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Latex, Leather, and a Pinch of Pixie Dust

Page 14

by E Gregory

  Niki ran his fingers through Ethan’s hair, gently combing it back off his forehead and eventually Ethan slipped free of him, but still he didn’t move. His head was against Niki’s chest and for a while Niki thought maybe he fell asleep, and wouldn’t that be something?

  Ethan wasn’t asleep, though. He rolled off of Niki, but didn’t quite let him go, instead spooning up next to him so they could look at each other. He was smiling and Niki vowed then and there to keep making him smile like that because it was the best thing he’d ever seen. It was also starting to feel like Ethan had something to say, but he wasn’t saying it and it was causing Niki to squirm.

  “What?” Niki whispered. His voice was still scratchy from maybe being much louder than he’d realized.

  “I have one question,” Ethan said, calmly, but that fond look was back and Niki was totally okay with that.

  “Shoot,” Niki said.

  “Earlier tonight, what were you going to say? Something about everyone knowing something about me?” And there’s a mischievous glint in his eyes that Niki so should have seen coming. He totally would have if he’d not just experienced the best orgasm of his life. Twice.

  “That’s so not fair, dude.” Niki groaned.

  “Don’t call me dude while we’re lying here naked ” Ethan smirked.

  “Fine. Okay. I was just going to say…” Niki trailed off, embarrassed to say it now to Ethan’s face.

  “Yes?” Ethan leaned closer and rubbed his nose against Niki’s playfully.

  “I was going to say that everyone knows you're more of a sub than I am,” Niki said it all as one word then closed his eyes and braced for whatever might be coming.

  Nothing happened.

  When he chanced a peek at Ethan, he was grinning again and then shook his head.

  “I’ve never been anyone’s sub,” Ethan told him. “But I could be yours. If that’s something you want to try.”

  Okay, way not what Niki was expecting. At all, but also hi. Really? Yes please? And every variation of hell yes the world has to offer.

  “Really dude?” Niki asked in shock.

  Ethan quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “I mean, uh, really?”

  “Yes, really.” Ethan kissed him. “I want to do everything with you. Anything.” His voice got soft at the end and Niki wanted to kiss him again. And again. So he did.

  Eventually, Niki felt like it was definitely way past shower time, even though the after sex cuddling was sort of amazing and he and Ethan were laughing and talking softly in the dark. He was going to pass out soon and wake up very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Ethan disagreed. It was officially the first thing they disagreed on all evening.

  “Really, Ethan? I knew there was weird werewolf sex shit Michael wasn’t telling me about.” Niki was squirming and Ethan was hanging on to him, holding him in bed.

  “Just for tonight?” Ethan asked, and he did that puppy eye thing that was so unfair. “You smell like us now.”

  Okay. Damn. Maybe weird werewolf sex things did something to Niki because he could not say no to that. Though it was probably really just Ethan he couldn’t say no to.

  “Just for tonight.” Niki agreed, but he pouted so Ethan knew he wasn’t too happy about it. Not that Ethan noticed, because he was scooping Niki toward him, rolling them so he could snuggle up behind him.

  “Goodnight Niki.” He whispered as he drew the blankets up over them. God, that sounded amazing. It was a simple thing, after everything else they’d shared tonight, but it hit him right in the chest. This really wasn’t just them working out their sexual angst. It was the start of something pretty huge and Niki was so okay with that. Better than okay.

  “Goodnight Ethan.” He whispered back.

  As Niki drifted off to sleep, he felt content. Deep down. Maybe, in some deep corner of his brain, he was even glad they got hit with a little Fae mojo. A little pixie dust and a few happy thoughts and he and Ethan finally got to begin their happily ever after.

  Chapter Eleven

  Niki was deep into a fantastic dream about strawberry milkshakes and skinny dipping in the lake with Ethan when he got the rudest awakening imaginable. His phone was going off. Again. And again. His brain was too sluggish to deal with it, but Ethan’s grumbling forced him to do something. So he knocked it off the nightstand and threw a pillow on top of it. It was still buzzing but he thought they could sleep through it now at least.

