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Convincing The Alpha’s Omega

Page 2

by Emma Knox

  “Yep,” he stammered, his eyes not meeting mine.

  It was strange to see a shifter that wasn’t afraid of me. He seemed more angry than anything. If I had the time, I would have stayed and tried desperately to figure out what made him so enticing to me. As it was, I saw my host appear on the camera at the door to his penthouse. It reminded me of the reason for my visit, to heal wounds my father had created.

  “Well then, I guess I should be going. It was wonderful to meet you, Ethan,” I said, quickly making way around the counter to the elevator. “We should do this again sometime.”

  I turned around long enough to see him roll his eyes and heard him mutter under his breath, “I wouldn’t count on it.”

  I chuckled, but said nothing. He wouldn’t know that I heard him. An Alpha’s hearing was better than most of us let on. As I jumped onto the elevator and looked back at him one last time, the stirring in my heart started again. It wasn’t a feeling I was familiar with. I didn’t like knowing that he had so much power over me. After all, I was the Alpha. Ethan should be the one groveling at my feet, not the other way around.

  The elevator doors opened, my host’s attractive young husband greeted me with a smile. “We were starting to wonder if you changed your mind.”

  “Of course not,” I told him with a charming smile. “Just got distracted talking to your receptionist.”

  “Ethan?” Steven perked up at once. “He’s actually just filling in for the day. Ethan is our lodge’s full-time manager. He runs the whole place.”

  “Of course,” I muttered, feeling like an ass. “Well, he certainly is a firecracker.”

  “Ethan is very independent and a little outspoken, both qualities I admire in an employee and a friend. Drake approves of him as well. He is more family than friend.”

  “I can understand why,” I said, clearing my throat.

  Drake walked into the foyer, he smiled upon seeing me. “Well now, why don’t we get down to business, Steven?”

  His spouse nodded his head and disappeared, presumably to give us some privacy. It wasn’t common for Alphas to discuss pack matters in front of anyone, even their most beloved. I could appreciate the respect for our traditions. I followed him into a large sitting room. The décor wasn’t to my taste. It had a lot of bright, sleek, modern looking pieces. Myself, I preferred a more rustic and rugged look. My roots were deeply planted in the wilderness that surrounded our neighboring towns.

  “I must say,” Drake started as he sat down. “I was surprised to hear back from you. Cutting it a little close to the wire?”

  I ground my teeth, my anger wasn’t directed toward the Alpha though. “I know, I wasn’t aware that an invitation for us to participate in the unity ceremony had been extended until recently.”

  “Oh?” he pressed.

  He had a good reason to want an answer. For me to wait months to respond was rude. “The man tasked with my schedule left rather abruptly, taking the apparent invitation with him.”

  Drakes eyes widened in understanding. “Ah, lovers quarrel or professional gain?”

  “A bit of both I fear. He didn’t like the packs uniting, though with the years of success already behind us, I don’t know how anyone could still oppose. Unfortunately, I didn’t see his true colors until recently.”

  Drake chuckled softly as he shook his head. “I’ve known a few of those in my life. Lucky for me, Steven has one of the purest hearts I’ve ever seen.”

  “And your young manager? Do you feel the same way about him?”

  Drake wasn’t fazed by the question. “Absolutely. Ethan is like a younger brother to me. His parents died when he was young, in the wars. I’m surprised honestly that you were received as well as you were.”

  “Wow,” I stammered. “I had no idea.”

  “Well, it’s not information I share lightly. I’ve seen that look before. I just want you to know what you are getting yourself signed up for. He’s a good man.”

  “I understand,” I told him solemnly.

  It was a lot of information to process at once. Not only had the other Alpha seen my affections toward his Omega, he was supporting me in the option to pursue him. Knowing that Ethan had some hostility toward my pack did little to sway me. I felt an attraction to him that was stronger than my own heritage to take a mate from my own pack.

  “Now that we’ve settled that, I think I speak for my pack when I say we would love to include your pack in the ceremonies. What is a unity festival without some show of that which it’s named after?”

