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Convincing The Alpha’s Omega

Page 3

by Emma Knox

  It failed, Trevor looked over and cleared his throat. “We will pull over soon and grab some dinner, give you a chance to stretch your legs.”

  “I would prefer if we kept moving, I’m fine.”

  “No, you are stubborn is what you are. Have you ever even left your city before?”

  “Of course I have!” I shot back at him.

  “Oh? Care to tell me about it?” Trevor asked with that same, dangerous grin.

  “Not really,” I muttered, shifting again.

  He sighed, “Listen, we are stuck together for the next two days. I know that traveling can be uncomfortable. I’ve traveled all over the world before. Planes are the worst, that’s why we fly private whenever possible.”

  “You’ve left the island?” I stammered, awestruck.

  He nodded. “Several times in my life my father thought that it was important for us to see the world outside of our home.”

  I hated that he'd captured my curiosity. It would seem that all the stories I had heard about him weren’t necessarily true, much to my disappointment. I actually wanted to know more about the outside world, but my stubborn pride was getting in the way as usual. Of course he traveled the world! After all he was an Alpha, no expense was spared for him to have the good life. I snorted, trying to hide the sarcastic chuckle that was threatening to escape.

  “You don’t approve of leaving the island?” he asked.

  “Oh I approve of travel, I am not one of those who think that we only belong in one place,” I said quickly.

  There were a few extremist groups who fought to contain all of the supernaturals to our island. They thought that any contact with the outside world was corrupt. In comparison, they were like our Amish community. However, unlike their religious brethren, they often resorted to violence against the hierarchy to prove their points. As a member of my Alpha’s inner circle, I was often reminded of the dangers posed to our leaders.

  I cleared my throat, I couldn’t fight the curiosity. “So what’s it like on the outside?”

  “Maybe you’ll give me a chance to show you someday.”

  I chuckled softly. “You don’t give up, do you?”

  “It’s not in my blood, no,” he said. Before silence could take hold again, he asked, “Is there anywhere you’d want to go in particular?”

  From his tone, I knew he was being careful of what he said. I turned to the window to hide my smile. “Not really, though I’d love to see the sunrise from a mountain.”

  “Everest is beautiful,” Trevor whispered. “My father took me when I was just a pup. Humans can only go during certain times of the year, but we aren’t restricted by weak lungs and frail skin.”

  “Wow,” I stammered. I couldn’t contain my excitement. “That sounds amazing. We have a handful of humans that live in the city. They are all mated to non-humans though. I’ve never interacted with them though.”

  “Really?” he said, looking just as surprised as I had moments before. “We don’t have humans in my city.”

  “Why not?” I asked, wondering if the rumors were true.

  “My pack is very close-knit. We have others that live there, but humans are a young species. If you’d see some of the outside world as I had, perhaps you would understand.”

  “They seem like decent enough people,” I muttered in defense of our humans.

  “I have no doubt that they are,” he quickly reassured me. “Our pack though still has several elders, they are not so keen on opening the gate. The majority of my pack believes that unity, and acceptance is needed for our species to continue to thrive, but like your extremists, we have those that still believe in secrecy. Their memories go back centuries, and humans still have a lot to learn.”

  “You know, no one really knows much about your city,” I offered.

  He grinned. “We don’t get out much, but I’m happy that’s finally changing. I think I’ve finally weeded out all the bad apples.”

  I wanted to ask what he meant, but the tingling had turned to pins and needles. I had to get out of the truck. Still, my stubbornness wasn’t easily swayed. As Trevor pulled off into a park, I realized that I didn’t need to say anything at all. How could we be strangers, but still seem to know each other so well? I felt like I could read his heart. As much as I hated to admit it, he was a good man.

  I felt every belief about his pack starting to crack, an unsettling feeling. Once the truck was parked, I shoved open the door and jumped out. Within seconds, I was stripped and shifted into my wolf form. All I wanted was to get away from him for a few seconds. Even as he yelled after me, I didn’t stop. Just a few miles and then I would turn around.

