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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 27

by Lee Morgan

  She stopped moving as did Sarah’s heart.

  Veronica closed her eyes in defeat as she sighed. When she opened them again she pushed herself back on her back legs and stood like an immovable tower. Her mental voice took on pride and honor once again. “Your words are wise beyond your years and I will not soon forget them. If you do not mind I will take my child back now.” Connor raised her egg once again and she slowly took it into the palms of her hand. “I hope to find a mate who is half as wise as you are.”

  Before Connor could make a reply Firon stood and walked around Veronica. He knelt down to get eye to eye to Connor. This was a threatening gesture and not one he’s shown since he barred his teeth at Sarah’s mate. “I am sorry, but Connor you are under arrest for a capital offense. To take an egg from an Honored Mother is like kidnapping in your culture. You will come with me to be judged by your Elders. Do not even attempt to resist.”

  The hairs on the back of Sarah’s neck instantly began to stand straight up and her face flushed. There wasn’t any way she would be separated from her mate. Nothing on this planet could separate them, not even death. Her rage couldn’t be contained as she took a step forward. Her hands dove down and were each holding the handles of Fangs.

  “He isn’t going anywhere with you!” Veronica grabbed her son by the back of his neck and dragged him to his feet before he had time to react to her words. He might have been taller than she was, but right now Sarah knew his mother would take him out if she had to. A low menacing growl came from her throat and froze Firon completely. “You listen to me now, Child.” He blinked at being called a child at his age. “Connor will not go anywhere with you. He committed no crime because my child never left my eyes nor was it in any danger. What he did was teach us a valuable lesson which should already be instilled in all parents. He also did this for you and Clarein when you two conceive a child. If you lay even a single scale on him you will have to face both of us…” She drew her face back by about two feet. “By the way, did you realize he had your tail and was about to throw you against the wall if you made another move against him? Just one more word from your mind and it would have been all over for you.”

  Firon’s yellow eyes went down and Sarah saw that Connor did indeed have the Guard’s tail held in his left hand. They could see Connor’s muscles screaming to be released. Right now his wild side was warring with his sense of restraint. Even Sarah was unable to see how Connor moved to get a hold of it. “How the…” that was all Firon was able to get out.

  Veronica regained his attention by saying “Or have you already forgotten his…” She glanced towards Sarah just as she raised a warning eyebrow. “You know what you saw from the second time you met these two. He could take you down before you can even blink. I think how he’s holding your tail is further proof of his…talents.” She chose her last word carefully. Veronica looked down at Connor and said “Since I also outrank him by my title alone, I give you my word he will not arrest you for your little demonstration.”

  Connor released Firon’s tail and said evenly “That is all I need to hear. The last thing I need is to be arrested on my birthday.” Firon rubbed his tail from the pain of her mate’s grasp.

  “Well then I offer my congratulations. How old are you if I may ask?”

  “I’m now twenty winters.” Connor said for her to understand properly.

  “What are your plans for this special day?”

  “To eat first.” Connor turned and began walking away from her and to Sarah with a smile. He took her hand and they walked together to the line.

  Sarah sealed off all access to her mind as she entered Connor’s. She kept her mental voice nonchalant as she asked “Will you tell me the real reason you pulled such a foolhardy stunt that could have gotten us both killed?”

  He locked his mind as well. “Because from what I’ve seen of their species, pride and strength mean everything to them; even more than knowledge or riches. If the Elders saw weakness in her as she pleaded for a new mate, she will have a tough chance getting her request accepted. Plus she needed to see what would happen if someone vile saw her in a state like that. Vulnerability invites disaster.”

  “Did you think of our child when you did this?”

  “Yes.” He glanced at her with dangerous hazel eyes. His dangerous side hadn’t left. “If Veronica didn’t step in she was going to lose the life of her son.” His voice turned deadly, but she recognized his protective instinct. “Veronica had it wrong, I wasn’t going to throw him. I was going to use his tail to choke him to death.” His eyes then began to soften a minute later and then he continued with a calmer and clear headed tone. “No one can ever separate us by force. They can try, but you know they will fail in the process. I don’t like to kill, but I will when they get in my way.”

  “I know exactly what you meant. I was about to fight with you.”

  “I remember. You took a well placed step. It was difficult for even me to hear. I’m proud to know that you have my back even if you think I’m crazy.” He smiled weakly.

  “No, I would say the closer word would be…insane.” She couldn’t help but smile and he choked off a laugh.

  Their entire group remained in silence for the next fifteen minutes. Sarah invaded Kara’s mind and to find out she was constantly laughing at her brother’s stunt. Her mother and father saw how she moved to help Connor and they were worried for her safety. Mark on the other hand was making plans for tomorrow for some reason.

  Sarah turned around as the last person left with their tray of food. They both bowed down to Elder Adela and as Sarah looked back at her she showed them a one sided smile. Her voice became chipper. “Just the group I have been waiting all morning to see.” She looked at all of them in one swift sweep. “Sarah, will you and your group please follow me.” She put her hands on the tabletop and jumped over the counter in one graceful bound.

