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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 12

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Tears filled the eyes of the attending nurse, as well. Florence had not seen such support, love and prayer for someone in a long time. She, too, had come to love Peter in the few days that he had been on her ward. Florence gazed at the monitor and saw the steady line on the screen hoping that a blip would appear, but neither the line nor its eerie sound changed. Just as she went over to the monitor to turn it off, a blip appeared and then vanished.

  Florence looked at the monitor puzzled.

  Angie had heard its tiny sound and looked up, but only saw the steady, even line. Perhaps it was just her imagination, hoping against all hope that her dead husband was coming back. She stared at it for the longest moment, along with the nurse.

  Once again, just as Florence reached up to turn off the monitor, she was so startled she nearly keeled over…

  Chapter Twenty One

  Father Engelmann, Henry, and Jenny approached the tunnel of light. All three were holding hands and about to pass into a life of eternity. As they neared the light, their clothes turned a brilliant white, much like the angels’ robes behind them already had. Their features began to change, as well. They were shedding their old age and miraculously regaining their youth.

  Although Jenny had no longer appeared frail and pallid in spirit, she began to look younger and even healthier by the second. Henry, too, was going through a metamorphosis. His beard was shedding at the same time his hair was growing and darkening. He looked forty, then thirty, then… it was an amazing sight.

  Father Engelmann’s one hundred earth years melted away into dark wavy hair and a rascally look in his eyes. They were so caught up in entering the tunnel of light, they were completely unaware of the transformation that each was undergoing.

  The three were now at the very edge of the radiant tunnel. Even in their spirit form, they had to squint; the light was so dazzlingly white and brilliant. Their respective guardian angels walked closely behind each of them, ready to deliver them to their Lord and complete the assignment they’d been given years ago.

  Just as they all entered the doorstep, the threshold of eternity itself, another light, even more brilliant than the one they were stepping into, emerged from the tunnel and advanced towards them. They stopped, momentarily frozen in their paths and then retreated, unable to withstand the utter holiness emanating from this emerging light. Was it God, Himself, coming for them?

  The closer the light came, the more they had to retreat from the tunnel and so did their youthful transformation. They began to age and assume the appearance they had before. Father’s hair began to fall out and Henry’s beard grew and turned grey. Jenny’s glowing youthful look, her skin so luminous and fresh, turned pale and languid. For the first time they began to feel frightened or was it God-fearing?

  Gradually, the dazzling light took form almost as if it were coming out of a mist. The first to emerge, were two hands almost touching at the end of open outstretched arms, as if diving into their presence. These arms led up to broad soft rounded shoulders, from which grew two large wings, moving ever so gently. The magnificent apparition flew directly towards them, much like a white dove with outstretched wings. It became clear the manifestation was another angel of immense size.

  Then, almost imperceptibly, the radiant angel raised his wings and fanned them out as a dove preparing to land. He slowed, and the rest of his angelic body hidden behind his shoulders and wings, lowered, and his legs and feet emerged. His wings rose high above him and fluttered effortlessly before stilling. They folded behind him as his feet touched down, his powerful frame coming completely into view with all its majesty.

  Henry, Jenny and Father were awestruck and transfixed at the daunting figure before them. They shuddered with fear and clustered together. This was an angel of high rank. Clearly, the persona of an archangel, perhaps, Michael the Archangel.

  Everything about him was whiter than the most dazzling pure white, one could ever imagine and beyond. His long, flowing golden hair fell upon his robe and continued in rhythmic glistening motion. It was as if his entire being were perpetual waves, shimmering and glowing in the light. An aura of such radiant, majestic holiness enveloped his entire spirit. It was difficult to make out his face. It was a sight of awe and wonderment. The spirits of Henry, Father and Jenny dropped to their knees in reverence and veneration, bowing their heads.

