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Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101)

Page 21

by J. Nichole

  “He’s cool. Haven’t spent much time with him, but from what Laila tells me he’s not bad,” Jennifer speaks up confidently.

  “Do any of you have a boyfriend?”

  Monica laughs. “No sir, we are all single.”

  I look empathetically to the girls in the back seat. They look like they’d rather be anywhere but in the car. “How about we play a game?”

  Nicole turns towards the window. “I think I’ll just take a nap.”

  Monica rolls her eyes at Nicole. “I’ll play.” We play a few rounds of Momma Sent me to the Store. When we get close to Fort Walton Beach, in my tour guide voice, I start describing the city to the girls.

  At home, my mom is waiting for us with a spread fit for a queen. Snacks, fruit, dessert, and smoothies. We all sit down and grub like it’s our last meal. Similar to my dad, my mom begins her questions. We all laugh because the questions are almost identical.

  Nicole smiles sweetly. “Being married for as long as the two of you, your minds must really become one. You two asked almost the same exact questions.”

  My mom glances at my dad and smiles. “Yes dear, I guess after all these years we are truly one.” My dad leans in and gives my mom a kiss on the lips.

  We all say, “Awe.”

  “My goodness, don’t get mushy.” I blush and look away from my parents.

  After finishing our spread, I show the girls around the house, then we jump in the car and head to the beach. We find a quiet spot near the water and set out our beach towels. We all sit in silence for a few minutes. The waves are serene.

  I send a text to Tanya to plan to meet up with her for dinner. Nicole perches up on her elbows. “Where are all the dudes?”

  Jennifer stares at Nicole. “That didn’t take long. We’ve been here for what, four hours maybe?” Nicole shoots Jennifer a look, then looks back to me.

  “Remind me again. Does Tanya have a brother?”

  I smile at Nicole. As much as she tries to change, she is still the same. “Yes, she does. He goes to A&T. He may be here for the break.” Hopefully, he isn’t here.

  “I’m sure Tanya needs an escort to dinner. Invite him out!” Nicole grins harder than she has all day.

  My last encounter with Josh was too intimate. Maybe he will be interested in one of the girls, and we can move on from that situation.

  “I’ll send Tanya a text and tell her to invite him.”

  Jennifer insists we splash around in the water before heading back to the house. Being carefree feels good.

  On our way to McGuire’s Irish Pub, I drive through my neighborhood and show the girls where I grew up and hung out.

  Jennifer looks over at me cautiously. “Can we see where Travis lives?”

  “Sure.” I give her a half smile. “Hopefully, none of his friends are around. Don’t really want them to see me.”

  Turning onto Travis’ street, I lock the doors. “Not the best neighborhood in town.”

  “Damn Laila. When you said he was a drug dealer, I didn’t imagine any of this.” Nicole peers out of the window. “This is rough. The folks standing on these corners look like the characters from The Wire.”

  Passing his house, I try not to look. Emotions have surfaced that I didn’t realize existed.

  “Someone is trying to stop the car,” Monica screams.

  I look up and see Travis’ brother in the street. “It’s his brother,” I whisper. Stopping the car, I roll down the passenger window. “Hey.”

  “Laila, I didn’t expect to see you around here.” He leans into the car. “Ever.”

  “Just showing my girls around town.” I look at Jennifer, who looks terrified.

  “Talked to my brother lately?”

  I look down, then back at him. “No, I haven’t. Is he okay?”

  He looks deep into my eyes. “He’s as good as can be expected. He was hurt that you didn’t come to court.” He looks away, then back at me. “But I understand. You have to move on.” He stands up and taps the car. “Get out of here, it was good seeing you.”

  Jennifer looks at me with a frown. “Let’s go,” she says faintly.

  Leaving the neighborhood, I try to suppress my feelings for Travis. I should have stayed away.

  Nicole leans forward and rattles Jennifer’s arm. “You look like a white girl in the hood. Guess you’ve never crossed the tracks, huh?”

  “I’ve never ventured out. Never would have thought I’d be this scared.” Jennifer looks out the window, then clicks the locks on the doors again.

