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The Slender Man Game of Myths

Page 18

by J. Ernest Kallendrine

  ‘Simon, I think I have an idea.’ Simon slows the van as they approach the dirt road leading to Birch Lake, ‘You have a plan?’ Simon says suspiciously, ‘I’m guessing our safety isn’t the number one priority in this plan of yours, is it?’

  Kate climbs in the back of the van and begins sorting through the tools, ‘We’ll worry about safety later.’

  Chapter 19

  Simon looks around the forest. The light from the full moon gleams down on the golden leaves under his feet and across the rustic bark of the trees around him. The shadows of the partially barren branches sprawl across the ground and sway from the gentle breeze. He cups his hands together, puts them up to his mouth and warms them with his balmy breath.

  ‘What did I do in my life to deserve this.’ he thinks.

  In the distance he can hear the boats tied at the lake knocking against the sides of the wooden pier as the mild waves quietly crash against them.

  He goes over Kate’s plan in his head. Each time he reaches the end, the same thought that has plagued him since agreeing to it come back to haunt him. ‘We should’ve come up with a Plan B.’

  Simon picks up the large claw hammer lying at his feet and begins swinging it playfully. ‘I guess I better limber up in case he gets to close. I don’t know what good a hammer is going to do against this, this thing.’

  He looks down at the short handle of the hammer. ‘I should’ve brought the shovel. Why didn’t to bring the shovel?’ he whispers to himself as he smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand, ‘This thing has no kind of reach to it. If he gets close enough to me, I’m toast.’

  Simon turns around and sees the moonlight surrounding him gradually fade into the dark edge of the forest. He looks down and sees his shadow between the shadows of two swaying tree tops. The tips of the trees’ shadow stretches out so far, they disappear and blend into the bleak void of the forest. He lifts his arm as high as he can in an effort to touch the dark edge of the woods with his shadow.

  He watches as the shadow of his outstretched hand dances across the ground. It’s nowhere near the same height as the tree’s shadows.

  He stands on his tip toes to add more length. ‘Well this is pointless.’ he says as he looks at his pitifully attempt. He drops his arm down to his side, yet the silhouette of an outstretched hand remains.

  The silhouette gets longer. The fingers of the silhouette grow to the same length of the trees.

  Simon turns around. The Creature’s extended pale hand glows like a five pointed sun in the night. The long frame of his body remains still amongst the wavering trees.

  Simon plants his feet in the ground. He puffs out his chest and tightly grips the hammer. ‘Here I Am.’ he whispers. ‘But if you think I’m going out without a fight, you’re sadly mistaken. Now do your worst.’

  The Creature rears back its open hand and launches it at Simon. Simon turns to run as the Creature’s hand plows deeply into the soil. The Creature rips his hand from the cold ground and begins to pursue Simon as he weaves between the trees.

  Simon sprints into the darkness of the forest. He shields his face with his forearm from the sharp dangling branches of the trees. He hears the footsteps of the Creature behind him strike the ground heavily.

  He turns abruptly towards a tree marked with an orange piece of string tied around it and hurdles a piles of leaves. The Creature tears his way in route of Simon. His dragging arms thrash against the leaves. The Creature steps into the pile of leaves and crashes into a hole.

  ‘That should slow him down.’ Simon thinks to himself. He looks behind him. The stillness of the once chaotic scene brings comfort to Simon. He stops and sees nothing moving. ‘Maybe that’s it. That hole was pretty deep. Maybe I can bury him and…’

  The Creature springs from the hole. Simon stands amazed. The sheer force of the Creature landing on the ground quakes under him.

  ‘Or maybe not.’ Simon says as he begins to sprint. The Creature starts to run after him. His arms swish through the leaves before getting on all fours and galloping. The Creature picks up speed as his hands and feet dig into the ground.

  Simon sees the van parked at the moonlit lake. He runs as fast as he can toward the van and waves his arms. The Creature is not far behind, using his long, sharp fingers to tear a path toward the lake.

  ‘Kate, start the van!’ he yells. The brake lights of the van flash red. The engine begins to rev. Simon looks down and grabs a rope connected to the bumper.

  As the Creature burst onto the clearing surrounding the lake, Simon pulls the rope. The lasso at the end of the rope snags the Creature’s foot. Simon pulls it harder and the lasso tightens. The Creature tries to escape but falls from the rope snagged around his foot.

  Simon drops the rope. ‘Go! Drive!’ he shouts to Kate. Kate presses on the gas pedal. The van begins to accelerate towards the lake, dragging the Creature across the ground. The Creature plunges his hands into the ground and anchors himself. The van jerks to a halt and the wheels begin to skid and slip in the dirt.

  Kate presses harder on the gas pedal, but the van doesn’t move. The Creature takes one of his hands from the ground and grabs a nearby tree. The Creature pulls itself to the tree, dragging the van behind it.

  Simon looks at the fibers of the strained rope slowly unraveling. He hears the screws of the van’s bumper popping loose as the Creature continues to pull.

  ‘Kate! Jump out!’ he screams while waving his arms. Kate looks out the window at Simon, ‘I’m not close enough to the lake. I gotta get closer.’

