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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

Page 14

by Maree, Aleisha

  Walking through a tree-lined walkway lit with fairy lights, I smile as I pull one into my fingers. “Wouldn’t picture you as the sappy lights type there, brother.” I say smacking his shoulder.

  Bray looks at me rolling his eyes. “It’s all Lilly and my Mom’s doing. They liked to pretty it all up, to make it look more appealing, or so they say. I leave it like because keeps a bit of her here with Lilly and that makes us happy, you’ll come to see a lot more of this.” He waves his hands around in the air. “Wait till you see the inside of the homes.”

  Rounding the corner through the vines we are hit with a massive old-style barn lit up, and an amazing fire pit burning, complete with seating all around it. Wicked fucken just wicked. “Brother, this is next level of the shit. Outstanding. I can’t live here? Bray, this is too much, man, come on. I ain’t worth this sweet a place, it’s a place of pure solace.” Looking at him seriously, I try to make him understand.

  “Yes you are, and it’s what we do. We are family now. Family we look after. Anyway this was my mammas. I can’t live here. There are too many memories and I’d rather someone be in it than it sitting here empty. Come on inside I’ll show you your gear. You’re now a fuckin Reaper! You have to look like one.” Winking at me as he pushes the massive wooden doors open with ease, I see the most amazing bike sitting there in the entrance of this huge barn home.

  Looking Bray in the eye tilting my head a little, “Mine?” I question.

  “Yours,” he states nudging my arm. “We all have one. All of us have the same bikes, matte black Triumph Bonneville T120. You see, mom was called Bonnie, she bought dad his first Triumph, a Bonneville Bobber in cherry red. So, we all got them after that, and it means a lot more now that she ain’t here with us.” I see the sadness in his eyes, the pain he works so hard not to show, I place my hand on his shoulder.

  “I hear you, brother, the silent words that you hold in, I hear them. I do the same thing every day since I lost my own Mom and then there is my Angel, too, so know that I’m here if you need to talk I get it.” A small embrace of brothers, a pat on the back, and we have an understanding, Bray and I.

  I feel like I’m going to fit in here just fine, and in this house, I feel at ease. It’s massive and lavish, to say the least, it’s like peace has washed over me. Now we just to get Blue to stay here, that’s going to be tricky dam, stubborn woman.

  Bray throws me the cut that was sitting on my new bike, pulling me from the solitude of my thoughts and mind. “That’s yours brother! Wear it with as much pride as them boxing gloves of yours eh?”

  With pride and elation I state to him, “without hesitation brother.” Putting in on, shrugging out the weight of the new leather over my shoulders and back the smell hits me, fresh, crisp leather. looking down I see sitting proudly over my heart my new clubs name, and to the right my name. Taking in a deep breath I look to Bray. “Thank you brother,” with a nod, tears form behind my eyes, I may be a tough, hard son of a bitch, but this, and family mean more to me than anything.

  “No thanks needed, let’s get back to the party eh,” he suggests, slapping his hand on my back.

  “Yeah let’s go, I wouldn’t mind grabbing Blue and splitting, if that’s sweet, we got a mountain of shit to sort out and I have a lot of convincing to do she’s still breathing fire over me for patching in. But now with me having a home here, which I think I need. Trying to get her to move into it will be hard, especially with her knowing that it’s your mum and dads lace won’t wash to well with her.”

  I hear him chuckle, “Good luck with her. You’re going to need it, brother, she’s one fucking strong ass woman. She doesn’t take anything from anyone and she fights just as hard as she lives.”

  God, don’t I know it. I think as we head out. I steal a backwards glance at my new home. Shit my Nan is going to lose her shit over this, we are not allowed to move out and give her an empty nest. Shit, we are twenty-five and still wrapped around her apron strings. Just the way I like it.

  Walking back into the club, there are bodies all over each other dancing. Sweat and the overpowering heat of bodies, mix with the smell of alcohol and the shrill of voices raised to be heard over the music. Snapping my eyes over the crowded club, I look for the untamable little lady who I now call mine. I see her dancing with Lilly and Tammy. That makes me smile, Tammy has been so lost and alone without Sarah-Jane around so seeing her having fun and chilling with other girls is fucking awesome. . Jamie is eyeing Tammy up like he wants to rip her clothes off right now. Shaking my head I make my way over to Kash whose eyes are burning holes into Lilly. God this boy needs to make his move already. Slapping him on the back with a nod of my head into Lilly’s direction, I encourage, “Go ask her to dance little brother.”

