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Wanted Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 1)

Page 6

by Val O. Morris


  "Who do you think?"


  I stopped walking. "Who the hell else could it be?"

  "Look, when the Elders announce your name tonight it may be best if you remove your mask."

  Elders. I knew it. "O-kay." I wasn't following, but I would do whatever necessary to make sure everyone knew I wasn't the crazed lunatic here.

  "It'll prove you aren't afraid to show your face. That you have nothing to hide."

  "Well, I don't." I yanked my mask off. "I can fix that now. But I'm not getting up on stage and speaking." He looked surprised. Like he wasn't used to a witch going against coven rules.

  He took my hand and we continued down the path towards the pond- our spot. "How'd it go this week? At the store?"

  I was just about to sit down on the bench when he grabbed my arm. "Wait!" He took his shoe and swiped at it. Then he spread out a handkerchief for me to sit on. "Guess the birds like this place, too. Sorry about that."

  I smiled as I sat down. "The store is going really well. Sales are good. Dodging Jeremy like we're an old married couple on the brink of divorce, not so good. But hopefully I'll run into him tonight. I have an idea what will make things better."

  "I saw him earlier. He seemed to be having a good time." I nodded as he continued, "Mrs. Gonzales is here, too. She was having tea with the Elders' wives. I don't know how much you know about her involvement in the magic community, but while she has never held office, she is an honorary High Wizard."

  "No shit?! I should go say hello. She mentioned something about High Wizard Virgil yesterday. She didn't tell me she is one, too."

  "She is only one of three women to ever hold that rank. Normally, you get that position after years of serving on the Council, and even then you have to be voted in, but she earned the honorary rank after her help in the Blackwood Massacre."

  "Massacre? I'm afraid to ask."

  "It happened long before we were born."

  "There's so much I don't know. Proof that the Council shouldn't be expecting me to use my talents for their liking."

  "Let's not worry about the Council tonight."

  "But I am worried. They think I killed someone. And I have a bad feeling about tonight."

  He lifted my chin with his finger. "Hey, don't worry about that tip thing. I'm sorry I even said anything."

  "It's not that. Alexa came by the store."

  "Is it still standing?"

  "So far. Went as well as you'd expect. Although, perhaps a little better since she didn't burn it down after she left." I looked off into the dark of the night. Spratlin had to ask me again what happened. "She knows."


  "That a witness said it was me."

  "That's their word against yours. You haven't done anything wrong, and in the end, justice will win. You'll see."

  He tried to hug me, but I pulled back. "I may have said something that will come back to haunt me."

  "Like what?"

  "Well, she threatened me, and then I told her that I didn't care about her enough to want to kill her. The look on her face," I shook my head. "I'll never forget that look."

  That time when he pulled me into his arms, I didn't fight it. He felt so good with his arms around me. We fit together like a glove, and for the first time in several days, all felt right with the world.

  Until I felt an unwelcome presence.

  "Well, well, well, if it isn't the two lovebirds."

  The screeching sound of her voice felt like sandpaper scraping in my ears. For a flashing second, I wondered how I knew she was there before she said anything. I pushed myself out of Spratlin's embrace and looked up at her and her two friends, Liz and Douchebag from the store. "Alexa. We were just talking about you."

  "Oh really?"

  "Yeah, we almost sat in bird shit. So glad we avoided that nasty experience."

  There was enough light bouncing off the water and from the lamps scattered around the property that I could see her nostrils flare when she huffed. It was almost too easy making her mad.

  "I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but what do you want?"

  "Oh, I just thought you two would like to know they're about to start. Wouldn't want the guest of honor to miss her big moment."

  "I'm sorry to have to steal the spotlight away from you," I spat back.


  Suddenly, I had a sharp pain in my head. Spratlin put his hand around my waist, and said to her, "Thanks for the info."

  Not wanting to show weakness, I took another jab. "Now, run along like good little puppies."

