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Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101)

Page 22

by J. Nichole

  “Yeah. I’ll let you know what I’m able to do on my end.”


  On my way to the security office, I’m checking over my shoulder and peeping around corners. Why am I paranoid? Courtney better not pop out of anywhere, because if she does, I’ll flash back to that one year of karate I took and chop her ass in the neck.

  Grades are finally posted, and crossing my fingers, I log into my student account and scroll over grades until I see my biology mid-term grade. Thank God, I’m passing. With all the other drama going on this semester, failing biology again is the last thing I need.

  “Monica, I’m passing!” I squeal.

  Monica jumps out of her bed and dances around the room. “Great!” She grabs my hand and pulls me out of my chair. “We should celebrate.”

  A knock at the door causes us both to jump. Monica laughs. “We are wack. I’ll get it.”

  She opens the door, and I hear Renee say, “Is Laila here?” I walk up behind Monica and invite her in the room.

  Renee’s face is expressionless. “What did campus security tell you about Courtney?”

  “They basically confirmed what you said about threatening me. Thankfully, the semester is almost over. At least she won’t have access to me, and hopefully next semester she’ll be over it.”

  Renee looks at Monica, then back to me and says, “Maybe you two should sit down.” Monica and I sit down on my bed, Monica sticking close by me. “Because Courtney has access to the contact information of the girls in the dorms, we can’t prove she used it to get your info, but the dorm mother did go to her room.” Pulling out a picture from her pocket, she hands it to me. “We need you to tell us if this is your boyfriend.”

  Looking at the picture, I’m shocked. “This is Chris. Why did I need to tell you that?”

  “She had a shit load of pictures of him posted on her walls. They are all of him by himself.”

  Narrowing my brows, I shake my head, unable to comprehend what she’s telling me. “But let me guess, still not enough to do anything to her?” Handing her back the picture, I tell her, “If this doesn’t sound like some Fatal Attraction type shit, I don’t know what does.”

  Renee nods her head. “Although they can’t prove she used the system, by harassing you, they’ve fired her as an RA. Security shared with housing what you gave them, the texts and the note.” Her brows arch and she puts up her hand as if there is more. “But she’ll still be in the dorms. And I’d be cautious, and if she threatens you, go straight to security. I’m hoping she got the message and will leave you alone.”

  Monica turns to look at me. “Are you okay?” Poor girl, she would get mixed up in all this mess her first semester on campus.

  “I’m okay, I just hate that I’m waiting for her to threaten me before they can do something. Hell … what if she skips the threat and actually does something stupid?”

  Renee leaves, and I find my phone to text Chris. He should know that this chick is officially crazy.

  Talked to the RA. Courtney has pics of you on her walls.

  She’s crazy, and still in the dorms.

  Monica starts pacing the room. “I didn’t imagine I’d ever witness something like this. Sounds like a Lifetime movie.”

  I didn’t think I’d be a part of something like this either. Even though Travis cheated on me, had all types of girls on the side, none of them ever said anything to me. If it weren’t for messages I read on his phone or catching him in lies, I would have never known the girls existed.

  “I’m sorry you have to witness it, and I hope she’s done with her games.”

  “At least you know he probably isn’t messing with her.”

  “I hope that remains true. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and until I learn otherwise I’ll believe what he tells me.”

  My phone pings, a text from Chris.

  Pics of me? I’ll call you after class.

  In an attempt to get my mind off Courtney, I start looking over my English assignment. Writing a paper on African American literature and its impact on black culture is the last thing I want to do, but it’s due in a week.

  “Maybe you should stay at my place till all of this gets straightened out,” Chris says, sounding concerned.

  “I can’t run from her, besides I don’t want to leave Monica hanging.” I look over at Monica and laugh. “She’s been on edge lately.”

  “Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon and I can be more available.”

  “I hope so too. I could use a comforting hug.”

  “How about you come out in about five minutes, so I can squeeze one in for you.” Chris laughs. “That was a little corny.”

