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Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers

Page 49

by Lillian Faderman

  41. Vicki P. McConnell, The Burnton Widows (Tallahasse, Fla.: Naiad Press, 1984), p. 181. See Bonnie Zimmerman’s discussion of The Burnton Widows in The Safe Sea of Women, pp. 160–61.

  42. Personal interview with Lee Hudson, the mayor’s liaison to the lesbian and gay community, New York, December 19. 1988.

  43. Personal interview with Joanna, age 38, San Francisco, September 12, 1987. Sharon Ullman, “History and Current Concerns, or Making History Bigger,” Berkshire History of Women Conference, Wellesley College, Mass., June 21, 1987.

  44. Personal interview with Cynthia, age 49, Austin, Tex., April 1, 1988. More recently such “bisexual openness” has led some women who identified as lesbian to opt for heterosexuality and marriage, which by 1990 is beginning to create a sense of betrayal and anger among committed lesbians. See, e.g., Jan Clausen, “My Interesting Condition,” Out/Look (Winter 1990), 7:10–24 and the controversy that followed in the Letters section, Out/Look (Spring 1990), 8:4–5. Lesbians have now begun to call women who switch to heterosexuality “has-be-ans.”

  45. See Hannah Doress, “Maggie Rubenstein: Bisexual Rights Activist,” Plexus (Aug. 1987), 14(2):6–7. Also, space devoted to bisexual ads, etc., in Coming Up! (San Francisco). Mary Wings, She Came Too Late (Freedom, Calif.: Crossing Press, 1987), p. 39.

  46. Personal interview with Kriss, age 21, San Francisco, September 11, 1987.

  47. Sharon Raphael and Mina Robinson, “Love Relationships and Friendship Patterns,” Alternate Lifestyles (May 1980), 3(2): 207–209.

  48. Personal interview with Janet, age 36, San Francisco, August 3, 1987.

  49. ACT-UP demonstration reported in Outweek, August 8, 1990, p. 24.

  50. Laura Briggs, “Birth of a Queer Nation,” Gay Community News, August 5–11, 1990, pp. 3 +.

  51. Quoted in Guy Trebay, “In Your Face,” Village Voice, August 14, 1990, pp. 34–39—



  Accommodation, politics of

  ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power)

  Adam, Margi

  Addams, Jane

  Adult bookstores

  Affection, sexuality versus


  Air Forces policy on homosexuals



  Alcoholics Anonymous


  Aldrich, Ann

  Alger, William

  Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club

  Amazon image

  Ambitious Women (Wilson)

  American Civil Liberties Union

  American Psychiatric Association

  Anderson, Cora

  Anderson, Sherwood

  Andrew, Kathy

  Anthony, Katharine

  Antiwar movements

  Arnold, June

  Asch, Sholom

  Asian-American lesbians/147

  Atkinson, Ti-Grace

  Austin, Texas, lesbians in

  Babcock, Charlotte

  Bad Attitude

  Baker, Sarah Josephine

  Baltimores lesbian bars in

  Bankhead, Tallulah

  Bannon, Ann

  Barnes, Djuna

  Barney, Natalie

  Barrow, Marilyn

  Bars. See Gay bars

  Bathhouses, lesbian

  Bay Area Career Women

  Bean, Babe

  Ben, Lisa

  Bentley, Gladys

  Bergler, Edmund

  Bernhard, Sandra

  Berson, Ginny

  Berube Allan

  Betterment work

  Big Money, The (Dos Passos)

  Birth control, in 1920s

  Bisexuality; Depression and; Greenwich Village of the 1920s and; Harlem blacks in 1920s and; lesbian-feminists and; 1920s; 1930s; 1980s; roots of experimentation; wealthy women and

  Bisexual support groups

  Blacker the Berry, The (Thurman)

  Black lesbians. See also specific persons

  Blacks: homophobia among; white homosexuals in Harlem and

  Blackwell, Alice Stone

  Blackwell, Emily

  Blues songs, Harlem homosexuals of the 1920s and


  Blush Productions



  Book publishing, feminist

  Bookstores, women’s

  Boston marriages

  Bourdet, Edouard

  Bowers v. Hardwick

  Bowles, Jane

  Bowles, Paul

  Box-Car Bertha

  Bradley, Katharine

  Briggs, John

  Briggs Initiative

  Bright, Susie

  Bronski, Michael

  Brown, Rita Mae

  Brown, Rusty

  Bryant, Anita

  Bryant, William Cullen

  Bryn Mawr

  Budapest, Z.

