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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 27

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “So after all those years, you still remembered my favourite perfume.”

  “I never forgot that nor anything we said and did that summer. But, I think it was after I discovered the letter you sent me with the pewter angel, inside my mother’s hope chest, after she died, was when I could no longer contain my desire to have you back. I began to fantasize that Marjorie was you, never once realizing that she was really you!”

  “And then you discovered the diary and read all my secret entries.”

  “Jenny! You have no idea the exhilaration that swept through me when I realized that Marjorie was you. There was a time when I wanted to visit Marjorie in the Santa Maria Home, but the nurse said only family was allowed and that you were too ill. But then knowing who you really were and that you were on the doorstep to dying, such an urgency to see you, overtook my being.”

  Henry drew Jenny closer to him and couldn’t speak for the longest time. “So many times before I became ill I wanted to come into your gallery and see you—”

  “Oh, Jenny why didn’t you?”

  “At the time I thought you were married and I didn’t want to interfere with your family. My son, J.J. blamed me for breaking up our marriage and I was so afraid that some misunderstanding might happen again and perhaps get Camilla upset with me…oh, I just let it get too complicated…and then I became ill and entered the hospital and the rest you pretty well know about.”

  “It’s all so astonishing how everything is connected: the home, Father Engelmann visiting you, your daughter turning out to be Camilla, Eddy’s wife Coreena being the sister to Matilda, Peter… and I could go on with other incidences.”

  “Unbelievable,” whispered, Jenny, “Truly unbelievable.”

  Jenny snuggled closer into Henry’s arm once more and both watched the flames dance to the fire they each had burning for one another. Slowly, the excitement of the day and their wonderful evening lulled them into a dream that they wanted to last forever. They didn’t notice that one of the burning logs collapsed sending sparks like shooting stars into the air.

  “Oh my Henry, it’s two thirty! We must have fallen asleep.”

  For a moment there, Henry thought he was in heaven as he opened his eyes to see Jenny smiling at him. She leaned forward and gently kissed him on his lips.

  “You can crash out on the couch if you want …”

  “You may not find me on the couch in the morning …” Henry winked at Jenny. “No, I better go, Ginger and Coco are waiting to be fed and I have a painting to bring in for a client.”

  “I can hardly wait to come to your acreage and see your studio, and the Poustinia sounds so intriguing.”

  “Father is coming out Friday to use the Poustinia, so why not come out Saturday and we can visit him and I’ll show you around the farm and valley.”

  “That sounds wonderful Henry, I can hardly wait. And I am anxious to meet your children, too.” Jenny said excitedly.

  They walked to the front door and Henry put on his coat. He held open the front flaps and motioned for Jenny to snuggle in. The feel of her warm, soft body next to his sent throbs of desire throughout his being. It had been years since he had made love; the last time had been with Julean in their hotel suite in Minot just prior to her passing.

  Jenny raised her chin off Henry’s chest and brought her lips next to his. They tenderly kissed. Almost instantly, Henry felt his maleness. He recalled the struggle he had with his urges before his marriage to Julean. It seemed far more intense now. He squeezed Jenny and pressed himself more into her. Jenny didn’t back away. He wanted so much to make love to her. How many times did he recall that time in the park when they almost made love? How many times did he wish he had?

  And then he recalled that wonderful wedding night with Julean and the precious gift of their total selves that they had saved for each other under the umbrella of the sacrament of matrimony. He would never forget that special moment. He wanted no less for him and Jenny.

  “I love you so much, Jenny.” Henry said dreamily, struggling with his sensual longings.

  Jenny pulled away slightly and looked deeply into Henry’s eyes, “I love you so much too…one of the things I so remember about us that summer is how safe and sure I always felt around you.”

  Henry nodded and softly whispered, “Yeah…I better go … for now.”

  Henry smiled and kissed Jenny lightly one more time. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

  Jenny rested the side of her happy face on her hands that held the edge of the door and watched the love of her life make it to his SUV. Just before he ducked into his truck, he stood high on the running board and waved to his dear sweet Jenny.

  She, in turn, blew him a kiss from the doorway like she had so many times from the steps of her house on Broder Street during that memorable summer of 1956.

  At that moment, his forty seven year old heart beat as if it were fifteen years old again.

  Chapter Forty Three

  After Henry fed the dogs and went to bed, he couldn’t sleep. His thoughts went over the date and how the evening went. He was aware of how everyone turned their head towards Jenny as they made their way to the table. It made him recall a similar scene of the day when he made a special plan for Julean and him at the Hotel Saskatchewan for their 18th anniversary. All the men having a business lunch had turned their heads that day too as Julean was escorted to the table. He knew what a lucky guy he was then and what a fortunate man he was now. He looked at the ring on his finger as it caught the moonlight that was entering through the window.

  What happens when Jenny and he marry? Should he take the ring off?

  Henry didn’t think he ever could.

  Henry wondered about James and the phone call he had received from him. How was this all going to play out? He knew that they needed to talk about it, but tonight wasn’t the time.

