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Forbidden Faith

Page 6

by T. J. West

  We are pumped and ready to go.

  Having the pleasure of performing and working with Gary Sams was the best day of our career. We knew, with the extra sound he was helping us with, he was going to take us far. This whole day has felt like a dream; I really cannot believe we are a signed band, working with a top dog like Gary. It’s everything and possibly even more than what I hoped for, for JINKS.

  We worked on a couple songs that lead to five hours of getting it right; replaying the songs over and over again until we had exactly what we wanted. I have never been so tired, yet so energized. Music is such a drug to me, I could play all day and never get bored of it. However the guys, and even Gary, were ready to quit for the day.

  “That went great guys! That’s a wrap for the day,” Gary says in a microphone, behind the back window.

  We gather our instruments and head out of the recording room. The guys shake hands with Gary as they take everything to the vans. I stay behind for a few minutes to say goodbye to Gary and talk with June.

  “That’s was cool, Gary, thanks so much,” I smile, shaking his hand.

  “I’m stoked about it too, Lucky. Can we meet back here tomorrow? Same time?”

  “Yeah, we’re in. See ya.”

  June says her goodbyes to Gary and comes back to me, beaming with excitement. “I am so friggin’ amazed by what I just witnessed.”

  “Thanks, June. I’m pretty impressed with Gary. Seems like we’ll work fine together.”

  She puts her hand on my shoulder and in that moment I want to grab her and kiss her because I am so damn excited myself. Unfortunately our relationship cannot go anywhere beyond being business partners. It blows, because I can see myself falling for her; if it weren’t for working together I would lay her on the table and crush those sexy lips of hers. I quickly shake any feelings aside and listen to what she has to say. “He’s one of the best. So, hey, before you leave I have some news for you.” I don’t say anything, therefore she continues. “BT2090 is having a party for you guys this Friday night. You can play a few tunes, meet some fans, groupies?”

  I am taken aback and completely honored with her wanting to do this for us. I lightly laugh and nod my head. “Yeah, yeah, that’s sounds incredible.”

  “Awesomesauce!” She exclaims. “Another thing though . . . um . . .” Since we’ve met this is the first time I’ve seen her at loss of words. “I have invited someone you may know. She’s my best friend, actually.”

  “Yeah? Who is she?” I ask curiously.

  “Faith Montgomery.”

  I did not see this coming. I haven’t heard nor have I said Faith’s name since the day I left her standing, screaming my name, crying. I’ve done everything I can to bury her soul into the deepest part of my heart; it’s been numb for so long I don’t even know how to handle this. June has caught me off guard and it makes me angry. I cross my arms without giving her any eye contact.

  “Uh . . . I know you and Faith go way back.”

  “We’re history,” I clip at her.

  “She pretty much said the same thing.”

  I am irritated and really not in the mood to talk about her. “I’m not sure what you want me to say, June.”

  “Nothing, I guess,” she replies quickly. She knows she’s upset me—it’s really not her fault. Bringing up the one person I thought was gone from my life? It’s dreadfully painful; Faith has now erupted from the grave I so desperately wanted to keep six feet under. “I just wanted you to know, that’s all.”

  I mutter, “Thanks for the heads up. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good day.” I turn around and start walking away as if what she said didn’t matter to me. Yet it matters more than I could ever imagine.

  All this time Faith and I have been living in the same city and I didn’t even know it. She must have moved here not long after I did? What drove her here? Why—Montgomery Suites. Shit, that was her building I saw the other day. She always dreamt of opening her own hotel; she is living her dream just as much as I am. It’s the way it should be. We were never meant to be together—her father made it pretty clear I was nothing more than a piece of shit under his shoe; a guy who grew up poor and a mother who loved cocaine more than her own son. Seeing Faith will tear me apart, rip me to shreds and leave my heart hanging like a branch from a tree.

  What the hell am I going to do when she comes to the party on Friday? I am so agitated right now; I light myself a cigarette, inhaling as much as I can and step inside the van. I slam the door and take another puff.

  Danny starts up the van and asks, “You okay, man?”

