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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 54

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Yeah, that’s a good thought, Thomas.”

  “Are you still planning on coming to the Manor this evening?’

  “I don’t know, Thomas, I would like to… So, Marjorie was surprised to see her daughter and Henry and his family?”

  “I wasn’t there at the time but according to Matti, she had never seen such a look of surprise on the face of anyone in all her days. Yes, James, Miss Jenny was very happy to see her family from Regina.”

  “What’s Henry like, Thomas?” James wanted to know.

  “He’s a fine gentleman, James. I think you would like him.”

  “It would be nice to meet him…we’ll see…”

  Their last stop was a highlight for Henry; the National Gallery of Canada. They managed to see some of the abstract paintings, Italian art and some photography. However, being Christmas Eve, the gallery closed early and just as well, as they were all getting tired and hungry and looking forward to getting home.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on this Jesus fellow, Thomas. I recall the day that you and Matti prayed for me as we sat around the kitchen table. Do you remember?”

  “Oh, yes, James. I wouldn’t forget that nor the prayer you said later when we went into the garden and placed flowers into the angel’s basket in thanks for the good Lord to restore your family and bring Marjorie back to the estate”

  “It seems to me, Thomas, our prayers have been answered on all accounts. Marjorie has come back to me, completely… I never dreamed she would. J.J. has come around and is treating me and Marjorie as Mother and Father, as a son should. And I think the Man upstairs has healed me, as well. It may not be a physical healing, but it might be what you call a spiritual one. I have the feeling that you would consider this healing, coming closer to the Creator, the most important healing.”

  Thomas just nodded and smiled softly.

  “All of you have been such an inspiration to me. There is something special that you have that I haven’t got. Perhaps the biggest beacon of light, if we can call it that, would have to be Marjorie. For all the years I have known her, she carried that light and offered it to me day in and day out and I preferred the darkness just like I read in the Bible the other day. Something about the light has come into the world but men love the darkness rather than the light…”

  “Yes, that’s John 3:19.”

  “See, you know that book inside out, Thomas, and both you and Marjorie live it out, as well, and that’s what draws me to the Bible. Like I said, Marjorie stuck with me when I was at my lowest… she never gave up on me for all those years… And look, here I am in my last days and finally at peace. She gave me the gift of experiencing true love. Amazing! Thomas…”

  James stopped and asked for the some water. Thomas took the glass and directed the straw to James’ mouth. “There’s some ice here if you want some…”

  “Water is fine…when J.J. was here before you came I talked a bit about this and asked him to consider taking the family to church with you and Neela on Sunday. He needs your guidance Thomas… be a father to him…”

  Thomas nodded, unbidden tears surfacing.

  “You have been a dear friend to me, Thomas. You’re a good man… I like you…I like you a lot. Tell Matti the same…”

  Thomas gave James some more water and said, “We all love you, too, James…”

  “Tell me, Thomas, what do I have to do or say to commit to Jesus? Would something like what the thief who hung next to Jesus said be sufficient for me to say to get up there to what you folks are aiming for?”

  “Yes, James, something like that would be just fine. The Lord is more interested in what is really in your heart. He knows where you are at and accepts and loves you just as you are. He knows if you are sorry for your sins and your desire to accept him as your Lord and Saviour. If you would like, James, I can lead you in a prayer…”

  James just nodded, tears were filling his eyes. Thomas could feel the Holy Spirit moving powerfully in the room. Thomas took James’ hand in his and said, “I will say a little prayer, slowly, and you simply repeat what I say…

  “Lord Jesus Christ,”

  “Lord, Jesus Christ,” repeated, James.

  “I am sorry for my sins.”

  “I am sorry for my sins…” said James, tears flowing…

  “I acknowledge You as the Son of the Living God.”

  “I acknowledge You… as the Son of the Living God…”

  “I accept You as my Lord and my God.”

