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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 77

by Stephan James

  “So does this mean you’re expecting me to go along with your little motorcycle gang?” Kole hummed, tilting his head to the side submissively for the other when the man started to mouth at his throat.

  “Suppose I can’t make you do anything, but I’d love it if I could drive cross country with your arms around my waist,” Miles mumbled in his ear, trailing his tongue over his throat slowly.

  “I’ve got my own motorcycle, I’ll be riding that if I go anywhere with you,” Kole pointed out firmly, grinning when the man pressed a kiss to his neck and growled happily.

  “Damn, I like how feisty you are!” Miles laughed, nodding and pulling the other against his chest, “Whatever you want baby. You can ride your own bike, and I’ll be happy just watchin’ your tight ass ride down the freeway.” He grinned wickedly, rubbing at his hips gently. “What do you say? Interested?” he asked, flopping back against the sheets with Kole in his arms, the Omega trailing his fingertips over his arms.

  “Suppose I could go with you,” Kole growled, licking his lips and humming when the other let out a pleased noise. “So tell me about this gang, you got a home base, or are you just riding around the country constantly?” He asked trailing his fingers over Miles’ muscled arm, grinning when the other shook his head.

  “I’ve got a home base back in California,” he hummed, rubbing at the other’s back slowly and pressing a kiss to his forehead. “It’s pretty massive, I’ll tell you that. I think you’re gonna like it, baby.” He purred as Kole hummed softly.

  “I’m excited,” Kole admitted, sitting up slowly and stretching. Glancing up when he heard someone pounding at his front door. Frowning, he pulled the blankets over himself as Miles growled and moved to his feet.

  “I told them to wait until I got back to them,” He spat, pulling on his pants and disappearing into the front room.

  Slowly moving to his feet, Kole pulled on his clothes and peered out into the living room, frowning when he saw Miles chatting quietly with a group of some of the Alphas that he had seen yesterday. He wasn’t sure what they were talking about, but whatever it was it was obviously not making Miles happy.

  Flinching when Miles snarled at one of the larger males, he felt a surge of adoration run through him when the Alpha who had offended his mate backed down instantly. It wasn’t long before the men retreated out of the house, and Miles marched up to him, pulling him into his arms.

  “Pack your things, we’re headed out.” Miles ordered, pressing a kiss to Kole’s lips and pulling him into the bedroom. “They want to start heading back towards home, apparently there’s been some new up and coming group who thinks they can ride up on my turf.” He pointed out when Kole looked confused.

  “I’m not leaving until I take a shower,” Kole glared, sighing when Miles rolled his eyes. “I’m serious Miles, I’m not riding a motorcycle for hours without bathing first.” He pointed out, earning a sigh from Miles, who relented with a nod.

  “Alright, we can shower first,” he agreed with a grin, “We’ll make those assholes wait for us. They’ve been impatient all morning.” He grumbled, gesturing to his phone which was flashing with new messages and calls before scooping Kole up into his arms. “C’mon sweetheart, let’s see if we have time to squeeze a round in the shower in before we leave.” He mumbled, pressing his lips slowly against Kole’s and carrying him into the bathroom.

  The pack was waiting for them outside of town in a sleazy bar that Kole remembered passing by a few months ago. He had never thought that he would actually go in. Grimacing as Miles wrapped a protective arm around his waist, he pulled his backpack a bit closer to him.

  “There you are!” A booming voice sounded the moment that they pushed inside, a man who stood a solid head above Miles grinned as he moved forward, shaking Miles’ hand with one of his gigantic paws. “And you got him!” he laughed, eyeing Kole with a curious gaze. The Alpha didn’t seem unfriendly, but that didn’t mean that Kole trusted him.

  “Course I got him, Sal, you know me,” Miles explained, pressing his lips to Kole’s forehead and earning an indignant huff from his new mate. “I always get what I want.” He purred in Kole’s ear, coaxing a shiver from his lover. Kole glared up at his mate at this, rolling his eyes and looking away to examine the packed bar. He would make sure that the man paid for that comment later.