  ‘No!’ Simon shouts, ‘Drop the tools and get out now!’ Kate reaches over to the passenger side seat and grabs a heavy bag of tools. She places the bag on the gas pedal and leaps from the van.

  The metal bumper of the van begins to bend and tear away as the Creature continues to pull. Simon runs toward the Creature with the hammer.

  ‘Simon! What are you doing?’ Kate shrieks as she gets to her feet.

  ‘I’m going to knock his hands off before that bumper breaks!’ He gets closer to the Creature. The Creature takes his free hand and begins swatting at Simon, who swings at the Creature’s sharp claws with the hammer.

  Kate watches as the skidding tires of the van begin to smoke. She sees Simon and the Creature exchanging blows. ‘I just can’t stand here and do nothing.’ She cautiously walks to the van, waving the smoke from her face.

  Simon sees Kate approaching the van from the corner of his eye, ‘What are you doing!?’ Kate reaches out through the thick smoke and feels around for the door, ‘I’m going to run him over!’

  ‘No! You can’t do that! Get away from the van! That bumper is about to…’ The screeching tearing of metal cuts through the night air as the bumper tears away. The van plunges into the lake, crashing into the oncoming tide.

  ‘This can’t be happening’ Simon sighs. The Creature releases his grasp from the tree. Simon charges at him with his hammer held high. The Creature swings and hits Simon, sending him tumbling across the dirt. The Creature raises his foot over Simon. Simon rolls out of the way as the Creature stomps his foot into the ground, barely missing him.

  He gets to his feet and begins to run. The Creature swings his arm and hits Simon in the back, sending him flying into a tree and slamming him against its deeply rooted trunk.

  In the corner of his eye, he sees Kate running toward the melee. Simon strains to pick his hand from the dirt and waves Kate away. ‘Go! Get out of here!’ Simon says through his clenched teeth.

  Kate stares at Simon’s face, twisting and winching in pain. She sees the Creature grab him by his shirt and hoist him into the air. His damaged body falls limp as the Creature holds him against a tree. The Creatures puts the tips of his pale claw together in the form of a spear and draws his arm back.

  Simon looks over the Creature’s shoulder. He sees Kate running to the lake. She makes her way along the pier and carefully steps into the small vessel, balancing herself as the rolling waves knock against the boat.

  Simon looks at the blank face of the Creature.

  ‘This was inevitable.’ he whispers, ‘A lifetime of others sacrificing for me, now I must sacrifice myself. At least Kate got away; she’s stronger than me anyhow. I couldn’t do this without her, but she can definitely go on without me.’

  Simon closes his eyes, ‘What happens happens, and it can’t happen any other way.’

  Chapter 20

  Kate kneels down in the boat and looks at its dusty engine.

  ‘This thing looks like it hasn’t been touched in years.’ She walks to the front of the boat and sits in the dry rotten vinyl seat. She can feel the upholstery crack underneath her as she sits down and checks the ignition.

  She feels around in the dark until the chilled, stainless steel key touches her fingertips. She pushes the key into the keyhole of the ignition.

  She pushes the throttle lever to the start position and turns the key. The engine begins to shake. The staccato tapping of the engine struggling to starts before stalling out. She tries to push the throttle forward but the rust at the base of the lever prevents it from going any further.

  Kate covers her hand with her jacket sleeve and begins hitting the lever. With each strike, pieces of rust break loose and fall to the boats floor. The engine begins to pick up power, the strong smell of gasoline waifs around her. She hits the lever once more as hard as she can. Sparks jump out from the loosened base of the lever as the boat’s engine roars.

  Warmness begins to encircle around Kate’s hand. She looks down at her sleeve and sees glowing flames dancing and crawling up her coat. Kate tried frantically to shake the fire from her sleeve but the flames grow brighter. She tears off her jacket and begins to beat the flames away on the side of the boat. Shards of fire fall into the bottom and begin to grow.

  Kate throws the flaming jacket on the pier and begins to stomp out the blaze gathering on boat’s floor.

  As Kate extinguishes the last of the fire’s kindles, see notices her jacket flapping in the wind. She sees the piece of butcher’s paper containing the list lifting from her pocket as the wind blows between its folds.

  Kate climbs from the boat. She swiftly, but quietly, sneaks across the pier toward her coat. She bends down to pluck the list. She reaches out with her fingertips and tries to grab the corner of the list in the softly blowing breeze.

  The list slips from the pocket. Kate lunges out but the list is carried away toward the shore by a gust of wind. As she runs after the list, tumbling and fluttering in the wind, she sees the Creature holding Simon. His wilted body dangles while the Creature opens his claw.

  The wind dies down and Kate sees the list float tenderly to the ground. She tip toes through the leaves, trying not to draw attention to herself. With each step she cautiously places her toe on the ground and rocks back on her heel.

  As she gets closer to the list, another breeze sweeps across the shoreline. The list blows open and flips over, exposing the drawing.