  “I accept You as my Lord and my God…”

  “Lord Jesus Christ, I receive You as my personal Savior”

  “Lord Jesus Christ…I receive You as my personal Savior…” James was weeping…

  Thomas’ tears were falling on their hands clutched together…

  “Fill me with your Holy Spirit.”

  “Fill me with your Holy Spirit…” an aura brightened around James…

  “Heal and strengthen me.”

  “Heal and strengthen me.”

  “I love You, Jesus.”

  “I love You, Jesus…”James softly whispered.

  Chapter Eighty Four

  It took longer than usual to get back to the estate. The traffic was heavy with last minute shoppers and the snowfall slowed the traffic movement even further. Everyone was tired and anxious to get home. Jenny hoped Thomas would call the limo driver and let her know how James was doing. She felt pangs of guilt to be sightseeing and thought she should be at James’ side. He was adamant, however, when she left yesterday to stay at home and host her guests.

  J.J. and Nora had come over early in the afternoon to help look after Josh and Jimmy to free up Matti to prepare dinner for all the people, as well as get the turkey ready for the Christmas Day celebration.

  Joshua missed his mom and dad and kept looking out the front window for their return. Suddenly he shouted, “They’re home!”

  J.J. and Nora rushed to the front door to greet them and help with their coats.

  Josh ran to Camilla as soon as she entered the door. She picked her son up and gave him a big hug. “Did you have fun playing with Jimmy?”

  “He has neat toys, Mom. Come, I want to show you!”

  “Okay, just wait until I get my coat off…”

  “Here, Camilla, let me help you,” offered J.J.

  “Thanks, J.J., so how was Josh?”

  “He was great. He and Jimmy entertained themselves most of the time. It was fun watching them play together.”

  As J.J. spoke, Camilla could see his eyes and mouth carried their mother’s genes. His hair was a different matter—jet black. Yet, she could see that J.J. and she were related.

  Camilla went to her brother and gave him a hug.

  “Sure smells good,” said Henry, as he hung up his coat and walked into the living room to make room for the others.

  They all greeted one another and slowly they made it into the living room to enjoy refreshments which Charles had already prepared.

  Jenny wanted to know how James was and if Thomas was at home yet.

  J.J. answered all of Jenny’s questions. “Thomas is still up at the hospital or on his way home. I was up before noon and Thomas came in just as I was leaving. Dad said he was fine, but you know him. He’s pretty good at covering up his pain. I wish he would let the doctors feed him through the IV tubes. He’s losing so much weight and it’s obvious he is growing weaker each time I see him. I did see the nurse give him a shot just before I left. Thomas can fill you in from there on when he gets home…”

  “Thank you, J.J., the nurse probably gave him morphine…”

  “Come, Mom, I want to show you Jimmy’s neat toys…”

  Camilla was listening to J.J. about James’ condition… “Okay, let’s go Joshua.”

  As the foyer cleared out and Jenny saw Charles already carrying drinks in to the guests, Jenny decided to excuse herself and make a quick call to the hospital. She ran upstairs to her room.

  Jenny called James’ room,
but like last night there was no answer. She decided to call the nurses’ station. She wondered if James would be able to make it out that evening. The snow fall was getting thicker… probably not. Thomas and Neela were still at their guest house and should be along any moment. Thomas would know how James was.

  “Ward 4C”

  “Hello, this is Mrs. Hamilton. I tried to reach James Hamilton but there was no answer in his room. How is he doing?”

  “He thought you might be calling, Mrs. Hamilton. He said he will not be making it home this evening, but will for certain tomorrow, on Christmas Day. He asked for a sedative just a half hour ago and is sleeping soundly.”

  “Would you please ask him to call should he awaken… please?”

  “Yes, I will and also relay the message to the next nurse on shift at eleven.”

  “Thank you…”

  Oh, James, what are you up to…

  She recalled his last words when they spoke this morning, “I love you, too, Marjorie.” There was such a tone of finality…

  Oh, I hope and pray he’s okay…

  Just as Jenny came down stairs and entered the foyer, she ran into Thomas.

