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Side Effects of Loving You 2

Page 15

by Dominique Thomas

  “Angel, who the fuck is this bitch you got around my fucking children! Nigga you must be out of your mind!” she yelled and he grabbed her up and walked her ass out of VIP. I sat back down while her girls all frowned at me. I stared at their ass until they decided to walk off. I wasn’t trying to fight anyone, but I wasn’t going to allow a bitch to punk me either. I was not the one to fuck with. Ameer stepped into the VIP with Sophie and two white guys. I looked at them and shook my head. I just know this nigga did not mean Ameer’s ass was his business associate and didn’t tell me. He was trying to be funny for real.

  “What’s up, O, what you doing here?” he asked looking handsome in a suit similar to Angel’s. I stood up to give him and Sophie a quick hug and we all sat down. I searched for what to say while Ameer stared at me with his hazel eyes.

  “She’s here with Angel,” Sophie said speaking up for me. I looked away while Ameer said something up under his breath. I knew that I wasn’t in the wrong, but I still felt bad as hell. Shit I felt so uncomfortable.

  “What’s up?” Angel spoke as he stepped back into VIP with a long scratch on the side of his face. I shook my head further more pissed off at him. I couldn’t wait to get his fucking ass alone. Ameer stood up and walked up on Angel.

  “Aye let me holla at you,” he said and walked away. Angel followed after him and Sophie turned to me.

  “It’s something you should know,” she said and before she could finish her sentence Kadar stepped into VIP with Aamil following after him. My fucking heart fell into the pit of my stomach. Kadar and Aamil stopped talking when they spotted me. I’m sure my fucking face was a deep shade of red.

  “What the fuck you doing here?” Kadar snapped narrowing his eyes at me. Angel and Ameer walked back into VIP arguing with each other and Kadar lost it. He punched Angel in the face and Angel’s men ran up on them and pulled them apart. Ameer held back Kadar while Angel’s men held him back. I stood up and looked at both of them. I would have never come if I knew that they would be here. Angel’s fucking ass was trying to be funny and he double fucked me in the end.

  “Really, O, you here with this fuck ass nigga!” Kadar yelled looking so hurt.

  “Olivia, let’s go!” Angel barked and fixed his tie. Kadar and his brothers looked at Angel like they were ready to kill his ass.

  “Nigga you better calm that shit down. Olivia, isn’t your fucking woman,” Ameer said looking at Angel. Angel fixed his watch and looked at me. He didn’t look worried or scared just angrier than anything.

  “Olivia, are you leaving with me or him?” Angel asked.

  “Olivia, get over here,” Kadar demanded now standing on his own and breathing extremely hard. I held my head down and walked over to the man that helped me to bring another life into this world. I could hear Angel chuckle.

  “Alright, I’ll get up with you later then,” Angel said and walked away. I looked at Kadar and he gave me a look that sent chills down my spine. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the club with his brother’s following behind us. We all went to our cars and I rode silently with Kadar next to me. He had the music low and was looking at the road with this intense look on his face. I had never been afraid of a man except for when Raynard killed my son and now here as I sat beside Kadar, I felt some of that fear. I didn’t know what he was thinking and I didn’t like that.

  “Kadar...we aren’t together,” I reminded him. Kadar bit down on his bottom lip for a moment before speaking.

  “Did you fuck him and don’t fucking lie to me?”

  I looked out of the window and took a deep breath. I wasn’t Kadar’s fiancée anymore, I could fuck who I wanted so really he had no right to be acting like this.

  “Yea, I did.”


  Kadar pulled over on the side of the street and looked at me. He grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled it so hard that I winced out in pain.

  “If you ever fuck with him again, I’ll kill both of y’all. Do you believe me?” he asked and I stared back into his eyes. Shit at the moment I did. I nodded and he let my hair go. He rubbed my cheek like he hadn’t just threatened my life and he pulled off. “I’m tired of playing this fucking game with you, O. So what we gon’ do is make up and move on with our fucking lives. I’ma move in with you and we’re going to get married and pretend none of this shit happened and if Angel so much as look at you, I’ma put two bullets in his head and send his body to his pops in Mexico. Okay?” he asked calmly. I was positive that Kadar had lost his fucking mind. I didn’t wanna push him, so I agreed with him. I would just do me regardless and I wasn’t letting him move into my fucking home.