  Looking for a parking spot at McGuire’s, Nicole yells out, “Damn! Look at that fine man right there. I need to get out and get a closer look.”

  When I turn to see who Nicole is talking about, and I see Tanya waddling into the restaurant. I suddenly realize the only man in the parking lot is Josh.

  “Nicole, I’m glad you like what you see. That there is Tanya’s brother, Josh.”

  “Hot shit. Let me see that mirror. I need to make sure I’m looking good.” She leans to the front seat, trying to pull down the mirror.

  “Girl, move. I think I’d be more of Josh’s type.” Jennifer shocks me when she speaks up. I didn’t think she would be interested in Josh, too. I always knew he was sexy, but now I know he is universally sexy.

  “May the best girl win,” Nicole says with a wink.

  Strutting into the restaurant with confidence, Jennifer and Nicole work hard to be noticed by Josh when we walk through the door.

  “Hey Tanya, Josh. These are my friends; Nicole, Jennifer, and Monica.” Josh smiles slightly at each of them, then turns his attention to me. Tanya cordially waves at the girls, then links arms with me as we walk to the table.

  Talking non-stop, Tanya occupies me while the girls fawn over Josh. “I hope I look as fabulous as you do when I’m pregnant,” Monica interrupts Tanya.

  Tanya flashes a wide grin and nudges me in the side. “Thanks Monica. I’ve been trying to tell Laila that I’m still fabulous.” She winks.

  “You all have to try the bean soup. McGuire’s is famous for their eighteen-cent soup. Besides being super cheap, it’s delicious,” I say as I look over the menu.

  After we eat the soup, we all order different hamburgers to try. I laugh to myself as I watch Josh squirm. He’s trying hard to ignore the advances from Nicole, who is flaunting her breasts in his face while she talks to him in her come-hither voice.

  “What do you have planned for the rest of spring break?” Josh makes eye contact with me.

  “Not much planned.” I smile at Tanya. “Just going with the flow.”

  Jennifer perks up, leaning in closer to Josh. “What about you? Maybe you can join us.”

  Josh nervously looks at Jennifer, then at his sister. “Ugh.” He pauses. “We’ll see.”

  Tanya scoots closer and whispers in my ear, “Josh thought you were inviting him because you had a change of heart. I told him he had lost his mind.”

  “The girls are keeping him busy. I’m sure he doesn’t mind that I’m not paying him any attention.”

  “I’m sure I’ll hear all about it on the ride home.” She looks at the girls. “I have a few ideas to keep you all busy over the break.”

  Monica looks intrigued. “Let’s hear them.”

  While Tanya offers up ideas, I text Chris.

  Hey sexy, you miss me yet?

  The girls look especially interested in the adventurous stuff Tanya mentions …like jet skiing and go-kart racing. “All those ideas sound fun, think we can do that?” Monica looks at me and asks in a childish voice.

  “I’m sure we can make it happen.” I shrug. “As long as we are all game.”

  Monica smiles at Tanya and says, “Will you be joining us?”

  Tanya looks down and rubs her belly. “Not for the adventurous stuff. But I’ll definitely be around.”

  My phone vibrates.

  I miss you like crazy.

  Call me when you are free.

  Smiling, I text back.

  I’ll call you soon.

  Taking the last bite of his burger, Josh looks at his sister. “Ready to get out of here?” He sure is in a hurry to leave. We call for the waiter and split the bill.

  Trying, and failing, to wrap my arms around Tanya for a hug, she slaps my arms away. “Don’t worry, a few more weeks and this baby will be here. I’ll have my sexy back.” She tugs at my waist. “Now, you honey, better push away from the table before you start looking pregnant.”

  I roll my eyes at Tanya and walk over to her brother to give him a hug. Hugging me tightly, he leans down and whispers in my ear, “Thanks for the invite. Your friends are cool, but I still have my eyes on you.” Pulling away, I smile and look back at the girls, who are now gawking.

