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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 11

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Yes, they certainly did, even the Holy Spirit was surprised by the release of His power. The greater the faith and earnestness of the prayer, the greater His Spirit is felt. It is at times like this, David, when heaven and earth begin to touch one another. And I must add, you and your group did touch down, this morning, indeed.”

  Father looked deeply into Zachariah’s clear, warm, amber eyes. The depth seemed to go on forever, impossible to read.

  “So, what does all this mean, Zachariah?”

  “Well, like I said, there have only been a few times throughout history when the pre-destiny of someone is changed. Lazarus is perhaps the one best known. He had passed beyond for four days and the Lord out of compassion for his friend, restored his life. Some say he was in limbo, but we know better. Lazarus had actually crossed the threshold and the Lord changed his destiny! This may very well be one of those times.”

  “Are you saying my fate may be changed?”

  Zachariah’s hands shuffled first this way and then that way, his wings mimicking every movement. “Well, there is more to it, David. Right now you are in a limbo region where we are still trying to decide what to do with you. Besides the depth and intensity of your prayers and the laying down of your life for Jenny, there also is the fervent depth of the love Henry and Jenny have for one another, their desire to be with one another, to marry one another. Their love is a rare thing and was a match that the heavens played a part in. You’ve heard the expression, ‘theirs was a match made in heaven’?”

  Once again Father looked puzzled. He’d always thought that expression was nothing more than fluff.

  “Do you remember the day when they first met in your store and they were picking up the salmon tins that Henry knocked over?”

  “Yes, yes, I could see it in the boy’s eyes how smitten he was by that pretty young miss.”

  “Well, both he and she were more than smitten.” Zachariah reiterated. “When they looked into each other’s eyes it was not just a human attraction going on between them, but a spiritual one, as well. Both their guardian angels were so caught up in that union that a part of their heavenly energy surged along with the gaze Henry and Jenny shared, adding much greater force and impetus to their earthly attraction. Not only were they intoxicated with affection, with friendship and love at first sight, but their hearts were wounded as well.”

  “Love at first sight does happen,” concurred Father. “It is difficult to embrace how it works, but how could their hearts be wounded? Does love not cause pleasure and even ecstasy?”

  “Yes, it does appear as a contradiction. Humans sometimes describe it as an oxymoron. Something so pleasurable it causes pain. It’s like the love I have witnessed which you have at times for the Lord. Over the years, I marveled how you longed for Jesus so much you ached in pain. While your love grew for the Lord over time, the passionate love between Henry and Jenny was instant.”

  Father’s eyes brightened, a sign of comprehension, but his expression still looked perplexed and so Zachariah went on.

  “Poets, artists and writers over the ages have tried to explain and portray this phenomenon of love at first sight. William did a fine job in Romeo and Juliet. Ah, that Shakespeare, the Lord blessed him with such a brilliant insight into human nature; wait until you meet him, Father. But I digress, Eros, in Greek myth—or perhaps better yet, Cupid, for example, the God of Love in Roman mythology (often depicted as a cherub with a bow and arrow) metaphorically explains what has happened in Henry and Jenny’s case quite well.

  “When those two young people locked into the gaze they shared that first time, imagine Cupid shooting his love tipped arrows along their gaze, right into their eyes and straight through to their hearts, piercing and wounding them. But because of the added impetus of their guardian angels’ heavenly energy, the arrow, so to speak, went beyond their hearts, penetrating their very souls, deepening their love, deepening their wound, uniting them spiritually. Instantly, they were sick in love for each other, yearning one another, not wanting to be apart for a single moment.”

  “Yes, it is as you say, Zachariah. They desired to be with one another every moment and on the day they parted, it was as if the world had come to an end. I recall Henry mentioning that he felt as if something were caught in his eyes. Yes, yes, how Henry agonized and pained for her. Not just for a day, a month, but years; until this very day. Normally when things don’t work out in a relationship, it usually passes after a few months and certainly a year or two. Yet, time, distance and all the impediments that life thrust their way, could not squelch that love.”

