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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 28

by Lee Morgan

  The first two left and the second two were just as expedient.

  Sarah entered Connor’s mind and asked “Can I listen to what they say through your mind?”

  “Go right ahead, Princess.” She pushed deeper into his mind until she could hear what he heard.

  After the two exited the stage and passed them, Mark and Kara made their way up the steps, after they were given permission. They walked on all fours until they made it to the center. Kara mimicked Mark as he put his head between his front legs as a bow. After he bowed last to Head Elder Damian he looked up at Head Elder Raphael. They waited until he spoke and Sarah was grateful to Connor for letting her in because she wasn’t able to hear half as clearly as he does.

  “That form… is that you Marcus?” The Head Elder’s silver eyes were looking very interested.

  “Yes it is Head Elder. It is good to meet you once again my maker.” Mark pushed himself up on his hind legs and Kara followed his lead.

  Sarah couldn’t believe it. The Head Elder himself was Mark’s maker. From the look on Connor’s face he also was unaware of this development. The ancient Elder leaned forward in his huge chair and Sarah could tell he was looking down at her sister-in-law. “And who might you be, Child? Are you two mates?” His tone was merely curious and held no other implications that she could tell.

  Kara’s animalistic voice was as even as her posture. “I am Kara Connolly May. Mark is my one and only mate.” Sarah looked to see the Elder at the end scribbling down on the scroll.

  The Head Elder leaned back in his chair and laughed. “This young one has some spunk. That is just what my child needed. I am proud that you have finally found someone to share your life with, Marcus. You may go now…”

  “Head Elder,” This stopped everyone for the moment. “there is something else you should know before we depart. If I remember correctly, you like surprises.”

  “I still do.” The young looking Head Elder leaned forward in his throne and Sarah could just barely see his bright white smile. “What is it that you think might surprise me? It better be good, my boy.”

  Mark’s smile turned into a grin. “My mate here is a Bone Changer!”

  The Elder’s eyes widened and he threw his head back to laugh at the top of his lungs. The sound echoed a few more times after he finally ceased his outburst. Sarah could see him wipe his tears from his eyes as he said “That is the best joke I’ve ever heard you say.”

  Sarah watched Connor fist tighten and his eyes became serious. Since she was still in his mind she felt his consciousness reaching towards the stage. “Kara! Don’t you do it!” Sarah turned to Kara and saw her teeth were showing, but not in the fun and playful mood. She turned her head to look at the two of them. Sarah could barely see her silver eyes. They looked like the point of a needle from their distances. “Listen to me. I think a demonstration is in order. This will get him to stop laughing at Mark and take his words seriously. I want you to make your Bone Bow and fire a bone arrow at my chest.”

  “But, Brother! What if…”

  “Kara you need to trust me. I need you to do this.”

  “If you say so, Brother. Just don’t die on me and make me regret this.”

  Sarah turned back to Kara. She had taken a step back from Mark. He turned to look at her with wide eyes. Through Connor’s hearing she heard the sounds of bones breaking and growing at a fast rate. Sarah was able to see her straighten her left arm out just as her radius and ulna’s bones broke through her furry skin. She was also able to see all of the Elder Changers become wide eyed. A few seconds later her bones took on the shape of a pure white longbow. Then Kara pulled out a string of hair and she strung her bow with only her right hand. Once that was finished came the sounds of more bones snapping. Sarah guessed she flipped her hand back like she did in the cave with the short sword. Even from here she could tell the bone was perfectly straight. Kara used her left hand to break the arrow from her wrist. She put the arrows end into the string and put tension on it. She looked at where Connor and Sarah were sitting. She raised her arm and pointed. Then even Sarah could clearly hear the Head Elder yell “What do you think you’re…!!!” Kara pulled the string back and released her hold. The strange thing was is that Sarah felt really calm and realized it all radiated from Connor’s confidence.