  “Oh, good, you’re home,” Jenny said with a sigh of relief. “How was James, Thomas?”

  “As best as can be expected, Miss Jenny. I don’t know if he will make it tonight. He was very tired when I left and the nurse gave him a sedative and pain killer. He said he wants to be here tomorrow and has something for you.”

  “What, Thomas?”

  “You will have to wait until then, Miss Jenny, those were my instructions.”

  The gathering was so beautiful. It was wonderful to have everyone sitting around the tree and roaring fire. It was so soothing to everyone to listen to the Christmas carols playing in the background after a tiring day. Henry thought he and the family might go to the Notre Dame Basilica for midnight Mass, but winter conditions outside and exhaustion from the long day hit them all early. It was so nice to see the children play and how excited they were to open some of their gifts. Henry could see most people were tired and decided that perhaps he should initiate the bedtime ritual.

  “Well, everyone, that was quite the day. Thanks again for the wonderful tour, Jenny. I know we only hit the tip of the iceberg of tourist attractions, but perhaps another time we can come for a longer visit. I sure hope James is able to make it home tomorrow. I would like to meet him.”

  “It is wonderful having you and your family here. It’s all so supportive.” Jenny smiled at Henry from across the room. She so much would have loved to be held in his arms.

  “Coming, Justin?”

  “Yeah, I will go up with you, Dad.”

  “I can see the girls chatting for another hour or two. Good night girls.”

  Camilla, Lauren and Allison were reading the back of one of the records Lauren got for Christmas.

  The girls jumped up and hugged Henry and Justin. After saying good night to everyone except Jenny, Henry made his way over to her. She rose and they hugged and Henry kissed her on the cheek. “Night, Jenny.”

  “Don’t forget to set out milk and some of those fine cookies that Matti makes for Santa Claus!” Henry waved again to everyone and he and Justin exited the living room.

  Henry thought of calling Father Engelmann when he got to his room. They would be two hours behind, but Father was probably getting ready for midnight Mass. Father said if Father Knuka didn’t need help he would have an earlier Mass at the Nunnery. Henry decided to call him in the morning and wish him a Merry Christmas.

  At first Henry thought coming here wasn’t such a good idea but perhaps James’ plan for the families to meet would prove very beneficial and may prepare the way for a better future for all of them. Henry was pleased that J.J. was friendly towards him. He felt the young man’s eyes on him most of the evening and they did chat several times. Henry was glad Jenny was wearing her wedding ring. He wondered if J.J. and Justin noticed it…

  Yes, Henry thought, as he reflected on coming, it was good to get to know one another. As Father often said, “If only we could see that we are all connected through Jesus. We are all brothers and sisters.”

  Henry could see Jenny was distracted most of the day. She tried so hard to be present to everyone, but Henry knew she was concerned about James and would have much preferred to be ministering to him.

  Jenny’s heart was so compassionate. Rather than feel left out or slighted at Jenny’s focus on her husband, Henry loved his dearly beloved all the more. Despite such a loveless marriage, her heart went to James so completely. There was no holding back.

  What kind of heart did Jenny really have?

  She was able to sacrifice her own happiness out of sheer loving without even knowing it. She considered it all gain. She and Father Engelmann had so much in common.

  Henry turned over and kissed Julean’s rosary. He began to pray for Jenny, for James and his family…Henry hoped that perhaps tomorrow he might meet James…

  Chapter Eighty Five

  Morning could not come soon enough for Jenny. She had tossed and turned most of the night. Shortly after three a.m. she finally drifted off into a light sleep. Around six a.m., about the same time as the day before, Jenny got up. She just had to phone and see how James was doing and if he would be well enough to come home for at least part of Christmas Day.

  “Ward C, Nurse Rushmer speaking.”

  “Hi, Nurse Rushmer…this is Mrs. Hamilton. Can you please tell me how my husband is doing?”

  There was a long silence on the phone.

