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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 104

by Stephan James

  “C-Caleb, Caleb Halle,” he squeaked out, feeling instantly overwhelmed by the much larger man’s presence. The mysterious man smiled at this, his lips curling upwards to reveal a dazzling white smile.

  “Caleb? That’s a fitting name for someone as gorgeous as you,” Johannes chuckled, lifting Caleb’s hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles.

  Swooning at the gentle kiss, Caleb chuckled softly and felt his blush rise up to his ears. The other was so gorgeous, and the way that he just seemed to have to smile at him was enough to make Caleb drool. Humming when the man continued to hold onto his hand gently, he shivered when his fingers ghosted over his knuckles lightly.

  Caleb shivered lightly at the touches to his knuckles, his eyes roaming over Johannes’ body slowly. The man was stunning. His T-shirt clung to his well-muscled body like a second skin, and tattoos of dragons curled up both of his forearms. His features were strong, and despite his nose having obviously been broken more than once, it seemed to just add a more dangerous look to the man instead of distracting from his general appeal.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” Johannes asked, waving the bartender over when Caleb stuttered over his words in an attempt to find an answer. “Two mojitos, please? If that’s alright with you?” He asked Caleb, who let out a strangled squeak in reply.

  When the bartender returned with their drinks in hand, he nervously started to chug his down. He needed a buzz if he was going to be articulate with the god in front of him. Humming beside him, Johannes sipped at his own mojito with a smile in Caleb’s direction.

  “So, you never told me why you were having such a bad time here,” Johannes prodded, his tongue flicking over the straw in a way that left Caleb’s mouth dry. Taking another hasty gulp from his drink, Caleb grinned up at the man stupidly.

  “My friend invited me here tonight to get my mind off of…” Caleb started to mention his breakup, but decided against it, figuring that the man in front of him would probably not appreciate being somebody’s rebound. “Work,” he decided after a moment, proud of his quick thinking, “He ditched me to go dance, I can’t even see him anymore,” he pointed out, the tips of his ears burning when Johannes frowned and leaned against the bar with a soft sigh.

  “Well that was rude of him, I hate it when I'm invited places and the person who invites me leaves me alone,” Johannes shook his head, ordering them both another mojito when Caleb set his empty glass down.

  Sipping at his mojito this time as a content buzz rolled through his body, Caleb hummed and shrugged his shoulders.

  “He’s just really forgetful is all, and a flirt,” Caleb pointed out, finding words far easier to form with alcohol to loosen his tongue, “We’ve been friends for years, and he has a bad habit of leaving me alone at parties and such.” Chuckling, Johannes nodded.

  “I’ve had friends like that in the past,” Johannes pointed out, “I served in the Danish Defense for years, and my brother’s at arms would stay by my side no matter what during battle, but enter a party, and I’d be lucky to see them for the rest of the night,” Caleb smiled at this, taking another gulp of his mojito, and humming as his head spun a bit.

  “You’re military then?” Caleb asked, lightly trailing his hand over the man’s arm out of curiosity and humming when he felt the muscles ripple under his touch. Johannes nodded, glancing down at the other and chuckling softly.

  “Ex-Military, I retired a year ago. Now I’ve got a boring desk job working as a CEO,” Johannes explained, shrugging his shoulders and letting out a pleased noise when Caleb leaned against him a bit.

  Caleb felt his heart leap into his throat at the other’s words, choking softly on his mojito when he mentioned he was a CEO. Not only was the other incredibly gorgeous, but he was also rich. Looking up at the other with huge eyes, he felt his heart pound in his chest. There had to be a bad side, right? He really hoped that there wasn’t one.

  “Would you like to dance, Caleb?” Johannes asked while pulling the smaller man closer, grinning when Caleb nodded his head slowly, and the blush that had slowly been fading starting to spread back over his cheeks.

  “Yes please,” he managed to squeak out, gasping when the other pulled him out onto the dance floor.

