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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

Page 15

by Maree, Aleisha

  Breaking into my thoughts, Knox’s strong arms snake around my waist. “Morning beautiful.” Smiling down at him, he pulls me into his lap.

  “Why did you sleep all the way over here? On night watch for monsters in the dark, were you?” I ask, though I know the answer.

  Kissing my forehead, he replies in a sleepy tone, “You know it baby.” Falling back onto him, I soak up the feeling of ‘safe’ he pours out around me. I want to keep him forever, but I also know that Viper won’t stop, and Knox will be in the crossfire, he knows I have Knox’s protection now, so he will try his hardest to get me away from him, it has me thinking.

  “Hey, let’s shower and head down to have breakfast. I need to tell you some things if Viper takes me. I need you to know just where you should look cos he won’t keep me here. He’ll take me to his home turf where he has the advantage.” Standing up I look back over my shoulder, to guage his reaciton. “I’ll cook, I know I can find the kitchen in this damn massive house you seem to have acquired since you joined the Reapers.”

  Jumping to my feet, I smack her ass as she walks away, I am left smiling after her. This woman has stolen so much of me, I can’t even handle the fact that I can love two completely different souls at one time. Sarah-Jane, my angel, she was the good, quiet, laid-back girl who intrigued my senses and tantalized my soul. Blue, well, she’s a firecracker. She is just as broken as I am lost in this world. She captivated me, drew me into her soul, holding my senses locked into this fiery being that she is. But this Viper guy threatens to take that from me and the thought makes my blood boil. After hearing the horror that he placed onto her soul already has me plotting twenty different ways to kill him and slowly very, very slowly. This new feeling and need has me wanting to rip him to shreds first before I remove him from this world and feed him to my demon.

  After my shower, I follow the sweet smell of food. Heading into the kitchen I see she has opened the double doors out to a massive deck overlooking fields filled with wildflowers and I can hear the sound of water. She’s out there setting food down on a big round glass table. Walking up behind her I wrap my arms around her waist. “Hey, good looking, what you got cooking?” Laughing, she turns in my arms kissing my lips. My heart stills, she feels like home yet it still scares me.

  “Nothing too fancy, cooking was never my strong point. I leave that up to peeps who know their shit. Fighting is what I do, and I’m gifted there.” Pulling me into a headlock, she swings herself up and around my back wrapping her legs tight around my waist.

  Tapping on her forearm, I gasp out in mock choking, “I surrender, Celtic goddess, I surrender.”

  Sliding down my back, she laughs. “Jeez, you pussy, that was the easiest, fastest submission ever.”

  “I was being kind. My Nan always said, ‘don’t hurt a lady with your hands, tongue or words,’ and, well, my tongue? That’s a different story, but for now I’m being kind.”

  “Biker boy, really?” Winking, she heads into the house. I sit down at the table looking out at what will now be my place, my haven. I’m going to have to invite Nan and Pa around before shit gets too crazy and fill them in. I’ll win Nan over with my pasta bowl in this impressive kitchen, I’m sure I’ll pull it off. Blue said she couldn't cook, so I’ll be flying solo. I don’t know how Nan will take me being in a gang, she is still getting over the fact I went to jail and came out this huge impressive fighting monster with a bad rap for breaking women’s souls and spirits.

  After breakfast, Blue showers while I clean up and look around this place, I still can’t believe it’s mine. I need to make a few phone calls. Sitting on the arm of one massive oversized chair in the lounge room, something catches my attention. I look up, practically bouncing down the stairs is the ever so intriguing Blue-James drying her hair, “Hey you wanna smash out some walls today up at the villa?” she blurts out carefree and casual as.

  “Sure baby you’re a woman after my heart. Food, even if it wasn’t edible and demo, not to mention fighting and sass, is just what every bloke dreams of.”

