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Do You Trust Me?

Page 16

by B. G. Thomas

  “Come on,” he said.

  “Where?” I responded.

  “Shhhhh! Trust me,” he said, and he turned and pulled me along with him.

  We went through a break in the trees and were plunged into darkness.

  “There’s a slight drop here, so be careful,” Cole said and shepherded me into the black. I felt the drop, and it was okay. “Now a root right around…. Here it is.” Yes, and I made it over that too. We eased down the slope, Cole’s hand never leaving mine.

  Then there was light.

  We had come into a clearing, and the full moon, the one Amy had speculated on only the night before, was beaming down on us, bathing us in its blue-white light. There was a little pool of water there, catching a reflection of the silvery moon. Cole let go of my hand and backed away. He smiled. I could see his smile.

  He kicked off his boots, bent to pull off his socks, and then threw them carelessly aside. He flexed his long toes—I could see even his toes in that silver light—and it was so erotic I could scarcely believe it. Toes?

  Then he slowly began to unbutton his shirt.

  I couldn’t breathe as I watched his chest being revealed to me. The moonlight turned him into a Greek statue—Hermes, Apollo. Funny, wasn’t it? That only yesterday I had thought Amy looked like a statue. But she had not been bathed in light that made her skin look like marble.

  And this statue was coming to life before my eyes.

  Cole pulled his shirt open and, God, it was hairless. I couldn’t see a one. Yes, moonlight isn’t sunlight, but that night? It was like a beam of light from—should I say it?—heaven.

  Then the shirt was falling back off his shoulders, and I gasped.

  I couldn’t believe how big his chest was. Each pectoral looked to me like it was the size of a dinner plate. His nipples were large, the areolas as big as silver dollars, and I wanted to taste them. His tummy was tight, the ridges of the muscles deep. I longed to touch them. His navel was a dark indent. Cole was so hairless there wasn’t even a trail down into his jeans. I felt my cock began to leak in my pants, but just when had I become hard in the first place? Back at the fire?

  The day in the dining hall when I first met him?

  Surely not just four days….

  Cole took a deep breath, and I watched his chest expand.

  My heart raced at his beauty.

  How had I fooled myself for so many years into not knowing that this was what I wanted?

  He smiled.

  Then he turned, weaving his body slightly like a young tree in the wind. After a series of popping sounds—the buttons of his jeans opening—the waistband of his jeans began to slip. With each grind of his hips, the denim fell lower. Oh! There! I got a peek at the top of the cleft of his ass, and bit by bit more of Cole’s perfect high cheeks were revealed to me. Then his jeans dropped, and his thighs and full, round, perfect bottom were there before me.

  I gasped.

  Was Michelangelo’s David like Cole? My God! What had the master thought the first time his model had posed for him? Was it something like I was feeling right now?

  I wanted to fall to my knees.

  Cole stepped out of his pants and stood there totally naked. He looked over his shoulder, and again my breath caught.

  He raised his hands to his side and then turned slowly and stood nude before me.

  Unlike David, my man was erect, full, hard.

  I could barely breathe. His cock rose from a nearly hairless pubic triangle—proud, demanding, beckoning me. Cole didn’t look quite human standing there in the moonlight, fireflies beginning to dance around him, shadows behind him, the trickling of the creek filling my ears like music, like the wind chimes back at the ranch house. He looked more like something out of a fairy tale.

  Had I stopped believing in God?

  Who else could have made such beauty?

  Trembling, I went to him, and Cole pulled me into his strong arms. He kissed me in a way that made every kiss before it seem like nothing. Nothing. Even his first kiss.

  He opened his mouth to me, and his tongue touched my lips. I opened my mouth to him in turn, and his tongue slipped in, stroking, urging, commanding attention.

  I responded in a way I didn’t know I could. It was like I was falling into Cole, but he was falling into me as well. Our tongues danced against each other, caressing, making love. Our teeth clashed. Oh, the feel of his goatee against the rough day’s growth on my own face!

  Then Cole was tearing at my shirt. I was sure he was ripping buttons off, and I didn’t care. He cast my shirt aside and pulled my hirsute chest against his smooth one. He was gasping.