  The dance floor was crammed full of bodies moving in time with the music. Pressing up against Johannes in order to avoid accidentally grinding up on someone else, he gasped when he felt the other’s hands wander down his sides slowly. Looking up at the man through his lashes, he blushed at the forward behavior and moved to wrap his arms around Johanne’s neck.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful,” Johannes breathed in his ear, his hips rolling against Caleb’s as they moved to the music. Their bodies seemed to slot together perfectly, Caleb feeling perfectly sheltered in the other’s arms.

  He had never been one for quick hookups, but as Johannes slid his hands down his back and squeezed at his rear lightly, he felt his mind go blank. The other was sexy, dominant, and made Caleb feel completely unlike himself.

  There was something about the way that his eyes locked onto his own, that left Caleb melting against his broad chest.

  Gasping when the beat of the music picked up, he squeaked as he was turned around, Johannes’ body sliding up against his own and grinding down against his rear. Caleb was starting to regret wearing pants as tight as he had because already he could feel his arousal starting to rub up against the front of his jeans.

  He was feeling tipsy and he had just barely met the man and yet he was wrapped completely around this gorgeous man’s finger.

  Rolling his hips backward against the other’s grinding hips, he felt his mind melt away. He forgot about being ditched by Max. He forgot about his breakup with Ava. All that mattered to him was the beautiful man sliding his hands over his body in an intoxicating fashion.

  Feeling Johannes lift up his chin, Caleb’s eyes went wide when he felt Johannes slide his lips against his. The kiss was sweet, powerful, and left Caleb craning his neck for more. Letting their tongues battle together desperately, Caleb let out a groan when the man’s hips rolled firmly against his rear.

  If Caleb had any doubts that he wanted to sleep with him before, they quickly disappeared with the heated exchange. He wanted Johannes desperately, and he didn’t care how he got it.

  “Would you like to move this back to my apartment?” Johannes’ voice rumbled powerfully in his ear, earning a groan from Caleb who nodded eagerly. He didn’t care if it was in poor taste to hook up so soon after a breakup, he wanted this beautiful man.

  “God, yes please!” Caleb managed to squeak out, gasping when Johannes grabbed onto his hand. Following Johannes off of the dance floor, he laughed when the man spun him around once more before leading him out of the bar.

  Shivering when a rush of cool air struck his face the moment they stepped outside, Caleb felt himself melt under the other’s steely gaze. He hadn’t slept with a man since high school, and that had been an awkward encounter between himself and another boy from his school at a party. They had both been hammered, and Caleb had wound up in so much pain they had to stop twice before they finally finished.

  This time, he was praying that things would go more smoothly.

  Caleb could barely keep his hands off of Johannes as they walked down the street to what he assumed was the man’s apartment. Kissing him each chance that he got, Caleb gasped when the man scooped him up into his arms and held him over his shoulder as if he were a bag of potatoes. Yelping in confusion, he laughed when the other slapped his rear.

  “Excuse me!” He protested, clinging onto the other’s shirt with desperate fingers, and earning a rumble of a laugh from the man below him.

  “I can’t walk straight if you’re kissing me like the little distraction you are,” The man pointed out, lightly patting Caleb’s rear while pulling his keys from his pocket. Moving into the lobby of his apartment, Caleb hid against his shoulder with an embarrassed moan while Johannes carried him into the elevator

  “I don’t know if this is what you do in your country, but I can walk!” Caleb gasped, giggling when the other pinched his rear playfully.

  “You can walk, but I’d prefer to carry you. I would hate for you to waste your energy on walking when it could be better spent elsewhere,” Johannes winked, chuckling when Caleb blushed darkly and pressed his face against his shoulder. Caleb barely knew the man, but already he could feel a connection that he wasn’t expecting to find. The other was charming, sweet, and had a sense of humor that made Caleb’s heart flutter in his chest.

  When the elevator reached the desired floor, Johannes stepped out with Caleb still hanging over his shoulder with a noise of amusement. Moving up to what Caleb assumed was his apartment, Johannes unlocked the door and carried Caleb inside.

