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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 53

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

“I see you two have met,” said Matti as she walked out of the kitchen.

  “I should have known you and James would be up to something. This is some surprise.”

  “Ooh, I be wantin’ to tell you every day. I be so careful not to let out the secret. I knew you’d be so happy to see your daughter. Come, let’s sit in the kitchen and visit for awhile. We be havin’ dinner as soon as Thomas finishes clearing the road.”

  Jenny wrapped her arm around Camilla as they followed Matti into the kitchen. “I can’t wait for you to meet your brother and his—”

  Camilla stopped in her tracks and said, “I’ve already met them, Mom! They were at the airport to meet me. J.J., Nora and their son, Jimmy. They came in the limousine because their car was too small and didn’t know how much luggage I had.”

  Once again Jenny shook her head… “J.J. came to meet you…?”

  “Yes, why? Is something wrong with that?”

  “No, it’s wonderful! It’s just that… it’s so out of charac…well, that’s another story…or perhaps even better, another miracle!”

  Jenny wrapped her arm around Camilla once again and continued into the kitchen, “Well, I’m dying to hear, how things are back home…? I know I should be asking about Josh and Jeremy but I have to know… how is Henry doing…?”

  “I’m doing just fine, Jenny!”

  Jenny looked up and saw the entire Pederson family standing behind the kitchen table! She looked so shocked she didn’t know if she was in the right home… she staggered backwards and Camilla moved to her side just in case Jenny should faint. Jenny’s eyes grew wide and she brought both of her hands to the sides of her face…still in a state of disbelief.

  “Oh, my good Lord!” Jenny exclaimed, while everyone began to laugh and cheer and move towards her. Jenny greeted them all with open arms, and even Justin accepted a warm hug from Jenny. Many went on to rave about the house and the look on her face.

  Finally, Henry made it up to his dear sweet, Jenny. More than anything he wanted to embrace and kiss her lips forever. The ache to hold her was almost unbearable. He had to draw upon a stronger power: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  He simply stepped up to her and said, “It’s so good to see you Jenny.” They both looked at one another intently as if lost in another world and then Henry went towards her and kissed her cheek. He gave her a brief hug and then stepped aside for Camilla to hug her mother once more.

  “The look of shock and surprise on your face, Mom, would make picture of the year in any contest!”

  “It’s incredible, Camilla, that all of you should be here… unbelievable.”

  Jenny stepped back and waved her hands in front of her face for more air. She was still overwhelmed to see Henry here in James’ home! That had to be another miracle!

  “Well, if you folks would retire into living room for a half hour, Charles and I can serve the dinner in the dining room. It be a good thin’ that James’ dining room table still be here. Next to the antique table, it’s perfect for the entire two families.”

  Jenny took Camilla’s hand and led everyone into the living room that easily accommodated all the guests.

  Just before Henry stepped out of the kitchen, Matti said, “That’s mighty nice of you to come, Henry, considering the circumstances and all. You be a fine man.”

  Henry turned and said, “Well, Matilda, I do miss Jenny and it would be good to meet Mr. Hamilton. Of course, it’s hard to turn down a request when it comes from a charming lady like you.”

  “My, my you sure know how to sweet talk a lady.”

  Henry winked. “I meant what I said, Matti. You are a very dear friend to Jenny and it was a pleasure meeting you when you came to support Jen.”

  “I was hoping Father Engelmann would be comin’. I recall him praying over Miss Jenny… It be giving me shivers just to think on it. The Holy Spirit be movin’ in that man so powerfully.”

  “Yes, Father mentioned that he had felt the strength of your faith as well, Matilda. We are all so blessed to have had the Lord work so powerfully not only in Jenny, but all of us… the miracles just keep going on and on. Who would have thought I would be spending Christmas in Ottawa with Mr. Hamilton’s family and friends?”

  “Every day be like watching an exciting movie when you let the Lord be the Director.”

  “I can’t agree with you more,” said Henry as he walked into the living room.