  “I’m fine,” I clip. “You wanna go to the gym? I need to workout.”

  Danny knows me so well. As always he reminds me that he’s there for me. “Yeah, sure. You sure you’re okay? Something happen in there with June?”

  “No. Nothing, I’m fine. Let’s go.” He knows something’s up, yet he doesn’t push me any further, which I am grateful for. I take one more puff of my cig and flick it out the window.

  I really do need to quit, but the stress of knowing about Faith is hitting me hard. Hopefully blowing off some steam with a workout will help. I need to get her out of my head, out of my system. Most importantly out of my life.

  I WAS EXCITED WHEN MY father asked me to go to lunch the next day after I met that hot guy. I really wanted to see him again. He’s unlike any guy I have ever been attracted to. Those brown eyes of his and that smile—Oh, my God, he made my whole body go to jelly when he smiled at me; the dark stubble on his chin was manly and very sexy.

  My heart is pounding just thinking about him as I turn into the dirt lot at the construction site. I get out of my car and wipe my knee length brown skirt from the crumples and straighten my white blouse.

  Yeah, bad idea wearing white in a dirt lot.

  I walk around for a few minutes looking for him. There are so many workers here I am not even sure where to start. Most of them are men; a lot them are disgusting and really need to lose weight. I’m getting whistles from some of them and it’s grossing me out. I try not to pay any attention to them as I walk toward the trailers.

  I spot him. He’s finishing up his lunch and throwing away his trash. Oh, God he’s so cute! I am just going to go up to him and say hi—my nerves cannot get the best of me. He sees me as I inch my way closer. A small smile appears on his masculine face, which makes his subtle dimple stand out, which makes my heart pound even harder—I just have to play it as cool as possible. I notice he’s wearing that green shirt again; the sleeves are bunched up to his elbows and my mouth drops—wow, tattoo’s—if I thought he was hot before, well, he just got even hotter.

  He flips his hat on backwards and places his hands on his hips, while I smooth out my long black hair and smile at him. “Hey!” I tried really hard not to go overboard on my enthusiastic greeting. I can’t help it if I did because the sight of him makes me so happy. I really really hope he’s happy to see me too.

  “Hey. How are you?”

  “Great. How are you?”

  He shrugs. “I’m good, thanks. What brings you here?”

  “You, actually,” I blurt out.

  He looks a little surprised and not at all pleased. Crap, maybe he really doesn’t like me the way I like him? “Me? Why’s that?”

  “You never told me your name.” It’s true. He never did tell me his name. I wonder why that is?

  He sighs, “Look, Faith—“

  I don’t want to be turned down and feel like a complete idiot so I keep up my confidence and continue with my mission. “Just tell me your name. That’s it and I won’t bother you again. Cross my heart,” I promise and actually use my finger to cross my heart.

  He chuckles, “Lucas Jones.”

  Lucas. I love his name. “Nice to finally meet you, Lucas Jones,” I extend my hand out for him to shake. I keep the confident smile on my face and wait for him to take my hand. He hesitantly takes it and shakes it. Just from the brief hold of my hand I can feel the electricity o
f our connection; his palm and fingers are calloused and rough just the way I like them. It shows me he has a history of working hard with his hands and makes me even more attracted to him. I kept my promise about only wanting to know his name, so I tell him goodbye. “Well, see you around,” I give him a small wave and walk past him.

  “Hey, wait!” I stop and grin, turning back around. “How old are you?” He asks shyly. My heart is bursting like a firecracker from that one sweet question. This must mean he’s interested?

  “19. You?”

  “Uh . . . 24.”

  24. Hmmm, not too much older than me.

  He puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at his feet. He’s not moving, and neither am I. Who’s going to ask the next question? Obviously he’s not giving me any reasons to walk away; it’s as if he’s waiting for me to say something. I look at his arms and I can see the beautiful artwork climbing inside his sleeves. “Are those tattoos I see?” Well that was a stupid question! Of course they’re tattoo’s! Just tell me to walk away, please!

  He nods his head. “Yeah,” and rolls up his sleeves to show me more of his art.