  “So, wine first?” Johannes asked, settling Caleb down on his couch with sparkling eyes. “Or would you like to just head to bed?” He asked, humming when Caleb eyed him slowly.

  “Bed,” Caleb decided, licking his lips and moving to his feet. Sliding up to Johannes, he hooked his fingers into Johannes’ belt loops. “I wanna see more of those gorgeous muscles.” He pointed out, laughing when the other scooped him up into his arms and carried him towards his bedroom.

  Falling onto the bed with a grunt, Caleb looked up at Johannes through his lashes and grinned when the other climbed over him with a growl. Spreading out his legs, he hummed when the other’s hands slid over his stomach with light teasing touches.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Johannes hummed, kissing over Caleb’s chest and stomach as his fingers slid under his shirt and gently pulled it over his head. Tossing it to the side, he lightly traced over his lean alabaster chest. “You have such gorgeous hips,” he winked, rubbing at them slowly while Caleb squirmed.

  “I always thought they were too feminine,” Caleb shrugged, squeaking when the man slid off his own shirt and feeling his heart fly up into his throat. The man was stunning, rippling muscles covered every inch of his well-toned body. “How often do you go to the gym?” he demanded, looking stunned when the man chuckled and shrugged before leaning down to kiss Caleb’s stomach.

  “Often enough,” Johannes grinned, sliding down Caleb’s pants slowly. Grinning when the other squirmed, he tossed them aside with a flick of his wrist and trailed his fingertips over the growing bulge in his pants. “Beautiful, already so hard, and we’ve just barely begun.” He hummed huskily, kissing Caleb’s neck before tearing down his boxers and wrapping his fingers around his throbbing shaft.

  Arching his hips with a groan, Caleb tangled his fingers into Johannes’ hair and shivered when the man trailed his tongue over his throat. He loved how powerful and strong the other felt above him. Relishing in the way that the man touched him with his massive rough hands, he spread out his legs further and welcomed him to touch him.

  “H-ah! Just like that,” he gasped, whimpering softly as the other flicked his thumb over the weeping head of his shaft.

  Watching as Johannes snagged onto a bottle of lube after rifling through his dresser. Smearing it over his fingers, Johannes grinned when Caleb squirmed under him, his eyes roaming over Caleb’s pale form with lust clear on his features.

  Caleb was absolutely enthralled with each movement that Johannes made, his hands sliding over the man’s broad chest while a powerful finger slid up into him. Throwing back his head, Caleb’s mind went blank with delight when the other rubbed up against his sweet-spot almost instantly.

  His toes curling slightly, Caleb squeaked when the man spread out his legs further, stretching open his lover with a lust filled look on his face.

  The impassioned way that the larger man was looking at him was overpowering, leaving Caleb squirming under his touch. Looking up at Johannes through his lashes, Caleb dragged his nails over his broad shoulders and melted when the man let out a growl in response.

  Loving the primal, guttural sounds that fell from Johannes’ lips, Caleb felt his body submit to the man completely when he felt the sting of a second finger slide into his opening. Gasping with delight, he arched his hips upwards and rutted against the other.

  “God damn!” He gasped, looking up at the man again, he feeling his heart start to thunder in his chest when the man slid down his pants to reveal his massive length straining behind a pair of boxers.

  He was absolutely huge, and for a moment, Caleb felt some apprehension about actually having the other inside of him. The last thing that he wanted was to have to limp back to Max in the morning and explain that he couldn’t sit down, because the man he had sex with the night before had broken him. He was pretty sure that Max would find some way to make him feel more self-conscious about the whole situation.

  His thoughts of stopping where they were at quickly faded away, though when Johannes slid a third finger into his opening. His entire back bowing Caleb tangled his fingers into Johannes’ hair, biting down on his shoulder to keep himself from crying out.

  Trembling around the other’s massive fingers, he gasped and squirmed lightly at the sensation of the calloused pads rubbing up against his prostate. He had fingered himself in the past, but it had been nothing like he felt in that moment.