  The first thing Matti noticed as she walked to and from the dining room past the living room, was that Jenny sat next to Camilla and had her arm around Joshua, and Henry was sitting on the other side of the room with Justin. Matti admired the respect Henry was showing for Mr. Hamilton. Matti knew only too well what Henry’s heart desired. Allison was sharing stories about the Bible School she attended and whenever Lauren could get a word in edgewise she shared about her love of dancing and that she was planning to go to Montreal to further her training.

  Henry was surprised when everyone came and sat around the two tables that were slid together so that everyone could be accommodated. It was easy to see why Jenny loved the staff at the estate and why she considered them her friends. It was one of the liveliest and most enjoyable dinners he had ever had outside of his own home. The meal lasted for over two hours.

  When it neared bedtime, Matti exclaimed, “This be the first time since I be livin’ in the Manor that more than half of the bedrooms are being used. Charles be workin’ most of the day making up the beds and he pinned your name on the door to which be your room when you’re ready for retirement. It’s been a long day, so no need to be polite; when Mr. Sandman comes knocking, you just get up and Charles be ready to escort you.”

  Henry was the second to get up and announce he would be heading for bed. Justin and Josh had left about an hour ago. “I can’t tell you all what a pleasure it has been to meet you. Now, when Jenny speaks of you I will be able to put a face to the person she is talking about. This has been a most delightful evening and I understand a day of sightseeing is planned so I better hit the hay.”

  Henry went over to Matti and thanked her again for such a delicious meal. He turned to Jenny who was still sitting next to her daughter and just raised his hand. “Night, Jenny, it’s so nice to see you. Give my best to James when you call him and how much I appreciate his kind hospitality.”

  Henry could detect Jenny’s eyes getting blurry as she softly whispered, “Good night, Henry, thank you so much for coming!”

  Chapter Eighty Two

  It was just before eleven p.m. when Jenny called the hospital. James had a private phone but he did not answer. Perhaps he was in the washroom. She called again ten minutes later but there still wasn’t any answer. Concern began to creep up her spine. She called the hospital again but this time asked for the nurses’ station in the ward James was in.

  “Ward C, Nurse Rushmer.”

  “Hi, this is Mrs. Hamilton. I have been trying to reach Mr. Hamilton but he is not answering his phone. Can I ask how he is doing?”

  “Mr. Hamilton was given a strong sedative an hour ago. Last we checked he was asleep.”

  Jenny was about to hang up and then asked, “If I can keep you a moment longer… is he still being fed and medicated intravenously?”

  “No, he requested that be terminated.”

  “How…how is he doing…?”

  “You will have to discuss that with Dr. Reiner. He will be making his rounds first thing in the morning.”

  “This is his wife; please call me if there is any down turn or emergency.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  Jenny slowly hung up the phone in her room and sat in the chair by the bay window. It was the same chair James sat in the other night when he came to visit. Jenny wondered why James stopped taking his meds and he needed to be fed intravenously as he could no longer keep food down the normal way.

  Was he dying or was it no longer necessary?

  He had asked her not to come up Christmas Eve day but to
enjoy it with Nancy and J.J. James said he would make every effort to come home Christmas Eve or Christmas day for certain. He wanted to spend it with J.J and his family… but he must have meant all the guests, too! She marvelled at what James had done to keep all this planning secret and to surprise her.

  Jenny got ready for bed and decided that she would call the hospital first thing in the morning before going on the sightseeing trip that James also had the staff arrange.

  Jenny slid into bed and turned off the lights. So many thoughts were travelling through her mind. She thought of taking a sedative, too. Would she ever find sleep?

  It was so good to see Henry. She could hardly contain herself from jumping up and flying into his arms. He showed such restraint and consideration for James and the position that she was in. He was being so careful not to interfere and give her complete freedom…

  “I love you so much Henry,” Jenny whispered.

