The Deluge
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‘People from Another World’ 128
post-armistice challenges 234–5
and Sinn Fein 79
and Soviet gold reserves 427
speech of 29 July 1918 to party’s Central Committee 165–6
SR mocking by 128
and the suppression of Constituent Assembly 128
views: of capitalism 141; of history 141–2; of imperialist war 142
and Wilson 10, 17, 21, 109, 146; 14 Points manifesto 123
Li Yuanhong 91–2, 98, 100–101
Liberal Party, Britain see Britain and the United Kingdom: Liberal Party
and the 1920s 9
and the corrupt ‘old world’ 17
economic liberalism with free-floating exchange rate 501
embedded market-based 488
free trade 13, 14, 75, 501
as guard against resurgence of imperialism 488
imperial liberalism 15–16, 375, 383–93
interwar derailment of 17–21; and the 1918 summer politics of intervention 156–70; and the ‘Dark Continent’ model 17–18, 20, 26; and the destructive >force of imperialism 19–23; and the hegemonic crisis model 18–20, 26
and Japan 259
Keynesian ‘real liberalism’ 501
laissez-faire 300
New World support for European 312
and the Open Door 15–16, 44, 103, 205, 397, 405
and race 392–3
sentimental 272
and ‘Western values’ 10
Wilson on 232–3
and Wilsonian propaganda 17
and Wilson’s 14 Points manifesto 119–23, 198, 233
World War I and the coalition of liberal powers 511
see also democracy
Liberty Bonds/Loans 206–7, 208, 215, 216, 342, 343, 344
Libya 233
Liebknecht, Karl 131, 238–9
Liga Patriotica 353
Lincheng 406
Lincoln, Abraham 41
Lindsay, Sir Ronald 507
Lithuania 114, 116, 139, 411
declaration as a republic 232
Livonia 167
Lloyd George, David, Ist Earl 3, 21, 42, 178–9, 432, 436
and 1917 joint conference of US and British War Cabinet 196–8
1918 election 245
American appeal, over Wilson’s head 203
as an exponent of liberal Empire 179
and Armenia 378
and Bohemia 281
and the Bolsheviks 235–6, 411
and Brest-Litovsk 109
on the British Empire 392
and British wages 246
Cannes Conference 429–30
charisma 173–4
Coalition government 40, 48–9, 245–9
and Danzig 282
and deflation 359
Democratic Programme of Reconstruction 248
end of premiership 438
Fontainebleau memorandum 285
and France 59; Franco-American clashes 298
Genoa Conference see Genoa Conference
and German reparations 249–50, 293, 314
and Germany’s appeal for credit 427–8
and Hitler 306
and the ideological leadership of the war 197–8
and India 181, 387, 388, 389
and the Inter-Allied Conference (November 1917) 116, 197
and Ireland: conscription 192; Home Rule 191, 192; threat of massive repression 376
and the Middle East 195, 378, 381, 382
and the Monroe doctrine 269
and Mussolini 306
as pioneer of democracy 62
and Poincaré 431, 454
and the Poles 285
reflections on the war and its aftermath 5
and the risk of British dependence on the US 207
and the Romanovs 74
and the Russian famine 424
scheme to restore eastern European economies 428–9
and self-determination 120
and the Siberian intervention 159–60, 170
and the tax system 248
and trade unions 244
‘trench vote’ encouragement 246
and Turkey 381, 382
and Versailles 249–50, 282, 307, 314, 328
war aims declaration 197, 244
war strategy 181
and Wilson 62, 158–9, 203, 224, 243, 244, 269–70, 335
and working class militancy 246–8, 359
and Zionism 195
Locarno Treaty 4, 23, 462
Lockhart, Bruce 145, 157, 160, 168
Lodge, Henry Cabot 231, 334, 335, 336
1916 economic conference 290
disorder, winter of 1918–1919 356
gold supplies 209
World Economic Conference 504, 506
London Conference (1924) 461
London Empire Conference 394–6
London Naval Conference (1930) 474, 486, 490–93, 499, 512
London Reparations Ultimatum 368, 371–2
London Treaty 116, 176, 177, 178, 306–7, 308, 310, 438
Lossow, Otto von 148
Louis XIV 273
Lowther, James 183, 185
Lucknow agreement 181, 188, 384, 391–2
Ludendorff, Erich 22, 24, 43, 47–8, 57, 82, 111, 129, 135, 140, 148, 153, 155, 219
aims for a dependent Russian state 161
attack on British front line 140
and the Bad Homburg conference 133
and Brest-Litovsk 118, 131
and the British in Murmansk 166
defence of Kaiser 225
desire to crush Soviet regime 161, 170
and Finland 150–51
and the Jews 135
and Petrograd 167
and Poland 135
and the SA 451
and the Supplementary Treaty 167
Lusitania 34, 43
Luther, Hans 460
Lüttwitz, Walther von 318–19
Luxemburg, Rosa 166, 167, 237, 238–9
Lwow, siege of 417
