Book Read Free

Cast into Doubt

Page 21

by Patricia MacDonald

  Peggy grasped both of Shelby’s hands in her own. ‘Shelby,’ she said wearily. ‘It’s so good of you to come.’

  ‘Well, it seems that we’ve both suffered a terrible loss lately.’

  Peggy shook her head. ‘I don’t how you get through the day,’ she said.

  Shelby hesitated, and then sat down in the chair beside Peggy’s. She knew very well that Bud had not told his wife about her visit – she would have bet anything on that. Still, she thought Peggy might find her presence odd; after all, she was virtually a stranger. But it was not as if there were a line of mourners behind her, and Peggy seemed to welcome the opportunity to stop counting the people who had, and had not, showed up this first evening.

  ‘What a shock this has been for you,’ Shelby murmured sympathetically.

  Peggy dabbed at her eyes. ‘Oh, that’s for sure.’

  ‘He didn’t give you any indication?’ Shelby asked. She was relying on the fact that Peggy was a garrulous woman, and she knew that most people welcomed an opportunity to exorcise their misery by recounting it, over and over.

  Peggy sighed. ‘Well, as I told you, he was depressed. I mean, anyone would be with that diagnosis, but he wasn’t even showing many signs of the illness yet. Hardly at all.’ She glanced over at her husband’s body in his coffin and shook her head. ‘To look at him, you’d think he was the picture of health.’

  Shelby murmured agreement. She knew that she had to try and walk the line between sounding concerned, and overly curious. She had to pose each question carefully. ‘Did he say or do anything that would make you think he might . . .’

  ‘No. No, of course not,’ said Peggy. ‘If he had . . .’ Peggy shook her head and started weeping again.

  Shelby felt a little bit cruel to be pressing this distraught woman. But she reminded herself that Bud Ridley had been her enemy. He had killed Chloe. And, in truth, Peggy seemed content to be speaking about her late husband. All too soon, people would avoid mentioning his name to her. Shelby persisted.

  ‘Did he leave a note, anything like that?’

  ‘That’s the horrible part,’ Peggy confided. ‘He did. He said . . .’ Peggy had to collect herself. Then she continued. ‘He said he couldn’t live with himself. As if he was somehow to blame for this. I mean, it’s an illness. It wasn’t his fault. I know he worried about me having to try to care for him as it got worse. I know that. But I never would have blamed him.’ Once again, Peggy was weeping.

  ‘Of course not,’ Shelby murmured. He couldn’t live with himself. That wasn’t about the illness, Shelby thought grimly. He couldn’t live with himself because he threw an innocent girl off of a cruise ship for gain.

  Shelby felt almost guilty about continuing. But not guilty enough to retreat. ‘I hope the insurance pays up. I’ve heard that they can be miserable about paying when a person commits suicide. And at a time like this, you don’t want to be worried about money.’

  Peggy was not a woman given to secrets and circumspection. ‘Oh no, we’ve had this policy for years. Of course it doesn’t amount to much. Once we pay for the funeral . . . Well, there won’t be anything left.’

  ‘Really?’ Shelby asked. Her face flamed as she posed the question. It was none of her business and she knew it, but she was asking anyway. If Bud had enjoyed a big payday for throwing her Chloe overboard, surely he would have let his wife know where to find the money. After all, it was not as if he had been hit by a car. He had done this deliberately. He had the time and the foresight to leave his wife access to all that money before he took his life.

  ‘Nothing,’ said Peggy. ‘In fact, I’m gonna have to sell the house and move in with Faith and Brian. If I can find a buyer. I tell you, Shelby, it’s a nightmare. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. Really, I don’t.’

  This isn’t getting me anywhere, Shelby thought. The suicide’s implicit admission of guilt made it seem as if the mystery of Chloe’s death was almost solved. But now his wife maintains there is no money? A contract killing costs more than the price of two cruise tickets. And it was only weeks ago. Bud couldn’t have spent it all before he died. Or could he? Did he have a secret mistress, or a love child? And then she thought of that shrine to Faith in their living room. No. It was much simpler than that. Peggy and Faith were this man’s whole life. If he had money to leave anyone, he would leave it to them. So where was the money? Shelby’s head was beginning to ache.