  “Okay, Kadar,” I said quietly and he smiled. He cut on the radio and started rapping along with Kasam’s new group like shit was all good.

  “I fuck with these niggas especially, Durand that nigga goes hard,” he said and started rapping the parts to the song. I stretched out in the seat and closed my eyes.

  Over the next few days, Kadar snuck his shit into my house. I wasn’t sure how he even fucking got my extra house key. I was tired of arguing with him about the shit. I was tempted to call the fucking cops because he was just going to force his fucking way back into my life.

  “What’s the problem? You not hungry?” Kadar asked as the movers brought in his boxes. The same niggas that had taken my shit away from me. I pushed his bitch ass food that he bought me to the side and glared at him. Angel had been calling me so much that I had to block his number because I was scared Kadar’s unstable ass would check my phone.

  “Kadar, this isn’t cool. I talked to Mason and he wants you to give him a call.” Kadar stopped eating to look at me. He was fresh out of one of Aamil’s barbershops and dressed down in sweats.

  “O, what’s up?” I stood up and pointed to all of his shit that was in my new place.

  “This is what’s up! You just moving into my shit like it’s all good nigga. I been asked to work on our problems and you pushed me to the side. You fucked your hoes and acted like I didn’t matter. Why the fuck would I wanna work this shit out with you, Kadar? You obviously only want me because you see someone else does.” Kadar stood up and walked up on me. He grabbed my hand and took me to my bedroom.

  “Yeah, seeing you actually with that nigga was a wakeup call for me. The last few months have been hell. I did alot of shit that I’m not proud of and I’m sorry. I will never put my hands on you again and I’m through with those hoes. I want us to really try to make this shit work before we just say fuck it. We got alot to lose,” he said and I shook my head. Kadar hugged me and pulled me over to the bed. We both sat down and he looked me in the eyes.

  “One last try and if the shit don’t work then at least we can say we gave it our all. Can you give me that, O?” I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

  “I really don’t wanna forgive you. All the shit you’ve done.” Kadar slid beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “One last try…please,” he whispered and kissed me on my cheek. I closed my eyes and nodded praying I had made the right choice.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I’m losing my mind,” I said looking at my pops and my brother. Aamil shook his head and blew weed smoke out of his mouth. A month had gone by and I was still fighting with what to do to Angel. I had been dreaming about killing him for weeks now.

  “Nigga I understand, but are you staying with her now?”

  “Hell yeah. I wasn’t going to allow for that nigga Angel to slide in my spot. It took a lot of fighting and begging, but I moved into that bitch. It’s just hard being around her without thinking about them fucking on top of her calling out his name. I wanna murk this nigga!” I yelled and threw my cup across the room. My pops looked at me.

  “Then go to war with the Gunmar cartel? Those motherfuckas is ruthless. We’d have to take the whole family to Mexico just to be safe Kadar. If she’s with you then you won and you still getting that money regardless of what happen
ed. The construction has started, you all really don’t have to kick it with him on no fucking personal level,” he said and I shook my head. I wasn’t trying to hear that shit. That nigga had tried me way too many times when it came to O, and I felt like the only way he could hear what I was saying was if I did my talking with my gun. I looked at Aamil and he smiled.

  “Nigga it’s whatever,” he replied and our pops stood up.

  “No, the fuck it’s not! I’ve watched them drop off dead babies to their enemies’ homes. Do y’all wanna bring that kind of danger to my grandbabies? Huh? Pride will get you fucking killed! Be smart about this shit and don’t think I’m scared. I also know not to start a fight I might not fucking win. I’m telling y’all they out number us and they don’t give a fuck about killing women and kids. These men are not hood thugs, no they are natural born killers. Breaded from the start to be ruthless and heartless. They’ve done shit that would scare you two spoiled motherfuckas, so stop acting like y’all fucking Scarface and think about the bigger picture.”

