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Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 12

by Dakota Dawn

  Shit! How did she know that? Rain wondered. Trent shifted in his seat.

  The palm reader turned their hands over and looked closely at them. With brows drawn together, she stated, “You were both recently scared. He remembers it, but you don’t.” She stroked her thumbs across the center of their hands then quickly let them go. “All I can tell you is that you are not being haunted by a ghost. You are being watched, and the watcher is pointing you in the direction she wants you to go. She won’t stop until you understand her message.”

  A strong current of air spun around the room, making them all shiver.

  Trent asked, “Are you sure it’s not a ghost?”

  She nodded her head then pursed her lips. “I wouldn’t call the watcher a ghost again. She doesn’t like it.”

  Rain had to ask, “How do you know?”

  “I can feel it in my bones.” The woman stood. “That is all I can tell you.” She looked nervously around the room. “You must leave now.”

  Trent stood and helped Rain up. “Do you know what this watcher wants?”

  The woman smiled sadly. “That is something the watcher wants you to figure out. I will tell you she means you no harm.” She touched Trent’s arm. “You have to let the past go.” Another gust of air shot through the room and whipped the woman’s hair across her face. She pushed it aside and grinned. “All right, I won’t tell them anything else.” Her light gray eyes bounced between them, and the air swirled. “My mouth is too big. It’s time for you to leave—Go.”

  Trent looked around the room then at the women. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Leave whatever you want in the purple jar up front. Just do it quickly.” She made a shooing motion with her hands.

  Trent led Rain to the front. As they walked, they heard the woman talking to someone. “Ouch! No need to pull my hair. I didn’t tell them everything.”

  The air suddenly pushed them into the front room. Trent quickly placed a hundred dollar bill in the jar. The door opened on its own, and they stepped through it. It slammed shut as soon they were clear of it.

  Rain jumped and heat circled her. She glanced back and saw He’s the one written in fog on the store window. Goose bumps made the hair on her arms stand straight up. No way. Someone must be playing with them. Things like this didn’t happen to everyday people. She turned away and started hurrying away from the shop with Trent in tow.

  A block away they stopped, and Rain laughed nervously.

  Trent laughed as well. “Well, that was interesting. I’m not sure I believe her, but the show was awesome.”

  Rain nodded her agreement. “I’m with you on that one. There has to be a logical explanation for everything that happened today. One day we will look back and laugh at the crazy things that went on today.” She squeezed his hand then let her feeling slip. “I’m glad you are here.” She wanted to slap herself the second she said the words. Sounding love struck was not good. Trent was just her friend, nothing more.

  Chapter Twelve

  Marshall was sitting at a table near the bar at Gaven’s listening to Tamrisk, the love of his life. Perfect, that’s what she was, and submissive to the bone. The Dom in him rose up and roared every time he saw her. Her pretty pussy got wet every time he gave her a command. A smile graced his face as he thought about the way her body quivered right before she went limp every time he made her come. The thought of her coming had his mind racing with things he still needed to try on her. What would make her come the hardest for the longest time? Only time would tell.

  She was talking about any- and everything when she made a little slip. Eyes narrowing, he gave her an intimidating stare, the one he used on people when he wanted the truth right now. To his satisfaction she stopped talking. “I want you to tell me again exactly how Rain is doing.”

  She gulped, and he knew she’d been keeping secrets from him.

  “I said she’s not throwing up so much, but that she’s sad.” Tamrisk’s fingers twitched, and she hurriedly put her hands in her lap.

  Shaking his head, he stared her down. “This is important. I need you to tell me what is going on with Rain.” Calculating the time in his head, he figured it had been two months since Trent had gone to see Rain in New York. He knew Trent called her every day. The man was in love. He just wasn’t smart enough to know it. It was so sad.

