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Drake's Rock

Page 10

by Alex Riordan

  “Hey,” Jessie said, reaching down and caressing her cheek. “She’s not here, you are. That should tell you something.”


  “But nothing,” Jessie said, leaning down to kiss her lightly on the lips and absurdly grateful in that moment that she’d gotten her hormones under control. “Considering the last two nights, you have every right to ask about Alex.”

  “So you’re really not a couple? I’m not going to be called a home wrecker or anything like that?” Stephanie asked, breathing a sigh of relief.

  Jessie laughed and kissed her again. “No, not by me. You’re not a home wrecker and I’m not tied to Alex. We’re just…well, it’s complicated.”

  “So last night when you said Alex was different…?” Stephanie felt the tension in her body release just a little, hearing Jessie’s explanation.

  “I meant it. Alex is different, because with Alex there are no strings,” Jessie said in answer. “We just get together when we feel like it, usually when we’re both drunk, and there are no expectations of anything more.”

  “She sure seemed like she had some expectations when you were together at the club last night,” Stephanie pointed out. Not because she doubted Jesse, but because she doubted that Alex saw things the same way.

  “She’s always been like that,” Jessie said, shrugging again. “But Stephanie,” she said, leaning in and kissing her again, deeper this time. “I don’t feel that way about Alex. I never have and I never will. She’s a good time…someone to spend time with; and a good friend. But that’s all she is to me.”

  Stephanie couldn’t help it. She tried to hide the fact that the words made her feel good, but she just couldn’t. “So you want…whatever this is, to have…strings attached?”

  Jessie nodded and whispered, “Very much so.”

  “And there’s nothing stopping this from happening but…?”

  “But my own stupid fear of…I don’t know, getting hurt again, I suppose,” Jessie confirmed, smiling back.

  Happy to hear Jessie admit that she wanted more than just a one night or, a few nights ‘thing’ with her; Stephanie pulled the brunette in for another kiss. This time, they let it grow deeper until neither of them could breathe. Finally coming up for air, they spent the next few minutes staring into each other’s eyes.

  After a few minutes more, Jessie finally tore her eyes from Stephanie’s long enough to look at the clock next to the bed. Smiling down at her she asked, “Do you know what time it is?”

  “Mm, I have no idea,” Stephanie said in answer, really not caring at the moment what time it was. Wrapping her arms around Jessie again, she pulled the brunette to her. “This feels so good, here with you. I feel like I could stay here forever, Jess.”

  “I know what you mean,” the brunette said quietly, nuzzling into Stephanie’s neck. Right now, she had no desire to ever leave the bedroom. “But you do realize that the sun will be coming up soon?”

  Her brow furrowed. “It’s that late?” What time did they come to bed, anyway?

  Jessie nodded. “Yeah.” Biting her lower lip, she looked at her with a shy expression and asked, “Would you like to umm…I don’t know…maybe get a little rest and then we can just hang out here today? I can make dinner later?”

  A slow smile crept across Stephanie’s face at the suggestion. “I’d love that, Jess,” she said in answer.

  “Great,” Jessie said, curling around the redhead and pulling her in tight. Resting her head on Stephanie’s shoulder, she whispered, “I hope you don’t mind if I hold you like this? I just can’t seem to let you go.”

  Stephanie kissed her on the temple and smiled. “You can hold me for as long as you want, Jess. Believe me when I tell you, I don’t mind.” She smiled again when the only response she received was a low ‘Mmm,’ as Jessie slid into sleep.

  Chapter 11

  By one in the afternoon, both women had finally managed to crawl out of bed. After they got dressed and ate a quick breakfast of pancakes, Jessie took Stephanie back to her hotel room. While they were there, Stephanie made a quick phone call to her agent in LA and then packed an overnight bag. From there, Jessie drove them to the local park, where they went for a two mile run.

  By four, they’d managed to stop by the grocery and the video store. Returning to Jessie’s, they each took a shower and then planted themselves on the couch to watch movies for the rest of the day.

  Deeply into the second movie, Jessie was propped up against one arm of the couch, with Stephanie sitting between her legs and leaning back against her. Reveling in the feel of Jessie’s hand firmly planted against her stomach, Stephanie leaned her head back against Jessie’s shoulder and said, “Mmm, this feels so good, Jess. Thank you for today, it’s been wonderful.”

  “My pleasure,” Jessie said, turning her head slightly so that her nose was nuzzling Stephanie’s hair. “I’m glad you decided to stay.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything,” Stephanie answered quietly, turning until she was looking Jessie in the eye. “Thank you, Jessie,” she said, becoming serious.