McAdoo, William Gibbs 52, 105, 207, 208, 291, 347
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron 391
MacDonald, Ramsay 26, 241, 244, 245, 455–6, 457, 470, 489
and Britain’s leaving the gold standard 500–501
and Brüning 495
on cessation of US debt payments 507
and French non-cooperation with Hoover proposals 496
and Hoover 474, 504
and the London Naval Conference 491–2
machine guns 156, 202, 204
McKenna, Reginald 48, 465
MacMurray, John V. A. 398
Madras 180, 188, 386
Maginot, André 442
Mahan, Alfred Thayer 35
Majority SPD, (MSPD) Germany 73, 75, 130
Makino Nobuaki 144, 258, 259
Malvy, Louis 175
Manchester Guardian 56
and Japan 22, 93, 96, 322, 403, 484–5, 499–500
Russian rights over railway system 420
manganese 125, 148, 153
Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf 150–51
Mao Zedong 91, 330, 421, 479, 481
‘autumn harvest’ uprising in Hunan 483
Marshall, George 291
Marshall Plan 277
martial law 157
Marx, Karl 138
in China 91
entering fourth generation 414–15
in Germ
any 237
and the peasantry 408
and Sinn Fein 79
view of history 141–2
see also Bolshevism/Bolsheviks; Communism
Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue 157–8, 284
Massachusetts Democrats 343
Matsuoka Yosuke 501–2
Max von Baden, Prince 140, 220, 222, 225
Mazzini, Giuseppe 177
Mellon, Andrew 469
Mellon-Berenger accord 469, 473, 497
Menshevism/Mensheviks 80, 83, 84, 85–6, 126, 138
Constituent Assembly elections (1917) 85, 85
expulsion from Central Executive Committee of All-Russian Congress 157
Merriman, Charles 309
Mesopotamia 186, 193, 375, 381
Indian Muslims in 390
Mesopotamian campaign 186
Mexico 44
proposed alliance with Germany 65–6
US private long-term investment (December 1930) 477
Michaelis, Georg 111
Middle East
and Britain 22, 193–7, 364, 374, 377–82, 463; deployment of Imperial Forces, February 1920 375
and France 193–4, 378, 380
and the US 193–6, 378
see also specific countries
Milan, Perez 354
challenged by Germany’s surrender 8
German see Germany: militarism
Japanese see Japan: militarism
military power and the new order 8
Miliukov, Pavel Nikolayevich 71, 161, 194
Millard, Thomas Franklin Fairfax 88, 89, 92
Miller, David H. 324
Miller, Yevgeny 234
Millerand, Alexandre 361
Milner, Alfred, 1st Viscount 194, 377, 379–80
Miners’ Federation of Great Britain 248
Minseito (Constitutional People’s Government Party, Japan) 485–6
Mirbach, Count Wilhelm von 164–5
modernity, US problematic entry into 27–9
Monnet, Jean 205, 290, 291
Monroe doctrine 15, 269, 310
Montagu, Edwin Samuel 186, 187–8, 195, 383, 384, 385, 387, 388, 389, 391, 392, 436
Montagu-Chelmsford reforms 188–9, 210, 382, 383, 385
moral authority, and the new order 8
moral entrepreneurship 23
moral order 10
Morgan, John Pierpont 461
assassination attempt on Lenin (August 1918) 168
Comintern: First Congress 241, 408–9; Third Congress 419
Fourth All-Russian congress 138, 145–6, 164
move of Bolshevik capital to 413
unarmed German troops sent to 165
Motono Ichiro 98, 146
MSPD (Majority Social Democratic Party, Germany) 73, 75, 130
Mukden 499–500, 503
Murmansk front 166
Operation Capstone plans 166–7, 170
Muslim League 181, 188
Mussolini, Benito 10, 174, 307, 311–12, 402, 441–2, 452, 491, 502, 511
and the Corfu crisis 446–7
effect of World War I on 305
and Hitler 305–6
and Lloyd George 306
Mutsu (Japanese cruiser) 399
Mutually Assured Destruction 10
Nanjing 482, 483, 485
Napoleon III 273
Nassau 274
National Equal Rights League, US 339
National Liberal League, India 386
national planned economy model 199–200
national republicanism 221, 515
see also Chinese National Republican Army (NRA)
National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) 450, 503, 506, 515
Nazi Germany 472, 513
American see United States of America: nationalism
Chinese 90, 91, 96, 100, 103, 106, 327–9, 404, 419, 435, 475–83, 499
Czech 158, 159, 284
Egyptian 378–80
and financial hegemony 435
German see Germany: nationalism
Indian see India: nationalism
Irish 179–80, 190–93, 376–7
Italian 306, 308
Japanese 259, 324, 329–30, 485, 499–500
of the ‘old world’ 233
Polish 284
and ‘positive’ economics 488
Russian 150, 411
Turkish 381–2, 437–8
Ukrainian 122, 125
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 109, 276, 277
Naumann, Friedrich 220
Mitteleuropa 113
naval arms race 35–6, 248, 268–70, 396
naval blockade 34–5, 39, 56, 473