  But when would there ever be a good time? He loved Jenny so much and didn’t want to ever lose her again. And, and…here was her former husband wanting her back, too.

  Henry could feel an anxiousness stealing away the wonderful evening that still lingered in his heart. He searched for Julean’s rosary in the darkness. As soon as he found it, he pulled Julean’s pillow towards him and began to pray. One of the similarities between Jenny and Julean was they both had a solution for every dilemma that came up. He looked at his ring again and knew one or the other would have an answer to his concern.

  Perhaps he would wear two. Yes, two rings; the two sweethearts in his life. He thanked his dear wife for guiding him back to Jenny and for being such a wonderful understanding wife.

  Normally he would fight tooth and nail for Jenny’s love, but this was a special case with so many others involved.

  They had briefly talked about her and James at dinner. But it was too soon, too uncomfortable to discuss. Was he interfering? Would a marriage between Jenny and him estrange her family, especially her son whose love she wanted badly and also, her grandson and daughter-in-law? It would not be easy for Jenny, that was for certain and…on his part, what was the morally right thing to do? He began to feel tense…

  He pulled Julean’s pillow close to him and rested his hand with the rosary on the pillow and began to pray. And just before sleep overtook him, the thought of his teacher came to mind. Yes, Father Engelmann would know what to do…yes, his mentor was always there. Thank you Jesus and thank you Julean and thank you to my guardian angel…

  Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with… his prayer trailed off.

  Oh blessed Mother, Mother of God, you know families, you and Joseph and Jesus were a holy family, pray for me. Let me be sensitive to the needs of others. Let me allow my Jenny to be free to make decisions that are true to her heart. Let me know what the Church requires in situations like this. Does the Church recognize Jenny’s divorce? Oh, blessed Mary, ask your son, Jesus to guide my steps in the following days, so there are no regrets, no hurts. Help us all to be compassionate and understanding with each other�
��and most of all dear Lord, let Your will be done in this situation.

  Jenny tossed and turned in bed. It was so late and yet she knew sleep would not come easily. I love Henry so much and there are so many obstacles in the way. What would happen to her relationship with J.J. and James if she married Henry? James seemed to be changing and coming around in such a wonderful way. She had always seen him so different when they were married; refusing to be affected by some of his inconsiderate actions and words. Jenny wondered if he was touched by all the miracles that happened, too. It was such a sudden change for him to be so considerate and to admit that he was wrong and plead for her to come back. It was a miracle. He was such a proud man.

  Jenny rolled and tossed again, the dilemma was growing in her mind and she saw no real solution in sight. All she had thought about over the years was to be reunited with Camilla and Henry and now it had finally come true! She thought she would be free when it finally happened and yet, was she really? Could she just sever her relationship with James and the rest of the family?

  “And I love Henry so much.” Jenny whispered into the darkness. “I can hardly wait to get married and so want to give him a child. How I wished and fantasized that it was Henry who had fathered Camilla!”

  In the early stages of her pregnancy, she had wished it so deeply it was the only way she could keep the child within her womb. But then she learned to love the baby growing within her. And slowly, she began to accept the baby as her own, and even allowed her mind to dwell on the man who assaulted her. But now, everything could be a reality, if only the road was clear for her and Henry to get married.

  Jenny began reliving those minutes before Henry left. She could tell that they both desired to make love. Their bodies ached to be together and yet, there was that something special that kept both of them in check. To do so outside the bonds of matrimony seemed to equal losing something…it was more for themselves. To be married was such a holy and sacred sacrament. A wedding day, was such a wonderful day when it would all come together and begin a momentous journey. Courting was a time of enjoying one another and getting to know one another and yes, it was not without sacrifice. And yet that seemed to be the wonderful part about it all; that willingness to wait for that special day.

  She had never given in to James all the time they had dated. She was certain it was because of Henry and the restraint he showed. No, she would wait. She knew that was what Henry wanted, too, even though their desire for one another was so strong. Henry showed his strength again tonight.

  Oh dear guardian angel, clear the road ahead of all obstacles so we are free to carry out our hearts’ desire.

  Chapter Forty Four

  Hi, Camilla, this is Mom! I know you know who it is, but I just love saying it.”

  “And so do I, Mom. It’s so good to hear from you, Mom!”

  “Yes, it’s been over three hours since we last spoke! So much must have happened to you since I last called!”

  The two ladies giggled and laughed, their faces aglow with joy.

  “This may not give you enough notice, but I was wondering if you and I could go out shopping tomorrow and if you would like to sleep over at my house? I could take you home Sunday morning and pick up Joshua and take him to church with me. Would all that be possible?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “I would love to go shopping with you, Mom. I can get Susan, next door, to look after Josh until Jeremy gets home from work. Saturdays are pretty busy at the café, so I know he won’t be able to book it off.”

  “That’s great, Camilla. We will go to Henry’s for lunch so you can see your wonderful husband and do some shopping there, as well, if you’d like.”

  “You have it all planned, I can see.”

  “Yes, I do. So, I will pick you up around nine thirty and we’ll start at the Bay and work our way through all the stores. I always dreamed of taking you shopping and buying you outfits.”