  I chuckle. “Just a little, babe. I’ll see you outside in five.”

  “Monica, I’ll be right back. Will you be okay?”

  “If Courtney comes knocking, I’ll just hit her with one of my heels.”

  Laughing and shaking my head, I walk out the door. As I walk, I hear commotion at the end of the hall. My steps slow down and I’m tempted to turn and walk the opposite way. The noise gets louder as I approach the elevator. Finally, I see a couple of girls standing around, looking like they are rehearsing a play. I can’t let this girl get to me like this.

  When I see Chris, I’m relieved, and I run to meet him near his car. He wraps me up in a hug and strokes my back. I stretch my neck to give him a kiss. “It’s good to see you.”

  He looks down at me and smiles brightly. “Your heart is racing, what’s wrong?”

  My cheeks start to flush and I look away, smiling. “Just been too paranoid. Every little thing has me jumping.”

  Chris grabs my chin and looks intensely in my eyes. “Whatever it takes, I’ll protect you. But I don’t think she is crazy enough to hurt you.”

  “She probably didn’t think I’d report her, though.” Hunching my shoulders I say, “Now it’s a different game.”

  Chapter 31

  “OOOO-MEEE-GAAA! Omega Psi Phi till the day I die!” After watching the Ques probate when I see the fresh, shiny, gold boots of a new Que, I repeat the chant in my head.

  Now that they have crossed, I have my man back, but I can’t believe he graduates this weekend. The past few weeks have been pure bliss. We’ve tried to make up for our lost time, but this week we are giving each other space to study for our final exams. Can’t risk failing after doing well on my mid-terms.

  Since classes ended last week we’ve been studying in the library, but today I feel like I need a change of scenery. Monica and I are going to the coffee shop.

  “Laila, I just want to tell you again before I forget. I have really enjoyed being your roommate.” Monica has a corny smile on her face. “You made my first semester much easier than I thought it would be. I’m almost sad to be going home for the summer.”

  “Aw, Monica. Thanks. I have to admit I wasn’t happy about getting a roommate at first. But now I’m glad you joined me. You’re definitely a little firecracker.”

  “Do you think we will have any problems living with Nicole and Jennifer next semester?”

  “I hope not. As long as Nicole keeps her smart-ass comments to a minimum, I think we should be good. I’m glad your parents agreed to let you move off campus.”

  Dorm life will be over for us next year. Although I’ll miss the convenience of rolling out of bed and being within walking distance of class, I can list a handful of things I will not miss at all. Saying goodbye to the party shuttles will be bitter sweet. Had it not been for those shuttles we may not have met most of Nicole’s men.

  “Now I have to knock these exams out the park and prove to my parents I deserve the car they’ve been promising me,” Monica says.

  “You’ll be fine. You must have forgotten you’re a child genius!”

  Monica and I study for a few hours at the coffee shop. By the time we leave, it’s time to meet Jennifer and Nicole at the cafe for dinner.

  When we see Nicole, she looks like she has something to tell u
s. “How about our bodyguards are moving into the same apartment complex. We just saw them in the study lounge. I had to tell them I think they are semi-stalkerish.”

  We all laugh, then start talking about what things we need to get for our new apartment. Thankfully, it is fully furnished so we just need to bring in kitchen items, linens, and decorations.

  “Monica, when is the last time you talked to Malcolm?” Nicole asks.

  “Girl, I stopped talking to him a while ago. I wasn’t really that into him after we talked on the phone. His conversation was weak.” Monica scrunches her nose and shakes her head. “What about you. Have you talked to the Deac recently?”

  “I’m starting to think there is something wrong with me. I can’t keep a man’s attention for long. I haven’t heard from him in a couple of weeks.” Nicole looks disappointed.

  “Don’t ever think there is something wrong with you,” Jennifer practically screams at Nicole. “How about the men just aren’t worth your time? Besides you should want someone who wants you more than you want him.”