  Clearing my mind, I took a deep breath and let my emotions settle. Within minutes, I was skidding to a stop. Trevor saw me as I started to shift where I’d left my clothing. He watched me without turning around as I shifted, and I made no effort to conceal myself from his prying eyes. My arousal was evident. Slowly, I turned away from him as I bent down to pull on my pants, giving him a full view of my naked and spread body.

  Chapter 4


  I couldn’t look away from his naked body. My mind tried to tell me I needed to give him some privacy. Then, his cock started to grow, hardening into a surprising length for one so slender. I groaned, thankful that he wasn’t close enough to see my own rigid shaft. When Ethan turned and presented himself to me, I felt the wolf inside shudder to break loose. I had to get control of myself, with an angry growl, I stormed back to the truck and climbed inside, slamming the door behind me.

  My mind was racing as Ethan came out of the brush and sheepishly climbed into the truck. The flush of his cheeks stirred my already piqued desire. Nothing was said for a moment, but I didn’t want to get back on the road if this was going to happen again. It wasn’t safe for him to be running off as we got closer to the border. I took a deep breath, keeping my eyes on the forest as I cleared my throat.

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about?” I asked carefully.

  He shook his head. “You just shook my world okay? Can we please just get back on the road?”

  “Yeah, but I have to know if you plan on doing that again. It can get dangerous for being spotted.”

  “Oh,” he stammered. “No, I won’t.”

  “We aren’t far from where we’re stopping for the night,” I told him.

  Ethan cocked his head. “But it’s not that late. Gordon isn’t far from here. Can’t we go get the stone then come back?”

  I shifted uneasily in my seat. I didn’t want to tell him why we didn’t travel as humans at night. The day had shaken him enough already. I smiled, doing my best to hide the uneasiness that was rising as the sun sank into the sky. Pressing the gas pedal a little harder, I thought about what to tell him. Near the outlying cities, both our packs had enemies seeping in and watching, waiting for us to make a mistake.

  “Well, I think if we keep going it would offend your Alpha and his mate. It’s my understanding that Steven set up the accommodations himself for us.”

  “Really? He didn’t tell me anything about that,” Ethan muttered, obviously upset about being left from the inner circle of planning.

  I was starting to learn things about my traveling partner as we went. His apartment in the lodge was kept in meticulous order, I knew he was a little obsessive about where things went. The quirk amused me. So far, there was nothing about the Omega that I didn’t find myself quickly falling for.

  “I think, perhaps, that he did it in the hopes that you would forgive him for sending you.”

  “I still don’t understand why you needed a babysitter to go fetch a rock,” he muttered, rubbing his legs.

  I ground my teeth, thankfully, the lodge came into view just before the Gordon city limits. While it wasn’t a rule on the island, most cities only had outsider accommodations on the outskirts of a town. Most supernatural types didn’t want strangers sleeping next to them and their families. I pulled into the parking lot and le
t out a low whistle. The lodge was almost as nice as the one in Gryther.

  “I suppose it will do for the night,” Ethan grumbled as he winced.

  “Are your legs still giving you trouble?” I asked him.

  He seemed surprised by my concern. “A little. I’m sure it’s nothing a hot shower won’t cure.”

  “Why don’t you wait here, and I will find out where our room is first. No need for you to be in more pain just to walk to the front desk.”

  “Room?” he stammered. “Don’t you mean rooms?”

  I sighed. “There are a lot of rooms booked because of the weekend festivities. Only one room was available.”

  “Of course,” he hissed.

  Before he could protest any further, I jumped out of the truck and went to get us registered. The timid creature behind the desk seemed shocked at an Alpha staying. It was rare, we had lodges all over the island. I never needed to pay for accommodations. I didn’t think that Ethan would want to stay in a safehouse though, filled to the brim with my men. They wouldn’t look at him differently, but he wouldn’t be comfortable either.

  When I came back and opened his door, he rolled his eyes at me. “So I should have gotten out?”