  Tears filled her eyes. He wanted to cave in and let her keep her secrets, but her secrets involved Trent, a good friend of his. There was no way he could let this pass, no matter how much he loved her. Truth be told, a sub should never keep any secrets from her Dom. In a soothing tone, he said, “It’s okay, honey. You can tell me. Rain and Trent are friends of mine. If I can help them, I have to. Tell me what you know.”

  Tamrisk’s lips trembled. “Rain told me not to tell.”

  Switching tactics, he asked, “Rain has been throwing up and she is sad?”

  Nodding, she bit her lip.

  Marshall took her hands and rubbed his thumbs across the backs of her hands. “Is Rain pregnant?”

  Her eyes grew larger. “Yes.”

  She was protecting her sister. That was good, but keeping it from him was bad. “If you don’t tell me everything you know right now, I’m going to take you to Lunn’s club and parade you around naked for a couple of hours, and then I’m going to spank you in front of everyone for a keeping a secret from me. The choice is yours.” He held back a smile when she swallowed hard and looked around. She was too modest to ever feel comfortable walking around a club nude, and getting spanked nude in front of all those people would be terrible for her. He would do it, though, if he had to. She meant the world to him, and he needed her to be honest with him at all times, just as he was honest with her.

  Her voice trembled. “Rain—Rain is pregnant with Trent’s baby. She—”

  Marshall held up his hand to stop her. “This is too important. I’m going to call Trent, and you are going to tell us everything you know when he gets here.”

  She shook her head. “Trent will be mad at me. I told Rain to tell him months ago. Can’t I just tell you and you can tell him? Please.”

  “No, he will hear it from your pretty lips. You have to learn to trust me and keep no secrets from me. Consider this light punishment for keeping this from me and him.” At her nod of agreement, Marshall pulled out his phone and called Trent.

  * * * *

  Trent couldn’t get his heartbeat under control. Marshall had sounded so serious on the phone when he had asked him to go to Gaven’s. Something was up big-time. The feeling that it had to do with Rain would not leave him. He quickly spotted Marshall and Tamrisk sitting at a table. He headed toward them and sat at their table. “What’s going on? What has happened? Is Rain all right?”

  Marshall answered him, “My little sub has something she’d like to tell you.” Marshall turned and looked at Tamrisk. “Don’t you, honey?”

  Tamrisk risked a peek at Trent then looked down at her hands. “Yes.” She raised pleading eyes to Marshall.

  “He won’t bite you, honey. Tell him, or we can go to the club right now.” Marshall stared her down.

  A frown crossed her brow. “Okay, okay.” Tamrisk kept her eyes on her hands. “Rain is pregnant with your baby.”

  Shock slammed into Trent’s chest and radiated through his body with the power of a sonic boom. “Say that again.”

  “R-Rain is pregnant with your baby.” A shudder shook Tamrisk’s body, and relief crossed her face. “I told her she should tell you. She said she didn’t want to bother you, that you two are just friends. She won’t give up the baby.” Desperation filled Tamrisk’s eyes as she stared into Trent’s eyes. “You won’t try to take the baby, will you?”

  “The baby is mine. I will be around the little one. Never doubt that.”

  “But you won’t try to take it from her, right? Because of her low egg count, she was told there was a chance she’d never have a baby. It would kill her if she were separated from the baby.”

  “No, I won’t take the baby from her. How is she doing?” A need to see Rain was growing more and more by the second, but first he had to find out how she was doing.

  “Better. She’d not throwing up near as much as she was, but she sounds sad when I talk to her on the phone. I’ll be glad when she comes back home,” Tamrisk said.

  With his heart pounding in his chest, Trent took Tamrisk’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Thank you for telling me. You did the right thing.” Turning to Marshall, he said, “Thanks, man. I’ll see you when I get back. Right now I have to catch a plane.”

  * * * *

  Trent took a deep breath as he slid his key card into the lock on Rain’s room and slid inside. It was eleven o’clock at night. He hoped she was still awake. They had a lot to talk about. The place was dark, and so were his clothes. Feeling a bit like a burglar, he walked quietly through the suite. She wasn’t in the living room. Maybe she was in the kitchenette. Nope. He stopped and listened. There. A noise sounded from the office.

