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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

Page 52

by Robert Iannone

“Egg, I have told you that you are better than Mobius and there is almost no chance that he could best you. And Sylvia . . . now that we have modified your ring, your chance of returning unharmed has increased to near certainty.”

  Both girls breathed a little easier, but they still worried about the other five sisters.

  “It is a very brave thing that you do . . . all of you. But most especially you two. I shall never forget your willingness to risk so much for a people not your own. Someday, if you, or your planet, ever need help from Aerianna, we will not hesitate to come to your aid.”

  “But you think some of the others aren’t coming back, don’t you?”

  “I am sorry, but I do. However, no one can know for certain.”

  Both girls fell silent for the rest of their trip.


  “Oh, I’m just so excited. I’ve always wanted to go to Paris.”

  “It’s a great city,” agreed Egg. “Be sure to stop at McDonalds on the Chomp Lizzy Street.” That name didn’t sound quite right but it was the best she could remember.

  Mrs. Graystone laughed at her daughter. “First of all, how do you know Paris is great? And secondly, how on earth do you know that there’s a McDonald’s on the Champs-Elysees.”

  The answer to both was easy . . . Flying Girl had been there. In fact, she had taken Grammy and Sylvia. But, that was one secret she couldn’t share with her mother. “I think I saw a special on T.V.”

  “Well, it’s nice to know that you don’t just watch MTV or Nickelodeon.”

  “Not always.”

  “Anyway, I know you really want to visit Paris. Maybe for your sixteenth birthday we’ll take you and Sylvia. Would you like that? It would be a great adventure for a young girl.”

  Egg wanted to laugh but knew that would only get her into trouble. “That would be terrific. I know Syl would love to go on a great adventure with me.” She stifled a giggle.

  “So while your dad and I are gone, I want you to have a great time up in the mountains with Grammy. It should be fun. Just be careful. Don’t go getting lost or trying to capture wild animals or any silly thing.”

  “Oh, Mom. You know I never do anything . . . ummm . . . dangerous. At least not usually.”

  “I do know, dear. But moms are supposed to say these things to their daughters.”


  “Beats me. It’s just a rule.” That got both girls to laughing. Egg gave her mom a big hug. “Be sure to mail me lots of postcards so I can put some in my diary.”

  “I will, dear.” They heard a car honk. “That’s Grammy. Don’t keep her waiting and I’ll see you in about two weeks.”

  “Love you and have a great time.”

  “I love you, too, dear. Be safe.”

  “I’ll try. Really, I’ll try very hard.”

  Chapter 10 – It’s Time

  Sassi got into the boat, released the ropes and sailed into the river. It was very late afternoon and the sun was getting low in the sky. By the time she made it to town, it would be dusk. She had invited the other Sisters to go with her but they all refused . . . except K’ssss. The not-so-bright sea serpent swam next to the boat and kept a running conversation with her human sister.

  “Is it fun to sail?”

  “For me it is. But I should think it would be more fun to be a serpent and swim to the deepest parts of the ocean.”

  “Oh no. I never go very deep . . . it’s so dark. And who knows what kind of mean fish live down there.”

  “Are serpents afraid of fish? Don’t you eat them?”

  “We do . . . but sometimes I don’t think it’s very nice.”

  “Maybe you should become a vegetarian like Bl’azzz.”

  “I thought she was a dragon?”

  “She is. A vegetarian is someone who only eats vegetables.”

  “Oh. Would I have fire breath like her?”

  Sassi smiled. She was very fond of the silly serpent. “I don’t think so. I’m sure all that water that you live in would put out any flames.”

  “That’s good because fire scares me. Serpents don’t have fire.”

  And so the conversation continued until they came in sight of the little town. “I think you should wait out here, K’ssss. If I get into trouble I will yell for you.”

  “Okay. Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Sassi guided the boat towards the now familiar dock and with great skill pulled smoothly alongside. She hopped out and tied the ropes. Then she waited. Whoever was bringing the crystals was supposed to meet her here.