  His attitude was starting to wear on me. I was about to snap back when he jumped down from the truck and let out a low hiss, favoring his left leg.

  “Are you okay?” I asked quickly.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I caught a branch when I ran off. I guess the deck is stacked against me today.”

  “Here,” I whispered, not waiting for a protest. “Let me help you.”

  I grabbed ahold of him, scooping him up into my arms.

  He shrieked, “Put me down!”

  “We are going in through a side door, so you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you. Please, just let me help you. I feel like this is all my fault. I never should have told you about my pack.”

  “It’s not your fault,” he muttered.

  “It is, I knew about your parents, but I was only thinking of easing that pain some. I didn’t know how little you knew about the world beyond your own city.”

  “I’m not sheltered, okay?” Ethan said softly, his hands wrapped around my neck.

  I took the steps slowly as to not jostle him. Plus, I loved having him in my arms. “And yet you ran when I told you about my own pack, a pack that has been your neighbor for hundreds of years.”

  “Can we please just not talk about this anymore?” Ethan asked.

  “Sure,” I told him as I unlocked the door.

  Instead of just setting him down, I carried him gingerly over to the large bed and set him down. His hands didn’t fall away from my neck right away. I had been so focused on making sure he was okay that I hadn’t paused to see the situation in front of me. His delicious scent lingered in the air all around me. As our eyes locked, I knew that the wait was coming to an end. I could no longer hide my affections for him.

  “Would you like me to draw you a bath?” I asked him softly.

  He nodded, batting his large eyes at me as his hands slipped away. “That would be wonderful, thank you.”

  As I turned and headed for the bathroom a folded robe on the bed caught my attention. I quickly grabbed it and handed it to him. “Why don’t you get changed while I’m in there? Then I’ll help you get settled.”

  “Okay,” he whispered, his eyes pouring into my soul.

  I turned away from him again and finally descended into the decadent bathroom. A large Jacuzzi tub was situated in the corner. I had personally requested it for our short visit. I wanted to show Ethan the sort of life that I could provide him with. It was easy to see that he wasn’t intimidated by me, nor was he taken with me. If I was going to win him, I’d have to show him who I really was on the inside.

  The water flowed over my hands, hot and smelling of lilac and honeysuckle. They were both scents that I’d picked from an array on the ledge, but seemed to remind me of Ethan. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be offending to him. I listened as he stripped, his scent wafting to me in the bathroom. As I closed my eyes and tried to gain control of my loins, his footsteps approached me slowly.

  “It smells amazing in here!” he exclaimed softly.

  I turned to see him holding the robe around his waist. There was no point in tying it since it would soon be on the floor. He looked anxiously back toward the door, but I shook my head.

  “I’m not leaving until I know you can make it in there on your own,” I told him firmly.

  He raised an eyebrow, taking a cautious step forward and wincing. “I guess I might need some help.”

  My heart leapt. Ethan’s gaze met my own, a red flush reaching his cheeks as he shrugged out of the robe. It pooled onto the cold marble floor at his feet. I watched it fall, slowly running my eyes back up his body. The soft golden fur that covered his manhood did little to protect the protruding cock from my eyes. I licked my lips, dragging my eyes across his prominent hips, hairless chest and back to his piercing gaze.

  “Can you help me?” he asked, his voice cracking.

  I nodded, my throat dry as I jumped to my feet. I took my time picking him up into my arms, letting the sensations of his bare flesh running beneath my fingers tease us both. He sucked in a sharp gasp, his desire mimicking my own burning need. He was light in my arms as I gently set him into the bath. A shudder coursed through him though I didn’t know if it was the pain or pleasure that brought him discomfort.

  “Is it too hot?” I asked him as I ran my fingers through the water.

  He shook his head. “It’s perfect.”

  Ethan stretched out his legs beneath the water. I couldn’t help myself, my heart was racing, and he hadn’t yet stopped me from going further. I grabbed the washcloth sitting on the ledge and dunked it into the water, slowly running it up his leg. As I neared his thigh, a dark bruise was forming against his pale skin.