  “A pleasure to meet ya! What’s your name gorgeous?” Sal grinned back at Kole, extending a hand for him to shake. Kole accepted it with a cautious little hum, his distaste for Alphas leaving him reluctant to get to know more of them. Grimacing at the force behind the handshake, Kole sighed.

  “Kole Fairchild,” Kole explained, pulling back his hand as soon as the meaty paw of the other man released his abused fingers.

  “I’m Sal, your man’s second in command. You need anything, anything at all, and I’ll get it for ya,” Sal explained, earning a reluctant smile from Kole, at least the giant was friendly. He didn’t want to know what would happen to anybody who got on the guys bad side.

  The scent of Alphas and Omegas was overwhelming. In the room alone he could make out at least seven pairs along with a solid twenty unmated Alphas. This place was dangerous, and he wasn’t sure if following Miles was such a good idea. Leaning closer against Miles, he glanced up at him, taking comfort in the strong determined grin on the other’s face.

  “So tell me about this man who’s tryin’ to edge up on my territory,” Miles ordered, sitting down at one of the tables and pulling Kole into his lap, his hand wandering over Kole’s hip as the Omega wrapped an arm around his shoulder in order to keep his balance.

  Sitting down across from them, Sal hummed as he pulled out his phone. Pulling up a picture of a scarred, ragged man with hair so pale that it looked more white than blonde, and eyes so dark they appeared almost black, he let Miles study over the picture before speaking.

  “The bastard’s name is Lial, Lial Ramos,” Sal explained, waving a hand at one of the waitresses. “Two beers over here! Want anything sugar?” He asked Kole with a curious look on his face.

  “Whiskey on the rocks, strongest you’ve got. It’s been a long day,” Kole smirked, earning a howl from Sal who nodded, smirking at the waitress.

  “You heard the man! Get him a damn whiskey,” he growled, smacking her rear as she rushed off to get the drinks. “You picked a keeper right there, Miles.” He pointed out, Miles’ hand wandering over Kole’s back in agreement.

  “So this Lial guy, what’s his angle? He just some up and comer tryin’ to crop off some of my land and hope I don’t notice?” Miles asked, redirecting the conversation away from the man situated on his lap. Sal let out a long breath from his nose, shaking his head. “Or is he actually planning on challenging me for the whole pot?”

  “I wish I could tell yah, guy’s more slippery than a snake,” Sal grumbled, accepting his beer from the waitress while flipping to the next picture of Lial standing in front of a building. “What I do know is that he’s poking his nose where it don’t belong, and if he’s not careful he’s going to wind up getting himself bit.”

  “Is that…?” Miles began, obvious aggravation flashing in his face.

  “That’d be our safe house. One of our guards caught him sneaking around, they chased him off, but that’s why we need to head back,” Sal continued, flipping through a few more pictures slowly. “We think he’s building up his own pack so he can challenge you for control over the West coast.”

  “He’ll be dead long before he gets to that point,” Miles growled, his arm tightening around Kole’s waist as he looked down at the picture. “Any bastard who thinks they can hide below my radar and take my land by surprise is about to be surprised.” He rumbled, “I don’t appreciate people using stealth when they should use brawn.” He grunted, chugging down his beer and slamming the bottle down against the table.

  “So what’s the plan to deal with this guy?” Sal asked, picking at the label on his bottle as he waited for Miles to think. Miles’ lip curled
up into a grin at this, his steely eyes flashing with animosity.

  “We’re going to show this runt why he shouldn’t challenge the leader of the pack,” he grumbled, nudging Kole to his feet and standing beside him. “Attention gentlemen!” He roared out into the crowd.

  Instantly, the bar went silent, even the two Alphas who had been fist fighting in the corner went still, their eyes all locking onto Kole’s mate while the man lifted up his empty bottle.

  “Well fellas, it looks like we’ve got another fox in our chicken coop, and I believe that it’s about time that we show him what happens when he sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong!” Miles announced, earning a roar of approval from the group. “I don’t know about you, but this Lial guy really seems to need a lesson on manners!” He called out to his group before kicking over his table with a crash quickly followed by other members of the group knocking things over.

