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Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers

Page 50

by Lillian Faderman

  Middleclass lesbians; butch/femme roles and; Depression and; 1800s; gay bars and; gay liberation movement and; harassment during McCarthy era; “kiki”; lesbian-feminists and; 1970s; 1980s changes; professional pursuits at turn of century and; racial movement and; sexologists and; slumming in Harlem in 1920s; social contacts

  Midwest Women’s Festival

  Milford-Haven, Marchioness Nadeja

  Military service; dismissals from; lesbian-catching tactics and; lesbians in World War II and; witch hunts of the 1950s and

  Milk, Harvey

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent

  Miller, Marilyn

  Minority lesbians: butch/femme roles and; lesbian-feminists and; 1980s; transvestitism and

  “Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself (Hall)

  Mitchell, Alice

  Moderations shift to

  Monogamy: lesbian-feminists’ rejection of; 1980s return to

  Moraga, Cherrie

  Morality: homophobics and; lesbian “cures” and; New Right and; 1930s anti-lesbianism and; 1940s; pulp novels and

  Moral literature

  Mortimer, Lee

  Moscone, George

  Motherhoods acceptance of

  Mothering skills, mass

  Mount Holyoke

  Movies, lesbian theme in

  Mygatt, Tracy

  Mythmaking, matriarchal

  Nachman, Elana

  Nathan, George Jean

  National Black Feminist Organization

  National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gay Men

  National Gay Task Force

  National Organization of Women

  National security, dismissals during McCarthy era and

  National Women’s Agency

  National Women’s Music Festival

  National Women’s Political Caucus

  Neff, Wanda Fraiken

  Nestle, Joan

  New Alliance for Gay Equality

  New England Women’s Music Retreat

  New Left

  New Right

  New Sex Therapy, The (Kaplan)

  Newspapers, publishing arrestees names in

  Newton, Esther

  New York City: 1920s drag balls and; 1930s, in; 1940s bar scene and; 1980s gay and lesbian liaisons and. See also Greenwich Village; Harlem

  New York Lesbian Food Conspiracy

  New York Lesbian Pride Rally

  Nigger Heaven (Van Vechten)

  Nightwood (Barnes)

  Niles, Blair

  Norma Trist; or Pure Carbon: A Story of the Inversion of the Sexes (Carhart)

  North American Conference of Homophile Organizations

  Noyes, John

  Oakgrove, Artemis

  Oberlin Lesbian Society

  Odd Girl Out

  Older lesbians: class membership affiliations; 1980s

  “Old gays”; homes for; 1980s

  O’Leary, Jean

  Olivia Records

  O’Neill, William

  On Our Backs

  Oneida Community

  O’Reilly, Lenora

  Orlando (Woolf)

  Otis, Margaret

  Outcast, The (Weirauch)


  Over the Hill (Copper)

  Painted Veils (Huneker)

  Paranoid schizophrenia

  Parke, Joseph

  Parker, Dorothy

  Parker, Pat

  Patriotism, working during Depression and

  Patterson, June

  Patton, Marion

  Peck, Mary

  Peiss, Kathy

  Pension plans

  Perry, Troy

  Persecution, McCarthyism and

  Personals ads, in porno magazines

  Phelps, Johnnie

  Physical education majorss

  Pink Panther groups

  Police harassment: butch/femme roles and; Daughters of Bilitis and; gay bars and

  Political awareness

  Political correctness: lesbian-feminists and; 1980s; sex and; women’s music and

  Political goals, lesbian-feminist

  Political influence

  Political networks, underground

  Poor White (Anderson)

  Popular magazines

  Pornography: lesbian interest in; male versus female response to; male writers of; mistrust of; 1980s conservatism and; NOW and

  Porter, Katherine Anne

  Pound, Louise

  Pratt, Caroline

  Pride Institute

  Prisons; butch/femme arrangements; lesbian slang and; romantic friendship and; turn-of-the-century

  Professional women: early twentieth century; education and; establishing own professions; male preserves and; marriage of