  About thirty minutes later as darkness began to fall, a shadow moved towards the boat. It was Tr’yst. Her heart was beating so very fast. It had been too long since she last saw her beloved daughter.

  “Are you Sassi?”


  “I have brought the crystals. May I come on board your boat . . . for privacy?”

  “Of course. Please.”

  They both climbed on board and Tr’yst sat on a bench that was under a lantern. She looked at her daughter from under her hood studying her face . . . trying to memorize every detail. The seconds ticked by and Sassi wasn’t sure why the woman was just sitting there . . . staring.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No. On the contrary . . . everything is perfect.” She slipped off her hood.

  Now it was Sassi’s turn to stare. She looked at the woman’s face . . . her mouth, her eyes, her hair and her skin. Why did she look familiar? Then her heart skipped a beat and she stopped breathing.

  Mother and daughter looked at each other . . . both afraid to speak. Finally, Sassi managed to say “Mommy?”

  “Yes, my precious love. Oh, yes.”

  Sassi flew across the deck and into the open arms of her mother. They hugged each other and cried and cried and cried.

  They stayed in each other’s arms for ten minutes . . . neither of them wanted to let go of the other one. But by now, it had been almost an hour since Sassi had left K’ssss waiting in the middle of the river. Worried, the Sea Sister slid silently up to the boat.

  As she got closer, she heard the girl crying. Thinking her friend was in trouble she threw herself out of the water intending to land on the deck so she could rescue her. Unfortunately, she leaped too far and went sailing over the boat and on to the dock landing with a loud “SPLAT.”

  Sassi and her mother nearly jumped out of their skin. Neither had ever seen a sea serpent sail through the air. And the noise K’ssss made when she landed . . . actually crash landed . . . was kind of sickening.

  Tr’yst instinctively pushed her daughter behind her so she would be protected from whatever evil this creature had intended to do. Sassi peered around her mother and realized what had happened.

  “It’s okay, Mom,” who smiled at the sound of the word, “that’s K’ssss . . . one of my new sisters. K’ssss, are you okay?” For a moment, the sea serpent couldn’t catch her breath or find her voice. Worried, Sassi jumped off the boat and ran to her friend. “K’ssss . . . say something. Are you okay?”

  The serpent raised her head, looked at Sassi and laughed. “H’sssss, H’sssss.”

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “I did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “I went sailing. Only it was through the air.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  “I heard you crying. I came to rescue you. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do . . . help each other?”

  Sassi gave her friend a big hug. “Yes . . . that’s exactly what we are supposed to do. Thank you.”

  “So did I do it . . . you know, rescue you?”

  “Ummm . . . not exactly. I was crying because I found my mom.”

  “Ohhh,” said the serpent a little disappointedly.

  “But had it been someone evil, you definitely would have scared them. My name is Tr’yst and I am very pleased to meet you.”

  K’ssss beamed at the compliment. “Be sure to tell Soo’. She do
esn’t think I’m of much use.”

  “I promise. K’ssss, why don’t you take the crystals and go back to the Sisterhood. I want to spend time with my mother.” She went to the boat, grabbed the bag with the communications crystals and handed them to K’ssss.

  “Okay. And I promise not to lose them. Nice meeting you, Sassi’s mom.” The serpent made to leave but then stopped. “Sassi.”

  “Yes, K’ssss?”

  “I know I’m not very bright . . . but shouldn’t you keep one of the crystals just in case you need help later on?”

  Sassi smiled at her sister. “You are absolutely right. Thank you,” and she removed one of the crystals from the bag.

  “That was a very good suggestion. With sisters like you, my daughter will be in very good company.”

  K’ssss waved her tail and dove back into the water. She swam back to the Sisterhood feeling very, very pleased with herself. For once, she felt like she really did belong.


  Sassi and Tr’yst spent the whole night talking, laughing, and crying. With so many years to catch up on it was no wonder that they completely lost track of time. It was the first rays of the morning sun that finally made them realize how many hours had passed.