  Piling in the car, the girls begin to chatter. “That embrace was a little familiar. What’s that all about?” Nicole says with an attitude. “I’d hate to step on your toes, do you like him? Cause it sure seems like he knows what he wants… and it’s not me.” She glances at Jennifer. “Or you.”

  “There once was a time when I would have dropped anyone to be with Josh.” Taking a reminiscent sigh, I flash back to the day I saw him half-naked. “Timing just isn’t right. I’m happy with Chris.”

  “Oh well, Lee and A&T are too far away anyway.” Jennifer pouts. “I’m not into the long distance thing.”

  Monica bursts out into laughter. “Nice way to distract yourself from the truth.” She chuckles harder. “Clearly, you and Nicole wasted your time flirting with him over lunch.”

  “Shut up youngin’,” Nicole screams indignantly.

  The girls head straight to the bedroom when we get home. Before joining them, I stop to speak to my mom. “How was dinner, dear?” She pats the seat beside her. “Are the girls enjoying themselves?”

  “It was good. Tanya warmed up to them after a few minutes, and Jennifer and Nicole had fun flirting with Josh.”

  My mom grins. “He is a nice looking man.” She looks at me, knowingly. “I always thought you two would be together.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I stare at my mom. “Really?”

  Smirking and nodding, she says calmly, “But looks like that time has come and gone. Maybe one of the other girls can have a chance with him.” Too bad he isn’t interested.

  Standing to leave, my mom puts her hand up, stopping me. “One more thing Laila, make sure you make time for us this week. I’d love to take you all out to dinner, okay?”

  “Definitely, mom.”

  The girls are in my room, looking rather comfortable. Jennifer and Nicole are sprawled out across my bed and Monica is lounging in my seat. “Do you ladies need anything?”

  Nicole looks up. “Not really. The sun has drained me.” She closes her eyes.

  “I’ll let you all relax. I’ll be back.” I go to my parent’s office to call Chris.

  “Chris, how are you babe?” Smiling like a fat kid in a candy store, I’m happy he answered the phone on the second ring.

  “I told you I’d never lie to you. Right now, I’m over this semester.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I haven’t been able to spend as much time with you. You know I like to leave you with something to think about when we leave each other for break. I hardly saw you before you headed out.”

  “I didn’t realize you’d be this busy. I would have taken advantage of our time last semester.”

  “Although I haven’t been around, know I’m always thinking about you. I love you.”

  Whoa! Didn’t expect to hear that. Words escape me, and I just listen to him breathe for what feels like forever. Should I say it back? Surely, I have strong feelings for him, stronger than what I had for Travis, and I told him I loved him all the time.

  “Laila, you still there? I didn’t expect a long pause.”

  “Yeah, I’m still here. You surprised me. I wasn’t expecting you to tell me you love me. I guess you really do miss me. Huh?”

  “Laila, I do. When you get back, I’ll make up for these past few weeks. Are your friends having fun?” Thank God, he let that moment pass. I’ll tell him when he isn’t expecting it.

  “They seem to be. Nicole and Jennifer are both trying to catch Tanya’s brother. Should be an interesting week.”

  “I wish I could say the same. I’ll be here on campus.”

  My phone pings. I take a look at the screen and almost drop the phone. Perfect timing. A message from Courtney.

  “Chris, Courtney just sent me another text message.”

  “What the fuck?” he screams. “She just doesn’t get it. I regret ever talking to her, and definitely running into her at the restaurant.” His breath gets heavy and it sounds like he is pacing. “What does it say?”

  Opening the message, I read it to him: While you’re away, he will play.


  “When I get back to school, I’m talking to someone. I have to report her. She has issues.”

  “That’s a good idea.” His voice is calm. “When I talked to her, she told me she would back up. But obviously she isn’t.”

  From around the corner I can hear the girls snickering. “I should get going, I don’t want to be rude to the girls.”

  “Laila, I meant what I said. I love you. Don’t let Courtney get in your head. This is her game, she wants to get between us.”

  “I know. I’ll call you later, okay?”

  “Sure.” He sounds deflated. I’m too old for games, but this is one I’m willing to play. Courtney will not win.

