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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 105

by Stephan James

  Yelping in surprise, Caleb stumbled backward only to gasp when the other hooked an arm around his waist and suddenly hauled him forward. Letting out a little shout of terror, he clung onto Johannes as they shot up into the air at incredible speed.

  Landing on the roof, Caleb stumbled away from Johannes the moment the man released his waist. Landing on his rear with a grunt, he cowered away from the man with a yelp. Looking up at the man with huge eyes, he felt his heart lurch when he saw the man’s appearance in the light of the city.

  Like the bat creature that had been in his living-room, Johannes had wings that spread out behind his back and shone like emeralds even in the dull light. His hands had been replaced with claw-like appendages and scales rolled across his skin like armor. He was strangely beautiful even with all of the lizard-like shifts to his face, but Caleb was hardly in any sort of mood to consider this fact.

  “What the hell is going on?” He demanded furiously, looking up at the other and snagging onto a broom someone had left on the roof and wielding it as a makeshift weapon. “Stay away from me or I swear to God I will stab you with this!” He threatened, his eyes filled with terror as he squared off with the man.

  “Calm down,” Johannes sighed, slowly shifting back to his normal form, his hands extended in front of him with a frown. “I’m not going to hurt you, Caleb, I just want to talk.” He mumbled gently, looking irritated when Caleb refused to lower the broom.

  “I wanna know what’s going on, and then I want to get out of here!” Caleb snapped, keeping the broom at the ready as Johannes ran his fingers through his hair with a groan.

  “Alright fine, you want to know what’s going on? I told you that I was a soldier in the Danish Military, right?” Johannes’ reminded the other, continuing when Caleb nodded slowly, “Well it’s more complicated than that. You see, five years ago I joined the Jægerkorpset, or the Hunter Corps as you would call it. They’re like your Navy SEALS or Marines, a specialist group of soldiers who go on covert missions.” Caleb continued to stare the man down with a frown, unwavering as Johannes kept at broom’s length away from him.

  “That doesn’t explain how you suddenly became a lizard man!” Caleb pointed out uncertainly, his hands trembling slightly on his broom.

  “I know, I was getting to that,” Johannes sighed impatiently, “My particular squad was the best of the best, and because of that, we were selected for a new study that would allow for men like me to change into creatures like my squad member Elias and me. This serum that allowed for our bodies to combine with the genetics of different animals was dubbed serum Beo1000.”

  Pacing around the roof, Johannes waited until Caleb seemed to lower his guard before snaking his hand out and grabbing the broom, wrenching it from his hands and tossing it aside. Letting out a noise of distress, Caleb glared up at the man, but made no move to retrieve it.

  “Anyway,” Johannes continued, sitting down on the edge of the roof with a tired noise. “I was given a hybrid of the serum that was meant to combine two separate animals into one human. A lizard for its rough hide and speed, and a bat so that I could fly missions at night. The fact that my body allowed for me to take on both animals’ DNA is particularly interesting to our enemies, though, because it allows for me to have certain abilities that the others don’t have. That is why my companion was here attempting to convince me to return to Denmark where I could return to work, and attempt to recover some stolen documents.”

  “That explains the whole dragon thing you’ve got going on,” Caleb mumbled, glaring at the other cautiously, “So why the hell are you telling me all this? Are you going to say that you have to kill me now because I know too much, because that would be a dick move, dude.” He growled cautiously, wrapping his arms around his legs. This is what he got for trying to get back into the dating pool so soon. Karma was biting him on the ass for dumping Ava.

  “No, I’m not going to kill you,” Johannes chuckled, looking up at the man with a sheepish grin, “You see, that’s one of the reasons I didn’t just let you leave. Last night I might have made a mistake that may have dragged you into this situation a bit more than I expected.” Caleb looked up in confusion at this, crossing his arms slowly over his chest.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Caleb demanded, keeping on guard as Johannes let out a soft, exhausted noise. “No more dancing around the answer, tell me what you did to me.”