  “I must go. It is dangerous for me to be out and about during the day.”

  “Will you stop and see Dad?” Sassi had explained about her father and his role as a pretend Mo’beye.

  Tr’yst smiled. “A wife needs her husband. He was . . . is . . . my best friend and the only man that I have ever loved. Of course, I will go see him. Now, young lady, I want you to promise me that you’ll be very careful. No foolish risks and no trying to be a hero. Understand?”

  “Yes, Mother. And the same goes for you.”

  They hugged and kissed one last time. “I shall come to this dock every third day beginning in a month’s time.” It was as they agreed. “I cannot wait till we meet again. She touched her daughter’s face and said, “It is so good to know that you have grown up so well. Beautiful, talented, loyal and brave . . . what more could a mother hope for?”

  “Grandchildren,” and they both laughed . . . perhaps a little bit too hard.

  Sassi untied the ropes holding the boat and jumped in. With a final glance at her mother, she let out the sails and headed to the center of the river and back to the Sisterhood. She sang the whole way.


  Tr’yst made her way to the cabin where her husband lived. She knocked once and slipped inside. Sitting at a table eating his breakfast was Fl’axx.

  He looked up and saw his wife . . . and his eyes flew wide in horror. “Tr’yst. You must leave . . . hurry.”

  “I think not, husband. Are you not glad to see me?” she was confused by his reaction.

  Fl’axx stood up and his eyes turned inhuman. He picked up his staff, which was resting on the chair next to him, aimed it at his wife and fired. A flash of light shot out and Tr’yst crumpled to the floor.


  Back on earth, Egg, Sylvia and Grammy drove to the mountain resort and checked into their cabin.

  “Time for us to go, Grammy.”

  “I know dear. Before you do, I want you to look me in the eyes and promise that if it becomes too dangerous, you’ll call off the Quest and come home.

  “But Grammy . . .”

  “EGG,” Grammy said loudly . . . something she almost never did. “If Dazzle couldn’t do it . . . then maybe it can’t be done. Try your best. But just don’t be careless with yourself or your sisters. Remember, they are there to help you. That makes you responsible for them. That’s not something you can take lightly. If it’s not to be, then save yourselves to fight another day. Do you promise?”

  Dazzle had materialized and was listening to Grammy. “If I may say something,” She waited until Grammy gave her a nod. “Your grandmother is absolutely right. You are responsible for your sisters and yourself. If we cannot achieve what we set out to do . . . we must return and formulate a new plan. To lose ourselves to Mobius will only insure his reign will last for many more centuries. If we are free . . . there is always a chance for our victory.”

  “Thank you, Dazzle.” Turning to Egg and Sylvia, she asked again, “Do you two understand?”


  “Yes, Grammy.”

  “Then go . . . and come back to me safe.” She hugged each girl then turned away. She just couldn’t watch them fly away.


  When they entered the Sisterhood, the other five girls were there. Apparently, things were going well for they were all enjoying a big laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  This was greeted with a chorus of “Egg . . . Sylvia . . . your Majesty.”

  After a few hugs and hellos, Egg asked again, “So what was so funny?”


  That made Egg and Sylvia smile. Even Dazzle couldn’t help but join in. “What happened, K’ssss?”

  “I went sailing.” That got the other four girls howling with laughter. It took them awhile to settle down and explain what silly K’ssss had done.

  “K’ssss, I am pleased. That was a very brave thing to do.”

  A compliment from the Princess was something to be treasured . . . and K’ssss bowed her head but couldn’t help from laughing in happiness. “H’sssss, H’sssss, H’sssss.”

  “Why are you laughing you loopy leviathan?”

  “The Princess says I’m brave. I’ve never been brave before.” Everyone shook their heads in amusement.

  “Have the communication crystals arrived?”

  “Yes . . . and I placed them in the jewelry. Egg here’s yours . . . and this one is for you Sylvia.”

  The girls took the jewelry. Then Egg asked coyly, “So . . . what did you think of the Shady Lady?”

  “You knew didn’t you?”