  “Are you trying to be eloquent again, my dear?” Steven asked as he reappeared with a tray.

  On it sat two whisky glasses with ice. A decorative bottle sat next to them. I could see from the shape and casting of glass that the bottle was old and rare, a show of respect on Drake’s part. I nodded in approval and Steven poured us each a double shot. I took a sip, it went down smooth, the potent blend something of rare beauty, much like my own Ethan. Although, he wasn’t mine to claim, yet.

  “You know me,” Drake said to his mate with a loving grin as he took his hand. “I have to try and impress our guest somehow.”

  “Have you two sorted things out?” Steven asked.

  Drake nodded, I was content to watch the two interact. It was so rare to see a couple that blossomed in love. The pregnancy that Steven now carried was a testament to their love.

  “I was wondering though,” Drake said, turning back to me, but keeping his hand in his mates. “There is one final thing we need for the ceremony; would you be able to get it for us?”

  “Absolutely, you’ve been so understanding I want to show my gratefulness,” I told him earnestly.

  “There is a stone,” he said, his eyes darting to Steven. “It’s very special to Steven and me, it’s said to hold magical powers. I was hoping to display it for the ceremony, so all our kind can see its beauty. The owner lives in Gordon and has agreed to loan it to us. With everything going on, I need someone I can trust to go pick it up.”

  I was intrigued, but I didn’t want to seem ungrateful by questioning its significance. “That’s no problem at all. I can take a couple of my men and go get it right now. It will take us a day’s drive to get there and one to return, but we should make it back in plenty of time.”

  “Actually, if you are open to the idea, I think that there is someone else I would like to send with you. It would do Ethan some good to get to know the leader of the Reluson pack.”

  My heart started to race at once. Two days alone with the young Omega that already set my loins on fire. I nodded my head in approval, unwilling to trust my own voice. I sensed no ill will in his tone. This wasn’t a test of some sort that would need passing or failing. Perhaps he really did just hope that Ethan would benefit from the time together.

  “Are you sure?” Steven asked in a hushed tone.

  Drake nodded. “I will leave it to you to tell him, Trevor. I’ll send the address for the stone to your phone and make sure the owner knows you will be coming for it. Please take care, it means a great deal to many people. Perhaps when you return, I’ll have the chance to tell you its history.”

  “I would enjoy that very much. I’m so happy that our packs can work together. Thank you for sending Ethan with me. I will be leaving behind some of my most trusted men. They can help you with the upcoming ceremonies.”

  “Oh, thank god,” Steven said, a sigh of relief slipping out. “Honestly, with Ethan gone, I wasn’t sure how we would get it all done! You are a saint, Trevor Reluson.”

  I laughed as I stood. “Don’t go telling my men that. I don’t want them thinking I’ve gone soft.”

  I extended my hand which Drake took and shook firmly. “We will see you in two days. Enjoy the trip.”

  Nodding my head, I made my way to the elevator. The day had started out so normal with nothing but a fun new merger to think about. Now, I felt like a young wolf again, seeking out my first mating. Ethan wasn’t going to be happy about going with me, but i
f his Alpha commanded it, I knew that he would willingly go. The elevator settled, and I stepped out, preparing how to tell Ethan the news.

  I heard him slam the phone down on the receiver. He stood up and his eyes leveled on me. Steven had beaten me to the punch. I wasn’t sure if I was grateful or not for him spilling the news first. Ethan stormed over to me, looking furious, but I couldn’t suppress the grin from forming on my lips. Even enraged, he was still too adorable for me to control.

  “How dare you!” he hissed. “Why would I want to go anywhere with you!”

  “What makes you think that I was the one who thought of it?” I teased him.

  Ethan didn’t see the humor. “I saw the way you looked at me! Do you have any idea how much I need to get done yet? You really are a bastard.”

  He tried to turn away from me, but I reached out and grabbed his arm, spinning him back around. Ethan was caught off guard, when he fell forward into my chest, I felt my cock start to stiffen at once. He sucked in a sharp breath, our bodies pressed against each other as the sparks between us grew even hotter than before. He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, biting it between his teeth. I groaned unconsciously at the sight.