  The people around them, who just realized what she did, reacted too slowly. Some began to scream, but they didn’t know it was planned beforehand and she wasn’t firing recklessly. The arrow easily zipped through the air at incredible speeds. Sarah knew everyone was having a hard time keeping track of the flying projectile. Sarah couldn’t hear the zip, but she knew the arrow was traveling much faster than your average archers bow. The bolt spun in a counterclockwise rotation as it made its way closer and closer to its intended target.

  By the time it was about ten feet away, Connor’s right hand moved at its quickest speed. His fingers wrapped around the front end of the shaft and slammed closed. The arrow only slid a half inch at most, closer to the very center of his chest. Sarah then heard the crashing sound of the zip and Connor’s hand stopping the arrow. The head of the arrow was tipped to a spiraled point. The fletching was also made of bone. Sarah then realized that Kara had more ability to shape her bones than she previously knew.

  The sudden and startled screams died down as they looked around to see where the arrow went. Connor pulled the arrow away from his chest and laid the radius thick bone across his lap. He smiled and waved at Kara and his wave attracted everyone’s startled attention to them. Sarah then noticed they were the only ones that didn’t move within a fifty foot radius. Even her mother and father had scattered, she had forgotten to warn them.

  Before anyone could yell, Head Elder Damian stood commandingly and said “Little one, be careful with your next move.” Kara turned around to look at the calm Elder. “Yes we can all see that you are indeed a Bone Changer, but your actions leave something to be desired. I will not tolerate an assassination attempt in my presence. Now tell me why you did that to the crowd. If your excuse isn’t true you will be put under arrest and tried…”

  Connor stood and yelled “Hey Kara! I think this belongs to you!” He twirled the bone arrow in his right hand and tossed it like a javelin. He didn’t use all of his strength, but the arrow still zipped in the air. It was a perfect and arching throw. Kara turned around and saw it coming. Connor threw it so that it would be easy to catch. She caught it with her right hand.

  With the bone still in her hand she waved back at them and Sarah could see her faint smile. “Thanks, Brother!” She turned around to the Head Elder. Her voice turned calm and even. “I am sorry for acting so rash Head Elder. I just didn’t like it when they were making a joke out of my mate. As you just witnessed, that was my brother. I knew a demonstration was in order and Brother and I do this all the time. It wasn’t an assassination attempt by any means, but I apologize and beg your forgiveness for the misunderstanding.” She bowed her head and waited.

  In the same calm and cool voice the Head Elder said “I will forgive this transgression if you put your bones away and not disturb the peace again. This will be your only warning, Hatchling. Is that clear?”

  “Thank you.” She raised herself back up and her bones began returning back into her arm. She took the bone arrow and made it disappear by eating it. She turned to Mark and even Sarah could tell he remained rigid.

  Suddenly the audience heard a booming laugh again. It was Head Elder Raphael again. “Ah Marcus. That was a surprise and I absolutely loved it.” He turned to Kara with a playful smile. “Before you depart, I have a question for you. Did anything happen differently when you crossed over into our world?”

  Sarah placed her hand on her head because Kara’s brutal honesty was about to become legendary. She wasn’t disappointed as Kara bluntly said “Well does it count if I told you that my heart stopped and I died for a minute before Brother brought me back to life?” All of the Elder Changers were all struck speechless. “Y
ep, I died during the process and Brother brought me back so that I could finish the painful transition.” She took Mark’s hand and finished by saying “Don’t worry, you will all meet him soon enough. I hope you’re looking forward to meeting someone stronger than me.” She grinned. “See you later, Elders.” She dropped down to all four and trotted off. Mark followed silently behind. The Elders all started speaking in their language. No one except the thirty Elders knew that ancient and dead language. Sarah pulled her mind back as the two of them made their way down the front steps.

  The crowd around them cautiously took their seats and some grumbled. They became even more skittish once Kara and Mark took their seats beside Sarah. Kara grinned once she sat again, enjoying the fact she unsettled people. Everyone who sat close to the six of them carefully kept guarded eyes on her impulsive sister-in-law. She put her right arm around Sarah and whispered in her ear. “How did I do?”