  Zachariah, Hannah, and Gabriel floated off to the side to meet with the archangel as Father, Jenny and Henry dared raise their heads and watched. The angels greeted each other much as humans do with hugs and kisses on the cheek. At times, their wings intertwined as they fluttered in reaction to their joyful reunion. The angels conferred with one another as if in some private board meeting. Hannah’s wings flapped excitedly every now and then as the archangel talked. The news must have been good as the angels were smiling and their wings fluttered like three hummingbirds.

  After a brief moment, the angels hugged the archangel, once more. Backing away to make room, he turned and moved his immense wings. He easily lifted up and slowly aimed his arms out towards the tunnel of light. With just two flaps of his wings, he re-entered the bright passageway and was gone. The intensity of the light instantly increased and became so blinding, the trio had to look away.

  Then, as if consumed by the tunnel of light, the intenseness quickly diminished back to what it was as the archangel returned to his heavenly quarters.

  Zachariah, Gabriel, and Hannah braced themselves as the decision of the Lord as revealed to them by the archangel was upon them. Instantly the mountain— the cancer that had ravaged the body of their dear, sweet sister Jenny— shook and crumbled and fell into the sea of God’s love with a mighty crash. A towering tsunami of immense power erupted, healing everything in its path. It was coming forth as a mighty wind with lightning speed. The breath of God was blowing to them, in them, through them, their very essence of being renewed, restored.

  Jenny, Henry and Father held onto their spirits for dear life, as the hurricane of the Lord passed upon them.

  “Hurry.” said Zachariah, “Let’s get back to them lest they soar into infinity.” The angels flew over to their charges, their long hair and robes blowing and fluttering deliriously in the storm. The angels comforted their commissions as they had always done in the past.

  Instead of fear, Father, Jenny, and Henry were filled with jubilation and praise. They raised their hands into the wind, their spirits soaring, and rejoicing. Gabriel moved closer, directly behind Henry with his hand firmly upon his shoulder. Hannah hovered a foot or two behind Jenny, struggling against the turbulence. Her arms extended in a watchful, protective pose, ready to catch her.

  In the wake of the healing storm, the wind abated and turned into a gentle, warm, summer breeze. They all felt exhilarated having felt the grace of God wash over them. They turned and gazed into each others’ eyes, their hearts filled with youthful joy. And like little children, they took each others’ hands and danced around and around.

  “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,” shouted Father.

  “They shall mount up with wings as eagles,” cried Henry.

  “They shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint,” chimed in the three angels gleefully completing the rest of Isaiah 40:31.

  Their spirits soared with love and affection; the heavens glowed brighter. Hannah’s wings flapped so exuberantly she lifted the entire encircled group and spun them into the air.

  “Oooh!” Jenny shrieked, her hair like the angels’ whipped by the force. Laughter, mingled with buoyant cries of exultation, effervesced into the celestial atmosphere.

  “Please stop!” yelped Father. “All this happiness is making me too dizzy!”

  Slowly they descended and resumed their carefree prancing. Zachariah and Father stood side-by-side reveling in God’s healing power. Both had seen their Lord work mightily before and knew what was in store for them.

  And as this awareness inched its way into Henry and Jenny’s
understanding, tears of impending parting filled their eyes. As they hopped and skipped, one by one, to each of them it began to happen.

  First to disappear was Jenny. She was firmly holding both Father Engelmann’s hand and Henry’s and yet she slid out from between them as easy as a pat of butter dissolves in a warm pan. She was gone and so was her zestful protector. No sooner had Henry turned to his beloved Jenny then he too, vanished into thin air. Only Father Engelmann and Zachariah were left.

  Father raised his head towards heaven, “Thank you, Lord, for granting us our hearts’ prayer. Their marriage will truly be a match made in heaven.”

  Father turned and looked lovingly into his life-long friend’s gentle eyes and extended his hand. “This has been a wonderful day, Zachariah. I am now ready to see my Anna and parents…” Father’s words trailed off as his protector’s eyes revealed something else in store.

  Zachariah smiled. “Your time has not yet come, David.”

