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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 26

by Lee Morgan

  The hairs on the back of his neck started standing and he definitely knew something was quite wrong with this picture. He couldn’t put a finger on it exactly, but Connor’s instinct said that there was more to this than what you can only see.

  The Brown eyed Keeper stood again and addressed all who were present. “I welcome all of you to this quarter century Mélange meeting. Please go ahead and sit down.” All sat down quickly and quietly. “For those few of you who don’t know me, I am Head Elder Damian. I am the leader of the Keepers. I am glad that everyone was able to make it here so quickly and safely. Now let’s go ahead and introduce the others.” He looked to his left.

  The Changer’s short leader stood and said “I am Head Elder Raphael. I am also pleased to see such a terrific turnout. I hope that all of you had a pleasant journey, a terrific stay and have an amazing time until you leave to return home.” His voice was heavily accented like Elder Adela’s. Head Elder Raphael looked across to the other balcony and nodded.

  The two green eyed Balancers stood together while holding hands. The woman spoke first and her accent also had the same vocal patterns as the others. “I am Head Elder Amphrite and this is my mate Head Elder Poseidon. We will keep things as short and as expedient as we can manage. Please, I ask that no applause nor any outburst arise during our convening. Also, all forms of elemental powers are strictly forbidden during the time we are with you. Exercise restraint or else you will be excused from the meeting. Thank you for your understanding.”

  As the Head Elders sat down Connor entered Sarah’s mind and closed off all other’s access. He made his expression turn impassive, while continuing to watch the Elders. “Sarah, close your mind to everyone, but me.”

  Her mind immediately slammed shut and she squeezed his hand. “Is there something the Matter?”

  She had become instantly worried because of his strange mental tone.

  “Did the Head Elder just call herself Amphrite and Poseidon? Like as in the Greek Gods of the sea?”

  She looked straight ahead and masked her facial expressions. “Yes, those two are the ones in the same. Remember that I told you that many myths and legends came from us or the other immortals. The only thing that the stories of gods got wrong was their infidelity. Balancers, Changers and Keepers all mate for life and do not cheat. Unlike us, Veronica gets a chance at love once again since her mate passed away. Or your sister will if ever something happens to Mark. Remember that we are immortal and sometimes tend get bored over the long, taxing years. Those who get bored usually do something crazy like becoming a Greek God.” She rubbed his hand with her thumb and he turned to see her staring at him with a twinkle in her emerald green eyes. “Don’t worry, you will always be my only true Greek God!”

  “And you are my Goddess.” They smiled at each other until he felt that scratching sensation again, someone trying to enter his mind.

  Connor reopened his mind again as the Head Elder Damian, resumed speaking from his chair. His brown eyes looked saddened. “… tell you this, but we have lost five immortals since our last gathering. A pair of Balancers, two male Changer’s and a Keeper have all lost their lives in these past twenty five years. Please let there be a moment of silence as we remember those who have fallen.” Everyone in the room became even more silent. Connor heart went instantly out to Veronica because it was her mate which had been slain.

  A few minutes past and the Head Elder began again “Fellow immortals, I hope you have enjoyed the new facilities that I had made.” Connor knew immediately he just stated a bold faced lie to everyone. He quickly glanced around and realized that he was the only one who knew what just happened. Damian’s mental voice sounded calm, but Connor knew it to be fake. “We have been working on making this place for the past fifty years and I believe it has been all worth the effort.” That part was true. He smiled pleasantly enough at the crowd and Connor knew he has been doing this for a long time for the lies came easy. He judged the Elder to be about thirty million years old. “Now let’s get down to business…”

  Damian went on and on for an hour talking about human technology this and encroachment that. He lost many once he began speaking about a new law that the Elders all agreed upon. It was lost on Connor and apparently on everyone except Mark and a few others. Connor started zoning out and closed his eyes and mind to do some shadow fighting, to alleviate the perpetual boredom and monotony of the speech.