  “I might have gotten you pregnant,” Johannes blurted out suddenly, looking up at Caleb with a sheepish grin, and frowning when the man stared back at him with a dumbfounded look on his face.

  “Pregnant?” Caleb laughed, shaking his head and looking up at Johannes with a glare, “Look I’m pretty damn naive, but I’m not stupid, so stop acting like that. I am not a girl. I do not have a uterus. I cannot be pregnant. If this is some way to get me to behave myself and stay with you, it’s not going to work!” He insisted, frowning when Johannes let out a groan.

  “I am not lying to you!” Johannes pointed out sternly. “The changes to my body allowed for me to make changes to other people. Your body has adapted to suit the needs that my body wanted it to serve. Your body can support life now, and I was too drunk last night to remember that.” Johannes pointed out, “I’m sorry Caleb, but if you’re carrying a baby who will undoubtedly be gifted with the abilities my body has, you’re in a great amount of danger, and I cannot allow you to leave.”

  “You’re kidding me,” Caleb glared up at the man, his hand resting on his stomach. “You’re kidnapping me?” He growled, grimacing when Johannes smiled shakily and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Technically I could let you leave, I would just have to go with you,” Johannes attempted to reason, watching as Caleb moved to his feet with a growl.

  “Whatever, it’s late, I’m exhausted, and none of this is making sense. Just let me inside so I can get some sleep,” Caleb glared, moving up to the door leading into the building. With an apologetic smile, Johannes allowed the other inside, walking down the stairs with Caleb as the other muttered angrily to himself.

  Caleb wasn’t sure exactly what was happening, but he sure as hell knew that it wasn’t good.

  At first, Caleb had thought the other had been lying about the fact he was pregnant in order to keep him from trying to escape. It only took him a few weeks to realize that the other might actually have been telling the truth.

  Heaving into the toilet for the forth morning in a row, Caleb looked up with a glare when Johannes moved into the room with a worried look on his face. Wiping at his lips, Caleb grunted and accepted the glass of water that the other offered him.

  “You dick,” was the first thing that he was able to force out of his lips. Stumbling to his feet with a grumble, Caleb grumbled as he brushed his teeth, leaning heavily against the sink.

  “I brought you a set of tests, I’d really appreciate if you took them so we can make sure that you are actually pregnant,” Johannes mumbled, flinching when Caleb flipped him off angrily. “Caleb I already told you that I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I truly just enjoyed your company, and got wrapped up in what we were doing.”

  “Yeah well, you try using that excuse on a girl, and we’ll see where it gets you,” Caleb grunted, spitting into the sink and snagging onto the box of tests. “If I’m pregnant what are we going to do about it? I’m not sure how keen I am on settling down and raising a family.” He glared back at Johannes, earning a soft sigh from the man.

  “We’ll figure it out when the time comes,” Johannes insisted, kissing Caleb’s forehead despite the angry grumble it earned him. “Take the test, I’m going to run and get us both something to eat. I’ll be home in twenty minutes.” He explained, looking sad when Caleb flinched away from his touch with a glare.

  Caleb was still incredibly livid with the other. He hadn’t been able to go to work, hang out with his friends, or even go to the mall without one of his shape shifter friends following him. Johannes was certain that so
meone was going to try and take him away, but so far Caleb was convinced that it was all in Johannes’ head. After all, how would these supposed enemies know that he was pregnant in the first place?

  Still, the last thing he wanted was for some strange shape shifting soldiers to come pick him off the street. He wasn’t happy about it, but at least he was relatively safe under Johannes’ guard.

  Glaring at the test while he waited for his results, he sighed when the two lines made themselves known. He was definitely pregnant.

  “Shoot,” He sighed, tossing the results in a garbage bin and making his way into the living room. “At least the kid’s going to be good looking.” He mumbled to himself, digging through the fridge in search of something to eat while he waited for Johannes to return.

  He was just shoving half a piece of the cheesecake into his mouth, he forced Johannes to go pick up, when he heard the sound of a shout outside the front door followed quickly by a powerful thud. Straightening, he headed back towards the bedroom.