  Father’s face puzzled. “But why, Zachariah? Has the Lord not accepted my life for Jenny’s? I am an old man; surely my life on earth is over.”

  “Did you not say earlier, ‘as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than your ways, and His thoughts than your thoughts?’”

  “Yes, yes,” Father blurted, already re-gaining his earthly impatience. “What else could there possibly be left for me to do that others cannot?”

  “You have been a man of God and witnessed many things during your lifetime, David. The Lord wishes for you to record all you have seen in your earthly life as well as what you have been allowed to see in the unseen today. At the heart of all this, will be the story of your two dear friends. It is a love story that the heavens played a part in and will touch the lives of many people and restore their faith.”

  “Do you mean to write a book!?”

  “Yes, David—”

  “But, I am no writer, Zachariah, and at my age… my memory is failing, the task is too great…”

  “David, all things are possible through God who strengthens him. The Lord shall inspire you. You shall remember everything that has happened to you. Thoughts and words will come to you to clearly express your dear friend’s life story.”

  Father Engelmann gazed at his protector in awe. He enjoyed this visit on the other side with Zachariah so much and couldn’t wait to spend eternity with him. Zach’s gaze returned that affection. He deeply loved the man before him whose life he had protected and guided.

  In the next moment of thought, Father was granted the vision of all that went before not only in the lives of his friends but of all humanity. He was witnessing it all from both an earthly and heavenly perspective. In that split second of eternity, Father was filled with the deepest of sorrow and taken to heights of pure elation.

  The sorrowful condition of mankind, the workings of angels, how the divine providence of the Lord is at work to bring His children home… it overwhelmed the holy priest.

  “Oh, what has the future in store, Zachariah?”

  “Only the Lord knows what lies ahead. Neither man nor angels can see into the future. We are messengers of God and this is what we are here to tell you. Our conjectures, perhaps more astute than yours, are still conjectures. Your days will unfold moment by moment and the wise decisions and choices you make will to a large degree determine your future, as you well know. Your life on earth has been good and close to your Creator. There is no reason for you but to continue to live in peace.”

  Zachariah gazed tenderly into Father’s eyes, hesitant for a moment and then continued. “There is one other task the Lord has in mind and is the second reason for your return—”

  “A second task? What is it?” Father quickly asked, the puzzled look on his face returning again. “I wish to stay or return as quickly as possible. I miss my Anna and desire to be with the Lord.”

  “Yes, we understand, David, but the Lord has a matter that is best accomplished by you. It is a very important mission. It may prove to be your greatest challenge and crowning achievement.”

  “But the Lord can accomplish all things… surely, He doesn’t need me.”

  “That is true, David. The heavenly Father knows of your desire to come home and so he has allowed you to see into the future and you can decide to either stay, and leave the tasks to God’s divine providence, or you can choose to return to carry out these two assignments.”

  In the next instance, Father saw what his second mission was. Tears filled his eyes instantly and he quickly without any hesitation nodded. “Yes, Zachariah… He will need me.”

  Father hung his head and shrugged his shoulders at the same time. He lifted his hands and said, “Let the Lord’s will be done.”

  Father Engelmann looked up to burn the image of his protector’s kindly, warm eyes into his memory, but his guardian was no longer visible. All Father felt, was the mighty squeeze of his tender hand as his guardian angel pulled him gently through the crossing from the doorstep of heaven, back to earth.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Nurse Johnson stood by the counter and recalled watching Henry earlier as he walked to the elevator, his right arm had lifted as if he were reaching out to someone beside him, holding their hand. It was unfortunate he came on the day Ms. Hamilton died and not sooner. It was obvious he loved her deeply. The sight of him kissing her so tenderly just before she passed away still sent warm shivers through her. Clearly, it was not just a kiss between friends, but definitely between two lovers. She still felt a little cruel telling him he had to go. He just sat and slept there for over an hour holding her hand as if he were trying to bring her back to life. What a deep love he must have had for her.