  Throwing back his head when the man slid his fingers out, he looked up at him with an awed expression on his face and trembled when Johannes lifted his slender legs up onto his shoulders. Looking down between their bodies, Caleb gasped softly when the other ground the lubed head of his shaft against his opening.

  “I’m n-not sure about this,” he gasped, closing his eyes and pressing his face to the other’s neck only to moan softly when Johannes hummed in his ear gently.

  “Relax, I’ll go slowly,” the man promised, trailing his fingertips over his hips before gingerly slipping inside of the far smaller male.

  Caleb couldn’t get his mind to focus on one particular feeling when his lover entered him. His body arching up towards Johannes, he wrapped his arms around his neck along with his trembling legs, gasping as the other rolled his hips forward. The sensation was like nothing he had ever felt before, Johannes filled him to the point it should hurt, but instead left him feeling as though he were going to pass out with pleasure.

  Feeling the other’s powerful thrusts move into him, Caleb tangled his fingers into his hair. Everything about what they were doing felt right. He felt safe, wanted, and absolutely overwhelmed with pleasure. Groaning with delight as the other hammered into him, he dragged his nails down the man’s back.

  “Johannes!” He gasped, pressing his face to his neck and whimpering as his orgasm built up powerfully in his stomach. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, the alcohol in his system, as well as the grinding at the club, had left him ready to burst. Trembling when the other slid against his sweet spot perfectly, Caleb cried out with a gasp.

  “Mn, cum for me, beautiful,” Johannes purred in his ear, loving the way that Caleb arched and sobbed with delight. Tangling strong fingers into his lover’s hair, Johannes pulled the man closer.

  Grunting with delight, Caleb slumped back against the sheets and cried out, cumming hard over his chest with a groan. Looking up as Johannes continued to pound into him, he squeaked when the man thrust up into him once more, releasing deep inside of his welcoming heat.

  Exhausted, sore, and gasping for air, Caleb felt his eyes starting to flutter shut before Johannes even slid out of him. Curling around himself with a moan, he was asleep moments after Johannes pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head.

  When Caleb woke, it was to the sound of shouting in another room. Grimacing as he peeled his eyes open, Caleb looked around in confusion for Johannes and frowned when he didn’t find him. Sitting up with a shiver, he shakily reached for his pants where they had been thrown moments before and frowned when he saw the time: 3:32 A.M.

  Looking up when he heard Johannes’ muffled voice through the walls; he slowly pulled on his pants and slid over to the door. Pushing it open slowly, he peered out into the living room and nearly let
out a scream at what he saw there.

  A man was standing with Johannes, but he didn’t look like any human that he had ever seen. The other had features that Caleb could only call bat-like. His nose was gone, replaced by two small slits framed by black dot-like eyes. His ears were massive, sticking out from the side of his head like radar dishes, and to top it off, a set of massive wings spread out behind him the leathery skin folded against his back.

  “Elias, I already told you that I’m not going back,” Johannes was whispering, running his fingers through his hair with a grimace, “things have recently become complicated, and I can’t risk returning to the fight.” He pointed out. The bat frowned, shaking his head with a growl.

  “That bar-skank you took home last night is ‘complicated?’ We’ve got bigger issues to deal with than him,” The man growled back at Johannes, shaking his head and tossing him an envelope. “You need to just ditch the guy and get back to work, ok?”

  Caleb didn’t stick around to hear more, moving away from the door he shut it before looking around frantically for an escape route. Finding one in the form of a fire escape just outside Johannes’ window, he turned and pulled the window open with a grunt.

  Slipping out onto the fire escape, he grunted as the cold steel touched his bare feet. He should have grabbed his shoes, he found himself thinking before shaking his head. No, there was something weird going on in the apartment, and he didn’t want anything to do with it. He should be at home, safe, where he didn’t have to deal with strange bat people.

  Moving down the ladders as fast as he could, he grimaced when his foot slipped a bit on the wet steel. He was just making it down to the third floor when he heard a rush of wings fill the air behind him. Freezing, his heart thundered in his chest furiously. Turning slowly, he felt his heart stop when he came face to face with Johannes.


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