  Spratlin elbowed my arm. "Mackenzie! And you wonder why she likes to cause problems."

  Alexa snarled her lip and did her usual flipping of her fake blonde hair around as she walked away. Sure, I may egg her on, but that was the game we played. If one of us always had to get the upper hand, I'd rather it be me. Strike first, suffer the consequences later.

  Douchebag then turned around and said, "Oh, I hope it's okay. I took this from your store." He flashed a game box and then stuffed it back in his jacket.

  I lunged toward him. He jumped like a scared little boy, and he would've had good reason to if Spratlin had not held me back.

  "They're not worth it."

  "No, but I am. I will find a way to clear my name." I kicked the loose gravel. "And take her down in the process."

  "You shouldn't talk like that."

  "Like what? Like I'm fed up with her and her accusations? If Alexa, or you, or anyone else thinks I'm gonna stand by and watch her destroy me, well, get ready because you're in for one helluva show."


  Jeremy came bouncing down the garden path to us. "What the hell's her problem? Alexa just told me to go fuck off. She's the one who burned my damn house down."

  "That reminds me. Why the hell haven't charges been brought against Alexa for arson and attempted murder?"

  The two guys shared a look that I immediately didn't like.

  Spratlin replied, "Some things aren't worth causing a stink about."

  I threw up my hands. There was too much stupidity in that statement to deserve a response.

  Jeremy scratched his head not sure what to say about the Alexa ordeal. Instead, he asked, "Are you guys coming? It's about to start."

  "Jeremy, can we talk?" I turned to Spratlin, "You go on ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

  I could tell he thought I was hoping to get out of going to the ceremony, and he was right, but I really needed to clear the air with my friend first.

  "What's up, boss?"

  "I know things haven't been the best between us, and I thank you very much for keeping things tidy at the house lately. I'm sorry I blew up at you over that."

  "Hey, don't sweat it. You had every right. I just hope you aren't still pissed at me."

  "God no! I actually have an offer to make you. Hopefully it'll save our friendship." I blushed. "I know I'm not the easiest person to live with."

  "Whatcha got in mind?"

  "How would you like to move into the apartment above the store? At least for the time being."

  He lit up like a kid who just opened a new game console at Christmas. "Wow, really?"

  "I know it's not much, but at least we'd both get our privacy back. And there's plenty of room for you to have guests over. With just one stipulation."


  "You'll continue to fill in for me while I'm training."

  Jumping up and down, he said, "This is awesome! Yes, I'll do it!"

  "Great." I smiled. "You're the only person I trust to run the place when I'm not there. Besides, it'll be kinda nice knowing someone is always keeping an eye on things."

  We hugged and he took off into the crowd. I was glad it worked out. Knowing he will be tending the store and having his friendship cemented are two less things to worry about. Now to figure out how to clear my name and get Alexa off my back.

  As I made my way up the gravel path, Detectiv
e Bartlett stepped through the flowers and onto the path in front of me. "Ms. Adams, may I have a word?"

  Geez, you'd think I was the fucking High Witch as popular as I was tonight. "Detective. I'm actually on my way to the ceremony."

  "This will only take a moment." Sighing, my hand went to my hip. I didn't bother trying to hide my annoyance. "Ms. Adams, there's been another murder."

  Breath caught in my throat. Oh, God, another one? "That's horrible."

  The detective skimmed down his little black notepad. "Did you know a Thomas Johnson?"

  "Who?" I did my best to pretend I had zero idea who the hell that was.

  "He was found murdered in his home. We have reason to believe you knew him."

  "No, I don't." Hey, it wasn't a total lie. I honestly did not know the man.

  Then, the detective informed me of when the murder had happened. "Where were you that night?"

  "I don't know. I was probably at the store seeings as that's where I've been spending most of my time."

  "Where else do you spend your time?"

  "Here, obviously. Lemme get this straight. You, or the Council, or whomever, now thinks I had something to do with this Thomas guy's death, too? What evidence do you think you have?"