  “Saddle up boys! We’re heading back to California tonight!” Miles’ roared slamming his beer bottle against the table with a shatter of glass. Turning towards the door, Miles wrapped his arm around Kole’s shoulders. Kole rolled his eyes at the look on the hotshot’s face, downing his whiskey in a single gulp before slamming the glass against the table.

  “That was pretty damn sexy,” Kole smirked, laughing when Miles’ hand slid into his back pocket. “I never knew I had a thing for tough guys, but you are very quickly making me realize that I like them a lot.” Miles snorted at this, pressing a kiss to the top of Kole’s head gently.

  “Thanks, sweetheart,” he hummed before sliding onto his bike and pulling on his helmet. “I’ll try my best to impress you then,” he winked, waving at his men as they all started up their bikes. “Let’s hit the road gents!” he roared, taking off down the road with a chorus of engines behind him.

  Letting out a little impressed hum, Kole pulled his bike alongside Miles’. He wasn’t sure where the road that he was taking was going to lead, but as long as it was following after Miles, he was going to follow.

  Over the next couple days of traveling, Kole got to know his new family quickly. Though incredibly threatening, and hardened criminals, they all made sure to stay on their best behavior when around their boss’ Omega. The last thing they wanted was for their iron fisted leader to turn his fury on them.

  Kole was having the time of his life, gambling, drinking, and spending every night tangled up in Mile’s heated embrace. He had never thought that pack life could be so exciting. At home he had felt caged, but with Miles? He was sure that he could do whatever he wanted, and the other would be laughing along beside him.

  He had already watched several fights, men going from man to beast in a matter of seconds and ripping into each other with teeth and claw. In fact, it was during one of these fights that he saw Miles’ wolf form for the first time.

  Stopping for dinner at another dive bar, one of the Alphas had a bit too much to drink and upon leaving the bar had attempted to force himself upon an already claimed Omega. Miles had been watching, and almost instantly he had gone from man to wolf.

  Miles had disappeared in a blur of silvery white, and the Alpha who attempted to harm a member of his pack was suddenly pinned to the ground by 150 lbs of solid muscle. His jaws parted in a snarl, Miles held onto the other’s throat with a threatening snarl, only releasing when the other pled for his life.

  Miles had changed back after that, and returned to Kole’s side, his arms winding around his Omega’s waist as he let out an aggravated growl. Kole had spent most of his night calming the other down, his lover letting out his frustrations in the form of heated, angry sex.

  He had to admit, he was a little disappointed when they finally reached their safe house and new temporary home, but he was also excited to see exactly what his lover had planned to do with the leader of the uprising brewing in his pack.

  Taking a few weeks to settle in, Kole found himself fascinated as he watched Miles attempt to track down the wolf who seemed fly as low under the radar as he could. He also started to notice something strange going on with himself.

  He had woken up the past two mornings feeling horribly sick to his stomach, and though that could have been a number of things, he found himself wondering if he should start considering the fact that he might actually be pregnant. Curious, but not wanting to add any more stress to his mate’s plate unnecessarily, Kole picked up a couple tests to attempt to figure out what was going on with his body.

  “So this Lial guy…what all do we know about him?” Kole asked, tossing the bag of groceries he had acquired onto the bed in Miles’ apartments. They had their own section of the massive building to do with as they pleased. If Kole wanted to, he never had to go downstairs to deal with the rest of the pack.

  “Other than the fact that he’s a lone wolf who probably got kicked out of original pack for trying this exact same thing? Nothing,” Miles sighed, glancing up from where he was sitting at the kitchen table and waving at Kole with a wicked grin as the Omega slid out of his boots with a hum. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll be lucky to be breathing after I get my claws in him.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Kole laughed, moving through his bags with a hum and pulling out one of the tests. “So you haven’t found anything yet?” he asked, sliding into the bathroom as Miles let out a groan.

  “No. No I have not,” Miles admitted, earning a sympathetic noise from Kole.