  I had to push him away from me. If I didn’t, I would try to mount him right there in the lodge’s lobby. He composed himself quickly, his harsh glare replaced after the momentary surge of desire.

  “For the record,” I muttered to him. “It was your Alpha who suggested it and he who commanded you to go. I had nothing to do with it. But I am not going to let your entitled little temper stop me from doing this. You have no idea what this ceremony means for our joint packs.”

  His eyes softened some. I had to keep him moving in that same direction. If he was ever going to trust me and give me a chance, his guard would need to be let down. My mind raced as he started to tense again.

  “Listen,” I stammered. “I know about your parents. Others lost loved ones in the wars too, my father perished also.”

  In a flash, his defenses were back up. I had judged the situation wrong. He took a step closer to me. “If my Alpha hadn’t commanded it, I would never spend any time alone with you. We have nothing in common.”

  Ethan spun around on his heels, heading for the elevator. I stood in the lobby like a fool with my mouth hanging open. No one ever spoke to me in the tone that he’d just used. My men never turned their backs on me when I was still talking. Everything about him was infuriating. As he stepped into the elevator he cleared his throat.

  “You can pick me up in an hour,” he said.

  Just before the doors closed, I caught a glimpse behind his walls. His face softened, his eyes became sad. My heart broke for him, I wanted to pull him into my arms, but I knew it was too soon. The wounds my father had left were still fresh in Ethan’s heart.

  Chapter 3


  “I can’t believe this shit,” I grumbled to myself as I shoved a second pair of jeans into the book bag.

  The buzzer on my door sounded, making my heart race. Of course, Trevor had insisted on picking me up. I didn’t know who I was more furious with, Trevor or my Alpha for setting up the ridiculous weekend plans. They needed me to help prepare for the upcoming festivities. I didn’t need to be gallivanting off with the enemy. I’d only briefly thought about calling Steven to complain. He was the one who had told me, but his tone made it clear that Drake wasn’t budging.

  The buzzer sounded again, and I stormed to the door, tossing my book bag onto the couch. I jerked open the door and glared at the Alpha. He looked just as handsome and dangerously seductive as before. The only difference was his outfit. He’d changed into a form fitting runner’s shirt. Just as I’d thought, he was rippling with muscles. I swallowed, shoving the desire further down inside. I had to remind myself of who he was.

  “Hey,” I said weakly.

  “Ready to hit the road?” he asked with that enchanting grin.

  I ground my teeth together. I wouldn’t be swayed by his charm. “Just give me a second.”

  Before I could shut the door in his face, he brushed past me and into my small apartment on the lodge’s top floors. His curious eyes looked around as he whistled. “This is a nice place.”

  I knew what he was thinking. “I like the size. It’s perfect for one person.”

  “It’s cozy,” he said quickly. “I just thought—”

  “I know what you thought,” I snapped back at him. “I don’t want a big house with servants and a staff, okay? Yeah, my Alpha has offered, and I’ll tell you the same thing I told him; I don’t want it.”

  His hands shot up in the air in a sign of surrender. I spun away from him before the conversation could go any further. I just wanted to get the weekend started so we could get back here, and I could take care of what needed done. The lengthy list was going to take me days, now I would be lucky if I had a few hours to make sure the place wasn’t burning.

  “Everything okay?” Trevor asked as I stormed around, shutting off lights.

  “Well,” I muttered. “I have a hundred things to get done and now I have to go with you and play house because you demanded it. So, no.”

  I thought my words would at least phase him, but to my surprise, he grinned and took a step closer to me. I held my breath, wondering if he was going to make a move. The sexual tension was there, I just forced it from my mind.

  “I thought you might use that as an excuse,” he whispered seductively. “That’s why I’ve left fifteen of my men, including our top party planner. I even asked your Alpha for a copy of your list that still needed done.”