  “That sounds wonderful, Mom. See you at nine thirty.”

  “The yellow summer dress looks so nice on you, Camilla. I can just see Jeremy with his mouth wide open in awe when he sees you!”

  “It is nice, but you already bought me a floral jumper at Eatons.”

  “Oh, Camilla, let me spoil you a little. I have been waiting for this for so long.”

  Camilla held it up in front of her as she looked in the full length mirror. “I really do love it…are you sure, Mom?”

  “Of course, I’m certain; you look stunning in it.”

  Jenny took the dress and handed it to the sales clerk and checked her watch. “Well, it’s 12:45 p.m., which just gives us enough time to get to Henry’s. I made reservations for one o’clock so we miss the noon hour rush.”

  “Oh, Mom, thank you so much. I can’t believe this!”

  Jenny and Camilla waited for three patrons to come out of the café before entering through the front doors. They were immediately greeted by Joshua who came running up to Camilla.

  “Mommy, Mommy,” he cried, as he broke away from his dad’s hand.

  “Josh! What are you doing here?” Camilla looked up to ask her husband the same question, when there behind Jeremy was Henry, his family, Camilla’s neighbour who had brought Josh to the café and off to the side was Father Engelmann wearing a broad smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

  “What is going—” were the only words Camilla could utter before everyone began singing happy birthday.

  Camilla just stood there as they all sang, and even some of the patrons joined in. She shook her head in disbelief, tears filling her eyes. “I thought everyone had forgotten my birthday. Jeremy, I was upset with you for not remembering when Mom picked me up.” Turning to Jenny she continued, “Did you plan this, Mom?”

  “Every May 24th, since the day you were born, I celebrated your birthday and this is one that I have been looking forward to for a long, long time.” Jenny went to her daughter and hugged her tenderly. This was followed by the rest of the family.

  Henry introduced Justin and Lauren to Jenny. She wanted to hug Henry’s children, but thought she better just shake their hands. She could sense a little hesitancy on Justin’s part, but Lauren’s eyes lit up to meet her father’s girlfriend.

  “It’s so good to meet you, Jenny, Dad was telling us all about you and how you met and…oh, you and Camilla look like twins. You look so much alike!”

  “I do have another daughter, Allison,” said Henry, “but she is at college and will be home in about two weeks.”

  “It’s so wonderful to meet you—” Jenny started to say to Justin and Lauren before Henry interrupted.

  “Okay, let’s get to our tables and away from the front door.” Jenny felt a little relieved as Justin still had not spoken to her and she was struggling with what to say to him.

  Three tables were put together in the back section which was just about empty except for two patrons at the window holding hands and too much in love to really pay any attention to the birthday party. Jeremy had decorations up and a special head table designated for his dear wife at the centre with Jenny and Father Engelmann to her right and Henry to her left.

  “This is all so wonderful! Mom and I had a great morning shopping and wait until you see the new outfits she bought me.”

  “Your eyes will never be the same again, Jeremy. She looks stunning but really, she would make anything look great.” Jenny added.

  “I recall a morning when your mom came into Engelmann’s Grocery store and she too had been shopping with her mother and came in to show me her outfit.” Turning to Father, Henry asked, “Do you recall that, Father?”

  “Yes, yes, how could I forget? Jenny looked more lovely than a princess, all dressed up with her new blouse and skirt and shiny black shoes—”

  “Oh you even remember my new patent shoes!?”

  “Yes, yes, but even more so, I remember the awestruck look on Henry’s face when he saw you…he was too speechless for words. I had to help him out.”

  “That’s exactly righ
t Father, and I will never forget what you said when she left, ‘A happy heart, makes a cheerful face.’”

  “Ah yes, Proverbs 13:15. You reminded me of the proverb every time you entered the store, Jenny. I still cannot get over not recognizing you when I met you in the hospital and started to visit you.”

  “Nor, I you,” concurred, Jenny.

  Just then two waiters came to the table with soup and an assortment of sandwiches already prepared and waiting for the party.

  “Father, would you please say Grace?” requested Henry.

  Father made the sign of the cross and then extended his hand to those next to him and the others followed. Soon the entire birthday party was holding hands. “Thank you, dear heavenly Father, for the food we are about to eat and for all of our blessings. Thank you for the gift of life each day but especially on the day we come together to celebrate the day we were born. This is Camilla’s day! Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful woman and all the joy she daily showers on her family and on others. You have truly blessed the world with her presence. Let us sing and enjoy this wonderful celebration of Camilla’s life!”

  “Oh, thank you, Father, for that beautiful prayer and I just want to add that it’s Jeremy’s birthday today, too! Isn’t that amazing we were both born on the same day!”

  Everyone extended their birthday wish to Jeremy, as well. He simply nodded appreciatively and remained silent.

  Camilla blew him a kiss and turning to her mother, she added, “Dear Mom, thank you for choosing to give me life and after thirty one years this is the most precious birthday gift I will treasure this day forever, to have you here to celebrate our first birthday together!”


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