, all I could think about was bending you over a table and taming that wild side of yours.” He grinned, biting down on Kole’s neck and smirking when the man keened with delight.

  “Ah! I should have fi-figured that’s what you wanted when you tracked me down,” Kole growled, his hips arching upwards desperately when Miles tore down his pants to expose his already dripping length. “All you alphas want is sex.” He grunted, groaning when the other slapped his rear.

  “Well, with someone as beautiful as you wandering around, who could blame us?” Miles growled in his ear, sinking his teeth into Kole’s shoulder in a dominant fashion, a smirk forming on his lips when Kole threw back his head in a delighted shout.

  “Asshole,” Kole spat, gasping when he was flipped onto his knees, his hips rolling back instinctually to respond to the other’s grinding hips. Hissing when he felt a lubed finger slide into his virgin hole, he closed his eyes with a whimper.

  “That isn’t very nice,” Miles pouted, setting aside the tube of lube he had hidden in his pocket as his finger stretched the man open. “Never done this before have you, baby? You’re so tight for me.” He grinned, loving the way that Kole gasped and quivered under his touches.

  “S-Shut up!” Kole whined, quivering when the other slapped his rear lightly, the sting sending a jolt down to the pit of his stomach. His eyes going wide when the other found his prostate, Kole let out a garbled scream and pressed his face to the sheets.

  “You really are a fighter, aren’t you? Most Omegas are usually begging for more at this point,” Miles hummed, licking his lips as Kole keened and trembled under his touches. “That’s why I want you. You’re the perfect Omega to stand beside me. We’re going to run this pack with an iron fist, together, sweetheart.” He purred, adding a second finger as his lover keened desperately.

  “W-who says I’m goin’ with you after this?” Kole growled, gasping when the other rubbed at his sweet-spot slowly. “I-I’ve been livin’ on my own just fine without you!” he hissed, swearing when he felt the other lean down and growl dominantly in his ear.

  “See sweetheart, that’s just the thing,” Miles purred softly, sucking a mark onto Kole’s sun kissed skin. “You’ve been able to resist every Alpha you’ve ever met, everyone ‘cept me.” He grinned against his shoulder, earning a whine from the other when he slid his fingers out of his entrance.

  Trembling at the words the other growled in his ear, Kole felt his hips being lifted backwards towards the other, his face pressing against the sheets. He couldn’t argue with the man, not when he was already so desperate for anything that he had to offer. Instead, he found himself spreading his legs eagerly to urge the man to take him. He had never once been attracted to an Alpha enough to want them anywhere near his virginity, and after five seconds with this Alpha, he was ready to let him do whatever he wanted.

  “That’s right baby, you feel it too don’t ya? We’re meant to be together,” Miles purred in his ear, sinking his teeth into his shoulder again as he slowly slid himself into Kole’s puckered entrance.

  “Ah!” Kole gasped, quivering at the unfamiliar burn, and strange pleasure that followed. “Miles that feels good!” he whined, reluctantly submitting to the other as the man pressed into him slowly.

  “Look at you, sucking me in like a pro,” Miles purred, licking his lips and starting to slowly move his hips. Leaning down, he bit and sucked at his back, leaving hickeys across his skin as he pounded into the virgin with enough power to leave the man screaming with delight.

  “Miles! Oh Miles!” Kole gasped, his nails digging into the mattress below him as his body was pounded into with enough force to keep his cheek flat against the bed. “AH! More!” he begged, trembling and spreading his legs further, biting down on his pillow desperately to keep from screaming for the other.

  “That’s right, beg for me!” Miles moaned, pounding into the other eagerly and squeezing Kole’s hips as the man beneath him writhed with lust. “God damn you’re pretty.” He laughed, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the air. It was hot, animalistic, and it was driving Kole absolutely insane with lust.

  “Miles!” Kole cried out desperately, screaming in delight when the man’s hips slapped harshly against his rear. The wet sound that filled the air as the other bottomed out left Kole wailing in delight, his entire body shuddering as he neared his orgasm.

  “You close baby?” Miles breathed in his ear when Kole seemed too dazed to find his voice, “Cum for me, and I’ll make sure I fill you up right.” He growled, grinning when Kole screamed beneath him and came hard over his sheets.

Letting out a cry of his own, Miles slammed into Kole with a growl, cumming when Kole tightened around his shaft. Leaning over as he remained locked inside of Kole, his hips rolling slowly against the other he pressed a kiss to his ear.

  “You’re mine now,” he breathed, earning a weak whimper from Kole. He was too dazed to argue just then, but even if he could, he knew that Miles was right. The other had a firm hold over him, and he doubted that the man would ever let it go.

  Kole woke up in Miles’ arms, the man’s face pressed to the crook of his neck and the warm musk of an Alpha rolling over him. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Kole shuddered as the man pulled him a bit closer, gently cradling him to his chest.

  The night before had been a blur of grasping hands and entangled bodies that left Kole sore and sated when he finally managed to fall asleep. One round had turned into five, and he went quickly from a reluctant virgin, to Miles desperate thirsty mate. He couldn’t deny the fact any longer: Miles had crashed into his life, and in a matter of hours, claimed him. He hadn’t even stood a chance against the other’s advances.

  So much for remaining a lone wolf.

  Closing his eyes as Miles groaned in his sleep, Kole let out a shaking sigh and pressed his face to the other’s shoulder. At least the man was handsome, and seemed to have at least a little intelligence. It wouldn’t be that bad being his mate would it? He wondered silently, trailing his fingers over the Alpha’s scarred chest.

  “How long you been up?” Miles mumbled suddenly, breaking Kole away from his thoughts and back into reality.

  “A couple minutes, why?” Kole whispered, shivering when the man sat up and rolled to pin the man to the bed. “You can’t honestly still be horny.” He pouted, giggling when Miles smiled and pressed a kiss to his neck.

  “I’m surprised you aren’t,” Miles mumbled, sitting up and pulling Kole into his arms with a hum. “Sorry I got all dominant on you last night, but the way you were back talkin’ me really got me going.” The growl in Kole’s ear left him shivering, lust rolling through his body slowly. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him, but he sure as hell liked it.


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