  “Easier said than done, Jennifer. I try to ignore the fact that I haven’t had a decent boyfriend in a while, but honestly it bothers me.”

  “At least you are enjoying the single life in the meantime, right?” Monica says with a smile.

  “Something like that. I guess.”

  After dinner, we start our trek back to the dorm to study. Finally, after months of making this walk back and forth from the cafe to the dorm, it doesn’t seem as far. Fortunately, the temperature hasn’t hit the 90s yet and the walk is actually pleasant.

  Jennifer hits my arm to get my attention, “I told you I remember faces!”

  Confused, I look at Jennifer, then peer around us to the people walking and I see Sean passing us. He is rocking his fresh gold boots! “I’ll be damned. You were right.”

  Jennifer looks at me mischievously. “I wonder if Chris knows you two talked for a minute.”

  “Okay,” Monica says deliberately. “Now you said you would tell us about this story later. I think now is the perfect time since you both forgot to fill me and Nicole in.”

  Jennifer nods at me and says, “It’s not really my story to tell, Laila, you can give them the details.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “It’s not really much of a story. At the beginning of last semester, I met Sean at the mall and I gave him my number. We talked for a couple of weeks. Long story short, when I saw him around campus he basically acted as if we hadn’t been talking and had the nerve to flirt with my classmate.”

  Nicole and Monica exchange a look. “Damn,” Monica says.

  “Like I said, not much of a story. Just interesting that he crossed. Which means he has to know Chris.”

  “Are you going to give up the goods before you leave for the summer?” Nicole says with a raised brow.

  “Actually, I was considering giving it to him after graduation Friday night.”

  “Yes! Now that would be a gift he could never forget!” Nicole yells.

  Jennifer and Monica share Nicole’s enthusiasm. They all start clapping.

  “Excited much? I’ll make sure to call each of you on Saturday if it goes down.”

  When we get into the room, Monica and I turn on some Anthony Hamilton and start studying. In a mellow groove, I’m focused much more than last semester. But before long, my eyes begin to get heavy and my pillow is calling my name.

  Before heading to sleep I text Chris.

  Good night babe. Good luck on your exams tomorrow.

  I’m tempted to send one more text to let him know I love him, but I’d much rather tell him in person. As soon as I see him. Since the first time he said it, he hasn’t said it again. I want to look into his eyes when he says it again.

  My phone pings, and I search for it with one eye open. Repeatedly blinking, I try to read the text, then I rub my eyes a few times until I’m able to finally focus on the display. A message from Chris. I must have fallen asleep right after I texted him, that was only thirty minutes ago.

  I’m glad you texted, can I call you?

  To wake myself up, I sit up in the bed.


  “Hey babe, I hope you weren’t knocked out.”

  Chris knows when I’m lying. I don’t even attempt to tell him I was wide-awake, instead, I just giggle.

  “I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to tell you that Courtney has been texting me all day today.”

  What the hell? She’s been quiet since I reported her. Why now?

  “What did she say?” Anticipating the worst, I hold the phone tightly to my ear.

  Chris breathes heavily. “Chris. What’d she say?”

  “She said she can’t believe you reported her, and you better watch your back.”

  “Why now? I reported her weeks ago.” I only have a few days before I leave campus. I’m sure I can avoid her.

  “As far as she knows, I’m leaving after graduation. I never told her I was staying another year.”

  “She thinks threatening me will get her closer to you?”

  “She’s delusional, and she also said you’re keeping me away from her.”

  “Fortunately, there are only a few days before I leave. I’m sure I can avoid her.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk about. I’m going to come pick you up. You can stay with me till you leave.” I smirk to myself. My knight and shining armor.

  “As much as I appreciate that, Chris, you know I can’t do that. We both know staying at your place will be a distraction for both of us. I have to do well on these exams.”

  “Okay, Laila.” Chris sounds disappointed.

  “Enough of her. Miss me?”