  He then reopened his eyes to see the Elders getting up to leave. Even the Keeper on the far right stood again, still keeping his eyes closed. “Is it over already?” He asked while yawning. Connor heard Jack call him a “Smartass” under his breath.

  Connor dropped to the open ground beneath him and looked up to see Sarah dropping down. He stuck his hands out and easily caught her waist and gently sat her down on the floor. “Such a gentleman,” Sarah said, giving him a playful grin. “By the way, your shadow fighting thing you do really helped me pass the time.”

  He said “You did it too!?” and couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yep, I zoned out a few minutes after you did. It really does help keep your mind sharp when you fight.”

  It was forty minutes later before they were all able to get on the stairs. When Connor stepped up he noticed that the lower staircase is blocked by thick iron doors that were imbedded in the rock. He could swear he heard wind or machines blowing down the dark hole.

  Later that night Sarah showed him how gentle she wanted him to be.

  The next morning proved to be similar and routine. They all went downstairs and sat in the same place and listened to the same boring lectures until he noticed two very interesting something’s. First, Connor overheard the Elders speaking a language he’s never heard before and he watched their expressions, vocal patterns, tones and pronunciation. It was interesting to watch and learn, but he realized none understood what they said. He asked Sarah about it later and she explained that they were speaking the first known human language that is only taught and known by the Elders. Secondly and very rarely on the Keeper’s platform he witnessed the eyes of each Elder glance a certain way, but only for a single instant. Even Head Elder Damian glanced once in the same direction.

  It was right then when Connor figured out just what is really happening around here. The deception was too easy to figure out afterwards.

  He laughed boisterously on the inside. When Sarah entered his mind and asked what he was doing he told her he that remembered a joke that just popped into his head. He made one up on the spot and she laughed on the inside like he was doing, but for a different reason. No one could know of the discovery just yet.

  Connor had a look in his eyes that said he figured something out yet again. Sarah has learned that he can figure things out that would seem impossible to everyone else. He carefully watched and studied the Elders with his predatory and raptor like gaze every day. She knew he wasn’t paying attention to what they said, but more like what they didn’t say and did. She asked and asked what he learned, but he kept blowing her off by telling a joke or changing the subject. It became infuriating, not being able to know what he did, but if he didn’t tell her what it is all about, there had to be a solid reason.

  So she finally decided to stop asking on the fifth day.

  On the sixth day Connor had an early morning surprise from her. She covered the central roof light with a cloth from her bag. She used her power to fly up to the roof to diffuse the light before turning it on. The room had light now, but it wasn’t blinding enough to wake him up luckily. She floated back down to the bed and tried not making any major disturbances. She decided to wake him up by kissing him all over his remarkable chest. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down to see her smiling his favorite smile. He smiled and then Sarah said in her soft and quiet voice “Happy Birthday, Connor.”

  He looked up and then smiled. “It is isn’t it? Wow I’m two decades old.” He looked back down with his hazel eyes, looking soft and passionate instead of focused and intense
for once. He used his right hand to hook some loose hair back behind her ear. “Thank you for remembering my birthday.”

  “How could I ever forget something like this? You know so much about me, it is only right that I know about the important aspects of your life. I wouldn’t be a good wife if I didn’t know your birthday.” She had a side thought, but it only depressed her mood for and instant. Connor’s eyes shifted from soft to piercing in an instant and she knew he caught those feelings. She knew she had to tell him or else he would become worried. “It’s nothing much, but I haven’t been able to get you a present. I am just a little frustrated. For my birthday you made me a sparkling cavern, but I haven’t been able to get you anything so amazing to top it.”