  Connor and Sarah followed the Elder around to the side of the building. She led them to a large metal garage door that lifted from the bottom on rollers. To a few feet from the garage was a lone picnic table. She knocked on the metal door and made it rattle. She announced “They’re all here, my love.” Sarah turned to see everyone else following them and stopped once they did. The door opened on a track and they received a glance inside the bustling kitchen. Ten speedy staff members were all cooking up a storm. Sarah also realized this is where they restock their large quantity of supplies. In the doorway stood Elder Alexander and what towered behind him shocked them all.

  Behind the Elder waited a gigantic and tantalizing six tiered cake. The bottom piece was over six feet across and two deep. There weren’t any candles, but this cake didn’t need it. Elder Adela began speaking to Connor. “Since it is your birthday, Child, I made this for you and the others as well. The cake is chocolate on the inside as is the frosting on the outside. The larger bottom pieces had to be baked in quarters and then put together. I designed the patterns like the waves of the sea because you are a Liquid Balancer.” In her mate’s hands were eating utensils and a roll of paper towels.

  Sarah could feel Connor’s excitement growing. He walked straight up to Elder Adela with open arms and stopped. “I’m sorry, but should I ask to give you a hug or will I get in trouble?”

  “Go ahead. I’m not that uptight.” She opened her arms and Connor picked her up like a toy doll. She giggled as Connor twirled her in the air. Her mate watched Connor with a cautious eye, but he smiled as well.

  He finally sat her on the ground and looked down into her eyes. He smiled happily and said “I cannot believe you remembered my birthday. I am deeply touched by your sincerity and graciousness. I don’t know what else to say…”

  “That hug you gave me said everything I needed to hear.”

  Connor looked behind himself and asked playfully “Do you want a hug as well, Elder Alexander?”

  The Elder began to laugh softly and then shook his head. “I am perfectly happy without a hug. I am just pleased that you like
it.” He looked up at the top of the cake and said “Go ahead and all of you go sit down at the table. I’ll bring everything over.”

  Their entire group all made their way to the table and Sarah had to jump just to sit on the bench. Once Veronica sat beside her and the others sat, Elder Alexander carted out the cake. She looked at the top of the table and saw large plates already on the table with real silverware for utensils. Sarah lost sight of the Elder for a moment as he disappeared by coming close to the table. Then she felt him summoning his energy and they all realized that he is a master Pressure Balancer. Both he and the cake began to rise until the cake’s bottom cleared the top of the table. It slid onto the edge of the table without the cart. He waved goodbye and dropped down and shut the garage door to the building and departed inside.

  Connor broke their train of thought and said “Alright every person gets a section and Sarah and I will share the bottom.”

  “Brother, we each get a tier?” Connor nodded and Kara beamed.

  Veronica was the closest and Sarah could tell she remained a little perturbed. She gave the top and smallest section to her son, he said his thanks anyway. He ate it in three semi large bites. Veronica asked if she could have the second largest and Connor said she can have whatever she’d like. Once she finished giving everyone a tray she slid the bottom level over to them. The flat metal bottom rattled as she slid it in front of Sarah, but didn’t let the cake touch the ground. After they shared the cake the others had shaken off the tension and everyone became more relaxed and sociable. Each sweet chocolaty bite was better than the last. Elder Adela stopped by with a tray of mugs filled with milk which complimented the sweet chocolate. This was the breakfast of champions.

  The birthday breakfast had ended all too soon and they had to make their way down to level four. During that time Head Elder Damian spoke with Keeper after Keeper and listened to requests and other matters that were brought up from individual’s of their species. Most of the day has gone by and it had felt slow. The youngest hatched Keeper, that Connor met before, walked to the center of the room, stood upon the raised marble in the center of the stage and she introduced herself to the audience. Her mother was a first time parent and she received the title of Honored Mother. A room full of Keepers roared in pride at her achievement. Sarah could tell that that family was truly happy. Veronica was easy to spot because she was at the end of the line as she was the only one who held an egg. The reflective wrapping made it easier to identify.

  When it was finally her turn to approach Head Elder Damian said “You may have your turn to speak now.” Veronica slowly made her way up the steps with her head held high, chest out, tail swinging side to side and she shone with confidence. Connor’s impulsiveness paid off for she no longer showed any of the weakness she revealed earlier. She walked thirty paces and stopped in the very center of the room. She bowed to the Elder Changers, then to the Balancers and one last time to her Head Elder. “Ah, Honored Mother, Veronica. It is a pleasure to see you again and you have my condolences for the loss of your mate.” Veronica bowed and returned to her prideful stance. “What is your request?”

  Her mind was clear and precise as she said “It is in our laws that two parents must raise a newborn up to their matured age and I lost my mate before his child could come into the world. I request a new mate to help raise this child properly. That is all I seek from you.”