  He was wrong. Not about being able to sleep through the phone buzzing, but about it being the rudest awakening imaginable. There was something worse and that was Jessica Johnson whacking him over the head with the discarded phone only a little while later. She was perched on the edge of the bed, completely unconcerned about his or Ethan’s states of dress or the fact that the second naked occupant of the bed was an easily angered werewolf.

  Niki immediately pulled the blanket up to his chin and prayed Ethan was covered behind him. ”Hey!” He whispered in shock.

  Jessica sniffed at him and rolled her eyes. “Please remember you aren’t a blushing maiden.” She told him.

  “Wh-what are you doing? Did something happen?” Niki was sort of stuck under Ethan’s arm, but he was pretty sure Ethan wasn’t actually sleeping through any of this. Which meant he was choosing to ignore it. Niki was way too asleep to decide if that was him being thoughtful by letting Niki handle it or if he was being an asshole by just letting Niki handle it.

  “Yes something happened, you never called me. Or texted me. Or answered any of my texts or calls.” She cocked her head to the side and arched an eyebrow at him.

  “I’ve been a little, uh, busy, Jess.” Niki wanted to crawl under the blankets. Not a blushing maiden, he repeated in his head as a reminder.

  “And you made a promise to me to check-in, no matter how busy you were.” Both eyebrows were now raised.

  “Right. So that’s why you’re here?” Niki felt like his head was full of oatmeal, he was so out of it. Everything had taken on a quality of being very not real.

  Her face fell into something guarded. “I needed to know you were alright. So I can tell everyone.” The last part was tacked on to the first as Jessica looked down at her phone.

  She’d been worried. And just maybe in all of Niki’s excitement, he’d not considered how shaken up he’d been and how everyone else might like to be sure he was really okay. He was kind of a douche. Maybe.

  “Well, as you can see--” he started, but it earned him another whack, this one landing on his shoulder.

  “Yes, I can see all of that very well, thank you.” Jessica’s whisper was soft, but held an edge of uncertainty.

  Niki sighed. He could see that this needed to be more than a one-line conversation. He looked back over his shoulder at Ethan who was still feigning being asleep, and he carefully picked Ethan’s arm off of him and slid to the edge of the bed.

  “Uh, why don’t you meet me in the kitchen. I’m kind of hungry, come to think of it, and I could use the company.” He suggested.

  This seemed to brighten Jessica’s mood and she nodded and stood, leaving him to get dressed.

  “And clean up before you come down, you reek.” She said haughtily as she passed through the door.

  Somewhere in this house were the clothes Niki had come in before he changed into his sub costume, however, they were probably still down the hall in the guest room. Rather than making a mad dash for the other room and risk being seen by one of Ethan’s family members, Niki chose to dig through Ethan’s drawers. It felt a little on the intimate side. Niki had never even been in this room until last night. But ultimately he found something soft and worn that might hang on him a little weird, but would at least fit.

  Niki dressed quietly as Ethan fell back into soft snoring. He was kind of grateful for the space to talk to Jessica. He and Ethan hadn’t exactly declared themselves or anything, so he needed someone to talk to outside of Ethan’s hearing. Which meant that Ethan was in fact being thoughtful, he decided.
/>   Once he was dressed in a pair of Ethan’s sweat pants and a worn t-shirt with the NYU logo, Niki stepped softly into the hallway. The one major downside to werewolves was that they could hear everything and just thinking about what everyone might have heard earlier that night was enough to make Niki certain he didn’t want to wake anyone now.

  He made it to the bathroom to clean up a little. When he caught his reflection in the mirror he had to stop and stare because he was covered in little bruises all up and down his neck. He touched one and winced. His hair was wild so he tried to comb it with his fingers until he didn’t look like he’d been electrocuted, and finally, he washed his hands and rinsed his mouth out with the mouthwash by the sink. Then he slipped back into the hall where he ran right into Liam’s chest. He squawked and backed up, but Liam just laughed.

