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The Nameless (The Huntress #3)

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by Dawn Robertson

  One thing I do know about my target is that he is severely allergic to vanilla anything. He’ll need to take Benadryl after one whiff of these two, saving them and me a lot of trouble. No need to add poisoning into this kill. He doesn’t deserve to get off that easily. It is going to be a bloody message to all the sick, twisted bastards of the world.

  I hand a package of the allergy medicine to one of the girls. “Make sure he takes at least two of them and then just tap on the door of my room when it’s done. That’s all you two have to do. Your money has already been wired into your accounts.”

  “Easiest working night of our lives.” The shorter of the two giggles as they walk out of my room. Calling down to room service, I request a bottle of Moët & Chandon, three glasses, and cheesecake with strawberries. Then, I order three adult movies, cuing them to play back to back through the night. It’s not a crazy alibi, but it is enough. Two call girls, bubbly, dessert, and a night filled with porn—who would argue that it is fake for a single businessman traveling here from Canada?

  I watch as the backstory for a cheesy student-teacher porno starts to play. Don’t get me wrong, I am a dude and no stranger to porn, I’m just not about the lead-up. I want hard-core fucking from the start. I don’t need all the extra fluff.

  After about twenty minutes of hysterically laughing at terrible acting and horrid boob jobs, the gentle tap I have been waiting for comes through my hotel room’s door.

  “It’s show time,” I mumble to myself, pulling my gloves on.

  Making my way to Vito’s room is more exhilarating than nerve-racking. I am about to do the biggest public service of my career and damn, it feels so fucking good. I walk down the empty hallway of the twelfth floor all the way to the executive suite at the very end. I quietly slip the keycard into its slot and hold my breath as I hear the tumblers click to unlock the door.

  Vito is fatter than I remember him being. It has been years since we were at the same function, and that time was only because the gala was being held at one of his casinos. The tub of lard is lying on top of the covers of the king-sized bed in the middle of the room, snoring like a damn gorilla. I think about waking him up, making sure he knows exactly why I am personally taking him off of this planet, but there is no time to waste. The video cameras are going to be turned back on in five minutes.

  I kneel down next to him. Pulling my arm back, I get ready to strike. I silently count to myself.



  Deep breath in.


  I impale his enlarged gut, hitting the red carbon dioxide button, letting the toxic gas fill his abdomen. His eyes fly open as a yell escapes his throat. I act quickly, much faster than his dazed mind can process. I pull the knife out and jam it back in, this time into the side of his neck, hitting his jugular in one fell swoop. The gurgling of the blood spewing from his throat makes my stomach turn a bit, but the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction makes me feel better within seconds.

  I strip down in the bathroom, pull his robe on, and put the bloody clothes into the gym bag I brought with me. Checking my watch, I see I have thirty seconds to be in the stairwell. I’m almost there too long, but almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. I fucking did it.

  Getting back into my hotel room, I raid the mini fridge, finding all the bottles of whiskey and pouring them into a glass. I am satisfied with my situation, but as it sinks in more and more, the reality of what I actually did sinks in. I just took the life of someone’s son, a woman’s husband, a child’s father, a person’s friend. Even though he was the scum of the earth, that doesn’t mean that those who will grieve Vito Emailiano’s death when the news spreads tomorrow morning deserve that pain. I pick up my phone. I want to call Ellie. I want to crawl into bed next to her and hold her. I want her to tell me that it gets easier, that the job will fade into the past and I will be able to sleep soundly without seeing the hollowed eyes of a dead man every time I close my eyes.

  I put my phone on do not disturb mode, chug down the rest of my drink, and pop a couple of the Benadryl I still have in my bag. All I can think about is Ellie and Finley, how I want to rid the world of filth to make it safer for them to live in it. Even if I am plagued with guilt for my sins for the rest of my life, it will be worth it for their happiness and safety. Even if Ellie never truly returns my affections, her friendship and happiness will be enough to fill my life with joy. Slowly the booze and pills start to force my eyelids closed, and I drift off into a nightmare-filled sleep in a goose down bed that costs more per night than my monthly mortgage payment.