  With a smirk she balls up the wet towel throwing at me. “Well, be a man after my own heart and put some washing on will you, you have a pile upstairs and we’ve only been here twenty-four hours.” Walking behind her as she takes the steps two at a time I wait for my moment. As we walk into the bedroom I gather up the washing in my arms, looking up at her as she goes to tie her hair up in her messy bun . a glint catches my eye. I walk over to see her wrapping what seems to be a switchblade up in her long locks. I lean up against the door frame and look at the worry sitting into her eyes, I can see it in the mirror.

  “Baby, what are you doing?”

  “What?” she snaps.

  “What are you doing?” I say again.

  “I’m tying my hair up what does it look like I’m doing?”

  “I can see that, I’m not dumb!” Now you’re pissing me off, Blue. looking at her.

  “Well don’t ask dumb questions if you can see what I’m doing.”

  “What I meant was, what did you put in your hair just now?” I asked, anger now evident in my tone.

  “A fucken hair tie, Knox, to tie it up.” Looking over at him with shock my heart hits the floor did he just see that how did I not feel him watching me. As I push past him to leave he reaches out, grabbing my arm.

  “Babe I saw you put, what looked a lot like, a switchblade in your hair.”

  Letting out the breath I was holding I pull my fingers through my hair and bring out the blade. “This?” I ask

  “Yes, that, what the actual fuck Blue?” he snaps out all harsh.

  “It’s for protection. He’s coming whether we like it or not. He’s going to get me, and this time, I want to be prepared for it. I need this to get out... to get free. I need this to finish what I started.” Pulling free from him I fall onto the bed. “God’s sake look at me, I’m a goddamn basket case. What do you think when you look at me?”

  “Like fuck you are! You’re strong and your fucken fire burns deep. I swear I won’t let him take you” I hear the yeah right in her breathing.

  “Knox, you can swear all you like, he will take me and I know it, best you believe it. He’s watching, I feel him everywhere.” Looking around then back at my very own beast standing at my feet I continued, “I know he’s not far away, I’ll do what I to free myself from him, and I’ll wait for you to come in with the goddamn army, coz that’s what you’re going to need.” I can’t help the crack in my voice as I look into his eyes. I see it all flash through them in that instant. I see the fatal blow to her head sending her down and out and him into this tailspin of darkness. Patting the space next to me I prepare him, “Here, baby, sit. I need to tell you what you’re going to have to do.” Looking into his eyes as he sits down on the bed, I feel the coldness he is dispelling. The hate he holds for Viper already runs strong. When I am taken one thing I know for sure is that, if I don’t kill him, Knox sure will.

  “He’ll take me to Dublin. He has a private jet called Whiskey Venom. He has a club in town. It’s a cigar and fine whiskey bar. He uses it as a cover for all his dodgy shit that he does, it’s called Own and the compound is just out of town on the outskirts. You need to go straight to my Mom’s. I’ve sent her all the info already. She knows him and where he hides out, she knows you will all be coming and so you will have all you need in the basement. Go to Own first, down in the cellar is a door. It looks like a chiller. Go inside and you will see crates of liquor, behind them is a passage, it leads to a number of secret rooms where he holds meetings and all the illegal cigars and drugs. It has a lock on the door, the passcode is 666-999. Devil and dust, it’s their motto. If I’m not in there, I’ll be at the compound. My Mom has a map of it and all the places where there are cameras andwatchtowers. There are only two of them, along with armed men, housing, themain part of the compound and all the outbuildings. He will no doubt have me locked in the dungeon under the main compound, but for the element of pure surprise, there is a tunn
el leading to that under the cave, sitting in the hills to the left of the grounds. As you drive up you will see it, it's marked with a temple of rocks, but he will have that watched also. He’ll know that I’ll tell you guys things and places that I know, so be ready. You will want men everywhere; he owns half of Dublin’s underworld. He has men ready and waiting at all times, be smart not cocky. Come in, guns a fucken blazing, and I will do all I can from the inside, but don’t fuck round.” I close my eyes, that was so much info to just blurt out like that but I feel better knowing he knows. Now that a plan is in place I can finally breathe.