  His hands cupped her cheeks with comforting warmth. His eyes softened yet again as he said “You might not have realized it, but you have.” Sarah’s heart leapt at his words and his voice. She didn’t understand why her heart took off, but it felt right. “The present that you have for me is much more meaningful than the presents I’ve made for you.” She couldn’t follow what he meant and he knew it. He then showed her exactly what he meant. Connor moved his hands away from her cheeks and sat up slowly. He was shirtless, but he wore his boxers underneath the bed sheet. She also sat up, wearing only her undergarments as well. He turned to look directly at her. He leaned forward and she expected a deep kiss, but he instead placed his left palm over her lower abdomen. “This is your present you have been making for me. You are carrying my child and that is more than a gift to me. No matter what I do, I cannot bring a new life to this world. You can, and I couldn’t be any happier.”

  Sarah couldn’t stop herself from tearing up. It wasn’t the pregnancy hormones for once, but pure happiness he gave by such words. He took his hand away and brushed the escaping tears off her cheeks. “Sarah, you don’t need to cry. I am happy with the little things in life. I am most happy when I’m with you. Do not worry about getting me anything because I have everything a man could want.”

  She stifled the tears and finally looked him back in his eyes. He was so calm and relaxed which gave her the support she needed. “When you put it that way I’ll continue working on our little project until it is finished.” Sarah looked down at her flat belly and rubbed gently. “Do you hear that Pearl? Your father can’t wait until he meets you. Both Mommy and Daddy want to see what you look like.”

  “Daddy also wants to see his little birthday present.” Connor cooed and leaned forward to kiss her belly.

  She grew hungry again so she slid out of bed and looked behind her shoulder to see Connor ogling at her bottom. She said “Like what you see?” and swayed her hips from side to side, provocatively.

  Connor smiled and stood. His black boxers covered his male pride, but nothing else. His long, powerful and overly developed arms crossed over his chest as he studied her with a tilted head. His hairless thighs and calf muscles flexed and were the size of a warhorse that has been prepared for combat. His left armlet shone dully in the diffused light. His chest and abdominal muscles were all rock solid and she couldn’t see even a single pocket of fat. Even the daunting brand on his chest looked powerful. She stopped walking as he said “I haven’t seen anything remarkably close to your beauty.”

  Her face flushed at his honesty and she couldn’t help but turn around and jump into his arms. Her feet swung off the ground as she kissed and kissed him. Her mind swam as she took in his scent and her heart thrummed behind her ear. His hands started moving lower and lower down her back and then they stopped. Sarah felt the cold ground touch her feet and she so much wanted more. She opened her eyes once their lips disconnected. Her chest swelled with need and her heart beat with desire for him alone. “Princess, you are very hungry. I can tell.” The moment he said that, she realized that she was and the moment came to an end. His neck muscles were bulging and she could see his pulse pounding at the sides of his neck. She looked into his hazel eyes to see that the powerful and wild hunger returned to his eyes once again. He stopped himself before he would hurt her. Sarah could feel what he wanted and he wanted her, but he promised he would be gentle and he was struggling to keep that promise with all his will.

  She stepped back and cleared her throat in embarrassment. “Sorry about that.” She turned around, still feeling the heat in her chest beginning to perspire. “How about we get dressed and go down to eat.”

  He cleared his throat hoarsely and followed her over to the dresser. They both slid on their armor and freshly washed clothing. Sarah had to adjust her left shin guard once until the leather fit snugly to her leg. Clothing slid on next and she stopped moving once Connor started brushing out her long hair. She handed him a black hair tie and he pulled her hair up and back to give her a perfect ponytail. She fed each sheathed Fang in the leather belt and secured each one to either hip. She slightly pulled them out, making sure they were still snug in their sheathes.

  At last her desire for him subsided, but it never left.

  Sarah followed right behind Connor as he made his way to the door, after reaching up to pull the cloth away from the ceiling light. He smiled and tucked the cloth in his pants pocket. He twisted the doorknob and opened the door. He took one step out the door and his head jerked straight up. He stopped suddenly and took a step back into the room; in an instant retreat using his inhuman speed. The middle of his large back and her face almost connected.