  Chapter 4

  Decisions and Commitment


  After Linc storms out of the house, I don’t think he will come back. Recently, he has been staying at my place almost every night, but I think it is him taking a stand. I’ve been so uninterested in work and continue to push away from him, so it wasn’t hard to understand why he left without so much as a goodbye.

  I can’t get the image of him gutting Vito out of my mind. I should have prepared him more, talked him through it, something. Why was I just a fucking bitch to him? He was just trying to do his job—why couldn’t I have done mine? I sent him into the wolf’s den without even a hug goodbye.

  I stay up until a little after three then realize he really isn’t coming to me. The stubborn ass I am, I turn my phone off and just lay in silence; it almost drives me insane. When I wake to the alarm clock of Finley in her crib a few minutes after seven, I am happy to hear Gwen in the nursery. It buys me a couple extra hours of much-needed rest.

  Now that I am wide awake and it’s a little past ten, I turn my phone back on and open a text to Linc. This has got to stop, and he isn’t going to make the first move. It’s completely up to me now. I keep the text short and sweet: Can you come over?

  I pry myself from the comfort of my bed and drag my ass to the bathroom, forgetting my phone in the process. The text tone pings and I hurry back around the corner to see what Linc said. I’m worse than a schoolgirl with her first real crush.

  Linc: Busy, whats up?

  Busy?! Since when is he too busy for me? What the crap? I take a moment and pee, giving my hot head a chance to cool down.

  Me: I’d like to talk. In person.

  I don’t want to sound too needy or even begin to have such a serious conversation over texts; things get misunderstood that way.

  Linc: When I’m finished I’ll head that way.

  I guess I can deal with that. I smile to myself just thinking about what I’m going to say. I’m not one with words, but there are so many things I’ve been dying to say to him just to get it all off my chest.

  Me: I’ll be here.

  I text him back and go about my day. I need a shower before I do anything else.

  Stepping out of the shower, I start to dry myself off then hear a familiar voice on the other side of the wall that separates the en-suite bathroom from the sprawling space of my newly renovated and decorated master suite.

  “I bet you’re naked,” Linc says as he enters into my bedroom.

  “You bet right.” I laugh. “Don’t come in here, I want to have a serious conversation with you!” I yell from the bathroom while I quickly wrap a towel around my damp body.

  “Oh come on Ellie, what could be so serious that I can’t at least see your tits?” He laughs, standing in front of my closet, blocking my entry. “What’s the password?” Linc says with his arms crossed over his chest, teasing me.

  “You’re a dick,” I say, shoving right past him to get some clothes on. For some reason, I feel so exposed in a towel with Linc in the room. It makes no sense—he’s already seen all of me, licked most of me even, so why am I shy now?

  “How’d you know that was the password?” He laughs again and lingers in front of the doorway while I get dressed.

  “What’s so important, anyway?” Linc asks.

  “I want to have a serious conversation, is that possible?” I give him
shit, yanking a Johnny Cash tank top over my head.

  “Of course, and you know that. What’s up?” Linc goes and sits on my bed, waiting for me to dive into the talk I have been planning out in my head since the night before.

  “Thing’s have been weird since we fucked in my office. So, we need to talk about it.” I just throw it out there; no sense in sugarcoating it since we are both adults here.

  “Listen, I’ve tried not to make it weird. I’ll take anything you’ll give me, Ellie.”

  I put up my hand and stop him. Linc’s shoulders slouch. He looks so defeated, and the bags under his eyes worry me.

  “Shh. Seriously just let me speak my mind, okay? I have to get this out or I am never going to have the nerve to actually say this shit ever again.”

  Linc just nods in agreement.

