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Forbidden Faith

Page 7

by T. J. West

  Today is the first day I am meeting my entire staff. It took a month for my managers to find the best people for each position. I want my place to be classy and inviting; with the right personalities I have faith my customers will experience the utmost professional people in San Diego.

  The entire lobby is surrounded with an energy unlike anything I’ve ever felt. This place, this hotel, is actually mine—all mine! The smiling faces before me are my employees; I have given them a job, something to wake up to each day and help provide stability for their families or college. They’re going to receive wonderful wages and the best possible benefits. I truly believe in paying it forward, helping those that need a boost in their confidence or to help with high paying bills is exactly what my mission is.

  I stand on a small platform, with a microphone, overlooking hundreds of my future staff; I love speaking in front of people. I have always felt such strength and energy when it comes to a large crowd. “Thanks so much for being here everyone. I’m Faith Montgomery and I hope you all have a great experience working at my hotel. I want us to become a family, a team, and a place where you feel at home. Montgomery Suites will be opening in just a short couple of months. It has been a dream of mine to open a hotel, to make it the best place for our guests to stay and with a great staff who works hard, I know we will be successful. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to talk with me. I’m not just the owner, I won’t be upstairs hiding, I will be visible where you can approach me and feel comfortable in doing so. You’re going to be a part of something great, I hope you know that. We are not just any hotel; we are a hotel with elegance, style and class. A hotel that is welcoming, yet feels like no other hotel around the city.” Once I am done with my speech I get a huge applause from everyone—the greatest feeling ever.

  I step down from my platform and get many “thank you’s” and hugs from my staff. One girl in particular has caught my attention. She seems to be about my age, around 24 or 25? She’s very elegant and beautiful; long brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes and a model body that I wish I had. I instantly connect with her for some reason.

  “Hi, Miss Montgomery, I’m Harmony. Harmony Kruse,” she introduces herself, extending her hand. “I just want to thank you for this opportunity and for hiring me. I am so grateful.”

  I like this girl. She’s got the confidence of someone who I hope will be managing the front desk. I’ll be looking for this type of personality when it comes to promotions.

  “Nice to meet you Harmony, but please call me Faith.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Faith.”

  “And it’s my pleasure. Grant and Craig are exceptional managers and from the looks of things they have chosen only the best for my hotel.”

  “I hope I live up to your expectations.”

  “I have no doubts.” I really meant what I said. She seems great! “What position are you filling?”

  “Oh, I’ll be one of the housekeepers.”

  Housekeeper? Not that there is anything wrong with that position, I am just surprised she doesn’t have the front desk job—her character fits the image. “Really?” I ask with a surprise tone. “Is that the position you applied for?”

  “Yes,” she shyly nods. “I’m not qualified for the reception desk or a manager.”

  I shake my head in disbelief; no way is this woman not qualified. I’ll make damn sure she doesn’t carry through with housekeeping for the rest of the year.

  I close in on our contact and tell her, “Harmony, stick with me and I will make sure you climb to the top. Okay?”

  “Wow,” she chuckles. “Thank you, Miss—uh—Faith.”

  I smile and touch her shoulder, reassuring her it won’t be the last time we speak. I just love making others feel good!

  I am full of energy and ask my cooks to make me a big lunch. During lunch I have a private meeting with my two managers and advise them to be aware of the qualities my new staff may have; I don’t care if someone has gone to college or not. As long as they have a wonderful personality, expertise or the confidence my hotel needs, then I want them to be up at the top where they are supposed to be.

  To me, the way someone thinks or how they work shows a lot more than a college degree.

  I examine myself in my full length mirror, making sure I look okay; my hair is in a high ponytail while my makeup is dark and smokey. It’s perfect for a night out on the town—or a night in at BT2090. It didn’t take very long to decide on my outfit; I really love my short, black sequined, tank dress. I’ve only worn it once for a concert I went to last year with June. I am happy to wear it again. Who needs to go shopping when I have my very own personal store in my closet? I love clothes and shoes—I have so many items I might as well donate some of them?

  I stretch on my knee high black leather boots and take a deep breath. It’s almost time to leave and I’m starting to feel nervous. I just want this night over and done with and for my life to go back to normal when Lucas isn’t distracting my every brain cell.

  I am about to leave when there is a knock at the door. I don’t recall having my security guard allowing anyone to come up. I’ll need to have a talk with him tomorrow. I look through my peep hole and gasp. “Phillip?” I whisper.

  I open the door and see he is all dressed up and looking absolutely amazing in a pair of black jeans and a heavy metal vintage t-shirt. Damn he’s gorgeous. “Phillip. What are you doing here?”

  “You asked me to go to June’s party, did you not?” He asks me with a scowl.

  “Uh, yeah, I did, but. . . .” I can’t believe he still wants to go. I am so shocked I don’t even know what to say. “. . . . I haven’t heard from you, so I figured you weren’t going.”

  He walks inside my suite, hands in pockets. “I’ve come to apologize for how I reacted to the invitation. I’m here to make amends. Start over,” he shrugs.