  ‘Excuse me,’ said Talia impatiently, leaning down to speak to Peggy. ‘My sister and I are going to have to leave. My mother needs me.’

  Talia’s words made Shelby jump. What are you doing, she thought? But Talia was oblivious to Shelby’s purposes. She was simply not going to put up with this discomfort any longer.

  ‘Oh, of course,’ said Peggy. She attempted to pat Talia’s hand, but Talia whisked it away. Startled, Peggy was nonetheless gracious. ‘It was very nice of you to come. I know Faith appreciates it, and so do I.’

  ‘Yes, really,’ Faith whispered. ‘Thank you, Dr Winter.’

  ‘Get back to work as soon as you can,’ said Talia.

  It was possible that Talia was trying to be kind and encouraging, but it sounded like an angry command the way she said it. Faith blanched and looked away. ‘It might take me a little time,’ she said.

  Talia frowned. ‘There’s a lot of work to do,’ she said.

  ‘And you,’ said Peggy, turning to Shelby, who had risen reluctantly to her feet. Peggy took Shelby’s hands in her own. ‘It was brave of you to even come here. After just losing your Chloe like that. It’s such a hard time.’

  ‘It isn’t easy,’ Shelby admitted.

  ‘When it’s sudden like this, there are so many things you wished you’d have said. Or done. So many regrets.’

  In spite of herself, Shelby felt the tears rising to her own eyes. Tears of sorrow, but also of frustration. She was no farther along than she had been when she first arrived. Just more confused. She nodded. ‘That’s so true,’ she said. ‘But you can’t go back. And second-guessing yourself . . . well, there’s no use in it.’

  Peggy’s gaze was far away. ‘His doctor told me that this diagnosis was very difficult to accept. I mean, they’re trying to find a cure and all, but until they do, it was really hopeless. And Bud knew it. His doctor wanted to give him anti-depressants, but Bud wouldn’t hear of it. Said he didn’t want to become dependant on pills. I should have insisted. If only I had insisted. Or recognized the signs.’

  Faith put an arm around her mother. ‘Come on, Mom. You can’t blame yourself. Dr Janssen saw him every week. If Dr Janssen didn’t recognize the signs, how could you be expected to know?’

  Shelby stared at Faith. ‘Dr Janssen?’

  ‘Dr Harris Janssen,’ said Peggy proudly. ‘One of the finest neurologists in the country. He treated me when I had my stroke years ago. Saw me every year for a follow-up. So, when Bud started having weakness in his side, and dropping things every now and then, I said to him, let’s go see Dr Janssen. Let’s not wait another minute. Isn’t that right, Faith?’ Peggy asked. Then she looked around the Columbus Room. ‘I wonder if he knows about this. I’m sure he’ll come by to pay his respects if he hears about it. Did you call him, Faith?’

  Faith shook her head. ‘I still have a lot of people left to call.’

  Peggy shook her head. ‘When I think of how good he was to us.’

  ‘Come on,’ Talia whispered, nudging Shelby in the side. Shelby ignored her.

  ‘It’s rare to find a doctor like that.’ Shelby managed to sound impressed.

  Peggy nodded solemnly. ‘When I had my stroke, we had no insurance. Dr Janssen . . .’ Peggy pressed her Kleenex to her eyes and sniffed. Then she drew herself up and continued. ‘Never charged us a single dime. Same with Bud. He can’t go on Medicare for two more years. Dr Janssen told Bud he would see him through this illness, until he got on the Medicare. That’s the kind of person he is.’

  ‘Wow,’ said Shelby, feigning admiration.

nbsp; ‘Of course, I shouldn’t be telling you this.’ Peggy said.

  Shelby wondered if her secret thoughts were showing on her face. ‘I’m . . . uh . . . I don’t know why not . . .’

  ‘Well, he always said to us, “Don’t go telling people that Harris Janssen will treat you for free. I’ll be broke in no time.” Still, it’s unbelievable, isn’t it? In this day and age. For a doctor to be so kind?’

  ‘Truly,’ said Shelby.

  ‘I’m sure Dr Janssen will show up,’ said Faith, patting her mother’s knee.

  ‘There’s a lot of good people in this world,’ said Peggy, her lips trembling. ‘You always have to remember that.’