  “I’ve been through a lot in my life. People come and go, but you’ve always remained a constant—my constant. I ask for something and you do it, even if it means giving up your social life to lie in bed and hold me for the night because I’m so emotionally fucked up that I need you, or you go whack a dangerous killer because I am too lost in my own little selfish world to man up and do my damn job.” I’m trying not to cry. If I can get through this without shedding a tear, I will be happy.

  With a deep breath, I continue, “I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you by my side, Linc, but I know that I want you to stick around. The weird-ass past couple days have shown me that.” I let out a little giggle and now I am pretty sure I am far past the tears portion of things. I pause for a second and shift a little on the bed so I am no longer staring at my hands, but into his gorgeous blue eyes. “Move in with me Linc?” I ask, leaving the ball in his court. My words linger in the air as we sit in silence for what feels like a damn year.

  A surprised look spreads across his face. His lips perk up at the corners as a small smile starts to form just before he lets out a laugh. “That is what you called me over here for? Ellie, I basically live here already.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Is this your way of telling me you want to make this banging thing a regular occurrence?”

  I roll my eyes at how childish he just sounded. Banging thing. Is that all it is to him? I remind myself that he is the one that professed his love for me months ago. He’s probably minimizing things for my benefit. “Yes, this is my idea of asking you if you’d like to do the relationship thing. You and me. We actually give us a good college try.” I laugh and look up at him. Linc now stands looking down at me, eyes glued to mine.

  “Ellie, I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life,” Linc says right before his arms wrap around my body and pull me off the edge of the bed. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist and his lips crash against mine. He takes a few steps until my back is flush against the wall. My fingers pull at his clothing while he lifts the black tank top I had on over my head, exposing my breasts and the thong I put on just minutes ago. Our mouths break apart as our chests heave, desperately trying to catch our breath.

  “Fuck I want you,” Linc growls into my ear, and a smile spreads across my face as we move in the direction of the bed.

  “Then take me,” I whisper into his ear.

  Our bodies fall to the soft mattress of my giant bed, my fingers working on the button and zipper of his faded jeans, desperately trying to free his cock. I have to have it. I have never craved a man’s dick like this in my life. I’m pretty sure if I’m not being fucked within the next six seconds, I am going to just fucking explode.

  Finally freeing it from Linc’s pants, he wastes no time ripping my purple panties right off and throwing them across the room. A shiver spreads through my body as he hovers above me, teasing my wet pussy with the tip of his dick.

  “How bad do you want it?” Linc teases, his voice gravelly and lust-filled.

  “Fuck me already!” I scream, not caring that Gwen is down the hallway with Finley. Thankfully the baby is still young enough to not know what the fuck is going on just feet away from her.

  “You know you wannnnttttt me,” he sings, taunting me. There are some moments I could kill him. I open my mouth to scream at him and he slams his cock right into my waiting pussy. My body vibrates with pleasure as I’m rendered completely helpless. My legs wrap around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me as his free hand pinches my nipples.

  “Fuck, Ellie…” he growls, quickening his pace. My free hand snakes in between our bodies, finding my clit and rubbing.

  Wrapping his hand firmly around my fragile neck, I feel the slight pressure of Linc starting to choke me. The control I give him in those seconds means so much to me; the power he holds over me physically and emotionally is more than I have ever given to a man in my life. It even surpasses the hold Theo had on me for so many years. I hear his breath hitch as he thrusts into me with such passion. Our eyes lock as sweat starts to coat both of our bodies, and I am completely lost in him as he pounds me harder into the mattress. Right as my body starts to tremble under him, Linc’s eye roll back.

  “I’m gonna…” Linc grunts as my body tips to its own climax.

  As we start to come down from our orgasms, I curl up in Linc’s arms and wrap us in my soft down comforter. Linc pulls me close to him, getting my head to rest right in the crook of his shoulder.

  “I think I am going to like this whole relationship thing.” He kisses the top of my head before turning the TV on.