  Buffet flats

  Burning (Chambers)

  Burnton Widows, The (McConnell)

  Butch/femme roles: feminists and; Greenwich Village of the 1940s and; kinship structures and; lesbian-feminists and; minority lesbians and; 1930s slang and; 1940s; 1950s; 1980s; police harassment and; prisons and; sexual radicals and; wealthy lesbians and; working-class and young lesbians and

  Butches; flipped; gay bars and; 1950s roles; postfeminist

  Califia, Pat

  Cameron, Barbara

  Cannabilistic fantasies

  Caprio, Frank

  Captive, The

  Carhart, John

  Carpenter, Edward

  Carpenter, Louisa Dupont

  Casal, Mary

  Casual sex

  Catharsis, sadomasochism and

  Cather, Willa

  Catholic Church

  Catt, Carrie Chapman

  Chambers, Jane

  Chauncey, George

  Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn-of-the-Century New York (Peiss)

  Cherry Grove

  Chevalier, Julien

  Chicago: 1920s bar scene in; 1930s bar scene in

  Childhood homosexuality, Freud and

  Childrens acceptance of

  Children’s Hour, The,

  Chisholm, Shirley

  Christian, Meg

  Christian, Paula

  Christopher, George

  Churches, gay groups within

  Civil rights movement

  Civil War, female transvestites in

  Clackum, Fannie Mae

  Clarke, Edward

  Clean and sober movement

  Clenched Fists, Burning Crosses (South)

  Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth

  Clift, Montgomery

  Coastal cities, lesbian life in 1940s and


  Colleges: McCarthy era persecution and; turn of the century. See also Women’s colleges

  College Settlements Association

  Comfort, Alex

  Communal farms, separatists and

  Communal living, lesbian-feminists and

  Companionate marriage

  Complex marriage

  Confrontational tactics

  Congenital theory: lesbians accepting; 1980s revival of. See also Sexual inversion

  Consciousness-raising (CR); language and; radical lesbian-feminists and; sadomasochism and; women’s music and


  Contract with the World (Rule)

  Converse, Florence

  Cook, Blanche

  Cooper, Edith

  Copper, Baba


  Cory, Donald Webster

  Cotton Club

  Council on Religion and the Homosexual

  Country women

  Cousins, Norman

  Craigin, Elisabeth

  Crawford, Joan

  Credit unions, women’s


  Cultural feminists; 1970s; 1980s; sexuality and; shared intimacy and

  “Cures” 1940–50s

ier, Elizabeth

  Cushman, Charlotte

  Dark Laughter (Anderson)


  Daskam, Josephine Dodge

  Daudet, Alphonse

  Daughters of Bilitis

  Davis, Allen

  Davis, Elizabeth Gould

  Davis, Katharine

  Dell, Floyd

  Demeter Flower, The (Singer)

  D’Emilio, John

  Democratic National Convention, lesbian delegate to

  Depression era; sexual freedom and; working women and

  Devoted companions, lesbian sex between

  Diana (Frederics)

  Diana Victrix (Converse)

  Dickinson, Anna

  Dickinson, Robert Latou

  Dickinson, Thomas

  Direct action peace and environmental movements

  Disabled lesbians

  Dlugacz, Judy

  Dobkin, Alix

  Dodge, Mabel

  Dog shows, lesbian couples at

  Donisthorpe, Sheila

  Donovan, Frances

  Dos Passos, John

  Double standard

  Drag balls

  Dreir, Mary

  Dress: gay bars of 1950s and; lesbian-feminists and; middleclass lesbians and; 1940s; 1980s career women and; upper-class lesbians and; working-class women and