  Shelby and Talia got back in the car, and Talia turned on the engine and the lights. ‘Phew,’ she said. ‘I thought we’d never get out of there. I didn’t realize Faith’s mother would be such a gabber.’

  Shelby did not reply. She stared through the rain-spattered windshield as the wiper blades cleared it, over and over again.

  After a few minutes of silence in the car, Talia glanced over at her sister as she drove. ‘How come you’re so quiet?’ she said disapprovingly.

  ‘I’m wondering something,’ Shelby said.

  Talia did not bother to ask what it was.

  ‘Could you . . . hack into a person’s bank records?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Talia, now in her comfort zone. ‘The banks are constantly changing their systems to try to prevent it, but no sooner do they get them changed than some hacker gets through their firewalls. I’ve often thought that the answer to that would be . . .’

  Shelby swiveled in the seat and looked at her sister. ‘No,’ she interrupted. ‘I mean can you, personally, hack into someone’s bank records for me?’


  ‘I need to look at someone’s credit card receipts.’

  ‘No,’ Talia bristled. ‘I cannot do that. That’s illegal.’

  ‘Please Talia,’ said Shelby. ‘You’re the only person I know who would be able to do it. Who would know how to do it. I’m sure you do know how.’

  ‘Whose records are you trying to pillage now? I take it you’re finished poking into mine?’ Talia asked.

  ‘I’m sorry about that, Talia. I should never have . . . I was wrong to think that of you. But I don’t think I was wrong entirely. Faith’s father got on that cruise because someone bought him a ticket, and after I accused him, he killed himself and left a note saying he couldn’t live with the guilt.’


  ‘So, when Faith’s mother mentioned that doctor, Harris Janssen, I suddenly realized . . .’

  ‘Realized what?’ Talia demanded.

  ‘There’s a connection. He’s married to the ex-wife of Chloe’s husband. Chloe used to work for him, some years ago.’

  ‘That doesn’t mean anything,’ said Talia impatiently.

  ‘It does. I know it does. I don’t know why yet, but there’s something. Talia, you’re the only one I can ask to help me,’ Shelby said.

  ‘Oh no you don’t,’ said Talia. ‘Don’t try that on me. If I ever got caught I’d lose my tenure at Franklin. No way.’

  ‘I wouldn’t ask you if it weren’t important, Talia.’

  Talia shook her head. ‘I don’t care how important it is. I’m not doing it.’

  ‘Talia, I think he must be the one who paid for the Ridleys’ cruise.’

  ‘Oh, now he’s the one. Yesterday you thought I was the one who paid for their cruise,’ she sniffed.

  ‘I was wrong about that. But after what Faith’s mother said about Dr Janssen, I realized that it must have been him who arranged . . .’

  ‘La, La, La, La, La . . .’ Talia was chanting in a loud, singsong voice.

  ‘Stop that,’ said Shelby.

  ‘You stop it,’ said Talia. ‘I’m not doing it no matter what you say, and I don’t want to hear about what you think. You think everybody and his brother are buying cruise tickets for people so they could kill your daughter. You’re starting to sound like a crackpot.’

  Shelby gazed at her sister’s pale face, rigid with defiance. Talia was not kidding and she was not about to change her mind. Shelby turned in her seat and resumed staring through the rainy windshield. Maybe I am a crackpot, she thought.

  I just don’t care.

  Talia dropped her off and they parted without so much as a word of good night. Shelby was not angry at her sister for refusing to help her. It was, in fact, perfectly in keeping with Talia’s character, and with their relationship. But it reminded Shelby of how strained was the bond between them. Nothing had changed about that. Each one was relieved to be rid of the other. As Talia pulled away, Shelby entered her building and rode the elevator up to her floor. It felt as if she were riding in slow motion, it took so long to arrive. She could not wait to get inside and just think, with no distractions.

  Jen Brandon was waiting when the elevator doors opened. ‘Shelby,’ she said with genuine pleasure. ‘Hey, I’m going out to meet a couple of friends for a drink. Do you want to join us?’

  ‘Not tonight, Jen. Thanks.’ She hurried past her friend, fumbling for her apartment keys.

  ‘Are you back for good?’ Jen called after her.