  Whenever Johannes left, he would leave someone to guard the front door as well as the area around the building. If there was somebody attacking the man guarding the door that meant that they had already taken out whoever was patrolling.

  “Shit,” he hissed, stumbling into the bedroom, when he heard the wound splinter with a powerful crack. Quickly throwing himself into the closet, he wrapped his legs around himself and searched his pockets for his phone. Realizing to his horror, that his phone was still sitting where he left it, plugged into the wall by the bed.

  He didn’t have time to retrieve it, though, with one final groan the door gave in and the intruders were inside the apartment. Covering his mouth with a panicked whimper, Caleb looked up when he heard voices fill the small space.

  “Look around, he’s gotta be here somewhere,” a deep voice rumbled dangerously, his footsteps heavy as he moved into the bedroom. From what Caleb could see through the crack in the closet door, the man was crossed with some sort of rhino. A massive horn grew from the center of his head, and his skin appeared leathery and tough.

  “He’s here, I can smell him,” another voice rumbled, earning a shudder from Caleb as he frantically looked around for a weapon. Feeling his heart sore when he spotted a rifle hanging just above him, he slowly moved to his feet and lifted it off its rack.

  “Did you hear that?” A third voice growled, this one a female. Shaking, Caleb glanced in the chamber and was relieved to find that Johannes had loaded the gun. “Check out the closet.” She ordered one of the men, and instantly the rhino turned towards his hiding spot. Trembling violently, he leveled the weapon off with the door. He’d have one shot at this. One shot, and then he needed to run.

  The moment that the closet door swung open, he fired the weapon and darted forward without seeing what happened to his assailant. Sprinting out past the startled trespassers, he ducked into the hallway, mortified to see his guard lying dead on the floor.

  What if they had gotten to Johannes? He wondered as he threw himself into the stairwell, slamming the door shut behind him, just as a catlike creature slammed up against the door with a furious hiss.

  He couldn’t think about Johannes just then. He needed to get away and get somewhere safe so that he could figure out what to do next. Johannes was fine. He was one of their best soldiers after all.

  “Get back here you little brat!” The woman hissed, stumbling into the stairwell and sprinting down the stairs after him. Grunting when she slammed into the wall beside his shoulder, Caleb let out a curse and snagged onto a janitor’s cart, throwing it at her feet. Yelping as she slipped in the liquid that sloshed from the mop bucket, the woman landed with a smack against the cement while her companion easily dove over the obstruction.

  “Crap!” Caleb gasped, as the wolf-man lunged at him, his teeth gnashing furiously.

  “Hold still you little brat!” The man snarled, his claws raking across Caleb’s arm when he tried to snag him. Ducking out of the way before the other could try to grab him again, Caleb dove out onto the street.

  Moving out into traffic, he barely managed to dodge around a taxi as it slammed on its brakes, his body sliding over the top of the car gracelessly. He hadn’t run this hard since he was on the track team in high school, and it was definitely starting to show in the way he wheezed for breath.

  Behind him both the cat and dog were hot on his tail, weaving through traffic far more elegantly than he had. He needed a way to get rid of these things, or he was never going to get away alive.

  Turning around a corner, he skidded to a halt and dove into a restaurant, pressing himself against the wall just as the two assailants rushed around the corner. Trembling, he felt his breath hitch as they continued to sprint by, his scent lost in the bustle of the street.

  “Which way did he go?” The woman demanded furiously, the side of her face bleeding from where it smacked against the concrete.

  “He must have gone down the alley! C’mon!” The man snarled, trotting down the street and disappearing.

  Letting out a groan of relief, Caleb slowly slid down the wall, his bare feet alerting him to the pain they were in with an agonizing throb. He was just about to slip back out onto the street when a powerful hand grabbed onto his arm.

  “Let go!” He yelped, thrashing violently to try and break free, only to hesitate when he recognized the face staring back at him. “Johannes!” He gasped, throwing himself at his lover and letting out a sob as the man wound his arms around his slender form.