  Professional Women’s Network

  Professors, role models for romantic friendships in

  Psychiatric hospitalss


  Psychodrama, sexual

  Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing)


  Public images, positive

  Public opinion, romantic friendship and

  Pulp novels

  Queer Nation

  Radical chic lesbians


  Rainbeau Productions

  Reagan, Ronald

  Rebel lifestyle, heavy drinking and

  Rebel sexuality, femmes in 1950s and

  Reform work

  Rent parties

  Republicans, persecution by

  Resource centers, lesbian-feminist communities and

  Revere, Ann

  Reynolds, Smith

  Rich, Adrienne

  Robertiello, Richard

  Robinson, Mabel

  Robinson, Victor

  Role playing

  Romantic friendship; attack on; homophobia of the 1920s and; as mental passion; metamorphosis of; nineteenth century; penal institutions and; public opinion and; women’s colleges and; working class and

  Romo-Carmona, Mariana

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Rosse, Irving

  Rothman, Ellen

  Rubyfiuit Jungle (Brown)

  Rule, Jane

  Russell, Bertrand

  Sadomasochism, lesbian

  Same-sex households


  San Francisco: Daughters of Bilitis and; 1930s bar scene; 1940s

  San Francisco Gay Pride Parade

  Sang, Barbara

  Sanger, Margaret

  Sapho (Daudet)

  Save Our Children

  Save Our Moral Ethics

  Schulman, Sarah

  Schwarz, Judith

  Science fiction novels, women’s

  Scientific Humanitarian Committee

  Scorpion, The (Weirauch)

  Scudder, Vida

  Self-actualization, in

  Seminaries, female

  Settlement houses

  Sex circuses

  Sexologists; attack on romantic friendship; early; feminism and; German; male homosexuals and; medical model and; middleclass women and; moral visions of; readership of; subculture creation and; working-class women and

  Sexual conformity, post-World War II

  Sexual conservatism

  Sexual inversion

  Sexuality; adventurousness and; affection versus; butch/femme roles and; committed relationships and; cultural feminists and; cultural socialization and; dangerous or antisocial; lesbian-feminists and; neuroses and; nineteenth century; 1920s liberalization; 1930s; 1960s permissiveness; 1970s; 1980s; radical feminists and; turn-of-the-century. See also Lesbian sex


  Sexual radicals

  Sexual revolution: 1920s; 1960s; 1970s; sexual radicals and

  Sexual violence

  Shaw, Anna Howard

  Shaw, Beverly

  Simpson Whipple, Evangeline Marrs

  Singer, Rochelle

  Sin of Sins

  Sister Gin (Arnold)

  Slogans, consciousness-raising and />
  Smith, Bessie

  Smith, Mary Roset

  Smith, Ruby Walker

  Smith College

  Socarides, Charles

  Social attitudes, fiction as reflection of

  Social constructionists

  Social freedom, nineteenth-century transvestites and

  Social groups, middleclass lesbians and

  Socialist Workers Party

  Social progress, female contributors to

  Social reforms

  Social work profession

  Softball teams

  South, Chris


  Sperry, Alameda

  Spinsters, educated

  Spirituality, lesbian-feminists and

  Starr, Ellen

  Stein, Gertrude

  Steinem, Gloria

  Steinhardt, Irving D.

  Stone, Merlin

  Stone butches

  Stone Wall, The (Casal)

  Stonewall Inn

  Stonewall Rebellion

  Stormy Leather

  Strange Brother (Niles)

  Street cruising

  Strip shows, lesbian

  Stuart, David

  Student Homophile League

  Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway)

  Suppressed Desires (Glaswell)

  Sutro Baths

  Swallow, Jean

  Swashbuckler, The (Lynch)


  Take Back the Night marches

  Talmey, Bernard

  Tatoo Blue

  Teachers, dismissals for lesbianism and


  Theater, censorship and. See also specific plays

  These Three

  Third World lesbians

  Thomas, M. Carey

  Thompson, Clara

  Thurman, Wallace

  Tigress Productions

  Tipton, Billy

  Titillations blues and

  Tomlin, Lily



  Trimberger, Ellen Kay

  Troubridge, Una

  Twilight Lovers

  Tyler, Lottie

  Tyler, Robin

  Tyson, Willie

  University lifes social contacts and. See also Women’s colleges

  University of Michigan

  Upper-class lesbians: education and; “kiki”; 1980s; philanthropy of; pressure to marry and; slumming in Harlem in 1920s