  “That is a fact, David,” concurred Zachariah. “The sorrow and pain Henry felt was the same with Jenny. How their guardian angels wept and reached out to their respective charges. They knew had they not added their spiritual ardor to Henry and Jenny’s captivation at that moment, perhaps their pierced hearts, in time would have healed and as you just noted, they could have went on as most other humans do in similar circumstances. But alas, their wounds never healed.

  “For years I witnessed how their protectors worked in earnest to get them back together, to correct what they had caused. But no sooner had their angels opened one door, life with its twists and turns closed it. Just look back at all the events: their final letters with identical pewter angels, saved from fire, retrieved from a steel vault and delivered only to be locked up again in treasure chests—”

  “And Henry’s purchase of Jenny’s house. He was so excited, claiming to have found his other self, imagining that the lady he bought the house from was Jenny and then, the discovery of the diary to learn that home was in fact really hers!”

  “All these things and even their dreams were prompted by the gentle actions and whispered urgings of their guardian angels,” concluded Zachariah.

  Father shook his head lamentably, “Yes, I can see how heaven played its part. It’s rare for a love to be so strong in spite of everything that happened and even their desire to be together and be married is—”

  “Well, that’s where we come in, David. Since it was our heavenly involvement that created such a deep and lasting wound of love and yearning, we are looking at some way to make up for it. In fact, their guardian angels feel so responsible and moved by the zeal, lasting commitment and desire that these two have for one another, they have gone back and forth with great solicitude to the throne of God, hoping to procure for their protégés, a special request. Especially since sunrise, today the angels are bearing the prayers of Henry and Jenny to our heavenly Father, imploring Him to hear their petitions.”

  Father didn’t know what to say. “Well, it is clear that they are deeply in love and have been so since that moment but, Zachariah, how can they find fulfillment, now? Jenny is gravely ill and about to die, perhaps she has already. And the Bible has taught us that marriage, as we know it, does not exist in heaven. How then can they possibly be united or find any kind of meaningful relationship, now? Surely marriage, which they so much desire, is out of the question?”

  “David, you above all people should know that nothing is impossible with God. During your entire life, you have believed in the power and abundance of our heavenly Father.”

  “Yes, yes, that is true, so what will happen here?” Father quickly asked, revealing his impatience once again.

  “That is what we are waiting for. Soon, two people very dear to your heart will come here. And soon, a decision of what is meant to be, will be issued and carried out. As we speak, David, a very important meeting is going on. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and a whole host of heavenly saints and angels are discussing this matter. Soon, we shall know their answer.”

  As Father began to question Zachariah further on what he just said, Henry and Jenny, and their guardian angels appeared on the scene. At first they only saw Father sitting on his chair in the sun room with all the residents standing around singing and praising the Lord.

  “Oh, that’s the group that was praying for me this morn
ing!” Jenny exclaimed.

  “But, why isn’t Father praying?” Henry asked.

  “Look there,” said Jenny pointing to where Father and his guardian angel were floating in the far end of the sun room.

  “Over here,” Father said, waving at Henry and Jenny.

  “I knew you’d be here. We are coming to get you,” said Jenny.

  Father opened his arms as both Henry and Jenny flew into them, their guardian angels stopping just short of being caught in Father’s exuberant embrace as well and getting their wings all tangled.

  “What a pleasant surprise to see you both,” Father exclaimed, as he freed Henry and Jenny from his loving hold of them. “I expected Jenny perhaps, but not you, Henry.”

  “Yes, for the three of us to meet our Maker on the same day is remarkable. I am still trying to understand it all. The Lord works in mysterious ways, Father.”

  “Yes, yes, He most certainly does.”

  Henry studied Father’s guardian angel for a moment and then said, “Now, I know what you would look like if you grew a beard, Father. The warmth of your angel’s eyes and benevolent smile is just like yours.”