  Rubbing my hands over my day-old stubble, I let out a massive lung full of air. Shaking my head, I look at her. So calm and collected, like we are just talking about the news, “Whoa Blue, that’s a lot of info in such a small space,” I am trying to sound calm and shit, but fuck this shit is unreal.

  “Well, you need to be ready, I keep telling you all I got it, but none of you fuckers listen to me.”

  Standing up I pull her up by her hands, hands that I notice are always shaking. Pulling her into me, I wrap her in my embrace, “I listen baby, I just don’t show it. You blow my mind baby girl. I’m still just trying to figure that shit out.”

  Kissing the top of her head I breathe her in, her scent is so fucking alluring it stills my blood. “He takes you, and I’ll kill him, he hurts you, I’ll kill him again, it’s that simple. It’s a loss for him and a fucken win for us, baby.” Looking above her head and out the window I know that I am right, but at what cost? She already lives with the scars and nightmares from the last time he held her captive; I hope Angel keeps her safe in this life till I get there.

  Then I remember, fuck, I don’t have a fucken passport! I’m still on fucken suspended sentence and a good behavior bond. I can’t leave the country even if I tried. Shit, I’m going to have to mention this to Bray. I was not going to tell her that though.

  “Let’s go smash shit eh baby? Gotta swing by Nan’s on the way back for supplies. Tammy was there this morning telling her this is where I am, as she was having a panic that I hadn’t been home. Women eh?” I say smirking at her, she punches me in the ribs.

  “Watch yourself there biker boy. I’m a woman, and your Nan...? Well, she just freaking amazing.”


  Pulling off onto the winding road leading up to Dove’s Peak, this ride brings back a lot of memories for us both... for such different reasons. Heavy silence fills the pickup as we drive. I see Knox turning the white dove charm he carries around his fingers inside his pocket. He plays with it a lot, she will never be far from his thoughts. I just hope there is enough space in there for the both of us.

  Pulling into my drive and, rolling down the window of his pickup, I smell the familiar smells of the place that holds my heart. Bumping along down the dirt track we head to the main villa, well... run-down shack now, but once it was an impressive villa built with love for a family. Rolling to a stop, I see all the people there waiting at the ready with all that is needed for a demo and house reno. “What the fuck” I breathe out, shocked. I look over at Knox. “Surprise, baby.”

  . Lilly runs over ripping my door open.

  “Hey beautiful about time we got this place up and running.”

  I can’t believe it. All my dreams for a future, all the hope for peace, are finally coming true, my family are all here at this one place that holds my soul.

  Jumping down from the pickup into Knox’s arms, he swirls me around as a family filled with friends fall into an easy mix of chatter laughter and construction. Could this be any better? I think not.

  Grabbing a sledgehammer from the deck of the pickup I head around the back of the home. The first thing I’ll be doing is smashing a massive hole in the master bedroom wall so I can install French doors that will lead out to a lavish deck. A deck that will house a big bath so I can watch the stars.

  After god knows how long I head around the front wiping sweat from my face with the bandanna I had tied around my neck. I spot Lilly watching Kash, Knox’s twin brother.Walking over to the cooler I grab out two bottles of water, “Lilll you wanna come for a walk?” I holler out to my friend who near jumps out of her skin.

  Laughing at her and shaking my head as she drops the tools she wasn’t using for anything, I smile. “Sure I can spare a couple of minutes I know the boss,” she winks at me with a huge Lilly grin. Linking hands we walk down to the edge of the property which overlooks just about all of New York. There is a big old tree at the edge that I love to sit under and I think it’s the perfect place for Lilll and I today.

  I sit down I vow to place a remembrance seat here, for my brother. Pulling Lilll down to sit by me under the shade I state, “You know Lilll? It's always just been you and I against this big world. Damn sister, we have been through a lot together. Bray brought me back from the devil, now he’s in the midst again, and Knox? Well he brang me back from being too far gone. I’ll fight to stay right here and find love with this broken soul.” Turning so I can look in her eyes I continued, “But Lilll, you need to put out your heart, to take a leap of faith in a man that holds all your attention. He has big shoulders and he will keep you strong. I see it in the way you both look at each other, he adores you Lilll, but he’s a shy soul too, like you. You're as sweet as strawberry wine, Lilll, and you deserve to be treated like gold. Yhe love you're so afraid of can bring you so much more.”