  Upper-class women, married while having lesbian affairs

  Urban centers, migration after World War II and

  Utopian visions: lesbian-feminists and; science fiction and

  Valentine, Helen

  Valhalla Hall

  Vallerga v. Munro

  Valley of the Amazons(Koertge)

  Vanderbilt, Gloria

  Vanilla sex

  Van Vetchen, Carl


  Vice Versa,

  Victorian era, middleclass women in

  Violence, literature about

  Violent protest tactics


  Vivien, Renee

  Wagner, Jane

  Walker, A’Lelia

  Walton, Shirley

  Wanderground, The (Gearhart)

  Ward, Freda

  Warner, Charles

  Waters, Ethel

  WAVEss policy on homosexuals

  We Sing Diana (Neff)

  We Too Are Drifting (Wilhelm)

  Webb, Clifton

  Weir, James

  Weirauch, Anna

  Well of Loneliness, The (Hall),


  Westphal, Karl

  When God Was A Woman,

  Wherry, Kenneth

  White, Dan

  Whitess Harlem experimentation and

  Wilder, Frances

  Wilhelm, Gale

  Willard, Frances

  Williams, Ethel

  Williams, William Carlos

  Williamson, Cris

  Wilson, Barbara

  Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson)

  Winsloe, Christa

  Winter Bound,

  Wishing Well,

  Witches, as spiritual-political models

  Witherspoon, Frances

  Wolden, Russell

  Wolff, Charlotte


  Women’s Army Corps (WAC)

  Women’s colleges

  Women’s culture

  Women’s culture books

  Women-identified women communitys

  Women’s Land Army

  Women’s movement: 1920s late nineteenth-century lesbian-feminists and

  Women’s music

  Women’s music festivals

  Women’s Pentagon Action

  Women’s pressess

  Women’s Trade Union League

  Women With Inherited Wealth

  Wood, Thelma

  Woolf, Virginia

  Woolley, Mary

  Woolson, Constance Fenimore

  Working-class lesbians: butch/femme roles; communities and; Depression and; gay bars and; gay movement and; lesbian-feminists and; military witchhunts and; 1930s bar scene; 1930s slang and; passing as men; radical movement and; romantic friendship and; sexologists and; turn-of-the-century

  Working-class women, heterosexual practices

  Working women: Depression and; family structure and

  World War I: women’s participation in; women’s sexual experimentation during

  World War II, women’s participation in

  X-rated movie houses

  Yale University

  Young lesbians: butch/femme roles; gay bars and

  Between Men ~ Between Women

  Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies

  Terry Castle and Larry Gross, Editors

  Richard D. Mohr, Gays/Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society, and Law

  Gary David Comstock, Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men

  Kath Weston, Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship

  Lillian Faderman, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America

  Judith Roof, A Lure of Knowledge: Lesbian Sexuality and Theory

  John Clum, Acting Gay: Male Homosexuality in Modern Drama

  Allen Ellenzweig, The Homoerotic Photograph: Male Images from Durieu/Delacroix to Mapplethorpe

  Sally Munt, editor, New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings

  Timothy F. Murphy and Suzanne Poirier, editors, Writing AIDS: Gay Literature, Language, and Analysis

  Linda D. Garnets and Douglas C. Kimmel, editors, Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Male Experiences (2nd edition)

  Laura Doan, editor, The Lesbian Postmodern

  Noreen O’Connor and Joanna Ryan, Wild Desires and Mistaken Identities: Lesbianism and Psychoanalysis

  Alan Sinfield, The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde, and the Queer Moment