  Moving in that direction, he stilled at the sight of her sitting at the desk doing some work on her computer. She was so beautiful. As he leaned against the doorframe, she grumbled about something. That made him smile. Then she stood up and stretched. He could clearly see her rounded belly. His heart drummed loudly in his ears. “Lick the girl,” whispered through his mind. An urge to give her wrist a licking kiss came over him, but he pushed it aside. If she didn’t respond, his heart would be broken forever, and if she did, that would mean Joelle was not the one for him and never had been.

  He tried to pull his gaze away from her belly, but he couldn’t. The sight of her round with his child sent daggers of love through his heart. He loved her. She meant everything to him. Just being around her made him happy. Now that she carried his child, they would be a family. The family he thought he’d never have. Tears stung his eyes, but he blinked them away. He may have a fight on his hands since she didn’t come to him when she found out about the baby. But he had a strong feeling she’d soon be his forever. That feeling eased his troubled mind.

  * * * *

  A feeling of peace washed over Rain. That feeling usually didn’t come over her unless she was close to Trent. She grumbled to herself that she didn’t need him. Standing up, she stretched the kinks from her body then stroked her swelling belly. Soon, little one, very soon, Mama will be holding you. She felt a stab of guilt for not telling Trent yet. The last thing she needed was drama, and not telling him for so long was sure to make him extremely mad. He came from a loving family, and she was pretty sure he would love the baby. She just wasn’t sure he loved her. He seemed to like her a lot, but she didn’t really know how he felt about her deep down.

  A movement by the door caught her attention. The outline of a man standing in the doorway had her squealing, jumping back, and looking for a weapon. Son of a bitch, where had he come from?

  “It’s me, Rain. I’m sorry I startled you. Your new rounded look suits you. I’ll have to remember to keep you pregnant.” Trent’s voice floated from the doorway as he turned on the light.

  Rain let out the breath she’d been holding. She turned off the desk lamp and then turned to him. “Don’t ever do that to me again! What is so important that you had to come here at eleven o’clock at night?” She tapped her foot to let him know she was frustrated with him. A mixture of relief that he knew about the baby and a feeling of dread that he might be mad at her surged through her.

  “We need to talk.” Turning on his heel, he headed for the living room.

  She followed and frowned when he plopped down on the couch and kicked off his shoes. Did he think he was staying? “What do you want, Trent? It’s getting late.”

  His green eyes caressed her belly possessively. She soothingly rubbed her rounded abdomen.

  “What I want is my family. Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” He patted the couch next to him.

  Rain slowly sat next to him. Guilt had her biting her lip. “I didn’t tell you because we are just friends with benefits.” She took his hand in hers and begged him with her eyes to understand. “I would never tie you down with a baby. The little one is a blessing to me.” She paused then sighed tiredly. “A long time ago I was told I would probably never have a child. The baby is mine. No need for you to worry about it.”

  He raised their hands and kissed hers. “I don’t think you understand. The baby and I are a package deal.”

  Rain felt her temper flaring. “Unbelievable! What happens when another woman catches your eye?”

  Trent shrugged his shoulders. “I won’t need another woman. I’ll have you.”

  She looked him over and then raised a brow. “What about your motto—Catch and Release? What is going to happen when you release me for good? I can tell you right now, you are not taking my baby with you. This baby is mine, and mine alone.”

  It was Trent’s turn to raise a brow. “Yours? How did you manage to get pregnant all alone?”

  Damn, he really knew how to rile her up. Frustrated, she rolled her eyes and said the first thing that came to mind. “I just did, okay?” Peace suddenly washed away her anger. “He’s the one,” whispered in her ear. “You said that didn’t you?”

  “Said what?” Confusion crossed his handsome face.