  As he flips through the channels, I start to doze off a bit. I haven’t been this comfortable in far too long. Right now, in this moment, I am completely content with everything in my life. It all feels like a dream, and I really hope I’m not going to fuck this one up like I have with the rest of my relationships.

  Chapter 5

  I Love My Daddy


  “Where are you off to?” Linc asks from the far side of the kitchen table where he is drinking coffee and reading the paper, just like he does every morning when he spends the night. Today, seeing him there relaxing in our home, I freaking melt. It is starting to feel so real that he is actually going to live here with us, that we are all going to be a family, and I couldn’t be happier about the arrangement.

  I walk over, taking a seat on his lap before kissing his stubbly cheek. “It’s a surprise,” I whisper into his ear.

  He starts to tickle me and I squeal, wiggling in his arms. “Gah, Ellie! You know I can’t stand surprises.”

  “Well, you’re just going to have to deal with it.” I jump up and stick my tongue out at him right as Gwen brings Finley into the kitchen in one of my favorite outfits of hers. It’s a pink and black polka dot dress with matching leggings that have a pink hippo on the butt—cutest thing ever.

  “Thank you, Gwen. See you tomorrow morning?” I ask, making sure I have her schedule right in my head.

  She nods. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Gwen, you can call me Ellie.” I smile at her. I don’t know how many times I am going to have to remind her that I don’t give a rat’s ass if she calls me by my first name or not. I am not like most rich, snobby moms—or at least I hope I’m not.

  “I will try to get used to that, Ellie,” she says with a bit of hesitation while throwing her purse over her shoulder. “See you tomorrow.” She waves goodbye and heads out the door.

  Linc folds the paper before getting up to pour himself another mug of coffee. “I am going to be at the office for most of the day. Playing hooky yesterday put me really behind, and I hate leaving Journey there to run shit. Last time I left her alone for too long, pink things started appearing everywhere and I had thirty phone calls to return. We really need to figure out a way to put an end to her need to online shop.” He smacks my ass while winking at me as he passes by to head to the stairs.

  “It’s called nesting. She’s pregnant, so you’re going to have to cut her some slack.”

  Linc rolls his eyes at me. “Trust me, I have been, but something has to give.”

  “I promise it will pass,” I say whi
le making sure I have everything Finley needs in her diaper bag. “See you later, handsome.” I blow Linc a kiss and scoop my daughter up into my arms. With that, we’re out the door.

  I giggle to myself as I pack Finley into the car so we can head downtown to my favorite baby boutique. I want to do something sweet for Linc, and since Finley and I are a package deal these days, daddy duty will be falling into his lap even more so than it already has. With tha comes a vast new addition of I love my daddy apparel to Finley’s already enormous wardrobe. I swear, my child has more outfits and matching accessories than I do, but I just can’t help myself—baby girl clothes are the freaking cutest things in the entire world, and I know the moment Linc sees Finley in something like that, his heart is just going to melt.

  Surprisingly, we make it downtown quickly for a weekday; in fact, the lack of traffic is mildly eerie. I find a parking place on the street close to the boutique and pull the stroller out from the trunk. A man with a camera walks by and pauses, snapping a couple pictures. I laugh to myself, thinking, Here we go again. I thought they had finally gotten over their obsession with my mundane life, but apparently not. I prop the stroller onto the sidewalk and close the trunk. I unfold it and open the back door of the car, desperate to shield Finley’s face from any shot he might get.

  Picking her up from her car seat, I grab the diaper bag and toss it under the stroller. Normally I would be in a panic by now, but being in public has started to get easier every day that goes by. Today I’m doing pretty damn good considering a couple weeks ago I was still a prisoner in my home. Fastening my baby girl into her stroller, I toss a blanket over the top, shielding her from the camera more. The angry pap lets out a groan and takes a couple shots of me walking down the sidewalk before his interest fades.


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