  Claudia Card, Lesbian Choices

  Carter Wilson, Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucatan

  Alan Bray, Homosexuality in Renaissance England

  Joseph Carrier, De Los Otros: Intimacy and Homosexuality Among Mexican Men

  Joseph Bristow, Effeminate England: Homoerotic Writing After 1885

  Corinne E. Blackmer and Patricia Juliana Smith, editors, En Travesti: Women, Gender Subversion, Opera

  Don Paulson with Roger Simpson, An Evening at The Garden of Allah: A Gay Cabaret in Seattle

  Claudia Schoppmann, Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbians During the Third Reich

  Chris Straayer, Deviant Eyes, Deviant Bodies: Sexual Re-Orientation in Film and Video

  Edward Alwood, Straight News: Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media

  Thomas Waugh, Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from Their Beginnings to Stonewall

  Judith Roof, Come As You Are: Sexuality and Narrative

  Terry Castle, Noel Coward and Radclyffe Hall: Kindred Spirits />
  Kath Weston, Render Me, Gender Me: Lesbians Talk Sex, Class, Color, Nation, Studmuffins …

  Ruth Vanita, Sappho and the Virgin Mary: Same-Sex Love and the English Literary Imagination

  Renée C. Hoogland, Lesbian Configurations

  Beverly Burch, Other Women: Lesbian Experience and Psychoanalytic Theory of Women

  Jane Mclntosh Snyder, Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho

  Rebecca Alpert, Like Bread on the Seder Plate: Jewish Lesbians and the Transformation of Tradition

  Emma Donoghue, editor, Poems Between Women: Four Centuries of Love, Romantic Friendship, and Desire

  James T. Sears and Walter L. Williams, editors, Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work

  Patricia Juliana Smith, Lesbian Panic: Homoeroticism in Modern British Women’s Fiction

  Dwayne C. Turner, Risky Sex: Gay Men and HIV Prevention

  Timothy F. Murphy, Gay Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research

  Cameron McFarlane, The Sodomite in Fiction and Satire—1750

  Lynda Hart, Between the Body and the Flesh: Performing Sadomasochism

  Byrne R. S. Fone, editor, The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature: Readings from Western Antiquity to the Present Day

  Ellen Lewin, Recognizing Ourselves: Ceremonies of Lesbian and Gay Commitment

  Ruthann Robson, Sappho Goes to Law School: Fragments in Lesbian Legal Theory

  Jacquelyn Zita, Body Talk: Philosophical Reflections on Sex and Gender

  Evelyn Blackwood and Saskia Wieringa, Female Desires: Same-Sex Relations and Transgender Practices Across Cultures

  William L. Leap, ed., Public Sex I Gay Space

  Larry Gross and James D. Woods, eds., The Columbia Reader on Lesbians and Gay Men in Media, Society, and Politics

  Marilee Lindemann, Willa Gather: Queering America

  George E. Haggerty, Men in Love: Masculinity and Sexuality in the Eighteenth Century

  Andrew Elfenbein, Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role

  Gilbert Herdt and Bruce Koff, Something to Tell You: The Road Families Travel When a Child Is Gay

  Richard Canning, Gay Fiction Speaks: Conversations with Gay Novelists

  Laura Doan, Fashioning Sapphism: The Origins of a Modern English Lesbian Culture

  Mary Bernstein and Renate Reimann, eds., Queer Families, Queer Politics: Challenging Culture and the State

  Richard R. Bozorth, Auden’s Games of Knowledge: Poetry and the Meanings of Homosexuality

  Larry Gross, Up from Invisibility: Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Media in America

  Linda Garber, Identity Poetics: Race, Class, and the Lesbian-Feminist Roots of Queer Theory

  Rchard Canning, Hear Us Out: Conversations with Gay Novelists

  Katherine Sender, Business, Not Politics: The Making of the Gay Market

  Daniel Boyarin, Daniel Itzkovitz, and Ann Pellegrini, eds., Queer Theory and the Jewish Question

  David Bergman, The Violet Hour: The Violet Quill and the Making of Gay Culture

  Alan Sinfield, On Sexuality and Power

  Gloria Wekker, The Politics of Passion: Women’s Sexual Culture in the Afro-Surinamese Diaspora


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