naval disarmament
London Conference 474, 486, 490–93, 499, 512
Washington Conference 397–402
Nazi Germany 472, 513
NSDAP see National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)
NEP see New Economic Policy
Netherlands, wartime wholesale price dislocation 213
New Deal 505, 517
New Economic Policy (NEP) 423, 424, 435, 483
new world order
America’s overshadowing of see United States of America
and the armistice document 227–9
breaching wall between foreign policy and domestic politics 9
British Empire secured as key pillar to 198
Churchill’s vision 4, 8, 9, 18, 23
and Communism’s reinvention 408–34
and deflation 354, 358–73
and democracy see democracy
and diplomacy see diplomacy
and disarmament/armaments limitation 45, 53, 227, 264–5, 277, 280, 313; naval see naval disarmament
and economic supremacy 8, 12–16; of the US 12–16, 36, 206–9, 211
and freedom of the seas 16, 45, 53, 75, 120, 226, 228, 257, 268–70
French subordination in 289–90
Hitler’s vision 4–5, 18, 23, 26
and imperialism see imperialism/colonialism
internationalism see internationalism
and the League of Nations see League of Nations
levelling of wealth across Europe 250–51
and liberalism see liberalism
and limitations of the 1919 ‘worldwide’ revolution 233
and Locarno 4, 23, 462
and London’s debt settlement with Washington 439
and military power 8 see also militarism
and the modern ‘chain gang’ 30, 463, 511, 517–18
and moral authority 8
Mussolini’s denunciation of 10
new hierarchy in reconstruction of world economy 362
and patterns in the frustration of power 463–4
peace settlements 4, 5 see also specific treaties
and power shift through interaction of military force, economics and diplomacy 23–30
and power vacuums see power vacuum
‘pyramids of peace’ 8, 9
and the quest for pacification and appeasement strategies 26
and regime change 9
and Trotsky 8, 11–12, 18, 23, 26, 29–30
and Versailles Treaty see Versailles/Paris peace conferences and Treaty
and the Washington Naval Conference see Washington Naval Conference
Wilson on 45
and the Wilsonian fiasco 333–50; undermining of domestic progressive coalitions 243–4
Wilson’s view of French and British imperialism as main
threat to 223–4
New York Times 55
New Zealand
and the Commonwealth 394
Hoover moratorium 498
racial discrimination 393
US private long-term investment (December 1930) 477
wartime wholesale price dislocation 213
NGOs 23
Nicholas II of Russia 165
Nishihara Kamezo 96, 99, 101, 104, 105, 143, 323
Nitti, Francesco 176, 306, 311, 312, 320, 361, 466
Nivelle, Robert Georges 74
Norman, Montagu, 1st Baron 373
Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount 184
Norway, wartime wholesale price dislocation 213
Noske, Gustav 238, 239, 317, 318, 319
NRA (Chinese National Republican Army) 480–81, 482–3, 485
NSDAP see National Socialist German Workers’ Party
nuclear weapons 10
October Revolution (1917) 83–6
oil 39, 47, 148, 153, 167, 394, 415
Okuma Shigenobu 94, 95
Open Door policy, US 15–16, 44, 103, 205
and the Washington Conference 397, 405
Operation Capstone plans 166–8, 170
Orlando, Vittorio 176, 177, 178, 306, 307, 308, 309–10, 311
Osaka Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) 363
Ottoman Empire 3, 5, 9, 33, 173, 176, 195, 337, 378, 437
British protection against Tsarist expansion 193
Entente policy of dismantling 381
Entente self-determination demands 52
and the Raj and Khilafat movement 384–5, 416
and Russia/USSR 193, 194
and Wilson’s 14 Points manifesto 121
see also Turkey
Ozaki Yukio 94, 96, 144, 324, 364
Pacific Treaties 4, 11, 397, 400–402, 474
see also Washington Naval Conference
Page, Walter Hines 45
Palestine 195–6, 377, 380
deployment of Imperial Forces, February 1920 375
Indian Muslims in 390
Palmer, A. Mitchell 340, 342, 343, 345
Pan African Congress 374
Panama Canal 44
Paris 74, 140, 173
Commune 138, 240, 422
Conference of Ambassadors 447
economic conference (1916) 205
evacuation of families of American bankers 469
Inter-Allied Conference (November 1917) 197
Peace Conference see Versailles/Paris peace conferences and Treaty
Passchendale offensive 78
Patagonia 353
Payer, Friedrich von 111, 134–5, 154, 163, 168–9
peace movement 23
peace settlements
1918 armistice see armistice negotiations
Locarno Security Pact see Locarno Treaty
and the new order 4, 5 see also Versailles/Paris peace conferences and Treaty