  "A witness said they saw someone with long brown hair talking with Mr. Johnson before his death."

  "Again with the brown hair. Hell, that narrows it down to me and half the damn town. What a great witness."

  "Careful, Ms. Adams."

  I looked toward the crowd and Spratlin was waving for me to join him. While the detective scanned his notes, I shrugged hoping it would get him to come down there.

  Then Detective Bartlett peered up at me from his notes, "Seems the suspect has three scars on her left wrist."

  My heart sank. Well, piss. That, however, does narrow it down even if the likelihood of seeing three tiny scars at night was possible. But he had that knowledge, so someone must have given it to him.

  "Do you have three scars on your wrist?"

  "Mackenzie, they're about to start. Oh, hi, Randall." Spratlin offered his hand and the man shook it. "What seems to be the problem?"

  The detective ignored Spratlin's question and placed the notebook back inside his jacket pocket. "Do you have any family or business dealings anywhere other than Blackwood?"

  "No." Again, it wasn't a total lie.

  "It would probably be best if you didn't leave town. You know, until we sort this out. That'll be all for now, Ms. Adams. I'm sure we'll speak again soon." Then, he walked up the path towards the party.

  "Damnit!" I said as I kicked the timber that ran alongside the gravel path.

  "What was that all about?"

  "Thomas Johnson. They think I killed him, too."

  "What did he say?"

  "He asked me if I knew him. I told him no, and left it at that."

  "You lied to the detective?"

  I had had about all I could take of being accused of things and pointed my finger at him. "Hey, I didn't lie. I just left out the whole truth."

  He ran his hands through his hair. Yeah, as if he's the frustrated one. "Oh, man. If they seize your computer, which they're likely to do, they'll know you lied."

  "I didn't fucking lie!"

  "You withheld information! Same thing!" Heads turned from the party toward our direction when they heard us yelling.

  "I think I'm being framed."

  "What?" He turned back toward the crowd for a moment not knowing what else to say. "You think it's Alexa."


  "Why would she kill Thomas Johnson?"

  "To fuck with me." I knew convincing him would be tough. "Right before you showed up, Detective Bartlett said the murderer had three scars on her wrist. Like mine. She must know somehow."

  His gaze grew intense as he listened.

  "Only it couldn't have been me. If I had done it with three scars, that would mean the murders would have taken place between Jeremy's party and the sewers."

  "What does that mean?"

  "The murder was more recent. I have four scars."

  He threw up his hands. "That's great! Let's go tell the detective." Spratlin offered out his hand to walk up the path together as a sign of support.

  "No, no, no. I'm not falling for that."

  "Come on, we'll go up on stage real quick and then talk to the detective."


  "You have to."

  "No, I don't. And I'm sick and tired of being told what I can and can't do. Ever since I discovered this stupid gift it's been nothing but a pain in my ass." I rubbed my forehead again. The sharp pain was getting worse.

  "What's wrong?"

  Not really wanting to continue our conversation, I mumbled, "Headache."

  "You've been getting those lately."

  I let out a long sigh. May as well enjoy not arguing for the time being. "Yeah. They seem to come on when I'm sensing something bad."

  "Do you know what is triggering it?"

  "I have a pretty good idea."

  "Me, too."

  And right as I said, "Alexa", he added his own reason.

  "Your Healer ability is evolving and expanding."


  "It can do that. As mages develop their magic, sometimes other abilities rise to the surface. I think you might be clairvoyant."

  Psychic powers? This was getting too weird even for a video gamer like me. It was like someone was creating my character and dropping points onto my skill tree at will.

  "Was your mother psychic?"

  If she was, she did a bang up job of hiding it. That, and being a witch. I threw up my arms. "I have no clue."

  "She never said anything about having an odd feeling about something, or feeling weird when going to a new place?"

  "Doesn't everybody do that at one time or another?"

