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Wanted Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 1)

Page 5

by Val O. Morris

  "Yup, too bad," I said.

  Alexa said, "That's rich coming from you."

  "You tried to kill my best friend and you succeeded in burning down Jeremy's house!"

  "Don't think I don't know what you're up to."

  I kept one eye on Douchebag while I replied to her. "I'm just selling games. What are you up to, Alexa?"

  "Don't get cocky with me, Mackenzie."

  Don't think I didn't appreciate that she used my full name. Only friends call me 'Zee'.

  "What the hell do you know about Alise's murder? It's my understanding that a witness said it was you."

  "Ah, yes, the brown haired murderer. Gee, that could have been you, Alexa, if you weren't still hitting the peroxide."

  She flipped her fake blonde hair off her shoulders like that was supposed to mean something. "Facts don't lie."

  "Well, I hate to tell ya, but knowing the culprit had brown hair isn't much to go on. Assuming the witness saw correctly. Wasn't it dark? Hell, it could have been black hair or even a wig."

  I wasn't sure how much longer my sarcastic attitude would hold up before she lost it, but it was fun to let it play out.

  "Always the smart ass. You wouldn't be acting like this if it was your friend who was murdered."

  Well, that didn't last long. Fun's over. "You're right, I wouldn't. And I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry to hear about Alise."

  "I bet. Sorry because she was an upstanding citizen in our community--she was on track to become a member of the Council, you know--or sorry because you're under investigation for her murder?"

  How'd she-? The look on my face gave me away.

  Her eyes grew big with excitement. "Yeah, I'm well aware. News travels fast in a small community."

  "You mean gossip."

  "Oh, no. Facts, my old friend. You had motive, I admit. Although you should've come after me instead."

  "The fuck you want, Alexa?" My patience had grown thin. I was pissed at her for what she did at Jeremy's party, and maybe one day I will make her pay, but right then I wanted her and Douchey out of my store.

  She got in my face, but I wasn't about to back down. "Stay the fuck away from my friends and me. I'd hate for there to be another murder."

  I looked down at her finger that was now poking my chest and then slowly raised my head again. Locking eyes with her, I said, "Alexa, I don't care enough about you to want to kill you."

  I watched the color drain from her face as she retracted, just standing there, completely void of expression. I don't know if it was my eyes playing tricks on me, or if it really happened, but she stared at me with the blackest of eyes, and said in the most dead pan serious tone, "We'll have to do something about that."

  The pang in my gut told me I'd regret my words.


  After becoming a witch, I learned my dog, Thunder, could speak to me. Not literally, but I could hear his thoughts, and he seemed to understand what I said in response. Since we were now on a whole new plane of our master and dog relationship, I thought I'd fill him in on the latest news about the murders and how his master was a suspect.

  "Your boyfriend's right. Digging into the lives of those you save leads to darkness."

  "This isn't Star Wars. It's real life, Thunder."

  Thunder cocked his head at me. I imagined if he had the ability of human expression that would be the one telling me he's tired of my pop culture references. "My name is Zelig."

  "I don't care that your real name is Zelig. I was the one who rescued you and nursed you back to health. I'll call you Thunder if I want." For the first time, I realized the significance of his name. I'm a lightning mage and I named my dog Thunder. It was like it was meant to be.

  "M'lady, have you ever considered the fact that it was I who rescued you?"

  I leaned down and patted him on the head. "I wasn't the one starving in a dark alley behind a dumpster."

  "Figuratively, m'lady."

  "Oh." I glanced around the living room half expecting confetti to drop from the ceiling and dancing clowns to break out of the walls at the new revelation. "Well, I'm not exactly sure what you've saved me from yet, but if you say so."

  I opened the back door. "Now, would you like to go outside with me or not?"

  "Peeing outside is such a barbaric habit." He said as he trotted over to his favorite part of the yard.

  "Since we're on the subject, no more following me into the bathroom. Now that I can hear your thoughts, that's one place that's now off limits."

  "Whatever you say, m'lady."