  Jenny turned over and buried her face in the pillow. Tears began to gush out as she thought of James. He was so loving, too. She still couldn’t believe that he had sent for the entire Pederson family! What an incredible thing to do; allowing Henry and her to be in his home together without his watchful eye was… amazing. His heart and nature had changed so much. Jenny couldn’t help but recall the Scriptures in the Bible she had read when she was ill in the hospital. When one grows in Christ, their mind is renewed and they become new creatures. The old self falls away and a new one is born…

  “Oh dear Jesus, please heal James. Whatever the future holds I am prepared to live out Your will. Although in a different way, I love both Henry and James.”

  Eight rooms south of Jenny’s room lay Henry in his bed tossing and turning, as well. Henry wasn’t quite sure where Jenny’s room was. He suspected it was on the same floor. He had never seen such a long hallway. It was similar to that of a hotel.

  He would love to steal down the hallway and enter her room. He could just picture them together in bed with her in his arms softly caressing her. He could hardly keep his eyes off her as she sat across the room. It was like torture of the worst kind. Henry felt guilty over having such thoughts but he couldn’t seem to help himself, he so desired Jenny.

  What if James was healed like they were? Henry was certain he knew the choice Jenny would make. He had noticed she was wearing her wedding ring.

  Henry knew his dear, sweet, Jenny’s heart… he knew what she had to do… there really wasn’t any choice in the matter.

  Father Engelmann’s words rang in his mind, “Is divorce ever an option?”

  “Yes, of course it is…” Henry screamed in his mind yet, his heart carried a message that was so different.

  “Oh Jenny, I love you so dearly. I don’t know what I will do without you should it come down to this.” And yet, he thought the same when Julean had passed on. His world had collapsed as he knew it… Life was so beautiful and yet held so many, many, challenges…

  Father Engelmann was right. Only in eternity will we be free of strife… Live each day, Henry, with eternity in mind. Make certain you enter the right door.

  Henry got out of bed and made his way to the chair over which he had tossed his trousers. He had forgotten to take out Julean’s rosary. On his way back to his bed he walked over to the window which overlooked the garden. The moon was full and the landscape before him was lit up and sparkled brightly. He saw the gazebo and pictured Jenny sitting there for all those years. But something even more dazzling caught his eye. Just in front was another Angel of Thanksgiving, its white marble glistening in the moonlight. Henry immediately noticed that the angel was carrying the basket in the opposite hand to the one Jenny had in her back yard. He marvelled at the sculptor’s skill to capture the lifelikeness of the angel, as if walking through the garden.

  He kissed Julean’s rosary and began to pray. His fingers slipped slowly over one bead after the other. He felt Julean’s fingers intertwine in his as he prayed for James and that he would be healed. He prayed for Jenny and lastly, Henry prayed for…Jenny and James’ happiness.

  Jenny was up before six a.m. She kept thinking about James and that something may be wrong. She didn’t know if she should go with Henry and his family on the sightseeing trip. It was three hours away from when the limousine would be picking them up.

  Jenny couldn’t wait a minute longer; she just had to know how James was doing. She dialed the phone in his room. On the second ring, James picked up the phone.

  “Hello, James? Is that you?”

  “Hi Marj. Yeah, it’s me. The nurse told me you called last night. They gave me quite a heavy duty sedative and I was out for most of the night.”

  “Why have you stopped the IV, James? You need the nutrients…” Jenny asked in a concerned tone.

  “I told you, Marjorie, I can live on love. Your coming back to me has helped me more than you know. Tell me, did the Pedersons come?”

  “Oh, James, I was so concerned about you, I forgot to tell you how surprised I was to see Camilla and Henry and his family there when I came home! I thought I was dreaming. James, that was so thoughtful of you! How you arranged all that is amazing.”

  “You can do a lot just lying on your back. Did J.J. go out to meet them?”

  “Yes! I couldn’t believe that either, James. J.J., Nora and Jimmy were there to greet the entire Pederson entourage. Camilla couldn’t say enough over what a wonderful host J.J. was and how happy he was to meet his half sister. Camilla said he even gave her a hug! Oh, I am so proud of J.J., James. This is like a dream come true. What you have done has made me so happy, James. Thank you so much.”