  Aamil and I looked at our pops with blank stares on our faces. He shook his head and walked out of the room. We both laughed knowing that shit was going to piss him off. He was talking some real shit though, so I soaked in what he said. I looked at my brother and asked him something that I really didn’t want to but I needed to hear his answer.

  “Look no disrespect, but I gotta know this. How do you handle what happened between me and Drew? Do you secretly hate me and shit? Do you trust us? Do you trust, Drew?” I asked and he sat back in his seat. Aamil ran his hands over his face and I could tell that he was very uncomfortable with the question.

  “I’m not trying to put you on the spot I just need to know. I love, Olivia, and I wanna make her happy, but I can’t get past the shit with her and Angel.” Aamil let out a ragged breath.

  “I know. Shit look, it’s like this. I don’t have a problem with you anymore. For a minute, I didn’t trust you on some real shit because I would see how you looked at her when you didn’t think I was looking, but Drew actually helped me with getting over the shit. Man that fucking girl loves me. Like she loves a nigga dirty drawers and all and I knew. I knew that no matter what happened with y’all that she loved and wanted me. She makes me secure with my position in her life and she showed me that I was the only nigga that could do that for her. I deal with it because I don’t wanna lose my wife over pride. I’d give my all for her including something as simple as an ego. You’d be one single ass nigga with your pride and ego if you following that shit. I did what I had to do as a man to keep my family together because I knew I would never love another woman the way that I loved Drew. Now if you love Olivia as much as you say that you do, you gonna really find a way to make it work. You owe her and Bella that. I can hook y’all up with my therapist,” he replied and I nodded appreciating his real words. Aamil chuckled looking over at me.

  “All you gotta do is work with the nigga, imagine him sharing the same blood as you. Now that shit would really fuck you up. Take your ass home and find a way to make it work with your girl,” he said and I laughed. Hell yeah he was a lot fucking stronger than me.


  “Why you keep staring at me?” O asked frowning at me. I shrugged and kept on picking over my food. We had just gotten back from our first counseling session and bringing up all of that shit with me and Drew had her heated. Shit, I didn’t wanna talk about that shit either, but I knew that we would eventually get to the shit she had done so I was good because I wasn’t the only one that had fucked up.

  “I’m just looking at you. Come here,” I said pushing my plate away from me. O stood up and slowly walked over to me. She sat on my lap and I looked her in the eyes. “I love you and I’m sorry for cheating on you. You didn’t deserve that and I’m sorry. I really am, Olivia. I love you and I wanna make this work,” I said looking her in the eyes. O’s face softened as she looked me in the eyes. She had the same eyes as Bella and the fact that I could lose her to Angel was fucking me up. Yeah, I took her for granted, but a part of me felt like she would never leave. I guess she showed my ass, but I wasn’t going to let her slide that nigga up in my fucking spot without at least fighting for her. I see now that I could have been showing her in better ways that I loved her and stopped focusing on just being with her because Drew didn’t want me because I did love her ass.

  “I love you, O,” I said and kissed her on the lips. O rubbed her breast against my chest as she kissed me back. I stood up and carried her into the bedroom. Olivia’s place was cool, but I needed more room. I wouldn’t pressure her about getting a house again until our relationship was where it should be. I sat O down onto the bed and cut the bedroom light off. I lit some candles that were on her dresser and turned on her “Weekend” playlist. O looked at me nervously like we hadn’t had sex before. I took off my hoodie and smiled at her.

  “You nervous?”

  She shook her head, but I could tell she was lying because she wasn’t looking me in the eyes. I took off my pants and walked over to the bed. O crawled over to me and started kissing me on my stomach. She grabbed my dick and kissed the tip of it. I closed my eyes and groaned deep in my throat. O was good at everything that she did including fucking. She tried to take all of me into her mouth and I pulled her up.

  “No, O, I don’t want that.” Olivia frowned at me and took off her shirt. She stood up on the bed and took off her jeans and her underwear. I kissed on her thighs and pulled her legs until she fell back. She giggled as she bounced off of the soft ass bed. Her shit was a little too soft for me, but I wasn’t going to complain. I was just happy to be back in it.