  Apologize? Why is he so damn nice to me? I’d feel better if he would just cut his ties with me and find someone else. “I accept your apology even though it’s not necessary.”

  “It is necessary.” He walks toward me and cups my face. “I don’t want you thinking I’m stuck up or shallow.”

  I close my eyes, sighing. “Why does it matter so much to you what I think?”

  “Faith, I’m in love with you.”

  Shit. I’m the last person he should be in love with.

  “Which I don’t deserve.”

  “I happen to disagree,” he says softly.

  I grab his hands from my face and end our discussion. “Okay, I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this topic. I’m running behind so we should get going.”

  June’s studio is jammed packed with people; there’s a line outside the front with a huge African American bouncer checking ID’s, purses and patting down each guy that enters. Phillip and I are allowed to enter without showing anything since we’re on the VIP list; before we left the hotel I texted June telling her Phillip was accompanying me so she could put him on the list.

  He keeps hold of my hand as we enter the studio. The place is booming with music, dancing and loads of young college girls waiting for JINKS to arrive.

  My inner jealousy bitch is not liking all the girls—I shake it off and let Phillip lead the way.

  I see June coming our way as we get closer to the open bar. I seriously need a drink.

  “Hey, chicky, so glad you are here!” She gives me a big hug and looks incredibly happy and smokin’ hot! Something as simple as leather pants and a gold sequined tube top looks like a million bucks on June; and those black spiky heels are to die for! “Phillip, welcome to BT2090.” She lays a big kiss on his cheek and hugs him. “Thank you.” He gets closer to her and raises his voice. “I really like the layout of the place. Nice job, June.”

  She shouts back, “I appreciate that, thanks!” The studio is so loud we can barely make out what the other is saying.

  Finally, after Phillip gets us a couple drinks one of June’s first band’s, Arm
or, takes the small stage. June introduces them and they begin playing. I love the song they’re playing and start swaying my butt to the sound.

  “You like this music?” Phillip shouts in my ear.

  I laugh, “Yeah! Don’t you?”

  “It’s not my type, you know that.” I glance in his direction and notice how uncomfortable and uninterested he is with being here—God, he can be so boring at times! He needs to loosen his invisible tie and relax. “How long are we planning on staying?”

  I exhale in frustration. “I don’t know, Phillip. Why don’t you go to the open bar and get us another drink?” I down the last of my martini and hand him over my empty glass. As he disappears into the crowd I move my way closer to the middle of the room and dance with my hands in the air while Armor plays their wicked song. I am having such an awesome time I forget all about wanting to leave early—that is until the crowd goes wildly insane as JINKS walks through the doors. My body completely freezes; the girls are pushing their way past me, trying to get closer to one of the future’s hottest bands.

  I can see a couple of the those bouncer guys blocking the girls from hounding the band. I cannot believe they already need bodyguards, it’s just crazy! If they’re this crazy now, it will be even worse when they’re known nationwide.

  Once Armor finishes their song, June gets up onto the stage and introduces JINKS. The screaming girls go wild as the band takes their spots. I slowly back up so I am hidden from Lucas. Even with the lights in his eyes I don’t want to take any chances at him seeing me.

  I get all weak in the knees when he presents himself and the band; I love his voice whether he’s singing or talking; it’s smooth, sexy. Oh, and his smile—he’s got the most amazing smile that would make any woman’s panties wet. I feel myself getting wet. Oh, my God stop it Faith! What the hell is the matter with me? I’m here with Phillip for Godsake! I cannot be doing this to him. Speaking of Phillip, where is he? I turn my head in several directions and don’t see any sign of him. Maybe he gave up and left without telling me? It’s so crowded in here I can’t even see my feet much less see where he is.

  My head automatically whips to the sound of JINKS’ first song. The girls all around me squeal when they begin playing, jumping up and down with excitement as they hear Lucas strum his guitar. He’s in his element; cool as a ice and hot as coal up on that stage. I am mesmerized and suddenly in some kind of trance when his first sentence of the song comes out of his mouth.

  Forbidden Faith—Written by Lucky Jones, Composed by JINKS

  “What can I do to take this Arizona sky

  and replace it with the color of your eyes.

  Life has not been the same since

  you walked inside my flame,

  staring inside my soul.

  I am forbidden to ever get near you

  But am dying to be near you

  The ink travels on my sleeve

  Forbidden Faith is now inside of me.”

  I am shocked beyond belief. He cannot be singing about me, it would be ridiculous! Yet, as crazy as it seems, it is about me. I continue watching as he sings this amazing, haunting song.

  “The piercings leave holes in my skin

  but what you leave is bigger from within.

  How can this be for real when nothing in front of me

  has ever ripped me to shreds.

  I never want to look back but never want to move ahead.

  I am forbidden to ever get near you.

  But am dying to be near you

  The ink travels on my sleeve

  Forbidden Faith is now inside of me.

  What makes me will break me

  What you give me will heal me

  Show me how to get out of this concrete

  By lifting me above this heavy street, soaring

  through the Arizona sky.

  I am forbidden to ever get near you

  But am dying to be near you

  The ink travels on my sleeve

  Forbidden Faith is now inside of me

  I wish I had never met you

  cause’ everything has changed

  my path is now unpredictable since you walked inside my flame!