  “I am so sorry to let you know…Mr. Hamilton passed away moments ago. He was still in his sleep when he expired. We were checking on him every 10 – 15 minutes and he was breathing restfully. For most of the night, however, he seemed to be dreaming—”

  “Is he still in his room?”

  “Yes, he will be moved shortly.”

  “Would you please leave him in his room until I get there? I will be there as quick as I can.”

  “Well… yes, Mrs. Hamilton, I will see that they don’t move him until you get here. His son called just before you and requested that we leave Mr. Hamilton here, as well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jenny quickly got dressed and made it downstairs. Matti has just come in from the guest home.

  “Jenny, you be up early…”

  “Oh, Matti, James passed away,” Jenny cried. “I am going up to the hospital to see him before they move him. I should be home around noon.”

  “Do you be wantin’ Thomas or me to go with you?”

  “No, no, I will be fine…” Just as Jenny turned to leave, the phone rang. It was J.J.

  Matti looked at Jenny, “It’s your son. He wants to let you know his daddy passed away.”

  “Tell him I’m on my way to the hospital.”

  Jenny raced to her car and sped out of the estate.

  More than an hour had elapsed since she spoke with Nurse Rushmer.

  I hope she was able to keep him in the room.

  She dreaded to go to the morgue.

  She took a deep breath as the elevator came to a stop on the fourth floor. She turned right and walked rapidly to James’ room. A nurse saw her and was about to holler out but caught herself as soon as she recognized Mr. Hamilton’s wife.

  The door to James’ room was ajar; Jenny slowly pushed it open.

  The sheet had been drawn up over James’ face. Tears surfaced instantly. Her heart went out to him.

  “Oh, James…my dear, James.”

  She walked slowly over to the bedside and stood beside him. She took a deep breath and slowly pulled the sheet down, exposing his face. She didn’t know what to expect. His eyes were closed and he looked peacefully at rest.

  She hadn’t noticed the other day how frail and sunken his features looked. Perhaps, when one is alive and talking one doesn’t notice that death is just a breath away.

  Yes, his time had come.

  James had had a hard life.
To many people, he may have had the world by the tail, but Jenny knew it was not all what people thought. As soon as Nancy had shared James’ background, she loved him all the more because that was what he needed. James had lacked love in his life. That was always Jenny’s main goal regardless of their relationship: James needed love.

  Jenny placed her hand over James’. It was still warm. She bent over and kissed his forehead. “Good bye, James… I love you. I know you are here in the room. I was up there where you are now. Floating around, ready to meet your guardian angel. Perhaps you already have and your angel is ready to escort you to your Maker.” Jenny gazed up and turned thinking that she might see James. “Someday we will meet again. Thank you for sharing your life with me…”

  Nurse Rushmer walked into the room. “Is everything okay, Mrs. Hamilton?” she asked compassionately.

  Jenny nodded, “Yes. Thank you for keeping him here until I came.”

  The nurse came up to Jenny and placed her hand on her shoulder, “I came in at twelve o’clock, the midnight shift. I think I mentioned that he was dreaming quite a bit.”

  “Yes, you did say that earlier when I called…”

  “He kept saying how happy he was to give the gift of freedom to Marjorie… that it would be the only meaningful gift he could give to return the love he had received… Do you know who she is, Mrs. Hamilton? Is that you…?”

  Jenny didn’t answer…her heart was too touched for words.

  “It almost seemed as if he wanted to die today. He kept asking the nurses and doctors how long it takes after the IV is removed for a body to exist without the nutrients…”

  Nurse Rushmer shook her head and stared at the body. “His wish to pass away on Christmas day came true.”

  “Didn’t he have life support planned?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “Oh no, he signed off on that a week ago and his son also canceled some contract he had with the Cryonics company.”

  The nurse shook her head once more and added, “He knew he was going, Mrs. Hamilton, and he planned as best he could, how he would leave and when. All I can say is that he accomplished his goal, but at the expense of considerable pain.”


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