  “Yes, yes, there is a remarkable similarity.”

  “It’s one of the hazards of looking after someone that has lived as long as David,” said Zachariah with a chuckle. “You not only pick up their traits, but looks, as well.” He opened his arms towards Henry. “I’m Zachariah. You may call me Zach, if you wish. It’s nice to meet you in spirit. Father thought about you so often it’s as if I know you through and through.”

  Henry stood on his tiptoes and still had to reach way up to give and receive a hug from Zachariah.

  Jenny greeted Zachariah next and unlike Henry who forgot to use his flying ability, Jenny floated up into Zach’s open arms while Father extended a warm hug to Hannah and Gabriel.

  Surrounded by heavenly angels and at last her first love standing next to her, Jenny could no longer contain her bubbling excitement. Her eyes sparkled and flashed as she turned to Father. “Our guardian angels, Gabriel and Hannah brought us here to pick you up. We think that maybe you will be able to marry us before we enter heaven, or perhaps after. A heavenly marriage would be so wonderful.”

  Father looked compassionately at Jenny, reluctant to reveal yet another impediment which may keep her and Henry from fulfilling their hearts’ desire.

  “I’m sorry to say, Jenny, marriage in heaven does not exist.”

  “I tried to tell Jenny that too.” Henry confirmed.

  Jenny looked lovingly at Henry and then back at Father. “But maybe, just maybe, a rule can be broken. Henry and I have desired this for so long, that perhaps even the good Lord has to make an exception,”

  “Yes, that may be a possibility. Zachariah and I were just talking about that before you came—”

  “Ahem,” Zachariah interjected, “It is not yet time to share our conjectures, Father. That is for the Lord to decide.” They all looked at each other, not sure what to say.

  Comfort gathered in Father’s eyes as Scripture came to mind. “The Lord does remind us in Isaiah 55:9, ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’”

  “See, there you are, anything is possible with God!” Jenny blurted and then added, “Well, at least we will be together. That’s why I am so glad to have you both here. I wouldn’t want to lose you up there, but I still feel the Lord is going to do something special for us. I say we trust in the Lord and pass through the tunnel and see what God has in store.”

  Jenny looked at the angels and then at Henry and Father Engelmann.

  “Yes, perhaps the Lord is waiting for us.” Father turned to Zachariah and continued, “What do you say?”

  “We are here to follow your will. We shall know soon enough if that is what the Lord wants.” replied Zachariah.

  “Good,” said Jenny. Since no-one seemed to have any objection to her plan, she slid between Father and Henry and said, “Quickly, take my hands.”

  Father and Henry took Jenny’s hands in theirs and all six spirits— Father, Henry, Jenny and their respective guardian angels— moved forward through the south panel of windows as if they were not there. Just before them was the bright light which Father had noted earlier. It was the tunnel that they would go through to enter eternity. Once through, there would be no coming back.

  Chapter Twenty

  Hello, Mr. Hamilton? Nurse Johnson just called to say you be phoning for me?”

  “Look, Matilda, I have one of my staff making arrangements to ship Marjorie’s body back to Ottawa—”

  “But, Mr. Hamilton, she may have made arrangements to be buried here where her daughter lives and also her…”

  “We’ll just have to cancel any cemetery plot she may have purchased. Her daughter will just have to come to Ottawa—”

  “But, Mr. Hamilton, it’s not just her daughter, it’s also…” Matti’s words trailed off.

  “Surely you don’t mean that farm boy, Pederson, has any say in this?”

  Matti was surprised that Mr. Hamilton knew of Henry Pederson. “Do you know Henry Ped—?”

  “Yes, yes, from way back. Marjorie got over him a long time ago. That’s why she married me! No, she belongs at home with her family and we’re going to have a funeral that she rightfully deserves. J.J sold her home last fall in Regina and so Marjorie doesn’t have any ties there anymore.”