  He took my hands in his. When my eyes didn't meet his, he lifted my chin. "It's not a bad thing. You'll get used to the headaches and learn to dissect what they mean."

  I hugged him. It was the only thing that felt right at the moment. Well, maybe other than running away. Fleeing the party hand in hand, hoping on his bike, and chasing the sunset was what I wanted to do more than anything. But Detective Bartlett put the kibosh on that idea. No, what I needed to do was find out who was trying to frame me and why. Maybe why, but especially the former.

  I heard my name called over the loud speaker and it jolted me out of my fantasy. Spratlin and I locked eyes. "Ready to go?"

  I broke the hug and stepped away shaking my head.

  "Mackenzie, people are expecting you. It's tradition."

  "I don't give a shit about tradition. I've got a bad feeling about this. That tip was right. Something is about to go down and me going on that stage is a bad idea." I started walking toward the lake, away from the party.

  "So, you're just gonna run away?"

  When I didn't respond Spratlin grabbed my arm, but my jacket prevented him from getting a good grip. "No way I'm going up on that stage."

  I was at the pond by the time he caught me. "Mackenzie! Please listen to me!" We were out of earshot from the crowd and mostly eyesight, so I played it cool and let him speak. "You're making a mistake if you do this."

  "This life just isn't for me."

  "What are you saying? That you're leaving the coven? You can't do that. And even if you could, going rogue isn't a good idea. You'll be labeled a Dark Daughter if you do."

  I stifled a laugh. "A what?"

  "Dark Daughter, Sinful Son. It's what mages are called who aren't affiliated with a coven."

  "Oh, Jesus. Again with the labels. I don't give a shit. I've been a misfit my whole damn life. I'm not interested in being a part of some club now."

  "Coven," Spratlin reminded, again.

  "What. The. Fuck. Ever. Being a part of a group is not my thing. I've always been a loner, and I've managed just fine. Besides, look what being involved with witches and their coven has done for me. Murder suspect wasn
't on my bucket list."

  "Look, going up on that stage will be a show of good faith. Faith that the Council will find you innocent because you are."

  I was fuming and didn't want to say anything I'd regret.

  "Show them that you aren't afraid of their accusations. After that, it's your choice whether you join or not."

  As much as I hated to admit it, he had a point. Running would make me look guilty as hell. I rubbed my temples to try and ease the pain. It didn't help. Getting out of there was the only thing that would, and the faster, the better.

  "Let's get this shit over with."


  High Wizard Virgil announced my name. I threw my shoulders back and walked up the stairs to the stage. Most of the crowd clapped. Some seemed indifferent, not because I was under suspicion of murder, but more likely because I was just another average witch. Heh, I'd show them average.

  I shook his hand but denied to address the crowd with anything other than 'thank you'.

  High Wizard Virgil turned to the crowd again. "And now it's time for the customary display of magic."

  What the hell was he talking about?

  "Ms. Adams," he motioned for me to approach the front of the stage again. "Would you please demonstrate your magical element?"

  I must've looked scared out of my mind because he then whispered to me, "Shoot your magic."

  Oh. Okay. Seemed simple enough. Did he want me to just strike down someone in the audience? Or shoot it into the air and hope it didn't fall on someone?

  I looked around at something safe to strike with lightning. Off to the side of the crowd was an empty chair. I figured the worst it would do is send a chair leg flying into the air.

  Lightning warmed my palm. I brought up my hand and flung an Electro Bolt at the chair. The force of the zap sent the chair tumbling into the air, and the electricity singed the metal where the bolt struck. People cheered. Easily amused.

  Not that I was going to be swayed by their acceptance, but before High Wizard Virgil could say any more, the ground rumbled. The earth shook and a dark cloud formed overhead.

  "The hell?" I mumbled.

  Spratlin ran up on stage beside me.

  Lightning struck the ground, and purple smoke rose back up to the sky. It was like something out of a horror movie. One where the world was about to be obliterated.


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