  “You and my cousin finally got your heads out of your asses, I see. Or rather heard.” He leaned forward and sniffed at Niki who managed an indignant sound. “He’s all over you, you know. You won’t be able to just wash it away in the sink.”

  “I don’t think this is any of your business,” Niki whispered. Liam just shrugged and grinned before stepping around him.

  Niki hurried quietly the rest of the way down the hall to the stairs. He didn’t want one of Ethan’s sisters running into him too.

  Thankfully he knew just which step to skip to avoid the creaking sound it made and before he could disturb anyone else he was standing in the kitchen with Jessica. She still looked a little cross with him, so he decided to delay their talk a little by digging in the fridge. He came out with bottled water for both of them and the makings of a turkey sandwich. When Jessica said she wasn’t hungry, he climbed up into one of the stools next to her and began assembling his sandwich.

  It didn’t take her long to realize that he wasn’t going to be the first one to speak.

  “You could at least say you’re sorry. You and Ethan finally getting together is no reason to worry your friends.” She pointed out.

  Niki gave her a sideways glance and stopped slathering mustard on his bread. “You’re right. Things got crazy, but I should have thought about what that might come across like. I don’t know what they told you exactly, but I should have given you a call like I’d promised to and not left you hanging wondering what was going on. So, I’m sorry.”

  Jessica pursed her lips for a moment, looking as though maybe she was still too miffed to hear his apology, but then she grinned at him and he knew everything was going to be okay.

  “Okay, now that we got that out of the way, spill! Brianna didn’t tell me anything other than that you were okay and Ethan was driving you home and not to be here when Ethan got back.” When Niki didn’t immediately launch into an explanation Jessica tapped one manicured nail on the granite countertop. “Come on, I need details!” She urged.

  Niki chuckled and took a deep breath before resuming his sandwich making. He was a multitasker. “Well, it was crazy! We were in this grand ballroom, right, with every BDSM scene imaginable and then some. All kinds of people and Fae were there. Did you know some fairies actually have wings? Why didn’t I know that?” Niki took a breath and shook his head.

  “The magic didn’t happen until the ‘show’. Three nude slaves alternately spanked and teased in front of us. Then came the Fae magic. Slipped right under my radar. There wasn't any enslavement or real compulsion, but there was a mild enchantment. Lady Enrieta later compared it to taking a shot of tequila for a human, god only knows what real effect it has on werewolves, but she assured us it is only meant to lower inhibitions slightly. The person under the enchantment isn’t doing anything they didn’t already want to do.” He felt his cheeks heat up and Jessica’s grin got wider.

  “We were all over each other. Harper found us wrapped around each other about to come in our pants.” He was able to laugh at the memory now.

  “I would have loved to have seen her face. We’ve been betting on when you two were going to get your shit together for ages.” Jessica told him with a wicked gleam in her eye.

  Niki’s mouth fell open. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Who all was in on this betting? Did everyone know? And hey! You could have told me if you knew he liked me, we could have been together ages ago!” Niki complained.

  Jessica rolled her eyes at him. “Duh, it had to happen on its own when you were both ready.” That shut him up. Was Ethan ready now? He wasn’t sure. They were going to need to have a serious talk and soon.

  “Okay so then you left, I know that part, and you obviously came back here with Ethan and wound up in bed together. But are there feelings? Are you boyfriends? Was it good? Was he big?” Jessica pressed her lips together in a sad attempt to hide her glee.

  “I am not answering all of those.” He told her plainly, but he was grinning himself still.

  “I don’t know if Ethan has feelings, I mean I think he does, but we didn’t say much to each other except that we were sorry if the other felt taken advantage of. Neither of us did so there was no reason not to, you know, just finish what we started back at the club.” Niki said.

  Niki finished putting his sandwich together and took a bite. As he chewed he thought about Jessica’s questions. They were some of the same ones he had for himself. Were there feelings? Were they boyfriends? He hoped they were, that’s what he wanted. He’d had feelings for a long time now that went way past the physical attraction he felt for Ethan when they’d first met, but all Ethan had said was that he had wanted Niki since before. Whatever that meant.