  Matti could feel her employer’s sensitivity in the matter. She knew from years of experience with her master that he could erupt at any time. He had been softening up this last while, but she had to say what was in her heart. She knew how deeply her dear friend loved Henry and so desired to be with him.

  “But, Mr. Hamilton—”

  “There are no ‘buts’ about it, Matilda. Marjorie is coming back to Ottawa and I will press to have it done by tomorrow at the latest! And since you are there, I would like you to go to the hospital first thing in the morning and do everything you need to do to keep things moving. If there is any problem or matter that needs attention, call me right away and I’ll have it attended to. Is that understood?”

  Matti was perspiring, “Oh, sweet Jesus, if you be fishing in one them there heavenly streams, I hope you catch Your limit soon. You be needed back on the job. I don’t like the way this be movin’ forward, that for sure…”

  “What are you mumbling about, Matilda. You’re not beginning to lose it on me, are you?”

  “No, I just be waiting on the Boss, to tell me what to do—”

  “I just told you, for Pete’s sake!”

  “My God, Camilla, look at the crowd up ahead. That’s where the accident scene must be. My heart is pounding so fast, I hope I don’t have a heart attack.”

  Camilla reached her hand over to Jeremy’s and squeezed tightly. “Maybe park over there and let’s walk into the crowd.”

  “Yeah, that may be best.” Jeremy pulled over and parked the car. The three of them made their way through the crowd. They saw the ambulance attendant close the back doors to the ambulance and hurry around to the driver’s side.

  “There’s a police officer. Let’s go talk to him. The ambulance may have Dad in the back or somebody else that was injured.”

  They formed a single line and held hands as they slithered through the crowd.

  “Excuse me officer, my name is Jeremy Pederson. I’m not sure if it was you or one of the other policemen that phoned to let us know that Dad was in an accident. That’s his red SUV over there.”

  “You’re his son, are you?”

  Jeremy nodded struggling to keep his emotions in check. He was much like his dad in that regard; he wore his feelings on his sleeve.

  “The ambulance just picked up your father and are on their way to the General Hospital—”

  Jeremy lowered his voice, stood in front of Josh, and asked the officer, “Did my dad die in the accident…?”

  The senior police officer tightened
his lips and nodded, “I’m afraid he didn’t make it, son. You can see the condition of his vehicle. That was some accident. We needed the Jaws of Life to remove him. It’s a tough break…”

  Camilla began to sob. “Why are you crying, Mommy?” Joshua wanted to know.

  Camilla simply bent down and picked up her son. “Maybe we should go to the hospital and see your dad, Jeremiah.”

  “You go ahead with your family. There’s not much you can do here. We will put your dad’s SUV into our compound. You may be still able to catch up to the ambulance. It’s getting close to the noon rush hour and there is no urgency to get to the hospital…” He gazed slowly at Jeremy, not sure if he should have said what he just did.

  Jeremy nodded and forced an appreciative smile. He turned to Camilla. “Okay, let’s get back to the car and go to the hospital.”

  The nurse had difficulty walking into the crowded room. It was filled with family and parishioners to overflowing. Normally visits were restricted to only family and limited to two people at a time in the IC unit but Angie’s request to override the hospital regulations was approved by the family doctor. The nurse had to admit she could feel the spiritual power in the room. Perhaps the prayers by those present could bring healing where medical help was no longer effective. Florence went over to Peter’s side and picked up his wrist.

  The nurse looked at Angie and slowly shook her head. “I’m so sorry,” Florence whispered. She looked up at the rest of the family and friends that surrounded the bed and the sadness in her eyes confirmed what she had just relayed to Peter’s grieving wife. Florence let go of Peter’s wrist and gently laid his hand down on the bed and in the same motion pulled the sheet over Peter’s face.

  Angie’s weeping became more audible but soon was drowned out by the praying sounds of others present in the room. Everyone remained stationary, unable to move, nor accept what had happened. They all expected Peter to be healed; they had been praying so fervently.


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