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Side Effects of Loving You 2

Page 16

by Dominique Thomas

  Chapter Twenty


  YoU aRe OnE

  DuMb BiTcH!

  WhEn I SaY YoUr

  DaY iS CoMiNg

  Im NoT PlAyInG!

  I sat the third letter down onto the detective’s desk. Mina had been taping letters to my front door of my store for three days now. For once, I wanted the law to handle her. Aamil and I were doing good and I didn’t want her dumb ass to fuck up the happy life I was now living. I wasn’t afraid of her, but that bitch should most definitely be afraid of me because I was locked, loaded, and ready to shoot her ass the minute she resurfaced.

  I knew that if Aamil knew about the threats, he would ask me to stop working and I wasn’t having that. Mina was not about to run my life or change the way we do things. No, I would not give that bitch control like that.

  “Look I just wanna live my life and not worry about this woman. Is that too much to ask for?” I asked the cute, brown skinned detective. He had that Dwayne Johnson thing going on and everything. His ass looked like he had stepped right off the set of Fast and The Furious.

  “No Mrs. Matin you shouldn’t have to worry about that. This woman has a record already and after what she did to you there is a warrant out for her arrest. The minute we catch up to her, she’s going to jail. Until then, you need to really be careful. She’s obviously out to get you so switch up the way you do things. Open your store at a different time. Things that she won’t expect and always have someone with you. Who knows what she’s capable of? Do you have your concealed weapons license?” he asked and I shook my head. Hell I had a gun, but I was out here dirty.

  “My brother runs a class that’s only two weeks long. Can you start going today?” I did have a date with Aamil, but this was very important.

  “Yeah, I can,” I replied and he gave me his number. I texted Aamil canceling the date as I left the police station and he called me.

  “You know I wanted to see that damn movie, Drew,” he said the minute I answered the phone. I checked out my surroundings as I got into my car. I locked the doors and put on my seatbelt.

  “I know baby and we will. I just need to handle some stuff at the store. The movie isn’t going anywhere, Aamil,” I told him as I drove off. Aamil sighed on the other end of the phone being a damn baby. Something caught my attention and I looked to my left. In the car next to me was Mina with this big ass smile on her face. I dropped the phone and looked at her. She was wearing a long wig, but she looked healthy. She swerved towards me and I quickly swerved my car to the right. The car behind me honked the horn as I watched Mina roll her window down. A brick flew out of her hand and through my window. I screamed the minute the glass shattered and stopped my car. The car behind me crashed into a pole just to avoid hitting me. My cellphone started ringing as I wiped broken glass off of me. I looked up just to make sure Mina wasn’t near me. This bitch had lost her fucking mind!

  “Are you okay?” this white guy yelled running up. I nodded and grabbed my phone. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

  “Drew, what the fuck happened?” Aamil asked. I took, deep calming breaths trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

  “Aamil, Mina just threw a brick through the window of my car,” I replied.

  “What! Where are you at?” I told him my location and ended the call. The onlooker helped me get out of the car and the police arrived minutes later. I made another report and Aamil arrived shortly after looking like a madman. He walked up to me the same time as the detective that I had just talked to did. I was only a few feet away from the police station, but I was still shocked to see him. He looked me over as Aamil held me.

  “Was it her?” he asked and Aamil frowned looking at him.

  “Yeah, she said it was. Y’all better catch that bitch before I do,” he warned him and I squeezed his hand to calm him down. He did not need to be saying shit like that in front of the fucking cops. He was slipping for real.

  “Baby calm down.”

  “Calm down? Look at your fucking face, Drew, its cut the fuck up! That bitch better be on her way out of the fucking country,” he said and walked off. The detective looked at me and shook his head.

  “He’s angry like any husband would be, but he’s also a Matin, so I have to say his threats can’t be taken lightly. I’ll have someone watch your store. Please make it to that class tonight. Your safety depends on it,” he said and walked away. I gently touched my scratches on the side of my face and wondered if I should be worried about Mina. This bitch was obviously out to get me and it seemed like she wasn’t going to stop until I was dead.