  Nicole pops her head into the office. “I really need to get a man. You can’t be the only one with late night phone calls.”

  “Just as long as you don’t think Josh is going to be that man you’ll be good,” Jennifer snaps back at Nicole.

  Looking concerned, Monica stands in front of me. “Is everything okay? You look upset.”

  Jennifer and Nicole stop their bantering long enough to observe my reaction. “Oh shit, you still have a man right?” Nicole blurts out.

  “It’s Courtney. She sent a text while I was on the phone with Chris.” Extending my arm to hand them the phone. “Read it.”

  Nicole snatches the phone from my hand. “Damn, he must have put it on her good. She is not easing up.”

  Jennifer peers at me cautiously. “Pretty convenient that she sent a text while you were on the phone with him.”

  “Had to be a coincidence.” Searching their faces for reassurance, I find none. Could he be with her? Would he really answer the phone with her around? And tell me he loves me? The thoughts are agonizing.

  “Shake it off, Laila.” Jennifer grabs my face. “We’re on spring break; we’re supposed to be having fun.”

  “I’m good.” Forcing a fake smile on my face, I stand and walk into my bedroom. The girls follow and we get ready for bed.

  Josh’s body eclipses the sun. Damn, those abs are sick. His smile is inviting. “You’re missing out on the fun, come in the water.”

  “I’m keeping big girl company.” Tanya convinced Josh to join us on our last day of spring break. The girls, desperate to see his body, insisted we all go to the beach.

  “I don’t know why I agreed to the beach.” Wriggling her swollen feet she says, “I look like a beached whale.”

  Daring Tanya to object, Josh asks her, “I’m sure you don’t mind if Laila leaves you for a minute, right?”

  A mischievous grin spreads across her face. “Of course not. Have fun.”

  Reluctantly, I run to the water, joining the girls splashing around. Josh chases me around, trying to pick me up. Out of breath, I surrender and let him pull me into an embrace. “I knew you’d eventually get tired of running.” For a moment, I’m lost in his gaze. “Just one date. That’s all I ask.”

  Squirming out of his arms, I shake my head. “Horrible timing,” I whisper and turn to walk back to Tanya.

  Mouth wide open, Jennifer runs towards me. “That was intense.” If only it were last summer. Why now?

p; Chapter 30

  Renee’s door is propped open, so I peep in and ask, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Looking up from her computer screen, she waves me into the room. “What’s going on, Laila?”

  “I’m not sure if you’re the person I need to talk to, but I thought I’d start with you first. I need to report someone who has been harassing me.”

  “As an RA, there isn’t much I can do unless they stay here in the dorm. You’ll probably need to go to campus security.” I hope Courtney doesn’t stay in Harris Hall.

  “I actually don’t know much about the girl except that she used to date my boyfriend.”

  Renee sighs and rolls her eyes. What the hell is that about? I continue, “She posted a note on my door, she’s been texting me, and she’s approached me in the mall.” Renee seems disengaged. “She texted me several times over spring break, but I didn’t give her my number nor tell her where I stayed.”

  “Okay, what’s her name? I can figure out if she stays in Harris, otherwise, you’ll need to go to campus security. But I’m not sure there is much they can do unless she threatens you.”

  Wait until she threatens me? By then it will be too late, and what if this bitch is crazy? I can’t wait until the situation escalates. I refuse to let this girl have the upper hand.

  Taking a long breath, I exhale, “Her name is Courtney. Courtney Simms.”

  Renee finally makes eye contact, her mouth parts, and she says, “Courtney Simms?”

  I nod my head and she starts typing, then turns her laptop towards me. “Is this her?”

  “That’s her.”

  “She doesn’t stay in Harris Hall.” I’m relieved, but pissed because I didn’t want to spend time with campus security. “Courtney is an RA in Taylor Hall.” An RA?

  “If she used the system to access your information, she could be in violation of our policies.” Renee pauses. “And Laila, I’ve heard of her messing with other girls. I can report her to the dorm mother, but I strongly suggest you visit campus security.”

  Class will have to wait. I need to get this over with. “I’ll head over now. The office is near the library, right?”


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