  Wow, that is a lot of ink! I love it. I am so curious to know what it feels like. “Does it hurt getting them? I’ve always had a thing for tattoos, but my dad, being my dad and all, he would never go for it,” I chuckle, nervously, swiping a piece of hair behind my ear.

  He also chuckles and I love it. “It’s a pain you get used to.” I smile up at him while he smiles back, but his smile quickly turns into a frown. “Oh,and speaking of your dad, there he is. I gotta get back to work. Bye Faith.” Then he’s gone; he turns around and leaves me wanting more.

  I put on a bright, cheery face for my father and give him a hug. “Hi Daddy.”

  “Why are talking to Jones over there?” He asks, with an irritated tone in his voice. What is that all about?

  I scoff, “You mean Lucas?” I better think of something so he doesn’t get suspicious. “Oh, uh . . . nothing. I was just asking him where you were.” That’s the first time I have ever fibbed to my father.

  “Oh, okay.” Why does he seem so weird about me speaking to Lucas? “You ready for lunch princess?”

  I keep up with my charade and smile. “I sure am.” As we walk to his car I turn my head back around to get one more glimpse of Lucas; he’s staring back at me and gives me a small wave with that dimpled smile. I wave back, and chuckle under my breath. This is good—so very good. What will be my next move? How will I get to see him again?

  Thank God I have air conditioning; it’s been overwhelmingly hot these past few days and it looks as if it’s not going to cool down anytime soon. I cannot wait for the hotel pool to be finished. In one week I’ll be able to lay out in the sun, with my new bikini and go in for a dip.

  I’ve been so crazy busy with work I have completely forgotten about Phillip and our little disagreement. Guilt eats at me with what I said to him; I don’t blame him for not contacting me or having anything to do with me anymore. I have a feeling our relationship is no more and back to being just business partners. Really, it’s the way it should be. I’m not good for Phillip; he shouldn’t be with someone who isn’t 100% committed to him. In my opinion, I’m only good for one thing—to give him a good lay.

  I am done with my work for the day and text June to come by for Chinese takeout. I haven’t seen her for a couple days; I miss my girl and need to steal her away from her rocker life.

  June comes storming in with her little black hand bag, black short-shorts, black vintage tank with a classic guitar on the front, and like always—her black heels; her hair is in a tiny ponytail, sticking straight out, with her bangs sweeping to the side of her beautiful face. She’s out of breath when she comes into my room; sweaty and grumpy. She’s never been a fan of hot weather even though she’s a native of San Diego. I let her whine and complain about the weather then tell her to cool it down with a glass of wine while we eat our Chinese food. I keep forgetting to take breaks, so once again I am starving.

  After dinner we sit in the living room for another glass of wine. It felt amazing to be able to relax after a day of non-stop working. I never imagined I’d be so tired from signing papers and talking on the phone all day, every day. Yet I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love to be in charge, having the responsibility of making all the decisions when it comes to my hotel; it’s gratifying being a leader, being the CEO. I wouldn’t choose another profession for myself for anything. I was meant for this kind of life.

  I kick up my feet onto the glass coffee table and lay my head back against the sofa cushion—so relaxing. It was relaxing until June turned my night upside down and almost made me spit my wine out. “You did what!” I yell at June. I place my wine goblet on the table and stand up with my hands on my hips. “I can’t believe you told him! What were you thinking, June! Oh my God!” I start pacing the room, pissed off that June told Lucas she knew me. She also mentioned to him I was going to be at the party tomorrow night. I can’t believe she would do this!

  “Calm down Faith. He was going to find out sooner or later.”

  “Calm down? Are you insane? I can’t be calm about this!” My voice keeps rising and my hands wave in the air. I feel like I am going crazy. “Why in Gods name are you trying to hurt me.”

  June quickly gets to her feet and comes face to face in front me. “Hurt you? Faith I had no intention of hurting you.” She places her hands on my shoulders and desperately tries to get my attention. “I wanted to warn him because you’re going to be at the party!”

  I shrug out of her grasp and huff, “Well, I wasn’t planning on talking to him and asking him, how’s life? Oh, God!” I bury my face into my hands.