  I walked toward the bench by the koi pond and called back to him, "If you want to learn to use the toilet, knock yourself out! Just don't do it when guests come over. And put the seat down!"

  God, as if living with Jeremy wasn't bad enough. Now my dog was telling me what to do. I sprinkled food into the pond and smiled as the koi swam over each other to get the tasty treat. I sat down on the bench and let out a long sigh I didn't know was bottled up. My life had taken a weird turn over the last few months. Thinking back on what all had happened, I didn't know if I wanted to cry, scream, bury my head in my pillow for a week, or punch something. Probably all of the above in that order.

  How did people handle so much at one time? I wasn't sure I was doing a good job of holding it all together. Guess that's why people turned to drinking. Hell, if I drank any more they'd lock me up. That was an interesting thought. I've drank tequila for years, enough to make most grown men drunk, but it has never really bothered me, never made me sick. I always assumed it was a high tolerance, but I wondered if it was because of my Healer abilities.

  A familiar voice scared off the thought. "Hello, dear! Mind if I come over?"

  "Sure, come on!"

  She stepped through the adjoining gate with a bag in her hand. "I'm so glad I caught you."

  When Mrs. G reached the bench, I quickly jumped up and gave her a big hug. She hugged me even tighter. "It seems like it's been ages since we've talked. How are you, dear?"

  "I'm making it. Are you doing okay?"

  She patted my hand. "Oh, yes, dear, just fine."

  I nodded toward the fish. "A lot's changed since we last sat here."

  "It sure has, dear. Here, brought you something," she said as she held up the bag.

  Eyeing her curiously, I opened the bag to find another bag inside. That one was unique, though, because it was full of water. When I pulled it out, I saw the most beautiful yellow koi I had ever seen. "Oh, my. It's beautiful."

  Mrs. G smiled. "Thought you could use some good luck. And congratulations on opening your store." She brushed a strand of hair from my face. "Your mother would be proud."

  Somehow I doubted that.

  "Thank you. I love it!" I knelt down and placed the bag in the pond to let the new fish get used to the water temperature before letting him go. My other koi were of the orange and white variety. The yellow would make a beautiful addition once his color comes in fully. I thought back to our conversation earlier when Mrs. G told me the legend of koi and how it was good luck to be given a koi as a gift. I hope it worked.

  Mrs. G sat down on the bench. "I want you to be honest. How are you dealing with things?"

  "Oh, you know me. I find a way to manage."

  "I hope you aren't mad at me for not telling you you are a mage."

  I chuckled. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stay mad at Mrs. G. I had come to know and trust her in the short time since I moved back to Blackwood. She was like a grandmother to me. "Did you really know?"

  "Well, I suppose no one could know for sure, but I always suspected you would find your powers one day."

  "Like my mom?"

  "Like your mother," she smiled. "Even when you were a little girl, I thought there was something special about you."

  "I hope I'm not too much like her." Mrs. G looked at me curiously as I continued, "I wouldn't send away my own child. Thanks to her, I've been thrust into a world that I have no prior knowledge of. I have so many q
uestions it's overwhelming. I feel like I don't belong, ya know? Like an outsider."

  Mrs. G nodded.

  "Spratlin's been great. I don't know how I lucked out to find such a good friend. He's teaching me things about witchcraft and the Council as we go along, but there's still so much."

  "You know I'll do whatever I can to help. I never meant to withhold information from you."

  "Oh, I know I that. Looking back, I see that it would've been pointless to have told me all about being a witch," I corrected myself, "sorry, mage, when I wasn't one yet."

  "How is your training with Spratlin going?"

  "He's helping me a lot. I'm learning to control my magic." I turned sideways on the bench so that I faced her. "My element is electricity. Who would've ever thought that little ol' me can shoot electric bolts from my fingertips?"

  "Ah! Next time the wiring in my old house gives me fits, I'll know who to call!"

  I laughed. "Yes, ma'am, I might be able to help with that. Just call me 'Sparky'."

  It was good to laugh with her again. I've been missing her dearly, and it was just nice to be away from things even if only for a few minutes.