  The Creature slowly turns around. He sees the butcher’s paper. The bright yellow sun drawn on the paper shines like a candle in the dark. The Creature drops Simon’s limp body. He begins to walk to the paper. Each of his steps becomes softer. His menacing body begins to relax into a supple, hunched posture. The closer he gets, the more his monstrous attributes become more, human.

  Kate dashes to the paper and snatches it from the ground. She turns and runs as fast as she can back to the pier. She can hear the Creature’s feet shuffling through the leaves and his hands dragging across the ground.

  Kate dives into the boat. She quickly unties the knotted rope from the side of the boat and pushes the throttle to maximum speed. The boat cuts through the waves. The loud sound of the engine grinding is deafening as she steers the boat away.

  She looks behind her and sees the Creature running along the pier. It takes a great leap and hurls himself toward the boat. His shadow glides across the water as Kate sees him coming closer, his outstretched claws reaching out to grab the boat.

  The Creature plunges his hands into the top of the boat’s motor. He tries to pull himself up as the boat pulls him along the water.

  Kate runs to the back. She begins kicking the motor. The screws begin to burst from the dry rotted wood. The loosened motor begins to shake. The Creature reaches into the boat, holding tightly to the wobbly engine. Kate sits on the boats floor and begins kicking with both feet. Each kick rips more screws from the base of the motor.

  The wood gives way. The motor rips from the boat, sending the Creature crashing into the water. The large metal engine quickly begins to sink. The Creature tries to buoy himself on top, but the heaviness of the motor pulls him into the lake. Kate watches the Creature thrashing in the water. With each thrash, the Creature descends into the lake until he vanishes.

  Kate looks at the waters around him through the large gap where the motor once hung. The stillness and tranquility of the lake gently rocks her back and forth. She sits in the driver’s seat of the boat and takes a deep breath. ‘I did it. I survived, and I did it.’

  She takes the list from her pocket and unfolds it. She stares at all the name written, each one representing someone she is now responsible for.

  Kate folds the paper and put it back in her pocket. She searches the boat as it drifts away from the shore, ‘I better find a way to get back before the current takes me out to the river. There has to be an oar or something around here...’

  A pale claw shoots from the water and comes down inside the boat, crashing through the bottom. Kate falls from the impact as another pale claw slashes through the floor and out through the bottom.

  The boat begins to fill quickly with water. Kate climbs over the boats windshield and plants herself on the long hood.

  The Creature pulls himself up onto the boat. He takes his hands and shreds the inside of the boat. The splinters from the ruptured boat cleave deep inside Kate’s arms. The nose of the boat gradually begins to sink. The Creature grabs the windshield and begins to crawl towards Kate.

  ‘What do I do now?’ she thinks as the boat rapidly starts to sink. ‘I’m not on the list, what does he want from…’

  Kate digs in her pocket. She takes out the list and waves it at the Creature.

  ‘You want this don’t you Arthur?’ she taunts. The weight of the Creatures hand breaks through the glass of the windshield. Kate holds the tip of the boat as it bobs in the water, ‘Here Arthur, come and get it!’

  She crumples the list into a tight ball. The water begins to surround her ankles. She tosses the ball straight up in the air as high as she can.

  As the ball begins to plummet, Kate prepares herself. ‘Concentrate Kate, you can do this.’

  The Creature leaps into the air, his outstretched hand open. Just as he swipes at the paper Kate tossed herself from the boat. She reaches out and grabs the paper, ‘Got it!’

  She holds the paper above her head and she primes herself for the cold waters below her.

  She crashes into the lake feet first. She is quickly submerged in the water. She opens her eyes and sees the Creature thrashing around in the murky waters. His pale hands and head fade as he continues to sink until he is quickly swallowed by the abyss, his hands still outstretched towards Kate.

  She frantically tries to swim to the top and keep the paper out of the water. She kicks her feet violently as she feels herself running out of air. She can’t hold the paper and swim; it’s either the list…or her life.

  She loosens her tight grip. She feels the paper sliding from her hand. She knows she did all she could do, favor just wasn’t on her side today.

  As she prepares to open her hand, she feels something lock around it. She feels something intertwining with her fingers.

  Kate tries to free her hand, but whatever it is will not let go. She feels a tug on the back of her shirt, pulling her to the surface until she’s out of the water.

  She hears gasping behind her, followed by a familiar sound, ‘I bet you’re glad to
see me.’ Kate turns around stunned.

  ‘Simon! I thought you were dead! Why aren’t you dead?’

  Simon smirks at Kate, ‘Did you think I was going to let you take all the credit for defeating the monster? C’mon, you know me better than that.’

  Kate reaches out and hugs Simon, ‘You have no idea how glad I am to see you.’ As they both start to sink, Simon unlocks Kate’s grasp, ‘Let’s save all this mushy stuff until we get out of the water. I’ll pull you to the shore; make sure you keep that paper dry.’

  As they climb out of the water, they both collapse on the shore from the heaviness of their water drenched clothes. Simon picks his head up and looks out over the lake.

  ‘Did you think in a million years that we would be like, a team?’ Kate laughs, ‘We are not a team. I am just a normal girl that saved your ass.’


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