  “Why are you being so hysterical over this?”

  “Because I’m afraid!” I snap at her.

  “Afraid of what?”

  “Ugh!” I growl. “I’m afraid of . . . . . .” I don’t even know where to begin; there are so many reasons why I’m afraid.

  “What, of seeing him with that sweet ole ass of his and tearing off his clothes and fucking him? Because let me tell you, he is fucking gorgeous!” June being June has to go and make a joke out of this.

  I stop pacing and fold my arms together. The look on her face makes me burst into laughter; such a bitchy smirk and bitchy accusation. God, I hate her. Yet I love the bitch. “Stop, you’re not being funny.”

  “Then how come you’re laughing?” June laughs.

  I throw my head back and let out a big breath. “Okay!” I throw my hands up. “Maybe I am being a bit hysterical, but I’m friggin’ nervous as hell to see him again.”

  “You’re nervous because you know he never spent a dime from your fathers check and that makes you wonder why he hasn’t come back to you.” I gasp at her assumption which makes her smirk at me again. “It makes you so crazy because you know I’m right. Am I getting warmer?” She raises her right brow, folds her arms and leans on her left hip. Ugh, I could just strangle her for being so. . . . right!

  “Maybe just a little,” I mumble, being stubborn. I’ve always wondered if he took that money because my father threatened him? Yet I am so angry he let my asshole of a father get to him and punish us. How could I forgive him for that? Maybe he doesn’t want forgiveness? Maybe he really never loved me in the first place? I really despise my inner devil; always making me doubt everything and everyone I believed in or loved. Despite everything I am fighting to feel, I am curious about how Lucas reacted to June knowing me? “What did he say when you told him?”

  She brings me into her arms and I gladly take hold of her support. “I wish I had better news for you, honey.”

  “He doesn’t want to see me, does he?” I speak so softly I’m not even sure I heard myself. Yet June hears me anyways.

  “Lets just say he wasn’t happy about my sudden leak of information.”

  Okay, that’s it. If he isn’t even the least bit curious about me, there is no way I should attend his party. I c
ould ruin it and that’s the last thing I want to do. I walk back over to my wine and hold my goblet, staring into the purple liquid. “I shouldn’t go the party, June. If he doesn’t care about me anymore then I don’t want to ruin his night. He’s going on to bigger things and it’s best I stay out of his way. It’s the right thing to do,” I shrug.

  June shouts, making me jolt. “Like hell it is! You are coming because I want you there.” She shakes my shoulders and pleads with me. “I need my best friend.”

  How can I say no to the one person who’s always had my back? I close my eyes and shake my head knowing I am not going to get out of this. “Okay, but I’m not going to stay very long.”

  That’s what I tell myself; I won’t stay long. One song, one drink and then I’m out of there.

  Once the whole fiasco was over I tell June about what went down with Phillip.


  “Yep,” I say to her as I pour myself another glass of wine. We both go back over to the couch and plop ourselves down. “I think he’s finally figured out I’m not who he should be with. I am a sad, sad case,” I scoff and take a drink.

  “Hey, at least you’re getting some. Me? I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to get laid.”

  “Well, my days of getting laid are over.”

  For the rest of the evening, we drink the rest of the bottle of wine and watch trashy reality TV shows until we both crash out.

  Since I now have my kitchen staff hired and it’s ready for service, I order breakfast the next morning. June and I talk more about the party tonight, what we’re going to wear and how she’s super thrilled about all the guests that are coming; mostly groupies and loud fangirls. I just roll my eyes knowing all those girls will be throwing themselves at Lucas. Yeah, it gets me a tad jealous considering I still have feelings for him; I know he’s hot and the girls will want him.

  “Love you, June-bug.” I hug my girl goodbye.

  “Later, babe, see you tonight!”

  I blow out a deep breath and hope to God I don’t lose it tonight. Just thinking about seeing Lucas makes me nervous. Yet I cannot wait to see him shine on that stage, singing and looking hot. Ugh, I gotta stop thinking about him and take a shower.


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