  Drug abuse

  Dunbar-Nelson, Alice

  Dundas, Annie

  Dylan, Bob

  Eagles, Jeanne

  Economic independence; lesbian-feminists and; nineteenth-century transvestites and; 1980s; nontraditional jobs and; World War II and

  Education: escape from domesticity and; marriage after; professional women and; upper-class women and. See also Women’s colleges

  Education levels, lesbians versus heterosexual women/136

  Either Is Love (Craigin)

  Ellis, Albert

  Ellis, Havelock

  Episcopal Church

  Ermayne, Laurajean

  Erotic fantasy

  Eroticism. See also Sexual radicals

  Erotic love, past centuries


  Etheridge, Melissa

  Eugenics movement

  Evolution, theories of

  Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.

  Family Values

  Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway)

  Fat lesbians

  Feldman, Maxine

  “Felipa” (Woolson)

  Female seminaries

  Feminine mystique

  Feminism; middleclass lesbians and; nineteenth-century; 1940s; reawakening; romantic friendship and; sexologists and; sexual freaks and. See also Lesbian-feminists

  Femmes. See also Butch/ femme roles

  Field, Michael

  Fields, Mary

  Financial independence. See Economic independence

  First Sex, The (Davis)

  Fish queens


  Forel, August

  Fox, The (Lawrence)

  Frederics, Diana

  Freedman, Estelle

  Freeman, Mary Wilkins

  French erotic novels

  French literature

  Freud, Sigmund


  Friedan, Betty

  Front marriages

  Frye, Ellen

  Gabrielson, Guy George

  Garden of Eden, The (Hemingway)

  Garrett, Mary

  Gay and Lesbian Democratic Clubs

  Gay bars; alcoholism and; butch/femme roles and; class wars and; dangers of; lesbian singers in; middleclass lesbians and; 1930s; 1950s; 1980s; police harassment and; undercover agents in; working-class lesbians and; World War II and; young lesbians and

  Gay liberation movement

  Gay men: class mixing; front marriages to; heterogenderal pattern; lesbian-feminists and; lesbian unity with in 1980s; radical movement of 1960s; radical sexuality and; sexologists and; wealthy

  Gay pride parades

  Gay publications, revolution and

  Gay revolution: explosion of; lesbian-feminists and; quiet beginnings

  Gay rights bills

  Gearhart, Sally

  Gender behavior, inappropriate



  Gittings, Barbara

  Glamour dyke

  God of Vengeance

  Goldman, Emma

  Gorman, Harry

  Government jobs, dismissals from during McCarthy era

  Grahn, Judy

  Greenwich Village: butch/femme roles and; gay bars in; 1920s

  Gribble, Henry

  Grimke, Angelina Weld

  Group, The (McCarthy)

  Gwinn, Mamie

  Hall, Radclyffe

  Hamilton, Alice

  Hampton, Mabel

  Hannah, George

  Hapgood, Hutchins

  Harlem: black lesbians in; white slumming in

  Hart, Alberta Lucille

  Hays, Matilda

  Hellman, Lillian

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henry, George

  Hickok, Lorena

  Hippie phenomenon: communal life and; 1960s


  Holman, Libby

  Home to Harlem (McKay)

  Homophile Action League

  Homophile groups, politically aware

  Homophile League of New York

  Homophobia; 1920s; 1950s-60s 1970s

  Homosexuality, “cure” for. See also Gay men; Lesbian(s)

  Homosexual rights issues, Germany and

  Hosmer, Harriet

  Howard, William Lee

  Hudson, Lee

  Hull, Helen

  Hull House

  Huneker, James

  Hunter, Alberta

  Idaho, Bertha

  Insane asylums

  Intellectuals, in 1920s

  “In the Life”

  Inversion sexuelle (Chevalier)

  Irwin, Elisabeth

  Jackson, Bessie

  Jenny, John

  Jenny, Louisa Dupont Carpenter

  Johns Hopkins

  Johnston, Jill

  Joy of Sex, The (Comfort)

  Jungian therapists, lesbian “cures” and

  Kaplan, Helen

  Kelley, Florence

  Kerwinieo, Ralph (née Cora Anderson)

  Kiki lesbians. See also Middleclass lesbians; Upper-class lesbians

  King, Bessie

  Kinsey, Alfred

  Kinship structures, butch/femme roles and

  Koertge, Noretta

  Korean War

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard von

  Ladder, The

  Ladies Almanack (Barnes)

  Lait, Jack

  Land trusts

  Lang, K. D.