  “Take it easy Marj, I’m growing too soft. Talks like this blur my eyes pretty quick. So is everything planned today for the Pedersons?”

  “Yes, but I don’t think I should go. I won’t see you the entire day and I am concerned about you…”

  “I’m okay, Marj. It’s amazing how a good night’s sleep restores one’s energy.”

  “I remember that too, James, but I still—”

  “No, please, Marj, go out and enjoy your guests. I will try to make it home for an hour or so this evening to meet everyone. I have an ambulance booked to take me and wait to bring me back. So it’s all arranged. Please, Marj, just go and enjoy the day, I will be fine. There is one thing you can do for me. Ask Thomas to come up if he can. I would like him to do something for me.”

  “Yes, I will… is there anything else I can do…?”

  “Marjorie, you have done more than anyone could ever do. I love you and… thank you for wearing the wedding ring again. I just don’t know how to tell you what that means to me…”

  Jenny was in tears and couldn’t answer at first… “I love you, too, James. I so hope you get well. Please listen to the doctors and please get them to hook up the IV… you need the nutrients.”

  “I’ll talk to the doctors about it. I’m saving it all for the big turkey dinner tomorrow. Isn’t that what normal people have on a special day?”

  “Yes, Matti will make you something special…”

  “Will you say hello to Henry for me? I hope I get a chance to meet him later this evening or tomorrow, for sure. He’s a lucky man, Marj. And thank him for letting you come back… He must be quite the guy.”

  Jenny didn’t say anything. She didn’t know how to respond. She loved both men each in their own way.

  “Dr. Reiner just stepped into the room, Marj. I don’t know what the hell good he does…” Jenny heard the doctor laugh in the background.

  “Have a good time, Marj. Hopefully I will be strong enough to make it to join the party tonight. Perhaps Dr. Reiner has some tricks up his sleeve.”

  “Take, care, James… I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Marjorie.”

  Chapter Eighty Three

  After a hearty breakfast everyone was ready and waiting for the limousine to pick them up. Henry checked his watch; five minutes before nine. No sooner had he looked up when he spotted the rays of the sun bo
uncing off a shiny black car as it meandered through the trees leading up to the Manor.

  “Wow, what a long car!” observed Justin as the extended vehicle pulled to a stop under the canopy to the front door entrance. The limo easily accommodated all the passengers. They decided to leave Josh at home with Matti. J.J. was going to bring Jimmy over later in the morning with some toys for the two boys to play with. Camilla and Jeremy thought the fast paced tour might be too exhausting for their son and may not hold his interest.

  Their first stop was at Parliament Hill for a quick tour of the building and architecture. They stopped to listen to a story or two of Canada’s history. They were disappointed that the house was shut down over the holidays and so they couldn’t take in a session, but then again it may have been a good thing.

  Next, they went to the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Henry had read so much of the complete story on human history that was portrayed by the four permanent exhibition galleries.

  They had a light lunch at a café along the Rideau Canal. It was such a colourful sight to see so many people skating on the Canal. Henry had read that the Canal was considered the largest outdoor skating rink in Canada. As he gazed down the Canal he could see why. People were skating as far as he could see.

  Jenny slipped away for a few minutes to call home and speak with Thomas. But he was still up at the hospital visiting James. Jenny instructed Matti to tell Thomas to call the driver of the limousine on the radio phone if James’ condition was urgent…

  Thomas had just finished writing a note for James that he was to give to Jenny via the Angel of Thanksgiving.

  “Do you want me to read it back to you, James?”

  “No, that’s fine Thomas. Thanks for writing it… perhaps I should sign it.”

  Thomas took the tray off the table and placed the letter on it. He held it in front of James to sign. It was evident James was in considerable pain. His signature was barely legible.

  “I’ll stop by and pick up flowers on the way home as all the shops will be closed tomorrow.”


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