  “My God,” he said with a catch in his voice as he stepped back. His eyes were so dark they seemed primeval.

  He pushed me against a tree, the rough bark scratching at my back.

  “My God,” Cole said again “Your chest!” He ran his hands up my belly and out across my pectorals, his fingers combing through the hair. “Oh, Neil,” he murmured. “So beautiful….”

  Beautiful? Me?

  “So damned sexy!”

  Sexy? Me?

  He lowered his head and took my right nipple into his mouth, and I felt his tongue running around and around its circumference. I bit down to keep from yelling. That woman might still have been singing, the camp well away from us, but they would have heard the shout my soul wanted to cry out.

  This was our time.

  My time.

  I pushed him back. I had to taste too. I had to. I spun him around, shoved him against my tree, and dropped my lips to his chest, kissing, licking it, finding a nipple, sucking it into my mouth. So different from Em’s. Powerful. Masculine. Waves of energy seemed to be flowing from him into me. Yes, this was how it was supposed to be! I nearly cried in joy.

  I let go of his nipple, ran kisses over to the other one, took it into my mouth and sucked. His chest was so muscular, so hard, but his skin was soft as suede.

  Cole shouted, and I didn’t care. Let them know. I didn’t care.

  Suddenly, he heaved me back. “Wait! You’re gonna make me cum if you don’t stop.”

  I grinned at his words. Had I ever brought out such excitement in another person? All I had done was suck his nipples.

  He pulled me against him, and we rubbed against each other, one smooth torso, one hairy.

  “The hair on your chest feels so good!”

  “Your chest feels so good against mine,” I told him. He was feeling this as much as I was, wanting the same thing. He wanted—he needed—a man.

  He grasped the front of my jeans, pulled at the snap, yanked the zipper open. He dropped to his knees and wrenched them down from my waist. “No,” he complained when confronted by my underwear, and then he was jerking them down too. He moaned when my erection sprang out to greet him. I was so hard!

  “Oh, Neil,” he said, “you’re huge.”

  “I am?” I asked and remembered Jack’s words. “This thing is huge!”

  Was I?

  Was I any bigger than Cole? He looked huge!

  Before I knew it, my cock was in Cole’s mouth. The shock was so great I don’t know how I didn’t pass out. So hot. So wet. So sweet.

  Cole’s head bobbed up and down along my length, and I marveled at how deep he could take me. I watched and was struck by how real my dream of this had been.

  In seconds, I knew I might reach my orgasm—too soon!—and pushed him away. “No, not yet. You!”

  I reached down and shoved my hands into his armpits, then dragged him to his feet. I grabbed his hands and pulled them over his head against the tree. Even in his armpits, there was hardly any hair and, as if being directed by someone else, I lowered my face into them. I pushed my mouth into one of his pits, filling my nostrils with the scent of him.

  I sucked him deep into my lungs. The perfume of man. I sucked his flesh, tasted him, his sweat. It was tangy on my taste buds, and I sucked until there was nothing left to taste before I switched to the other side. />
  Cole was sobbing, and the sound was music. When I finished, I looked down between his legs to the monolith rising up to greet me. It stretched, jumped, and then I took it in my hand. God, it was so hot. Like a furnace. And so hard. But soft. Like velvet over steel. And if I had liked the smell of him above, the scent rising from his groin was exquisite. His cock throbbed, and my heart slammed against my rib cage.

  Do it!

  And so I went to my knees and, finally, I took a cock into my mouth.

  Nothing had prepared me for such an experience.

  Cole’s cock was so hot, real, and alive.

  I shoved myself down onto him, choking on his length.

  “Easy, Daddy,” he gasped.

  I backed off, went slower this time.

  So big, so long.

  The taste of him was like sugar and salt, skin and summer.

  I sucked. Threw away his caution and thrust my mouth down on him, impaling myself onto him.

  He was wet with precum dripping from his slit.

  “Stop,” Cole begged and shoved me back.

  “No!” I wanted his cock. How could he deny me what I’d waited a lifetime for?