  “I’m okay,” I said looking at my sisters. Everyone was over my house checking on me because my husband was on a rampage to find Mina so he was out with his brothers on the hunt for her. I had just gotten in from my first CCW class that Erin attended with me. I was ready for bed, but I appreciated them wanting to be with me. I even appreciated Olivia coming over. It was no secret we didn’t get along, but I would try to my best to at least be cordial to her. She didn’t stay long and I didn’t blame her.

  “Drew, this bitch got to get her ass beat. Fuck them finding her we need to be on the hunt for her ass,” Sophie said pacing back and forth in front of my bed. “I mean damn how she gon’ be mad at you because she in love with your husband? This bitch is delusional,” Sophie ranted. “Ol’ nappy headed ass, corn toed bitch. Her fucking feet were so fucked up. I saw them one day when she had on some sandals and I had to do a double take. Her fucking pinkie toe was missing a nail and that bitch only has a little stub on it. Shit, how did he fuck that ashy kneed bitch in the first fucking place?” she asked. I looked at Erin and we both laughed. Sophie’s ass was crazy.

  “Hell, I don’t know and yes I saw her feet too, Sophie. Her shit is fucked up.” I looked at Erin and rubbed her back. She had been really sick lately. I was starting to get worried about her. “You okay, Erin?” Erin nodded and rubbed her eyes.

  “Yeah, just tired. I’m not pregnant, so please don’t ask me that. I’ve just been working on my new location and doing that along with helping Kasam get his new group off of the ground has me tired. He seems to think I’m fucking superwoman then there’s KJ’s little bad ass. I swear that boy wants to play at the park all day long. The minute I get him to chill out, Kasam comes home and gets him hyped up again. They walking around the house rapping to each other and shit. I can’t get a fucking break,” she said and sighed. Sophie and I both nodded knowing exactly how she felt. Shit we dealt with the same shit. I would never want a different life, but it was hard being a wife, mother, and business owner. Only by the grace of God was I making it happen.

  “Well, if you need me to watch him just bring him by. You know I will,” I offered her.

  “Yeah, but you got Aamilah and Shad then Sophie got her bad ass crew.” I laughed and Sophie looked at us.

  “Y’all gon’ stop talking about my damn kids. Y’all kids is bad as fuck too. Aamilah done fucked up all kinds of makeup I got, then KJ’s little ass pissed all over my good fucking blanket because he wanna take naked naps. So y’all leave my babies alone they just misunderstood,” she said and eventually ended up laughing. I looked at her.

  “You must mean misunderstood as in not getting enough whoopings. I know Ameer be on your ass when you whoop his kids, but I don’t think they ass get whopped enough. Ahmad is getting worse every time I see his little grown ass!” Erin smiled at me.

  “Okay!” she said and we high fived. Sophie was mad as hell as she looked at us. We thought it was funny, but she didn’t play when it came to her kids.

  “Fuck y’all bitches. Aamil spoil his kids the same damn way. Leave my family alone before I fuck both of y’all up. Now, let’s cut on this damn movie before y’all piss me off,” she snapped and turned on our most favorite movie to watch while being together.

  “Just Another Girl on the IRT,” Erin said excitedly and we all yelled out. “Bitch he got a jeep,” and laughed. Yes it felt
so good to be with my sisters.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Look I really shouldn’t be here, but I wanted to tell you to your face that you have to stop calling me.” Angel licked his lips and sat back in his seat. He was looking like he was the nigga to see in a navy suit with a black shirt. His cologne floated in the air between us making my stomach turn. I covered my nose and looked at him. I was really not feeling this shit.

  “I wanted to apologize for Portia coming at you like that and putting you in that situation. You dipped out on a nigga for a month and a half. So I guess it’s safe to say you back with Kadar,” he replied. I nodded scooting my chair back. I stood up and walked quickly to the bathroom. I went into the first stall and threw up everything that I had eaten. I made sure I was done before flushing the toilet. I walked out of the stall, washed my face and hands before joining Angel at the table. He put his phone down and looked at me.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, I really had to use the bathroom.” Angel stared at me for a moment before nodding.