  “Sorry baby, I’m sure you’ll find him soon though. You’ve got your entire pack out looking for him,” he reminded the other grimacing as he set the test on the counter and glanced down at his watch. Four minutes. Four minutes and he would know for sure.

  “True, and it’s not like the guy is very easy to hide! He’s like a walking marble statue, he’s so pale!” Miles’ exasperated voice left a smile on Kole’s face, the Omega’s locked onto the test.

  “You’ll find him, baby,” Kole insisted, closing his eyes as the symbol started to change. Letting out a deep breath, he jumped when he heard a knock at the door.

  “You ok in there?” Miles’ asked, sounding concerned.

  “Fine, I’m fine,” Kole laughed, looking down at the test and feeling his stomach drop.


  Well damn.

  “Are you sure?” Miles questioned, jiggling the door handle to see if he had left the door open.

  “Relatively?” Kole grimaced, moving to his feet to let his lover in.

  Looking up at the other through his lashes, he bit his lip and held up the test for the other to examine. Frowning, Miles looked confused for a moment before his eyes went wide with realization.

  “Oh,” Miles breathed, his hands coming to rest on Kole’s hips as he studied the man curiously. “Are you alright with this?” he whispered, pressing his lips to Kole’s forehead gently. “If you don’t want it, I’ll understand. I’m not going to force you into anything, Kole.” He insisted, pressing his lips to the top of his mate’s forehead while Kole let out a slow deep breath.

  “If you woulda asked me three weeks ago, I would have said no, but now?” Kole smiled, pressing his face to the other’s shoulder, and tossing the test into the garbage can. “I’m just happy I get to have it with you.” He hummed, letting out a pleased noise when Miles’ fingers tangled into his dark hair gently.

  Relaxing into the other’s arms, Kole slid his fingers over Mile’s chest and closed his eyes, breathing in the warm relaxing scent unique to his lover. Glancing up when he heard Mile’s sigh, he raised an eyebrow at the distant look on the other’s features.

  “What about you? Are you ready for a baby?” Kole’s question seemed to draw Miles out of his daze, his gaze slowly returning to his quizzical mate’s face. His hands trailing over Kole’s back slowly, he closed his eyes before answering.

  “Well, can’t say I was expecting to start a family this soon, but it’s not like we were exactly being careful about it,” Miles laughed, sliding his hands around to rest on Kole’s stomach. “I guess I’m just w
orried that Lial might use the baby as a way to attack me from the shadows. Of course, I guess that just means I gotta find this son of a bitch even faster huh?” he smiled, chuckling at the happy noise that fell from Kole’s lips.

  “Guess so, cause my big bad Alpha’s going to be a daddy,” Kole beamed, laughing as the other scooped him off his feet with a noise of adoration. A laugh falling from his lips as Miles spun him around, he tangled his fingers into his hair and kissed him heatedly.

  “Guess he is,” Miles laughed, carrying the man over to the bed and laying down beside him with a hum. Resting his hands on his stomach, Kole closed his eyes happily. He was going to have a baby, and for the first time in his life, the thought was actually a good one.

  Letting his lover spin him around, Kole tangled his fingers into his lover’s hair gently. Laughing when Miles lifted him up and carried him towards their bedroom, he looked up at the man with a raised eyebrow when he was laid back against the sheets.

  “I was thinking, since you can’t go out and get drunk to celebrate, maybe you and I can celebrate in a different way,” Miles whispered, leaning down and letting his lips ghost against the other’s shoulder gently. Humming low in his throat, Kole grinned and slid his hands over the other’s side.

  “I’d like that,” he mumbled, spreading his legs out for his alpha and grimacing at the reminder he was going to be strictly prohibited from having alcohol for nine months. “What the heck am I going to do? I’m pretty sure my body’s going to go into shock if I go without alcohol that long!” he laughed, letting out a soft moan when his lover’s teeth grazed against his throat and a low chuckle sounded right beside his ear.

  “I think you’ll survive,” Miles mumbled, his warm fingers sliding down Kole’s slender body and sliding off Kole’s pants. Sticking out his tongue at the other, Kole rolled his eyes and let out a gasp when the man bit his hip bone lightly.


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