  Forbidden to ever get near you

  Dying to be near you

  Your ink travels on my sleeve

  Faith is now inside of me. I am Forbidden.”

  I have tears in my eyes by the time the song ends. The crowd goes nuts when it’s over and Lucas say’s his thanks. They begin another tune, yet I cannot even fathom staying put, listening to it. I forget all about Phillip; I don’t even know where he is and the sad thing is I don’t give a shit. I head toward the blocked off stairs; they lead up to a terrace overlooking the city. Another bouncer lets me by when I tell him I need to go up there. He knows who I am since June told the staff about me. June—I turn back around one more time and see my best friend rocking it out with JINKS. She’s a superstar who is going to turn my Lucas into this national famous musician. I’m so happy for all them, I really am, but I just can’t be down there celebrating.

  I need some air.

  The warm summer breeze feels amazing on my skin. I breathe it in, trying to let the song leave my mind. Unfortunately the words he sang ripped my heart to pieces; he was forbidden to ever see me again, yet he was dying to be near me.

  Oh, God what the hell does this all mean?


  He’s here, right behind me.

  JUNE REALLY OUTDID HERSELF WITH this party; she made us feel like we’ve hit the top of the music charts already. She provided a driver who took us to the studio in a big black SUV and drove us to the back so we wouldn’t get ambushed by the fans. The guys and I were pumped when we saw the insane line of people waiting outside the studio. We couldn’t believe they were here to see us play—it was unreal. If this was anything like what we’ll experience down the road then I was more than ready to take that journey.

  We were led in by two enormous bouncers who looked as if they could kill you just by shaking their hand. I wouldn’t think twice about getting on their bad side. June was waiting for us as we made it inside. She warned us about the girls freaking out once they knew we were inside. Wayne couldn’t wait for those girls; he wanted them touching his dick even before we showed up. Jason was as cool as can be, quiet and tapping his fingers like he was beating the drums. Danny looked like he was ready for a fight, bouncing up and down, jerking his neck side to side. Slim was on his cell phone, taking selfies, and putting them on Twitter. Me? I knew she was in there; it was the only thing I could think about. She was going to see me sing and I had it planned out to sing the song I wrote for her. Almost every song I have written is about her and Danny knew it. As long as it had a good sound he was all for it. However he never wanted to see Faith or ever be in her presence again. He couldn’t handle what her dad did to me and that made him hate her. I argued the fact that hating her was pretty harsh. It wasn’t her fault the way her father treated me, yet he didn’t care.

  June was right. The girls were hysterical when they saw us come in; they tried everything they could to grab onto my shirt, grab my crotch and squeeze my ass. It felt fucking great, yet at the same time my thoughts continued to travel to my heart, looking for Faith. The bouncers made sure we weren’t attacked; one was behind us and the other was in front, leading us to the custom made stage.

  The guys and I had a big talk about Jason doing drums tonight. He’s a talented musician who wants to try different instruments and drums is a big one. Danny didn’t care just as long as he had something in his hands. Danny took front stage with me, with his guitar, while Jason kicked ass on the drums. I could barely hear myself speak, introducing the band with all the screaming going on. It was pretty wild and I couldn’t believe all these people were here to see us.

  Right away Jason got going with the drums followed by Danny, then myself and the others; Forbidden Faith was the first song we played.

  Almost toward the end of the song,
while I moved around on the stage, giving it my all, I glanced toward the back of the room and saw her going up the stairs. I knew that ass, that hair and those legs; I’ve memorized every inch of her since the day we met. I know I shouldn’t follow her up those stairs, I should stay far away from her. Yet, my dick and heart are getting the better of me. We play one more song and then take a break. I tell the guys I’m going to the back to have a smoke and use the restroom. They don’t even glance my way when I step down from the stage. My bouncer/bodyguard helps me push through the ladies who are itching to get inside my pants. If it weren’t for Faith, I’d definitely take one of the screaming ladies and do her in the back of the studio.

  When I finally get to the bottom of the stairs I order the bouncer, who is guarding the area, to let no one come up those stairs unless there was a fire. He gives me a smirk and lets me pass through.

  I jump two steps at a time until I reach the top; to my right is June’s office and restroom, to my left is the terrace. It’s overlooking the crowded city streets, with lights shining from the buildings across the street; the moon shining upon Faith’s figure, her dress. That dress is fucking beautiful on her; black, sparkly, and short. So short that it lands just underneath her perfectly rounded ass—my dick twitches and hardens immediately. I am taking such a chance right now being up here with her, but I can’t help myself. That long black silk I sing in my songs is just a few feet away from me, it’s really hard for me to turn around. I want to take hold of that band around her ponytail and let her hair fall to the ends of her back; I need to feel my hands glide through the thick mane, wrap it around my wrist while I take her from behind. I need her like I need my next breath. It’s completely delusional to think I can take everything away—everything I did to her in this one moment. However, I am going to take this one night and pretend I didn’t destroy her, destroy what we had—what we could have had. I need to bury myself deep inside her.


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