  “Huh me! Lilly? No way,” he sputters out.

  Shaking my head, I look down at him. “You may wanna make your move soon, Kash, before someone else snatches her up. I’m off anyway, boys, I’m just going to grab Blue and take her home. See you all at the AM training in the Gym ok.”

  “Sweet brother,” they both say in sync. Leaning down towards Kash I whisper, “Take a chance, brother, sometimes the scariest things in life turn out to be the greatest.” With that I head over to grab my little lady.

  Lleaning into her ear, I whisper, “You wanna go baby?” She spins around into me as she wraps her arms around my neck, I see the small hint of unease in her eyes.

  “Seeing you asked so nice, sure lets go, biker boy.”Grabbing her by her ass and lifting her up, I walk out with her to Lilly’s laughing. Blue throws out a cheeky, yet sexy as fuck ,“Later bitches.”

  I look over to Kash “Don’t wait too long brother,” I mouth before slapping Blue’s ass. We head out to my bike, sitting her down on it she looks up at me with a glint now in her eyes. “Nice cut,” she says running her fingers over the leather up to my name.

  “Thanks, it feels good,” bringing my lips to hers, I plan to devour her. She so fucking breathtaking sitting on my bike with the full moon behind her.

  “You sure about that, Knox?” her voice hits my lips with the taste of Jack still on them.

  “Suream, baby. It may seem crazy but it ain’t a big deal.” Lifting my chin to rest on the top of her head, I look out over the compound that will now become my home away from home. “You did this just for me though, you have given your life to a club for what?” Her voice breaks and, as she says it, anger ripples over me.

  “To allow me to keep not only you safe, but them too. My family, Blues, my grandparents and this... us. I don’t want to lose this.” I breathe as I run my hands down her back before resting them on her ass.

  “You didn’t need to. I have this shit under control I would have been fine, now I feel I owe you and Jamie and don’t even get me started on Kash. Jeez it’s not just me now.” She replies.

  “Don’t you worry about Jamie, this right here, is all he’s ever wanted. Put this on. As for Kash, he has his own reasons.” Passing her a helmet I lift her back pushing her ass to the back of my bike. “I wanna take you somewhere.” It feels so right having her arms wrapped tightly around me as we ride. I can feel her heartbeat through my cut. The wind whisking past us makes me feel so free, like I can be all she needs. I see it now, having her on the back of my bike, holding me like I’m the lifeline she needs. I want nothing more than to keep her safe, but then to fuck her so rough that she forgets her fucking name.

  Winding our way up to Dove’s Peak a sense of unease washes over me. The last time I was up here was with Sarah-Jane the night I gave her the dove charm, and look where that ended. Pulling up, I hop off, pulling my helmet off, I look over to Blue. She has shaken out that lush hair of hers and she has a look of pure disbelief on her face. I can see the lights below twinkle in her eyes, wrapping my arms around her waist I breathe her in, my chin resting down on her shoulder. “You ok?” I ask holding my breath waiting for the answer.

  “Me? Yep I’m good,” she says pushing her hands into her jacke
t pockets.

  I sense something is off. “This place means something to me. I wanted to bring you up here to show you that I want this. I want you, but this is going to be fucken hard. It’s like I’m caught in a tug of war with the dead and the living, but the dead isn’t doing the pulling, it's me not wanting to let go.” It’s the fucken truth too. It’s easy to fuck, but it’s so hard to make love.

  “I will push, and I’ll pull till I get what I want and that’s you. All of you, we both have just got to try. No thinking just cut the string and fall,” she speaks like she’s so sure that we can make it in this fucked up world, that being with me is not fading away into the dark of a demon’s fake love to the dormant pain of false hope.