  “Knew what?” Egg answered pretending innocence.

  “That it was my mother.”

  “Did you recognize her?”

  “Yes, as soon as she removed her hood. Oh, Egg . . . it was so wonderful. I can never thank you enough. Ever since joining the Hameggattic Sisterhood I have had nothing but good fortune. You have changed my life forever. I will never forget how much I owe you.” And she gave her sister a warm hug.

  But the mood changed abruptly when Dazzle said, “It is time.”

  The girls looked from one to another . . . for moral support and courage. This was it . . . the moment of truth.

  “We go to the Myst Tree.”


  Egg took Sylvia and Sassi, while each of the dragons carried one of the serpents. It didn’t take long and they were soon flying over the barren mountain that contained the valley that was home to the Tree. They flew over it once . . .

  . . . then landed at the edge of the mist.

  “Do you think the Tree will allow us all to enter?” Aeri’elle was referring to the last time that Egg and Sylvia had visited. Egg was able to pass into the mist but Sylvia could not . . . until she held Egg’s hand.

  “There’s only one way to find out. Everyone ready?” They all nodded. “Okay then . . . let’s go.” They took a tentative step into the swirling grey fog . . . and apparently the Tree was expecting all of them. They followed Egg into the valley and up the path that lead to the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl.

  They came upon the tree and cautiously approached it. As before, it glowed . . . giving off a power that could be felt as well as seen.

  “It’s pretty,” declared K’ssss.

  “Shut up you dim-witted, dumb sea-dork.”

  “Shhhh,” hissed Egg. He can hear you.”

  “Princess . . . you have returned with your army.” The Tree didn’t actually speak the words; they just formed in each person’s mind.

  “Whoa . . . that’s freaky,” whispered Bl’azzz.

  “Do you mock me, Tree?”

  “I would never mock you, your Highness. My respect for you knows no limits.”

  “Do you thi
nk these Seven Sisters are unworthy? Are they not what you asked for . . . representatives of the highest standards of this, or any, world?”

  “Have you come just to introduce me to your Sisterhood? Or have you come for information?”

  “I believe you know precisely why we have come. We start our Quest but lack certain knowledge.”

  “I know.”

  “Will you not help?”

  “I will. But I can offer little.”

  “Mr. Tree . . . all we want is to find the Crystal Mountain, but nobody knows where it is.”

  “. . . or what it even looks like,” added Sylvia.

  “It looks like this . . .” and an image appeared in their minds.

  “Oh my gosh . . . just like in my dream.”

  “It is . . . beautiful,” observed Aeri’elle.

  “Can you tell us what it is, and where we may find it?”

  “The Crystal Mountain was created by Mobius for the sole purpose of imprisoning and preserving your body. It is well protected . . . some might say it is impossible to gain entry without his permission.”

  “Some . . . but not you?”

  The tree chose not to respond.

  “Where is this Mountain?”

  “The path begins at K’actus Kiln.”

  “That is just a barren desert.”

  “It has changed. And it is no longer devoid of life . . . so beware.”

  “How do we find this path?” asked Sylvia.

  “Mobius enjoys his little jokes . . . what you seek will find you.”

  “What other surprises does our friend have in store for us?”

  “I can tell you this . . . the Kiln is just the first of seven lands created by Mobius to protect the Crystal Mountain. Each contains at least one deadly creature.”

  “Oh my gosh . . . seven?”

  “After the Kiln, there is the Colorless Wood, the Ae’Bee Sea, Switch Swamp, the Crystal Forest, the Maze of Forever and the Never’ Glade.”

  “Can you not offer any other help?”

  “I have looked into the heart of each of your seven sisters. You have chosen well — for within them lies the virtues required to achieve your goal.

  However beware . . . one of you is not what she thinks she is. She is a minion of Mobius and betrays her sisters even as we speak. But know this . . . there will come a time when she will have to choose which path she will take. The right path will lead her to oblivion, but it will also be the only path that can lead to the defeat of the evil that now reigns over this planet.


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