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Shelby. ‘Maybe.’

  Jen shrugged and hopped on the elevator. Shelby let herself in to the apartment and collapsed on to her living room sofa with a sigh.

  Dr Harris Janssen. Lianna’s husband and the Ridleys’ doctor. Up until tonight, the images Shelby had of Harris in her head were all admirable. Well, mostly. He had stolen Rob’s first wife, but Shelby realized that she had always more or less blamed Lianna for that. And Chloe had thought the world of Harris when he was her boss. She always said how generous he was. It was this very generosity that Peggy Ridley was extolling tonight at the funeral home.

  Shelby did not doubt for a minute that Harris had treated Peggy for free when she had her stroke, years ago. Chloe had often reported that Dr Janssen was known to be charitable, and to donate his services to people who were struggling or in need. He had taken care of Peggy, and he was taking care of Bud, without looking for compensation. Certainly, that was an act of charity. The US health insurance quagmire being what it was, there were millions of people with none or minimal coverage, particularly worthless when one needed a specialist like Harris Janssen. But something had changed in Harris Janssen’s life during those years. For some reason, Chloe had come to present a threat or obstacle to him. When he searched through his options, had he realized, at some point, that the Ridleys had incurred a debt that they could never repay? When he needed an enormous favor – a monstrous favor – had he turned to Bud Ridley?

  Slow down, Shelby chided herself. You don’t know any such thing. And why in world would Harris Janssen want to hurt Chloe, of all people? He had been kindness itself when it came to Chloe. It was true that Chloe had dipped into Lianna’s medical files and uncovered the secret of Molly’s real father. But no one in the Janssen household seemed all that put out by her discovery. So why? Why would Harris Janssen enlist Bud Ridley to end Chloe’s life? For once, she had to agree with Talia. It made no sense.

  It didn’t matter how much she reminded herself of that. Chloe was dead, and the last people to see her alive were the Ridleys, who owed their very lives to Harris Janssen. It was a chain – the link that she was seeking. But she had to find proof before she went any farther.

  If only Talia had agreed to help her. There was no use thinking about it. She had refused, and that was the end of it. And Shelby didn’t know the first thing about hacking into a computer. Or anyone else who did either.

  Even as she tried to imagine how she was going to obtain the truth she sought, an anguished word kept running through her mind: why? Stop, Shelby thought. Right now, it doesn’t matter why. The important thing is that you’ve found a connection. The ‘why’ is bound to reveal itself sooner or later. Right now you need to think about getting your proof
– proof that Harris paid for the Ridleys to go on the Sunset Cruise. Once that is done, you can enlist the police to find out why.

  Shelby closed her eyes and tried to think. If Harris had paid for the cruise, who else might know about it? Lianna, if she paid the bills. A charge for two cruise tickets would be rather a glaring expense on a monthly bill. For that very reason he probably charged it through the medical practice. So, his nurses or receptionists? She couldn’t very well ask them. They would never jeopardize their own jobs to give her that information without asking Harris. She thought about trying to break into his office and gain access to their computers. But it was a doctor’s office with a supply of drugs – it was probably wired with alarms that went off directly at the police station. It seemed impossible.

  And then, suddenly, she realized that she was looking at this problem from the wrong angle. There were lots of places where Harris’s financial transactions were no secret. The bank knew about them. So did the credit card companies. And Sunset Cruise lines knew about it, in the sense that they all had records. All she had to do was to become one or the other, and soon, she would know too.


  ‘OK, now explain this to me again,’ said Rosellen.

  Shelby pulled her chair up beside that of her assistant. All the day before she had contemplated her plan. It had to happen on a Sunday, when the medical office was closed. Now, it was seven o’clock on a Sunday morning and they were sitting in Rosellen’s office at Markson’s. It felt as if they were alone in the enormous building, although the custodial staff were finishing up their work and a couple of diligent sales and display people were drifting in to get ready for the day. The store opened for business at eight, to get a jump on the competition. To the sales staff of Markson’s, Sunday was just another work day. When Shelby had called Rosellen at home last night and asked her to come in early, Rosellen had agreed without even asking why.

  ‘All right,’ said Shelby. ‘This is the toll-free line, right?’

  ‘Right,’ said Rosellen.


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