  “Is it too late for us?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it is,” Kadar said sitting down at the table. I told him about my meeting with Angel because he had been working so hard with trying to fix our broken relationship. I knew that this would hurt Angel, but I needed to show him that my love and loyalty lied with Kadar. Shit I needed to show Kadar that. Now, if only I could sit next to Kadar with his cologne surrounding me, and not dry heave, I would be good.

  “Damn, so it’s like that?” Angel asked looking hurt. He pulled some money out of his pocket to cover his food and Kadar shook his head.

  “No, need for that, we got you covered,” Kadar said with a cocky grin on his face and Angel smiled. His eyes were cold and hard as he stood up. He placed his hands in his pockets and looked down at us. I was so focused on not vomiting again that all I could do was hold my head down and discreetly cover my nose. I had been feeling sick for the last few days and I honestly didn’t wanna even think about why.

  “It’s cool. I ain’t never been pressed about shit, but getting money. You got your woman and that’s good for y’all. It was cool while it lasted, O, there’s no hard feelings,” Angel said and walked away. Kadar turned to me with a frown on his face and I threw up all over his lap.


  “You sure you okay?” Kadar asked me. We had been home for a few hours and I was feeling much better.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I ate some shit that messed up my stomach.” Kadar kissed me and I rested my head against his chest. Counseling was helping us so much, but if I was pregnant then all of that could be for nothing. An abortion wasn’t an option for me because I didn’t agree with that and I wouldn’t expect him to raise another man’s child.

  “You sure, you was sick yesterday too?” Kadar asked surprising me. He hadn’t paid attention to me like that in a while. I liked that he was really trying to change for the better.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. So how long will you be out of town baby?” Kadar was leaving in a few days to visit with Mason. The last time he left all type of hell broke loose, but I wasn’t going to worry. Our only threat now was Mina and that bitch wasn’t really a threat at all.

  “Well, I was thinking that you would come with me this time. Bella needs to see my grandfather and know where my family’s bloodline resides. Can you make that trip?” he asked and my whole face lit up. I leaned over and kissed him so happy to be included in his plans. With Kadar, all I ever wanted was to be everything to him that he was to me. I always put him first, so I wanted the same in return. I didn’t feel like that was a lot to ask for.

  “Of course, I can. I have a party to plan, but I can start the initial planning and let Quinn or our cousin finish the job. I can’t wait to go, I must go shopping!” I said excitedly and he laughed. He kissed me again and turned the TV on. Slowly, but surely we were getting back on track. All I needed to do was make sure I wasn’t pregnant and we would be good.


  I walked into my meeting bright and early the next day feeling sick as hell. I decided to wear leggings, which I had never done with a tank top, shawl, and my riding boots. I pulled my hair away from my face and wore my Prada shades. I was feeling like shit and happy that Kadar had left already, so he hadn’t seen me with my face in the toilet all morning.

  “Hey boo you feeling okay?” Quinn asked walking into my office. I looked at her and took my glasses off. She stopped smiling and gave me a once over. “Well, I see you don’t. Still feeling sick?” I nodded and rubbed at my eyes.

  “I think I’m pregnant, Quinn.” Quinn’s face fell and she stepped into my office. She sat across from me with a blank expression on her face.

  “Pregnant? You just got back with Kadar. How far along are you or was y’all fucking while split up. I know how that goes too, but another baby so soon? I see Erin and nem done rubbed off you,” she said smiling.

  “Well not necessarily because I fucked Angel too, so if I’m pregnant he could be the father. Kadar and I just started back having sex.”

  “Well, have you taken a test?” Quinn asked sitting up in her seat. My little sister was looking so beautiful today in her black pencil skirt with her cream top and black boots. She looked happy and that was a good look on her.

  “No, and I’m not taking one,” I said pulling out my phone. I could feel Quinn’s eyes on me.

  “Why the fuck you not?”

  “Because I’m not. Now, I’m meeting with our newest client today. I can start her party, but you will have to finish it without me because I’m going to Mexico with Kadar.” I looked at Quinn and she nodded. She knew how I got when I put my mind to something. I would take a pregnancy test when I was good and ready to. Seeing those results made this shit real and right now, I wanted to enjoy the now so no, I wasn’t taking a test. Not any time soon.