  Bringing my hands up I wrap them around her face, “I’ll do this with you because I want to wake up and let you in. I feel that the stronger we are, the better chance at fighting we have. You have made me come alive again. I’ll fuck up anyone and anything that tries to take you from this world, the one I now see with you and I in it. And I’ll pray to the dark that this time it’s not at my hands.” Turning, she pulls me over to the edge, where I had set up the last dinner I ever shared with my Angel. All these memories come flooding back, hitting me at once. A knot forms in my throat as the bile tries to rise from my stomach I feel sick to the core.

  “Look up there, right at the top, teetering over us, and there, in the vast skyline of NYC is land and a run-down, and I mean run-down, old house that’s mine. I used to come here all the time to think, to get lost in dreams of fairy tales and make-believe. One day it was full of people, the car park was packed, and I’d had a fight with dad. I needed to get out, so I just kept going and drove up here right up to the top and stumbled upon the house and a field of flowers with the yummiest peach tree sitting right on the edge of the land. I just sat down under it watching the world below. I would go there each time before a fight, whenever the world below got too much for me, when Mom and Dad would fight, that was my go to place. So I vowed that I would buy it when I made it. I did just that, now it’s mine. I’m going to restore the shack and build on there one day. It's beautiful up there, Knox.” Her voice falls off as I pull her tight into me just standing there, no fucken words are needed. We’re both are so fucked it’s not even funny, we are the same, Ying and Yang. Both have this one spot that is calming, and it’s the same place of solace, just found at different times. A yawn as wide as the skyline comes from her. “I’m sorry” her voice is hooded with tiredness.

  Smirking down at her I just pick her up in my arms whispering an unheard Goodnight to the heavens. Looking into Blue’s moss green eyes I know it’s her, she’s my one. “Time to get you home sleeping beauty.”

  Arriving back to her place, I carry her up the steps, much to her protest as she slaps and screams at me to be put down. The bike ride has woken her up for now at least. I love it, she’s fired up and my cocks hot for it. But an unease washes over me as I step up to unlock the door, I see it's open a crack. Reaching back, I hold her to me as push open the door with the other. Shaking my head in disbelief and rage as I see the mess inside, I see the pure extent of someone’s anger filled by hatred as I step further into the room. Her couch is flipped over the cushions are thrown all over her small living room. The bar stools that lined her breakfast bar are tipped over and the photos and pictures that graced her walls are smashed and in pieces all over the rug.

  Spinning around, I look deep into her moss green eyes that are laced by tears. “Baby,” I say as I pull her in, she fights against me punching her hands into my chest. “Shit... this is fucked up, go pack a bag we are getting the fuck out.” Letting her go and watching her walk around on shaky feet trembling, all I want to do is wrap her up and pull her out of this shit. I want to place her back down when there is a light of a better tomorrow, but while that son of a bitch is out there, that won’t be fucking happening. Whipping my phone out of my pocket I punch in Bray’s number,

  Bray- Sup brother,

  Me- Blue’s place has been trashed, shit’s everywhere with a nice wee message sprawled over the lounge wall.

  Bray-Saying what, brother?

  Me- We are always watching; you can’t escape. Biker boys you and your bitches are next.

  Bra-: Fuck.

  Me- I’m bringing her to the club, we will stay in the barn house k,

  Bray- Sure, and I will send a few Prospects to her place for clean-up. Head straight to your place I’ll catch up with you in the AM. I have to go out for a bit tonight got my own shit going on.

  Me- Sweet brother, all good.

  Walking up behind her I wrap her in my arms. Her small frame is tight with anger, the tears washing down her face. “It’s not going to stop you know; he’ll push and push then just like that he swoops in and takes me. Its what Viper does.”

  “Baby, there is no way I will let this muppet take you. I’ll fight to the death for you.” Picking her up in my arms, we head out her door. Blue is shaking like a leaf in my arms. I pull her in tighter, “Baby I got you.” Looking up to the park and trees that fall down onto the back of the gym grounds I know he’s out there, watching, I can feel it. “Pray to your demons boy, I’m coming, and I don’t play nice.” My voice grates out into the inky night's sky, swirling out like a thick angry fog.

  Carrying her tired, afraid body into my house, I head upstairs just winging my way around and hoping I’m going the right way. Finally, I find the bedroom and head in, pushing the toilet seat down with my boot. Placing it on top I balance my girl on my knee reaching out to turn the shower on.

  “Shower and sweet bed, girl” I murmur into her hair.