  Language: consciousness raising and; sexist

  Laporte, Rita

  Las Buenas Amigas

  Lavender Blue Productions

  Lavender color, association with lesbianism

  Lavender Jane Loves Women

  Lawrence, D. H.

  Leave a Light On for Me (Swallow)

  Leftists, homophobia during McCarthy era and

  Legion of Decency

  Lesbian(s): class mixing and; of color; existentialist; 1920s; 1930s; 1940s; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s and; past centuries; post-World War II; scientific classification of; self-definitions of; sexologists’ definition of; as sexual freaks; turn-of-the-century American writers on; twentieth century concepts;

  Lesbian archives

  Lesbian bars. See Gay bars

  Lesbian chic: 1920s; 1980s; roots of

  Lesbian continuum

  Lesbian culture

  Lesbian-feminists; bisexuality and; blueprints for culture; butch/femme roles and; class divisions and; drab-stylelessness of; economic independence and; educational levels/Z36; factionalism and; gay men and; media for culture building; middleclass lesbians and; minority lesbians and; 1970s; 1980s changes; 1980s con
servatism and; older lesbians and; political correctness and; radicalism and; relationships with other groups; self-sufficiency and; separatism and; sexuality and; spiritual care and; successes of; women’s movement and

  Lesbian health care

  Lesbian in America, The (Cory)

  Lesbian Nations

  Lesbian revolutions: 1960s; 1970s

  Lesbian sex: between devoted companions; relative infrequency of. See also Sexuality

  Lesbian sex warss

  Lesbian slangs

  Lesbian styles

  Lesbian subcultures; bars and; military and; 1930s; 1940s government-sponsored; 1950s and ’60s; 1980s diversity in; Greenwich Village of the 1920s and; persecution of the 1950s and; working class in 1920s and; World War II and

  Lesbian Tide

  Le Sueur, Lucille

  Levin, Jennifer

  Lewis, Edith

  Lillie, Beatrice


  Literature about lesbians; blacks writing about whites; lesbian-feminists and; 1920s; 1930s anti-lesbianism and; 1980s; sexual revolution and. See also specific works

  Living Sober conventions

  Lobdell, Lucy Ann

  Lombroso, Cesare

  “Long Arm, The” (Freeman)

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Look Me in the Eye (McDonald)

  Look Under the Hawthorne (Frye)

  Lorde, Audre

  Los Angeles, gay bars in 1950s and

  Loulan, joann

  Loveliest of Friends (Donisthorpe)

  Luppies (lesbian yuppies)

  Lynch, Lee

  Lynd, Helen

  Lynn, Kenneth

  Lyon, Phyllis

  MacLane, Mary


  Magazines: lesbian porno; lesbian-feminists and; sexual revolution and

  Male homosexuals. See Gay men

  Ma Rainey

  March Hares

  Mariness homosexual policy and

  Marks, Jeanette

  Marot, Helen

  Marriage to men: economic dependency and; educated women in nineteenth century and; front/120; 1930s

  Marriage to other women: black lesbians of the 1920s and; 1980s return to; open

  Married women, lesbian liaisons and

  Martin, Del

  Masons and orders

  Matriarchal religion



  McCarthy, Eugene

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCarthy, Mary

  McCarthy era

  McClung, Isabelle

  McConnell, Vicki

  McDonald, Barbara

  McGovern, George

  McKay, Claude

  Medical doctorss-50s treatments and

  Medical journals, turn-of-the-century

  Medical model, sexologists and

  Meese, Edwin

  Men See Gay men; Marriage to men

  Mental health, minimalist definition of

  Mental illnesss views on

  Mentors, graduating from women’s colleges and

  Metropolitan Community Church

  Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival


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