  Wiping the tear that rolls down her cheek my heart breaks for her. Then her words haunt me even more. “Love brings pain and death! Broken hearts, tears and vengeance. I see it everywhere: Mom and Dad, Bray and Raven, YOU! Shit, look at the state of Ghost, he’s unhinged as all hell. And then there’s Arlam. Look at how he has sabotaged his soul and body from the hurt and torment from loving someone too much brought his ass. I won’t sign up for it sister no way no how, so save your breath.” Pushing herself up with so much anger, she begins to stomp off.

  Fuck that. I pull her back down into me. “You stop right fucken there, lady! I love you, I want you to be ok in this fucked up world. You need love, Lill.”

  “I do, I have a dad and the Reapers, and you of course. That love is safe, well for now, anyway.” She starts picking at her nails, the way she does when shit’s getting real and she doesn't wanna listen.

  But I was determined to make her listen. “Oh, fuck off, Lilll, you know what I mean. I’m going soon, he’ll take me. His evil thirst to destroy me will win and I’ll be gone. The boys? They will be gone, but that boy back there, he won’t be. He’ll still be here watching you from his top storey window in the moonlit nights, wishing you were closer than the fingertips reaching your way as you sit on your rooftop talking to the moon.” Pulling her face into my hands so she has no choice but to look at me in the damn eyes too, I continue. “The current is getting stronger, Lilll, let him save you.”

  Pulling free from me, she turns her head, “Hmmm and what? Let him be the end of me or me him? I’m a biker princess with a price on her head.”

  Reaching out for her hand I whisper out in a voice I don’t even recognize as my own, “Don’t let the fear win, Lilll.”

  Anger flickers across her eyes. “Well, it’s too fucken strong, Blue, even for you.”

  Letting out a breath I lean back looking out over the horizon. “I’ll be back. I will, this love won’t die.”

  I hear her push out the air in her lungs through her teeth. It sounds forced and pained. “I hope you're right, Blue. But look at what he did last time, and you hadn’t cut him then.”

  Sadness mixed with shame washes over me as a prick of heat licks at the back of my neck. I know how much I fucked up. “I got this, baby cakes, you’ll see. I’ll come out of it ok. I’m the fucking goddamn Celtic goddess.”

  We both look at each other and laugh, my humor wins out all the time. “Yeah ok Blue that you are, you crazy bitch. You don’t like to be normal do you? and just do mundane.”

  Shaking my head at her with mock shock, I reply. “Pfft
come on, Lilll? Me mundane, shit chick, you know that’s not in my DNA. It’s why I have you to mellow out the mother fucking crazy in me.” Winking at my sister from a way hotter mister, who gives the devil himself a run for his money, I smile. “Kash is on my hit list. I shall have to talk to that punk before the fuck bag Viper comes.” All Lilll does is roll her eyes at me as we walk back to the Villa. The rest of the day was amazing we talked, worked, ate and drank. Knox’s family is coming over to his place tonight for a cookout, and Knox wants to tell them about Viper and him patching into the Reapers. It is not a night I am looking forward to.

  They arrive not long after I finished showering and I’m shit scared that his Nan is going to hate me, so much so, it has me staying up in the comforts of this big ass bed, locked up high above them all in the master bedroom. The bedroom itself is to die for. It has massive glass windows and huge French doors that open out onto a deck. I can see all of the compounds from up here. I am aware that this was John and Bonnie’s home before the kids came and they used to use this to escape the confines of the compound but still be able to see it all. Looking out of the doors from the bed I relish the cool breeze washing over me. I wish I could stay like this forever but, like all things amazing that come my way, they soon get fractured and taken.


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