  “Knox, I don’t want you caught up in this he won’t stop till I’m dead.”

  “Well, he’ll have to get through me first baby.”

  He places me down lifting my shirt up over my head ever so slowly unclasping my bra, my breasts fall free sucking in a sharp intake of air as the night’s chill sends a shiver over my exposed nipple. He ever so slowly removes my jeans, taking his sweet time at releasing the button and pulling down the zipper. I shut my eyes as I allow my head to fall back, freezing this moment to my mind to keep locked away in the part of me, so that no matter what happens, Viper won’t be able to take it away.

  Knox pulls my legs free from my jeans, running his hands up the backs of my legs as he rises up my body. He cups each ass cheeks in his hands, lifting me up. I wrap myself around him, he walks me to the shower then lowers me into the hot stream of water my body craving the heat. I shiver under the spray as I watch him strip himself bare in front of me, it may just be the fact that I’m on the edge at the prospect of losing him, but tonight, for the first time, I really take him in, all of him. The way his muscles flex with movement, how his tattoos wrap his body in bold colors each telling a story. The way his v falls away under the waistband of his boxers, the small snail trail that sits perfect on his body and the sculpted abs that have me salivating. Then the best part of all greets me as he steps out of his boxers, before he comes to me in the shower. All his length presses up against me as the most delicious part of this man, his beautiful eyes, stare into the depths of my soul.

  “I got you.”

  Looking up at him I whisper, “Please don’t let go then, I can’t fight alone, and I don’t want to fall.”

  “You don’t have to, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll catch you.”

  Spinning her in my arms, I start to wash her back as the smell of the body wash fills the air, honey and milk. I make a mental note to thank Lilly when I see her. Squeezing shampoo onto my hands I lather it through her beautiful long hair. Turning in my hands she pulls me in close, reaching for my lips. She devours my soul in a kiss that could cause a damn earthquake. Pulling free I tap a finger to her nose leaving bubbles behind.

  “Bed with you, I feel, kiss me like that again and I can’t guarantee what my lust for you could do to your tired body, baby girl.” She pouts up at me and I chuckle, “You’re cute I�
�ll give you that.”

  Shutting off the water I reach for a towel, wrapping her up in it, before tying one around my waist. Leaning down I scoop her up and carry her to the bedroom. I chuck her down on the bed and she giggles softly, the sound is fucking erotic. I look over my shoulder and smile at her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around the as her chin sits on her kneecaps. She is watching me just like I do her when I think she doesn’t see me. “What you looking at?” I tease.

  “Me? Oh just your hot body.”

  Chuckling, I hunt for a T-shirt or something, and feel relieved to see a closet full of options. By the looks of it Lilly has stocked up on all a man could need. All the clothing has the emblem of the club and I have three colors to choose from black, white or grey. Grabbing a grey one and flicking on some boxers, I walk over, placing a tee over Blue’s tiny frame. Rolling back the blankets, placing her in, and jumping down beside her, I engulf her in an embrace. Her warmth hits my dick and it wants nothing but to sink balls-deep into her sweet center.

  I feel her relax under me letting out the breath she was holding. I wonder if she even realizes that she does that around me, I notice it all the time. I hope it's not a coping thing from what that cunt did to her. I need to eliminate that psychopath. I’ll take him out this time for good with her by my side, together we shall bring him to his knees. Now that’s my kind of party.

  Chapter Eleven


  Waking in the morning, I feel like a train has run me over. I reach out in the bed to stretch out the aching muscles. I need to train this tense shit out of my body and I make a mental note to start wrapping my switchblade up in my hair so, if the fucker gets me alone, I can finish just what I started. Feeling the bed for Knox, I open my eyes when I feel the bed cold in the spot where he was laying last night. Pulling myself up I scan the room until my eyes fall on his frame by the window asleep in a chair overlooking the grounds below. This man takes my fucking breath away. Pulling myself up from the sleep filled slumber, I realize that sleep so much better when he is around. Walking over to my very own Mr. Dark, I lean down and place the softest kiss on his forehead. Looking out to the grounds below I see just how beautiful it is out here, Bonnie and John turned this place into something special. Makes me think of doing up the old-school villa on the land I bought up at Dove’s Peak. I just might get onto that.


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