  His cock, sticking proudly out of the water, caught my attention. I swallowed hard, leaving the washcloth behind on his thigh and inching my hand deeper into the water. My fingers brushed the wet tufts of coarse hair and his shaft jumped, begging for my attention. I didn’t know how long I could hold out, the boner in my pants now uncomfortably rigid.

  When I finally worked up the courage to reach for it, Ethan’s slender hand grabbed my wrist. Our eyes locked into each other at once, the desire thick in the air. I knew that he wanted it. The hunger was there in his eyes, but so was a subtle fear. With his hand still wrapped around my wrist, I used my weight and pulled him to where I was at the edge of the bath.

  Our faces were inches from each other, the scents of our bodies mingling together. My heart raced as he leaned closer. Every part of me longed to be with him. I had to feel his lips against mine. Inching closer, I closed the distance between us as our lips collided. He groaned against my mouth as the euphoric taste of his flesh overpowered my senses.

  As his tongue darted into my mouth, I grabbed the back of his head. Crushing his mouth to mine I mirrored his every move until I could take it no longer. Begrudgingly, I pulled away, biting his lip as I did so. Even as I claimed his mouth as mine, my fingers furiously worked at unbuttoning my shirt until all that was left was my pants.

  I quickly pulled away, standing and unbuttoning my pants. Ethan’s eyes traveled down my body, growing large as he took in the full length of my Alpha shaft. I knew its size, but as Ethan licked his lips, I knew he was as eager as I was.

  I paid no attention to the water as it sloshed out of the bathtub when I sank into the tub. It easily accommodated the both of us. Such fixtures were designed to hold our kind. Ethan looked at me with his innocent, wide eyes. I slid across the tub, grabbing his waist and lifting him onto my lap. He shuddered with raw pleasure as our cocks touched as they pressed together between our stomachs.

  Pulling his face down to mine, I kissed him passionately. His smooth body excited my every nerve as I ran my fingers down his back. His hand brushed the tip of my cock as it protruded from t
he water. I groaned, the sensations washing over me like a never-ending waterfall. Our balls rubbed together, tingling as he rubbed up against me.

  “Trevor,” he whispered into my ear.

  Wrapping my hands around his body, I grabbed his perfect ass, spreading the cheeks apart and pushing him forward. He shuddered and grabbed ahold of my shaft even tighter. I loved everything he was doing to me and knew that I wouldn’t last long. The primal beast inside of me push forward, refusing to release the Alpha’s seed into anything but his tight body. My fingers inched lower, probing his body and carefully gauging his response to my unspoken question.

  He groaned, wrapping his arms tightly around my shoulders and dragging his nails down my back. As he did, he pulled himself closer to me, giving me more room to keep exploring. My finger found its mark, pressing slowly into his tight body. I’d never been with a lover as tight as him, though I frequently had my pick of mates. My body reacted to his tightness, straining between us to be buried deep in his core. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “Ethan, I need to know if you want this, I won’t press you if you don’t.”

  He moaned softly against my ear, “Take me.”

  With a fierce growl, I lifted him up out of the water, placing his dark entrance at the tip of my cock. The water between us eased the process, he dug his nails into my back and pulled himself down an inch until the head of my cock was swallowed by his body. I shuddered, the tightness pressing my cock to its limits as he shuddered in my arms. I wanted him so much, but I knew I couldn’t rush it. He held his breath as I slipped my shaft a little further into him. I wanted to claim him for my own.

  Chapter 5


  My body trembled with need for Trevor. I was no longer in control of my own destiny, but everything felt too wonderful for me to care. Even as his tip pressed into my body, I clenched around him, desperate to savor every new sensation that rocked through me. I knew the moment he saw me naked in the woods that I wouldn’t be able to resist him if he made a move. It had nothing to do with his Alpha status or the enticing scent he gave off.


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