  She was about to ask what happened until she instantly heard Kara’s loud animalistic voice. “HAPPYBIRTHDAYBROTHER!!!” And she was in the air, jumping past their doorway with clawed arms extended into a bear hug opening. Kara was in her wolf form, from what Sarah saw from around Connor’s wide back. She would have tacked Connor if he hadn’t dodged. Then she heard a heavy landing followed by “Aw, man. I almost had him.” Connor’s back began shaking as he tried to not laugh. He cautiously stuck his head into the doorway and looked down the hallway. He stepped out and Sarah followed.

  She looked to the left to see Kara walking back to them on all fours. She was grinning and her tail wagged slowly. The flooring ticked with each step from her claws. She looked up at them and Sarah could tell she was excited even though she missed tackling her brother. “Ah the little Golden Retriever missed her master, didn’t she…” Connor cooed playfully and rubbed his sister’s hair, between her pointed ears. She nipped at him and he jumped back before her teeth connected.

  Behind them came a deep rumbling laugh. Sarah turned around to see Mark leaning against the wall in his wolf form. His furry arms were crossed over his barreled chest as he surveyed the two with amusement. His black tail hung down to the ground and he had one clawed foot propped up against the wall. She asked “How long has Kara been waiting to do that?”

  He pushed himself off the ledge and walked closer to them. He smiled and said “About an hour and a half. She didn’t want to miss her chance to play with Connor. You know how she is.”

  Sarah turned back around, still smiling. She was forcing it because she knew they listened to them and what they did in their room a few minutes ago.

  She looked back to see Kara now standing on her back legs. She opened her arms and Connor stepped into them for a calm hug. When they pulled apart she said “Happy Birthday, Brother. What do you want to do today?”

  He walked over to Sarah and took her hand. “We were going down to get some breakfast.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” A male voice come from behind again. They turned to see her parents making their way to them.

  “Wow, the two of you are up early this morning.” Connor said with a playful smile.

  “Who could sleep with Kara’s voice booming so early? Not to mention how loudly she landed for some reason.” Jack said and then yawned. Sarah glanced to see Kara grinning at her father. “Please, I’ve seen a rabbit look more dangerous than you do right now.” Sarah couldn’t stop laughing once Connor started. Once they finally stopped Jack said “Happy Birthday, Connor.”

  They made their way do
wn to the cafeteria to be greeted by a worried looking Veronica holding her egg between her legs. Firon and Clarein sat beside her and looked worried themselves. They spotted them and masked their expressions a little too late.

  Sarah walked up to her friends and said “What are you so worried about?”

  Veronica took a deep breath and sighed. Sarah could feel the heat of her breath and her mental voice sounded defeated. “Do not worry too much. It is just my nerves, Sarah. Today is the day I am allowed to go up in front of the Elders and apply for a new mate to help me raise my child. I have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”

  A shadow flew right by Sarah and jumped directly up at Veronica. It was Connor and he wasn’t playing this time. His body language explained he was ready for a fight. He landed in her lap, picked up her egg and dropped to the ground before she even realized what just happened. He ran back to stand beside Sarah with the large egg in his arms. Veronica looked down at her now empty claws and her gold eyes blinked before widening. All of her muscled tensed and her head swiftly moved to search for her egg. Once she saw it in Connor’s hands her rage and instinct to protect her young kicked in. Firon and Clarein were still reeling from what just happened. Veronica let out a deep rumbling growl and Sarah took an instinctive step back, but Connor didn’t budge. She dropped onto all fours and approached Connor with the intent to kill.

  “That is more like it!” Veronica stopped at Connor’s loud voice. “That whining, timid and scared creature wasn’t the proud, strong and wise Veronica that I know. Don’t let your fears take over you or else you will lose everything you hold dear, my friend.” Connor proudly walked right up to her and held up the metal encased egg. “This is the only thing you should ever worry about. If you did, you would have been able to stop me from taking your egg so effortlessly. Friend or not, you are the only one who can protect this child from the dangers of the world and only you know what is a threat and what isn’t.”


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