  Sarah whispered in her soft, pointed and furry ear saying “No one, but you could have pulled off such a shot from the range you did. At least you spiced up the meeting.” And she thought she heard Connor’s mental voice say ‘…wait until you see…’ and that was all she remembered.

  They had to remain quiet until the meeting ended several hours later. Then Head Elder Damian finished the meeting by saying “We will reconvene tomorrow for the Balancers. Sleep well.”

  After dinner with everyone, Connor and Sarah took a bath and went to sleep early.

  Connor feigned sleep until Sarah was finally out cold. He was lucky because she wasn’t cuddled up against him like normal. It was currently the middle of the night, but he had something that desperately needed to be taken care of and sleep could wait a while longer. He slid himself out of bed and didn’t disturb her in the least. He still had pants on when he went to bed so he didn’t need to worry about zipping up a noisy zipper. He carefully made his way to the door and was grateful that the hinges were well lubricated after being destroyed and repaired. He closed the door and walked next door to hear the sounds of his sister’s snoring and wondered how Mark every got any real sleep in his situation.

  Connor pushed his thoughts out and into his best friend’s. “Mark, wake up. I need to talk with you. Please don’t wake anyone up.”

  “Connor?” His mental voice sounded groggy from being awoken so suddenly. “What…time is it?”

  “It’s the middle of the night. I wouldn’t wake you up if I didn’t need to, but I do. Please come with me, I need to tell you something important.”

  Mark’s mind processed what he just said and his thoughts began to pick up. “I’ll be right out, Buddy. Just give me a minute to get dressed.”

  He pulled his thoughts back and waited against the wall. Connor was able to hear feet hit the floor between the sounds of Kara’s snoring. The sound of a drawer sliding showed he was getting dressed and soon Mark’s silent steps approached the only exit. The handle on the doorknob slowly twisted and then the darkness of the room opened. Mark’s bare human foot exited first and he quickly slid outside. He closed it and Kara’s loud repetitions remained undisturbed. He was as shirtless as Connor and barefoot too. He turned around and looked up with calculating silver eyes. He whispered “What do you need to talk about with me so late at night?”

  Connor gestured for him to follow with a jerk of his head. He started his way down the hall and heard Mark quietly following right behind silently, despite his extreme weight. They made their way to the front and silently greeted Liz. She smiled as she set down a thick novel and asked “What are you two doing up at this time? Did something happen?”

  “Nothing like that, we just need to have a private conversation. No need to worry your pretty little head. We will be back very soon.” Connor said in a pleasant voice and she smiled.

  Mark and Connor left the front door of the lodge. They walked over to a secluded place by a support pillar and Connor could feel that they were alone and no one eavesdropped. Mark knew it as well and asked “What is so important that we needed to come all the way over here at this time of night?”

  He propped his back against the pillar and looked Mark directly in the eyes. “Listen, tomorrow might get a little dicey for me.” Mark’s annoyed and bored expression vanished and was replaced by the upmost seriousness. “I cannot tell you what I have to do, because I cannot afford you to be accused of having prior knowledge of what I’m planning. I won’t lie to you, Bud, but you’ll just have to trust my motives.”

  “Will it be dangerous?” His tone remained even and calm, but Connor knew when he’s worried because his eyes stay focused on one thing, him.

  “Without a doubt. That is why I called you out here. I know you won’t stop me because you know that when I talk to you like this, you know that I have thought every possibility and scenario though. What I need you to do is keep all harm away from Sarah. Will you do it for me?”

  “You know I will, but will you tell me why?”

  Connor looked into his eyes and knew he wouldn’t let him leave without giving him something. He sighed in defeat and scratched the back of his head. “Alright…I know you were a father before you became an immortal.” He remained motionless. “I saw the pain and agony you went through when your wife…you that know already. Sorry, man.” He nodded, but didn’t speak. “You know how protective Sarah and I are of each other. Well I’m afraid she might get in my way or try to stop me. I know she can take care of herself, but my unborn child cannot.” Mark’s eyes widened as he knew what was meant, but he continued. “All it will take is one simple hit and our child will be lost before we even were able to meet. When the time comes, I will look you directly in the eyes and nod once. I’m hoping that she will be away from me by then, but just incase, I’ll need you to get her as far and as fast away from me as you can possibly manage.”