  "I was so proud of you when you got the loan. How's the store coming along?"

  "Oh, it's doing great! Our grand opening will be soon, but even without much advertising we're bringing in many customers daily. Jeremy has been a big help."

  "He's still here, right?" I was hesitant with my reply, so she continued, "Is something wrong?"

  "I blew up at him the other day. I'd had a shitty night, er sorry, a bad night, and I wasn't in the best mood. I came home and the house was messy, dishes piled up, and I just lost it."

  "But he's still working with you, right?"

  "Yeah. I hope I don't lose him. He's too big of an asset. I'll think of something to make it work."

  "Sounds like you're having a tougher time than you're letting on. Tell me what else is going on."

  "You and your intuition." I smiled and gave her a look that said I knew what she was up to. "I guess you might as well hear it from me. One of Alexa's friends, Alise, was murdered."

  "Oh, my gosh! That's horrible!"

  "It gets better. There's a witness who claims they saw me at the scene of the crime. I'm the Council's top suspect."

  "Oh, my word! Are they out of their feather-picking minds? I'm going to have to have a talk with High Wizard Virgil."

  "I appreciate it, but it's not necessary. I'm working to clear my name, and Spratlin is doing what he can to keep me in good standing. At least I hope he still is."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I think I pissed him off, too." I didn't even bother with correcting myself.

  The sun caught her eyes just right and they sparkled when she said, "Somehow I doubt you're gonna run him off."

  "I hope not. He's been amazing. Funny that I met him right when all this started happening. It's almost like it was meant to be."

  "Perhaps it was, dear. So, do you have any idea who did it?"

  "No clue. It's frustrating. Trying to run a store while being forced to do all this magic training was bad enough. Being a murder suspect is icing on the cake."

  "I'm so sorry this is happening. I was afraid revealing yourself as a Healer would bring about dark times."

  I sighed. "I took what you said to heart, but I just couldn't stand by and watch Alexa destroy Gaylin."

  "Oh, of course not! You did what you had to do, and I'm very proud of you for it. It took a lot of courage to out yourself like that when it's still all so new to you."

  "Thanks for that. I don't mean to whine. I know I'm lucky to have the things I have and the opportunities."

  I scooped up a small amount of pond water and poured it into the bag with the yellow koi. I'd need to wait a few more minutes before letting him join the others. "Let's talk about something happy."

  "How about the masquerade party? I'm sure you've heard by now." My groaning wasn't the reaction she was hoping for. "It'll be fun! You'll get to meet so many new people."

  "Yeah, who likely all think I'm a murderer." I stuck out my hand as if I was meeting someone for the first time. "Hi, I'm Mackenzie Adams, Apprentice Mage and Murder Suspect Numero One."

  "No one will think that. Besides, you had to tell me. No one will know until it's official, right? Right?"

  "I had a run-in with Alexa at the store. Now that she claims to know, I'm sure it's just a matter of time."

  "Listen, you just be yourself. Innocent until proven guilty, remember? Witches and wizards are no different from everyone else. We're not horrible people who assume the worst in folks. When you meet someone new, be your lovable, honest self, and I just know they'll love you like I do."

  Mrs. G knew how to cheer me up even when I didn't believe her. We sat making small talk for a few more minutes, and then I let the new koi join his new pond mates. Almost immediately, his color turned the most vibrant yellow I'd ever seen. It was truly like magic.


  My bike revved as I rode up the driveway to the James Estate. The place was already packed. I had to stay and lock up the store since I gave Jeremy the evening off to prepare for the party. I removed my helmet and stretched while taking in the sights. The place was even gorgeous at night with the lights illuminating the fountain and front of the house. I slipped my masquerade mask on and headed inside.

  As I stepped out onto the back patio, my chest felt tight at the sight of all the people. I was literally surrounded by folks who could set me on fire, strike me down with lightning, or cast some otherworldly spell on me turning me into God knows what. Basically, any one of those fuckers could make me dance like a chicken at the snap of a finger. Even though I shared some of that ability, it did not do anything to ease my anxiety.