  “You really ought to hammer that stuff out before you meet with the packs. Everyone knows you went home with him, and I’m sure his family knows more than they’d like.” Jessica said.

  “It’s not really anyone’s business though is it?” Niki asked, around his bite of sandwich.

  “It wouldn’t be normally, but he’s an alpha and you’re the pack’s mage. If this doesn’t work out it’s really going to affect everyone.” Jessica pointed out.

  Huh. Niki hadn’t considered that. “I hadn’t thought about it.” He answered honestly.

  It made him feel a little selfish, really. What if things went badly? Would it break up the packs? Actually he wouldn’t let it. He’d have to leave. Which would suck, but he’d do it to protect everyone else. Was he willing to take that chance? Niki chewed his sandwich and wondered.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard over there,” Jessica said. “I don’t want you to second guess yourself. I just wanted to be sure you knew what was at stake. I do want you to be happy, and Ethan deserves that too.” Jessica fixed him with an open and honest look. He believed her, it’s just now, he is sort of second-guessing himself.

  “I guess the only thing I can do is talk to him. I can’t really decide what happens next until I know where he stands.” Niki said finally. His sandwich was gone so he opened the bottle of water in front of him just to have something to do with his hands. He’d been so happy before he almost wished he didn’t have to come back to reality.

  Jessica reached an arm around him and hugged him sideways. “It’s going to be okay. I’m sure of it. A little communication will go a long way and then you’ll have something to report to Michael when you see him.”

  “You’re right,” Niki told her. He knew what he needed to do now and he was kind of glad to have something of a plan before going back to Ethan’s room.

  “Are you going to be okay? Your face is kind of, down. I feel like I burst your bubble and that was never my intention. I just needed to hear from you that you were okay.” Jessica said.

  “I’m good, Jessica.” Niki gave her a smile and she eventually smiled back before standing up.

  “That’s all I needed to know. Next time, remember to check-in.” This was said over her shoulder as she walked toward the front door.

  “Yes, dear,” Niki smirked, feeling the cloud lifting ever so slightly and Jessica shook her head at him, her curls bouncing as she walked, but she made a quick retreat, waving to him ove
r her shoulder before closing the front door behind her.

  Niki closed his eyes, letting the exhaustion creep over him once more. After cleaning up after himself he headed back upstairs, again doing his best to leave sleeping werewolves to lie. Then he climbed back into bed with Ethan who only grumbled softly as Niki crawled back under his arm. He was just about to let himself be dragged back down into sleep, but he was sure he heard, and felt, Ethan, laughing softly behind him as he was drifting off. So Ethan thought it was funny that Jessica came for him. Asshole. Niki thought with a light chuckle himself.

  Chapter Twelve

  Morning dawned overcast and gray and Niki frankly wanted no part of getting up to meet the packs for a debriefing. He was warm and cozy and Ethan was still curled around him, very much real and breathing softly against the back of Niki’s neck. It felt good. It felt like he could lay there all morning and just soak it all up, but they couldn’t. He knew they couldn’t just now. No rest for the weary.

  Ethan’s hand tightened over his hip and he rubbed his nose slowly along Niki’s hairline. “Morning,” he whispered.

  “Morning,” Niki breathed, leaning back into Ethan the best he could. Maybe he could convince Ethan to linger here just a little longer.

  Ethan was chuckling behind him though and pulling away, rolling himself upright and pulling the blanket off Niki as he stood as well.

  “Hey, I was still using that!” He yelled and he chucked a pillow in Ethan’s general direction. Of course, he was ignored, but hearing Ethan laugh was pretty freaking awesome, so he let it go and climbed out of bed.

  Two showers, sadly separate, and two cups of coffee later, and Niki was beginning to feel a little more alive. He still didn’t want to see anyone else. He wanted to drag Ethan back to bed and keep him there all day. Even just for cuddles and movies and probably a very adult conversation that he was sure he was in no way ready for but definitely needed to be having. Any and all of that.


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