  He kissed me and then pushed me down on the ground that was warm and soft under my back. The rocks were covered in a bed of soft moss. I wanted to laugh as I realized Cole must have orchestrated this whole scene. Picked the exact site for our camp.

  Cole pulled at my jeans, fought with my boots, threw them away to wherever he had thrown his own, tore off my socks, and then, God, he was sucking my toes! No one had ever sucked my toes, and the shocks slamming through me were near orgasmic.

  He sucked each one. He licked them, ran his tongue between them, crammed them all into his mouth. He was moaning louder than I was, and I wanted to see what it was like. I wanted to taste his toes too. I started to rise, and he forced me back again, lifted my legs, and then…. Oh!

  He was kissing me, licking me, in a place where no one had been before. Had I thought the jets of the hot tub felt good against that tight secret spot? His tongue was a hundred times better. Those jets had not prepared me for such wonder. I thought I might die from it. He lifted my legs higher, so high my own erection greeted my lips and I realized I was close to being able to take myself into my mouth.

  Pleasure slammed through me again as his mouth attacked my hole. Cole kissed me there, licked, dug in with his tongue, sucked.

  This is it, I thought. This is what it’s supposed to feel like. Sex is good!

  I had just been with the wrong sex.

  After forever, Cole lowered my legs. I was in a daze as he kissed his way up my torso, my chest, sucked at my neck, and reached my mouth. He hesitated, and I took the choice from him. I kissed him hard. Plunged my tongue into his mouth and tasted myself.

  His cock throbbed against me, and I knew I had to have it again.

  And could I be brave enough to do what Jack had done for me? Could I let him finish in my mouth? I was scared, but I wanted it too. I kissed down this chest, his marble chest, kissed downward into the valleys of his abdomen. And then I took that hard cock back into my mouth. Somehow I went slower this time, marveling at how wonderful it was to have him, wanting it to last forever. Now and again his cock would give a small pulse, and I could taste the leakings from his erection. I was holding his smooth balls, the scrotum like velvet, and then I wanted to taste him there as well. I let go of his cock and went to his balls, and they were so big. I could only get one in my mouth at a time, and he thrashed as I carefully suckled on them. They were so alive!

  “Neil! If you don’t stop, I’m going to cum.”

  Right then I knew I could be as brave as Jack, knew I wanted to give this man that same pleasure, and I released the testicle I had been nursing and took his hardness back into my mouth.

  “No!” he cried. It was only Cole clawing at my back, then pulling me up into his arms, kissing me, that kept me from finishing him.

  Our eyes met. He reached down. Took my cock in hand, and I nearly came.

  Then: “Fuck me, Daddy,” he begged. “Please, please fuck me.”

  His eyes were wild and crazy sexy.

  “Do… do you have a condom?” I asked. Because wasn’t that what I was supposed to ask?

  “Do you trust me?”

  God, yes, I did. I really did.

  I nodded.

  “I trust you. Take me. I want you inside me. I want your cum inside me. I need it. So long. Been so long!”

  “But don’t I need something wet? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Daddy, you’re so wet, I don’t need it,” he said, stroking me. “And I want it to hurt.”

  “No,” I said. “I don’t want to hurt you!”

  Cole was doing something—shifting, moving—and then he was pushing me onto my back and then scrambling on top of me. Before I even knew it, he’d plunged himself down onto me. One moment I was in that warm July night air, and the next, deep inside my love.

  He was like a wet velvet furnace.

  After that, a primal nature as old as mankind took over and, like a man possessed, I began to fuck him. Thrust up into him.

  There was no finesse to our first time.

  I was an animal. I had no control. I rolled him over and fucked him. Pounded into him. Took him.

  Made him mine.

  My orgasm ripped through me like an earthquake. It felt like I was pouring the marrow of my bones into him. Cole was writhing under me, shouting out, and I saw he was cumming too. His seed arced out of him, brilliant white in the moonlight, and splashed down on his face, his smooth marble chest, his tight belly.

  And then?

  I don’t know what.

  I think I passed out.