  He must be a good actor. “He’s the one.’ I hear it a lot when I’m around you. You’re a ventriloquist, aren’t you? That explains a lot.” I’m not going crazy after all.

  “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not a ventriloquist. I do, however, like the idea of being the one for you.” His eyes shot to her rounded belly then up to hers. “Besides, you are having my baby, so I may as well be the one. We are a package deal, remember.”

  Rain worried her teeth over her lip. She knew she loved him. She just didn’t know if he loved her. “I don’t want my baby to be raised in a loveless home. You don’t have to stay.”

  Trent leaned down and kissed her lips gently. “It won’t be a loveless home. I love you, babe.” At her raised brow he ran his hand through his hair. “I lied before when I said I only wanted to be friends with benefits. I need you and I love you. Every breath I take away from you is painful.”

  Happiness and peace drenched her soul. “I lied, too. I’ve loved you from the moment we met.”

  Trent pulled her into his lap and slid his hand over her tummy. The baby kicked. “Did you feel that?” he asked in wonder.

  “Oh yeah, I felt it. This little one has got powerful legs. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to me if you didn’t love me.” She rested her hand on his and grinned when the baby kicked again.

  Love shone in his green eyes, making them almost glow. She loved his eyes.

  Trent leaned down and took her lips in a hungry kiss. Their tongues battled until they had to separate just to breathe. “Never doubt that I love you.” His hand stroked her rounded tummy. “You have given me something I’d thought I would never have.” At her questioning look, he whispered, “My own family to love.”

  Rain couldn’t stop the tear that slid down her cheek. “You will always have us, my love.”

  A squeal escaped her lips when he suddenly stood and headed toward her bedroom. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking my woman to bed. I need to explore your lovely, rounded body.”

  Warmth spread through her. Peace surrounded her heart. All was well.

  * * * *

  Guilt made him dream of her.

  Trent saw her in the distance. Her dark hair swirled around her shoulders. She was as lovely as ever. He had to get to her. To tell her how sorry he was that he hadn’t died with her. Running as fast as he could, he called out her name. Joelle looked back and smiled at him. The fog was starting to roll in. With frantic breaths, Trent searched for her. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he called out her name.

  Laughter right behind him made him turn around and stare in shock at her. “I got you,” she said.

sp; Heart aching, he remembered she loved to tease him and jump out from behind him. Tears started to run down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could go back in time and save you. Please, forgive me.”

  Concern removed the smile from her lovely face. “There is nothing to forgive, my love. You gave me so much joy. My life was happy because of you. I love you.” A gentle smile crossed her face. “Now you must love me enough to let me go. Seeing you sad makes me sad. Rain is your vero amore.” At the shaking of Trent’s head, she nodded. “Yes, she is. I was never your true love. Please let me go. As long as you are sad, I can’t find complete happiness.”

  “I can’t let you go.”

  She reached out and brushed his cheek. “You have to. Concetta said it is time for you to accept your vero amore. She sent me here to talk to you.”

  Confusion and pain swirled around his chest. “Who is Concetta, and how did she send you to me? You died.”

  Joelle laughed softly. “Concetta is the good witch that blessed your family. Her name means pure. Good witches are very powerful. It was easy for her to send me to you. She has been watching over you and Rain all along. But now she wants you to stop grieving for me and embrace your true love. You must give Rain the licking kiss. Promise me you will.”

  Her image started to fade, and his heart rate picked up. “Don’t go.”

  “Promise me.” Sadness transformed her features.

  His heart ripped in half. He couldn’t take the sight of her sad face. “I promise,” he whispered. A smile lit her face just before she faded away. His body shuddered, and sadness crowded in on him.

  A bright blue light shone down on him, and a kind but firm voice said, “No more of this sadness, Trent.”

  A tear slid down his cheek. “Why didn’t you save her? She was so kind and sweet.”

  “I was not in control of her destiny because she was not blessed like Rain and Branda.” The light glowed and swayed as if air danced through it.


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