  I gave the bartender my usual order of one shot of tequila and a margarita on the rocks. I quickly downed the first shot. The burn felt good. Glancing at the crowd again, I told him to hit me with another. Liquid courage indeed.

  "You're the hottest mage in this place. Would you do me the honor of sharing a drink with me?" Spratlin's warm breath was a welcomed distraction.

  I turned around. He didn't move, so we were standing only a breath away. I raised my eyebrows. "I don't share my drink, but I'll be happy to drink with you."

  He stepped back to give me the once over. His eyes lit up. "I knew it was you the moment I saw you leaning against the bar."

  I was in my typical jeans, riding boots, and black leather jacket. Anyone could've picked me out of a lineup, but I knew what he meant. He was dashing in his tight fitting pants suit and purple silk shirt. The other party goers were dressed in various getups. Most of the ladies had on elegant gowns that matched their masquerade masks and there were several men in expensive-looking tuxedos.

  "I feel wildly underdressed."

  "I can take this off if you'd like to get more comfortable."

  I couldn't contain my laughter. "Maybe not that comfortable. Not yet anyway." I needed to change the subject before things got weird.

  "Hey," he slid his hand in mine. "Sorry about the other night. I was a jerk."

  "Maybe a little, but that's okay. I'll think of a way you can make up for it." I winked. We may have been on opposite sides when it came to me looking into the lives of the people I had saved, but I still respected his opinion.

  "Come on. Let's mingle. It'll be good for you."

  "Oh, dear God shoot me now." Fifteen minutes and I was already ready to get the hell out of there and I hadn't even made my first mingle. We quickly said hello to Spratlin's parents. His dad looked good enough to eat as always and his mom's shoulder wasn't totally cold towards me. Just being polite around the guests, I was sure.

  "Relax and be yourself."

  Everywhere we walked, there were big muscle-bound men wearing dark sunglasses and tight fitting shirts. Their arm guns looked like they could go off at any moment. Spratlin led us through the crowd. I felt uncomfortable around all the masquerade masks. Ma
de me wonder what those people wanted so badly to hide.

  "High Wizard Virgil, I'd like you to meet Mackenzie Adams."

  I shook his hand and smiled.

  "I've heard a lot about you, Ms. Adams. I hope you will consider joining Ravencrest Coven. We'd be honored to have someone like you."

  Yeah, I'll bet. "Thank you. Right now I'm keeping my options open." The silence was awkward, but I wasn't about to bend over for those bastards to just do with me as they pleased.

  After we walked away, Spratlin said, "Sorry bout that. Didn't mean to put you on the spot. He's really a wonderful man. Done a lot of great things for our coven."

  And I bet he'd love to use me and my gift to better the coven even more. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. "What's with all the Patrick Swayze Roadhouse guys?"

  "Enforcers. On duty."

  "On duty? What kind of shindig is this?"

  "Someone sent an anonymous tip to the Council today." Before I could reply, Spratlin leaned in close and said, "Let's go somewhere private so we can talk."

  He took my hand and led us through the crowd of witches, wizards, Enforcers, Councilmen and women, and even some older men in gaudy robes. I'm guessing those are the elders. Every group has some, right? Finally, we arrived at the familiar lighted path.

  "Just keep walking," he said.

  I softly ran my fingertips across a purple flower as we made our way down the path. I had no idea what type of flowers they were, but they shimmered in the night. I assumed someone had put some kind of enchantment on them for the party. "What was this tip?"

  "That something awful was gonna go down tonight."

  I threw my hands up. "Oh, good grief. Some crazy person hell bent on ruining everyone's fun and I'm the one being investigated?"

  The look on Spratlin's face sent chills up my spine despite the unseasonable heat. "Those Enforcers are here because of you. That tip said you were planning something."

  "This is fucking crazy!"

  "Shh! Keep your voice down. Not everyone knows about the tip. It was sent to my father specifically."

  "Why would...? Someone is clearly trying to set me up."


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