  “I missed you so fucking much, O,” I said sliding up her body. I kissed her on the lips and flipped over pulling her on top of me. Olivia sat up and looked down at me with heavy lust filled eyes. I wanted some of that slow, deep, fucking from her tonight. I just wanted to be deep inside of her all night. I palmed her soft ass and played with her nipple.

  “Ride me, slowly.” O nodded and sat up so that she could slowly slide onto my dick. The minute her wetness wrapped around me, we both groaned and she slid down. She moaned and her head fell back when she sat all the way on me. I made my dick jump inside of her and she whimpered. I slapped her ass and squeezed it. “Move baby.” O winded her hips and slowly moved to the beat.

  Bring your love baby, I could bring my shame

  Bring your drugs baby, I could bring my pain

  I got my heart right here

  I got my scars right here

  Bring the cups baby, I could bring the drink

  Bring your body baby I could bring you fame

  And that’s my motherfucking words too

  Just let me motherfucking love you

  O dipped down and I thrust deep into her at his words. I sat up and started fucking her so hard that her titties bounced. She got wetter and wetter and her mouth fell open. Her pussy tightened around my dick and I knew she was close. I grabbed her ass and squeezed it hard as I stuck my dick as deep into her as it would go.

  “Give it to me, O. Cum all over your dick baby,” I coached her and she started moaning, she looked down at me with quivering lips and her pussy put my dick in a vice grip.

  “Oh, shit, Kadar! Ah baby, damn, I love you so much,” she let out in between her moans. She fell onto my chest and I continued to fuck her. My dick was soaked with her juices, but I wasn’t ready to cum yet. I had just gotten up in my shit. I rolled O onto her side and I threw her leg up in the air. I started to slowly slide in and out of her. I once heard this nigga say it was nothing like fucking your pussy and man was he right. Random pussy was okay, but to be up in your shit was a blessing. I closed my eyes and raised her leg higher digging into her ass so deep she yelped out each time I hit it.

  “Oh, fuck baby! You feel so good,” she said and moaned. I kissed her shoulder and licked on her neck.

  “You do too baby. I love this pussy so much. I’ma make her cream all night, O, you hear me?”
I asked and started pumping into her even harder. O’s leg started shaking and she started reaching for something to grab on. I let her leg fall down, so that I could rub on her clit and O starting cumming again. The minute I knew she was finished, I flipped her over onto her stomach and pulled her up onto her knees. I spread her ass cheeks apart and stuck my tongue in both holes before slowly sliding back into her. O held on to her headboard and started throwing that fat ass back at me. I smiled proud of my baby and slapped her on it.

  “Good girl, make your dick cum baby. Show me what my pussy can do,” I coached her and she went even harder. She pulled herself up more on the headboard and started bouncing that ass on me like it was nothing. Just looking at her fuck me back had me on ten. I gripped her ass and within minutes shot off inside of her. O fell down onto the bed and I slowly pulled out of her. I fell by her side trying to catch my breath. I looked at her and was surprised to see she was staring at me. Her eyes were watery and she looked sad. I was thrown off because I thought I had hit it good. Shit I was gearing up for round two.

  “What’s wrong ma?” O shook her head and gave me a lazy smile.

  “Nothing, I just love you so much and it scares me. You could make me so happy or you can break my heart. I don’t like being vulnerable like that. It scares me, Kadar. What if we can’t make this work?” I turned onto my side and pulled her close to me. I kissed her a couple of times and rubbed her back. Sometimes women could over analyze shit instead of just letting it play out.

  “If we want to make it work, it will. Do you still wanna be with me?” Olivia nodded and felt a little bit of pressure ease off of me. “I wanna be with you too. Stop worrying baby and let’s just be us again. I know I been fucking up, but I’m dedicated to making it work. I’ma be the man that you deserve, O. No more bullshit. I promise.” Olivia looked at me for a moment and then smiled.

  “Okay, then let’s really try on a clean slate,” she said and I kissed her again. I was going to do whatever I had to do to ensure she ended up with my last name.


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