  Oh, how we all search for love and when it is there, it is snatched away so quickly at times.

  As she walked behind the nurse’s station, shaking her head she muttered, “It’s truly a sorrowful sight.”

  Empathy and compassion were Nurse Johnson’s strong traits and why she was so well suited for the palliative care ward, but following through with the morgue and filling out forms when a patient died were duties she dreaded. Reluctantly she picked up the phone and dialed down to the hospital basement.

  “Hello, John. This is Nurse Johnson from Five West. Ms. Marjorie Hamilton just passed away—oh really? That sounds terrible. No, I understand. Good. No, there is no hurry. That will be fine.”

  Next, Nurse Johnson reached for the forms to write up her report on the circumstances surrounding Marjorie Jennifer Hamilton’s demise and also those required for the morgue. Ms. Hamilton seemed like such a dear sweet lady. Nurse Johnson wished she could have gotten to know her better.

  “Oh, how I dread to fill out these reports.” Nurse Johnson got up and went to the staff room to get a coffee, finding any excuse to put off dealing with the matter for as long as she could.

  A good half hour or so passed. Nurse Johnson filled out the necessary forms, had a coffee and a nice chat with the nurse’s aide on duty. Suddenly, a light flashed on the monitor before her from room 505, Ms. Hamilton’s room. Someone must have found her dead and was pulling the cord alerting the front desk.

  “I already know,” muttered Nurse Johnson, as she got up and headed to Ms. Hamilton’s room. “Ms. Hamilton is my responsibility. I wish other nurses would just keep to their assignments.”

  Nurse Johnson burst through the open doorway completely expecting to see one of the other nurses hovering over Marjorie Hamilton’s body. She was beginning to adopt her “head nurse” posture, as she gathered her resolve to emphatically state that she knew Ms. Hamilton was gone, when she stopped in mid-step. Her eyes opened wide, and her chin dropped to the floor as if she were seeing a ghost.

  Sitting up on the bed, with the pillow propped behind her back, was Jenny. Her lack luster, lifeless eyes of just an hour or so ago now flashed and sparkled. She had the sweetest smile on her face. Incredibly, her yellow hair was fuller and longer. The bed covers were neatly folded on top of her legs and waist and her hand
s rested gently on her lap.

  “I was wondering, nurse, could I please trouble you for a cup of chamomile tea?”

  But, she couldn’t be alive. I watched her die!

  “Are you okay nurse? You look very pale… and growing even more so. If you don’t feel well, I can do without a cup of tea. I assure—”

  Nurse Johnson blinked her eyes several times and shook her head, making certain she was not dreaming. Finally, regaining some composure, she responded, “Are you okay, Ms. Hamilton?”

  “Yes, I’m fine, just had a nice long nap and feel a bit hungry, as well. Perhaps, I should have my tea with dinner. I can wait until then.”

  “No, no that’s fine. I’ll get you some tea, right away.” Nurse Johnson rushed towards the door just as the attendants from the morgue came in.

  “So, where’s the corpse, Val?”

  “Oh… no… not this room…”

  “But I thought you said 5—”

  “Ssssh,” Nurse Johnson whispered, putting her forefinger across her lips.

  “Oh, did someone pass away?” inquired Jenny.

  “Yes… I mean no—”

  Nurse Johnson was so flustered, she didn’t know what to think or say. She shooed the attendants out.

  “She was dead and came back to life!” Nurse Johnson exclaimed the moment they were out the door and out of earshot, her hands gesticulating.

  Finally out of frustration, she motioned them to come down the hallway with their rolling stretcher where she could fully explain what she herself didn’t yet understand. All she knew was that first thing this morning, Ms. Hamilton arrived by ambulance. All her vital signs indicated that she was on the verge of death and would be so within the hour. They were going to put her on life support, but she had signed papers at the care home that indicated she did not wish to have her life sustained by any machinery or medication. Later in the morning, when Mr. Pederson came in, she passed away. And now she was alive and looked in excellent health and years younger!


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