  “What happened? Why are you out here? Where are your shoes?” Johannes demanded, brushing Caleb’s hair out of his face with gentle fingers. Tears streaming down his face, Caleb pressed against the other’s warm palms with a sob, his entire body shaking with relief as the other held him close.

  “You were right! There were these people, and they came after me! They killed the guards, and I just barely managed to get away,” he pointed out, slumping into Johannes’ arms as the man pulled him tightly against his chest with a growl.

  “I’m so sorry, I should have known that they were this close,” he whispered, scooping Caleb into his arms and moving out into the street. “We’re going somewhere safe, I promise. Things are going to be ok,” he mumbled in Caleb’s ear.

  Instantly, Caleb felt himself relax against the other’s chest. He knew that he should be upset with Johannes for dragging him into the mess in the first place, but at that exact moment, he couldn’t force himself to hate the one person who could protect him from their assailants.

  His wings spreading out behind him with a crack, Johannes pulled Caleb against his chest before taking off into the air. Terrified, Caleb wrapped his arms around the other’s neck and hung on for dear life. He had never been a fan of flying, but cradled in his dragon man's arms, he felt safer than he ever had in an airplane.

  Watching as the city seemed to shrink in the distance, he pressed as close to Johannes as he could, the bitter chill of the air biting against his skin. Wherever they were going, he hoped that they got there fast.

  It turned out that the safe house that Johannes had set aside for them was not just in another apartment, it was out of the city completely. Isolated in a small suburban area, the safe house was a three-bedroom townhouse complete with a panic room, and a series of security systems that were technologically more advanced than anything that Caleb had ever seen.

  Not that Caleb looked much into the inner-workings of the house. He was more concerned with the people who were after him, never finding him to begin with. Curling up on the couch with his head in Johannes’ lap, he looked up at the other with a sigh and blushed when the man kissed his forehead.

  “I took the test last night before they found me,” he whispered softly, humming when Johannes rubbed at his stomach.

  “And?” Johannes asked, trailing his fingers up over the curve of the other’s hips.

  “I’m pregnant,” Caleb mumbled, blushing when the man smiled warmly and pulled him up into a kiss. �
��That means you’d better not let those guys find us.” He pointed out sternly, relaxing when the man cupped his cheeks in his massive palms.

  “I promised, didn’t I? They won’t find us,” Johannes’ voice was stern, his eyes serious as he leaned in brushing their noses together, “I just want to make sure that you’re happy, healthy, and safe.” He insisted, rubbing his hand through Caleb’s hair with a sigh.

  “I’ll hold you to that promise,” Caleb whispered, trailing his fingers over Johannes’ chest slowly. Now that he wasn’t as angry with the other for trying to keep him hidden away, Caleb felt the feelings that he had the night they melt roll back to the surface once again.

  The other was powerful, gorgeous, and made Caleb feel safe despite everything going against them. He had rejected his feelings for the other before in order to combat the agitation he was feeling with the situation, but now he felt his heart long to be with the other.

  “I love you,” Johannes stated suddenly, jerking Caleb out of his thoughts and bringing his attention back to his soldier’s face.

  “What?” He asked, not believing that the words had fallen from the man’s mouth. Johannes let out a soft breath before kissing him on the lips.

  “I said that I love you,” he pointed out, sliding his hands down Caleb’s sides and rubbing circles on his hips. Flushing darkly, Caleb’s heart rose in his chest, his eyes locked onto the stormy irises he had fallen so hard for.

  “I,” he started, looking up at the man, “I love you too, Johannes.” He breathed, gasping when the man leaned in and pressed their lips together. Wrapping his arms around his neck, he let out a squeak when the man pinned him against the couch.

  “You’re so beautiful, I never thought that I would find someone like you,” Johannes whispered, lightly kissing up Caleb’s pale throat. Smiling when Caleb let out a giggle, he reached down and trailed his fingers over Caleb’s stomach, “I hope that your child is as beautiful as you.”


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