  “Okay, I’ll have her sent into the conference room when she gets here,” she said and stood up. She walked out of the room and my cellphone rung. I looked at the screen and saw Kadar was facetiming me. I smiled, but quickly frowned when I realized how bad I was looking. I licked my lips and answered his call. He popped up onto the screen looking sexy as hell. He had gym gear on and was laid out on the bed.

  “Hey baby,” I spoke smiling at him. He smiled back, but I could see that he was checking me out.

  “What’s up, O, how you feeling? I came through this morning to grab my gym bag and vomit was on the side of the fucking toilet. You was throwing up again?” My heartbeat increased, but I had to play it cool. His ass was being a little too fucking observant now.

  “I thought I cleaned that up. I was brushing my teeth and swallowed too much toothpaste. I went to spit it out and ended up throwing up on the side of the toilet.” Kadar looked at me and it took a lot for me not to cower under his gaze.

  “Yeah, okay well, I gotta go. See you tonight at the counseling session,” he said and ended the call. I put my phone away and saw my cousin standing in the doorway. I looked up at her and she smiled.

  “Hey, Quinn had to run out and your 11:30 is here in the small conference room,” she said. I stood up and followed her into my smallest conference room in my office. I stepped through the door and smiled. This bitch.

  “Hi, Olivia,” Portia said standing up. I walked over to her and shook her hand. If she was paying, she was getting a service. All the other shit was irrelevant to me.

  “Hi, Portia, I’m surprised to see you here but I guess I shouldn’t be,” I said sitting down. My cousin brought me my MacBook, pen, and paper. She also set up our power point system on the blackboard so that I could show her some of the other party’s that we had organized.

  “So, what type of party are you looking to get out of us?” Portia looked down at her manicured nails and adjusted this ridiculously big diamond ring that sat on her middle finger.

  “Well, it’s for my children’s father so it has to be huge. He doesn’t do ordinary or basic. I’m kind of s
urprised he had you on his arm,” she replied. I giggled and my cousin brought me some coffee. Just the smell of it had me sick as hell. I sat up in my seat and looked at Portia.

  “You paid in full for a party and you have twenty four hours to ask for a refund. If this is a game to you, then you need to pick your boney ass legs up and walk out of here. If you really want to throw Angel a party then stay. We both know what he likes, so I’m sure this is a party that he would never forget.” Portia frowned and balled her fists up. Job or not if this bitch jumped up, I was going to lay her ass out. I was pretty, but I could fight. Portia looked like she hadn’t fought a day in her life.

  “What are you to him? Why the fuck is he parading you around my city? Taking you shopping and shit?” she asked. I rested my elbows onto the table and closed my eyes. I really wasn’t in the mood for this. I pulled my necklace from under my shirt and showed her the ring that hung from it.

  “The man that gave me this is the man that I am with. Angel means nothing to me, Portia. I don’t want him and I definitely don’t owe you shit.” Portia chuckled and drunk down some of her coffee. My stomach jumped and I knew what was about to happen. I stood up and walked out of the office not giving Portia’s ass a second thought. I rushed to the public restroom and went into the first stall. I threw up what I could and wiped my mouth. I turned around and this bitch was standing against the sink watching me.

  “It looks like you are something to him. If you think for a second that Angel is going to stop taking care of me and my kids, then you are delusional. We might not be together, but we love each other. He does his thing and I do mines, but our agreement was to never get serious with anyone else. Divorced or not, we still belong to each other. I kept up my end of the bargain, but that night when I saw you two, I knew. I could see it in his eyes that he was falling for you. Now, he doesn’t even wanna fuck me like I’m some random bitch. I gave that nigga three kids! Let him raise them because I had to finish school and do my modeling shit, but that doesn’t mean I’ma bad mother. I love my children and I love Angel. We just couldn’t make our marriage work. What do you want from him?” she asked. I walked to the sink next to her and rinsed my mouth out. I looked at Portia and I could see that she too was just another woman in love with a fucking man.


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