  Later, we bathed in the pool of water, its temperature just right. We were kissing, and I didn’t ever want to stop kissing him. I was hard once more, and I wanted to hold his cock again, and when I reached down, I saw that he was hard too.

  Cole grabbed my length, pulled, and then he had his big hand around both of us. “Look,” he said.

  I did, and there we were, our cocks alongside each other, and it was one the sexiest things I had ever seen. I gasped at the sight.

  Cole started kissing my neck as he jacked us. “I’ve wanted you so much,” he whispered in my ear. “So much. I wanted you from the moment I saw you in the dining hall.”

  “You did?” I tried to ask through the pleasure rushing through me.

  “I saw you from across the room, and I was afraid to come to the table.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t believe it. He was afraid of me? I leaned back and looked into his eyes. “You had me with your picture.”

  “My picture?”

  “On the website for the ranch. I found your picture, and that was it. I didn’t know it then… didn’t allow myself to know it. But now?” I nodded. “Your eyes and your smile…. You had me then.”

  We kissed some more before we returned to the mossy bank and lay down so we could suck each other at the same time. It didn’t take long. He tried to pull away, but I wouldn’t let him. Then he was gushing into my mouth in long, hard jets, and I thrilled at the taste of him. This is what I’d heard the women in the offices I’d worked at complain about so bitterly? How crazy! This was bliss, taking all that he was into me, the blueprint that was Cole, swallowing hungrily. My heart raced that I had been brave enough to do it, to give him that ultimate pleasure, and it soared as well that I had loved it. The taste was so exciting my own orgasm suddenly slammed through me, and I unloaded into Cole’s mouth. He swallowed me as eagerly as I had him.

  When we could talk, he shifted around, held me close, and said, “I wasn’t expecting you to do that.”

  I smiled. “I had to have you.”

  Sometime later, he led me back to the tent.

  Then I was asleep, spooned up against him. Him. Cole. A man. There was nothing else that body I clutched against me could be.

  A man.


/>   I was home.

  CHAPTER 13: Making Good

  THE REST of the week was a blur. I know a lot happened, and it was fun.

  But what I remember is the nights. And the times Cole found us someplace to make love.

  I never slept in my cabin again the rest of my vacation. We didn’t want to make love in the bed that had once been his and Garrett’s. We moved into Cole’s, and he was right. It was at least twice the size of his old one and a showplace, like something that should’ve been featured in a magazine. This one had a beautiful kitchen with one wall made of stone.

  The bedroom had a large brass bed.

  THE CANOE trip turned out to be one of my favorite memories. Which was something I hadn’t expected. Canoe trips in those far-off church-camp days had been all right, but I hadn’t been crushed the year I’d gotten sick and had to stay in my cabin for the day.

  Tipping over had been a big part of that. To suddenly find myself, my belongings, the book I’d brought to read that day, all in the water had not been fun. Even putting a book in a ziplock bag didn’t mean it was safe. Why, once one had gone rushing off, floating down the river, and I never retrieved it. I can’t remember what that book was anymore. I’d found it at the used book store in town and made sure the counselors didn’t see it. Something about a yellow fog that had crept out over an English countryside and driven people crazy, making them do all kinds of things. It had made a high school shower room full of boys break into an orgy. I’d used that chapter in a stall in the bathroom to great pleasure. It had even been the inspiration for a game with George….

  I wasn’t happy to lose that book.

  I wasn’t happy to get soaked either.

  But you came to expect it.

  The smart kids wore their swimsuits that day. Of course, that didn’t stop you from getting sunburned, but even in those days I tanned quickly.

  But the canoe trip at Black Bear Guest Ranch was different.

  Of course, the company had something to do with that.

  The trip started away from the ranch. We were driven some eight miles along the river to put our canoes in and wound up at Black Bear by dinner. The scenery was stunning. It was like going back in time. We rarely saw anyone else as we traveled lazily down the river. The watery highway cut through forest and great rocky formations, the striations stacked like seemingly infinite layers of cake. The colors ranged from gray rock to massive bluffs of sandstone in reds and pinks and browns, and in some areas they towered high above us. The water was so clear we could see the fish and turtles as we drifted by.


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