  The female Elder to the left of the Head Elder leaned forward and said “We will honor your request if you are still capable of bearing more young. Step closer to me so that I may judge your breeding quality.” Without further instruction Veronica proudly walked forward with her egg in the curve of her left arm. The purple eyed Elder raised her hand for Veronica to stop and she did. Then Sarah felt that Keeper summoning her energy and her eyes began glowing. A second later she felt the rapid pulses of the Elder using her sonar to see inside Veronica’s body. The pulses ceased a few seconds later and she sat up straight again. “I have looked inside and have judged you worthy of continued reproduction. I have counted a total of seven hundred and eleven viable eggs that you are still bearing. I must congratulate you young one. I have only seen that many eggs in two other Keepers during my time. Was your mother by any chance Nidival?”

  “Yes she was. May I ask why you have asked me that? You know all bloodlines of each Keeper in this room, do you not?”

  “No you may not ask, young one.” Veronica didn’t flinch. “I ask another question. What is that thing you have on your egg?”

  “This was a gift from my friends. It is known as a space blanket. It is human technology that allows my egg to remain warmer for five times longer rather than warming it up every hour. My friends have been very good to me and I even owe them my life and that of my child’s.”

  The Elder considered her words carefully and then said “We will look at the bloodlines and see who will be your best match for you to choose from. You are dismissed. We will call upon you when we have a proper selection gathered.”

  Sarah looked over to see Connor grinning at the Elders for some reason. She elbowed him in the ribs and his smile vanished. “Are you going to tell me what you are up to yet?” He showed her only a tightlipped smile. Her mate was hiding something important. “Will you at least tell me some day?”

  “I’ll do one better. I’ll show you soon enough.”

  Then Head Elder Damian stood and said “We are dismissed for today. Tomorrow we will continue with the Changer’s audience.”

  They met up with Veronica back on the first level over an hour later. She waited for them along with Clarein and Firon. The moment she saw Conner and Sarah walking to her she mindlessly handed her egg over to Clarein. She about ran up to them and Sarah heard Connor say “Oh great. This is payback huh…” Veronica swept with her arms to pick him up like a toy and she clutched him tightly to her chest. Tears began trailing down the sides of her scaly face. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh along with everyone else. It was the first time she has ever seen Connor look so small before.

  Veronica sat him back down and used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears. She dropped to her knees and her large gold eyes were still moist. “Connor, what you did this morning gave me the very strength I needed. Thanks to you, my child will have a chance at a full and proper life. How can I ever repay you for all that you have done for me?”

  Connor said clearly “Veronica, you don’t owe me anything. Friends do things because they want to or have to. When you said you owed me your life earlier, I revoke all ties and now it is your life to do with as you please.” He touched her forearm and said gently “Each of us only gets one chance at life. We do what we want to do with it. I can control your life as well as I can control how you think, feel or even love. In other words I can’t control you or what you want. Might I suggest you something first?” She nodded eagerly. “Keep your pride and strength. And if I ever see you doubting yourself and getting depressed again, I swear I’ll kick you back to your senses.”

  “I’ll remember that…and if you ever do it, I’ll bring your senses back as well.” She winked and they both smiled.

  “Then it is a pact between two good friends.” Connor offered his hand as did Veronica and they shook to finalize the agreement.

  The rest of the day Connor and Sarah sat together and listened to Veronica as she tried to imagine what her mate would be like.

  That night Connor and Sarah melded their minds together and they watched their little treasure still developing. Only this time she noticed their child’s egg seemed different, it looked like a tiny manatee, but it was developing and she wasn’t sure if it should be brought up. It still looked off for some reason. It looked like the image was slightly blurred. It has always been clear to her before…how strange.

  The next morning they ate together like usual and Veronica remained ecstatic about who might be chosen for her. Then they made their way back down to resume another day’s meeting.

  The short and handsome Head
Elder Raphael stood and started the meeting this time. His black robes and hair made his presence all the more real. The crowd quieted as he began speaking. “I welcome you all back this morning. Today is the day for my children to come up and have their turn to speak. I first ask that all newcomers to our life please come forward first. I also ask that their makers please accompany them up to the stage. All others will have to wait their turn. Please make your way to the steps.”

  Sarah looked to her left to see Kara take a deep breath through her snout and out her mouth. This morning she was in the Fwen form and her wings were tucked into her side. “Wish me luck.” Sarah did as did her brother. Mark stood up and gave Kara a hand till she stood with him. They walked towards the steps to the right and avoided stepping on anyone as they made their way. As they stepped down the steps Sarah noticed six others making their way through the crowd. By the time Kara and Mark made their way to the front marble steps four other Changers had made it before them. Each maker stood the left of their new charge. The first two were both males and looked similar to a bull, but neither of them had horns. They were both furred in dark brown. The next two in line was a female and male. The female was the maker and she wore only brown wings and the man was on all fours and shaped like a horse. Then there was Mark and Kara. The last two in line were both women and they looked like furry foxes.

  The Head Elder spoke to them after they bowed to the others. They spoke their names and the Elder Changer on the far end had a scroll and wrote down their names on a long list. Sarah knew her name was on a bloodline list for the Balancers and only the Elders had exclusive access to those scrolls. The only way to look at it is if an Elder gives permission and they accompany you as you looked. The documents were more than valuable and offered insight to who’s ones ancestors or descendants are.


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