  My mouth fell open, I knew that I had to look like a fool, but I didn’t care. What was I supposed to say to something like that? Trevor came across as cold and calculating. I couldn’t be sure how I felt about him being anything but a monster. Of course, there was always the possibility this was just an act. As suddenly as I became shocked, my eyes narrowed, and anger took over. Of course, he had an ulterior motive.

  “Right, and I’m supposed to believe that you’re just doing it out of the goodness of your heart?” I laughed.

  He shook his head, his broad shoulders shrugging. “I did it to help strengthen the new alliance between our packs. Steven said you did the work of ten Omegas, so I gave him that and a few more. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get on the road.”

  “Let me make one thing perfectly clear,” I hissed, suddenly finding my inner strength. “I am going on this trip because my Alpha commanded me to do so. I remember the day our lodge caught fire.”

  “Wow,” he said. “You really know how to hold a grudge, don’t you?”

  “I just don’t want you getting any ideas,” I whispered, less confidant now than I had been before.

  He winked at me. “I promise I will do nothing unless you’ve asked me too.”

  “Then plan on doing nothing.”

  He laughed, taking my bag from my hand and opening the door. “We shall see about that my Omega.”

  I raised my chin, grabbing the bag back out of his hand and storming past him. “I am not your Omega.”

  I made my way downstairs, about to storm from the lodge when a familiar dark face appeared in front of me. It was Aiden. I cursed under my breath, completely forgetting that he and I had plans to go for drinks after his shift ended. He smiled when he saw me, but the momentary look of friendship quickly dropped when he saw Trevor behind me. Aiden, like myself had very little trust in the BAMBOO pack.

  I spun around. “I need to speak with my security head for a moment. I’ll meet you out there.”

  Trevor’s eyes leveled on Aiden. “I’d rather stay.”

  “I won’t be discussing our pack’s security with you here,” I insisted.

  Trevor’s cold gaze shot away from me to Aiden once more before he stormed past us. Aiden turned around, his mouth dropping open in question.

  “Don’t ask, it’s a long story,” I muttered.

  “You’ve caught the attention of one of the mo
st feared shifters in the area and all I get is ‘don’t ask’? What the hell man! I was coming to talk about Tom, but this is so much juicier. And boy is he protective over you!”

  “No, he’s not,” I shot back, a blush rising to my cheeks. “He’s just wary of most people.”

  Aiden shook his head. “No, I know jealous men and that Alpha did not like us having plans together.”

  I winced, unwilling to register the emotional tie between the Alpha and me. Of course, I noticed his eyes trailing down my body. I shuddered when I thought of his massive bulge in the front of his pants. Mating with him would be a mind-blowing experience. One that I couldn’t think about, he was still the enemy in my mind.

  “So, I guess our plans for drinks tonight is off?”

  I nodded. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I didn’t let you know. Will you be okay?”

  Aiden grinned and nodded. “Better than okay actually. Tom called me today.”

  I gasped. Excitement welling for my friend. “Did he ask you out? What happened!”

  Before Aiden could tell me the sordid details, the lobby doors opened and my captor for the weekend stepped in again. He looked no less irate than before, but I knew I didn’t need to press my luck. I shot Aiden a sly grin and walked past him.

  “Text me later?” I asked him.

  He nodded. “Have a fun weekend.”

  I rolled my eyes as I followed Trevor out to where the same black truck from before was waiting. A hulking beast, it was sleek and sexy just like the wolf that owned it. He pulled open the passenger door for me and I climbed in. Crossing my arms around my chest, I huffed out my anger as he slammed the door. I jumped a little at the loudness of it. He had no right to be angry with me! He was the bastard that was taking me away from my pack. I let myself sink into the self-pity as he climbed in behind the wheel.

  Neither of us spoke, both too stubborn to break the silence between us. The road unfolded in front of us as the silence lingered. After an hour or so, my legs started to cramp. The truck wasn’t designed for men of our height. I had to wonder how the hulking Alpha was so comfortable driving. I shifted in my seat, trying to put a stop to the tingling in my legs without drawing attention to myself.


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