  “More than you’ll ever know. Just wish you’d let me protect you.”

  “Don’t take it personally.” Wait, her text is a threat. “Chris, I hope you kept those texts. I need to take those to security. Maybe it will be enough for them to take action.”

  “Of course I did. We’ll take it over tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I’m going to go back to sleep. Sleep tight.”

  “Good night babe.”

  On the way from my last exam, I stop by Professor Douglas’ office. As last semester, there is a group of kids standing in his office. I assume they are all graduating seniors. I knock before entering, and of course, they invite me in.

  “Hello Ms. Jackson. Come on in. These seniors were just stopping by to tell me how wonderful I have been to them over the years.”

  The seniors all laugh, but none denies his statement. “I can relate. Dr. Douglas has been my main man this year.”

  Dr. Douglas smiles proudly. One of the senior guys speaks up. “If it weren’t for Dr. Douglas pushing me to join the news team, I wouldn’t have had the experience I needed to get my job.” He smiles widely. “A job I would have never thought I could get.”

  “Sometimes yuh just need a little push.” Dr. Douglas grins. After thirty minutes of stories, the last student is walking out of the office. I stick around to have a one-on-one conversation with Professor Douglas.

  “Ms. Jackson, I hope yuh have time planned to write this summer.”

  “I’ll be at the newspaper back home, for an internship.”

  “Right, I’m proud of yuh. Save yuh articles for me.”

  “What about you?” With an inescapable stare I say, “Big plans?”

  He laughs. “I’ll be travelin’ across Europe. Then relaxin’ on the beach in Miami.”

  “Miami?” With a shocked look, I continue, “Maybe you should try a low key beach. Destin is beautiful, and has more older people.”

  “Teaching yuh kids keeps me young. I like to have fun. I don’t need to be around old people.” He frowns.

  Laughing I stand to walk out. “Dr. Douglas, have a great summer. Thanks again for everything.”

  Dr. Douglas stands and pats me on my back, leading me out of his office. “See yuh next year, Ms. Jackson.”

  The feeling I have while walking
back to the dorm is indescribable. I thought being on campus without Tanya would be devastating. It would have been different if she were here, but my new friends have made this year amazing.

  Now to get this crazy girl off my back. I send a text to Chris.

  I’ll meet you at the security office.

  Chapter 32

  My freshman year is over. It’s bitter sweet, I’m glad it’s over, but sad to be leaving and away from Chris for the entire summer. Tonight will be special, unforgettable.

  “Monica, my hair looks gorgeous! Thanks girl!” Checking my hair out in the mirror, I do a few turns to look at it from different angles. Sexy.

  “You ain’t never lied. Just make sure you don’t mess it up rolling in those sheets tonight!”

  “I should have a backup plan. If I see his folks tonight, then tomorrow they will probably know what’s up.” First time meeting his folks, I don’t want them to think I’m some hoe.

  “He’s a dude. I’m sure they won’t care as much as your parents would. Just throw it in a ponytail tomorrow. You should be good.” Monica grabs my shoulders and looks me squarely in the eye. “Are you nervous?”

  “Hell yeah! I’ve heard horror stories about the first time. Although Tanya told me it was still pleasurable, I’m not convinced.”

  “I mean it shouldn’t make you cry, but it may catch you off guard. From what I hear about Chris, I’m sure he will be gentle. At least your first time. Just do your best to relax.”

  Monica helps me finish putting my outfit together before her parents arrive to pack her up. Monica insists I wear these killer heels, she says I’ll be irresistible. By the end of the night, I’m sure I’ll regret listening to her.

  Monica is the first to leave, and after walking her out, I hurry to Jennifer and Nicole’s room to see them before they leave. Nicole opens the door, looking frustrated.

  “What’s wrong, Nicole?”

  She groans. “My parents are almost here, and I’m not done packing.” She looks at my hair and smiles. “That hair is not fuck ready.” She laughs. “It’s cute though.”


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