  He sighed and looked away. “May I ask you just one more question?”

  “As long as it won’t endanger you any more from what I’ve asked,”

  “When can I inform Kara or Sarah’s parents?” His voice became softer.

  Connor though about it for a moment and answered with “You can inform them once Sarah and I aren’t within her hearing range. I cannot let her know or she’ll ruin my plans. Use some covert words that would let the others know what is going on, but say it in a way that if others overheard you they would think it’s an idle conversation to just pass the time.”

  “Is that all your going to say to me?” Connor nodded and Mark said “It looks like there is going to be a big day tomorrow. We had both better get some rest or we won’t be at our peaks for this plan of yours.” And he sighed heavily. He most likely began to make up a story for later.

  He turned and Connor followed him back to the lodge. They didn’t say another word because there wasn’t anything else to say. Liz said “Welcome back.” and they said goodnight before heading down the hall. He looked at Connor one last time before going into his room. Mark gave him a single nod and disappeared.

  Connor entered his room and slid between the sheets. Sarah didn’t move and she continued to snore softly. It is one of her cuter qualities. As he made himself comfortable in the bed again, she turned over. She rolled into her usual cuddling position. She wrapped her left leg over his and her arm rested across his bare abdomen. She squeezed herself closer and found her comfort spot.

  Her scent did him in and was asleep in moments.

  When they got up early in the morning they slid on their gear and clothes. Mark and Kara were out in the hallway waiting for them. They were both human and looked refreshed. Mark’s face didn’t reveal anything as their eyes met. Mark looked like himself and his voice sounded normal. He was doing a great job acting oblivious. Jillian and Jack showed up a few minutes later.

  They met up with Veronica for breakfast and all had a hearty meal in good company. They left together to go get their seats for the meeting not long after. By that time both Mark and Kara were already in their Fwen forms.

  When they
all came in and sat down Damian began today’s meeting. “Good morning, everyone. You may all sit back down. Today is the meeting for the Balancers.” He nodded to his right.

  Head Elder’s Amphrite and Poseidon stood together while holding hands. His voice carried throughout the entire room. “Today we will listen to what you have to say and will deliberate on your requests. We will do all of your pertinent requests first and then we will allow the new members to come up later. Now will all petitioners come forward to stand in front of the staircase, in a single line.”

  Connor figured he had to wait for awhile and that didn’t bother him.

  He looked around to see sixty pairs of petitioners rise and make their way down the steps. They all filed up in pairs, but in a straight line. Their requests were mostly superficial, but quite a few of them requested for new identification papers. Every person who asked for new id’s got them without much deliberation by the Elders. Connor also saw that they each bowed to the three Head’s before they spoke. It was all about proper etiquette and respect. Pair after pair made their way up to the darker marble center to speak. He had also been paying close attention to the unique language of the Elders and learned much.

  It took about two and a half hours before the last two Balancers made their way down the steps. Once they sat down in their row, Head Elder Amphrite stood and her voice also carried in the vast room. “All newcomers and children may make your way down to the staircase.

  Here we go. He thought to himself and stood up. Connor helped Sarah to her feet. They then started making their way through the platform and glanced over his shoulder once he heard Mark’s animalistic voice. Mark waited until Sarah couldn’t hear this, but Connor could. “Hey guys listen to this,” Kara, Jillian and Jack turned to look at him. “Last night Connor and I had a chat. Apparently he said he couldn’t help but remember, little Maggie. Remember the little girl who got lost in the woods? Well Jack do you remember how she was stuck up that tree and Connor killed the boar. Well Connor said Maggie reminded him of Sarah. Well right now he said we need to be that protective tree for Sarah in a little while. He’s on to something big and he’s keeping his lips tight.”


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