  “You’re welcome,” Jessie said in answer, smiling at her and giving her a quick squeeze. “I haven’t done anything like this in a long time. You’re right. It does feel good.”

  “You mean you never just take a day and lounge around doing nothing?” Stephanie asked, somewhat surprised.

  “No,” Jessie said, shaking her head. “I’ve always got so much to do. You know, between work and the band, I never really have a lot of free time.”

  “You need to make time for yourself, Jess. It’s important to take time for you once in a while,” Stephanie said, realizing why Jessie always seemed so tense and uptight. Moving so that she was on her knees facing the brunette, she grabbed Jessie’s hands and said, “Come on, Jessie. Let me help you relax.”

  “W…what?” Jessie stuttered, wondering what Stephanie had in mind.

  “Relax? You know? Not be so tense?” Shaking her head, Stephanie said, “Jesus, Jessie, you’re so tense it’s a wonder you can move at all. Come on and flip over onto your stomach.”

  Never really trusting anyone fully and clearly unsure what Stephanie had in mind, Jessie attempted to stall. “What? Why do you want me on my stomach? What are you planning to do?” she asked, obviously becoming nervous.

  Smiling at her, with eyes full of nothing but concern Stephanie simply replied, “You can relax, Jess. I’m just going to massage your back and shoulders. You can keep your shirt on. I promise I won’t hurt you or take advantage of you.”

  Relaxing visibly when Stephanie explained her intentions, Jessie finally smiled back. “Well, okay. If you promise to let me do the same for you?”

  “It’s a deal,” Stephanie said happily, moving from her position long enough for Jessie to stretch out on the couch on her stomach. Then, straddling the brunette’s legs, she slowly began applying pressure to Jessie’s shoulders, digging her thumbs in and massaging wherever the muscles were tightest. Before long, she noticed that Jessie was indeed, relaxing. Moving her hands down a little lower, she began working on the trapezius muscles in Jessie’s upper back.

  As Stephanie worked quietly, Jessie had to admit that the tension in her body was rapidly disappearing. Or, to be more precise, the muscle tension was going away only to be replaced by a different kind of tension altogether. Still, the redhead’s hands felt so good moving across the muscles of her back, she had to concentrate to stay relaxed. Attempting to keep her mind off the feel of the other woman’s body in such close proximity to her own, she broke the silence.

  “While you’re working, would you mind if I asked you something?” Jessie asked, one cheek resting on her crossed arms.

  “Not at all,” Stephanie answered.

  Trying to work up the courage, Jessie bit her lower lip before saying, “Well, I was just wondering, everything I’ve ever heard about you…from TV, magazines…everything….”

  Stephanie knew what she was going to a
sk, and she smiled sadly. Not because she hated the question or didn’t want to answer; but because she wished that Jessie didn’t feel like she had to ask at all. Cutting the question off before she could even get it out, Stephanie leaned down close to the brunette’s ear and said, “I’m not straight, Jessie.”

  “How did you know…?”

  Stephanie shrugged as she began massaging her back again. “I know how the media portrays me. I’ve seen those publicity pictures with me and my ‘dates.’ Hell, some of them really were my dates. I have dated men. But I prefer women. Mostly though, it was all publicity.”

  “So this…what I’m feeli…” Jessie found that she was having a difficult time putting her thoughts to words. Stephanie however, wasn’t having the same problem.

  “We, Jess. What we are feeling…isn’t some game. It’s real,” Stephanie said, allowing her hands to move lower, beginning to work on the Latissimus Dorsi. She felt the breath that Jessie swallowed, relieved by the answer. “I know it’s hard, Jessie…but in my line of work, looks matter. As a struggling young actor, my image in the public eye was almost as important as my acting ability; sometimes more so.”

  “And now?” Jessie almost whispered, not really wanting to hear the answer, but needing to.

  Stephanie, knowing how important this was to the brunette, answered her honestly. “Now? It doesn’t matter as much. For one thing, I’m older and more established. For another…Well, I just don’t care if people know anymore.”

  Sighing, Stephanie stopped the massage and stretched out with Jessie on the couch. Squeezing in next to her, she rested on her side, so that they were looking into each other’s eyes. Whatever she said next would make or break any chance they might have. She wanted to be sure Jessie knew she was telling her the truth.

  “Jessie, I know opening up is hard for you. And I need for you to know that I’m not just playing with your feelings,” Stephanie said quietly, resting one arm on Jessie’s hip. “I have no idea where we’re headed, but I’d like to think that we could make this work. I understand that I scared you coming on to you the way I did Friday night. I’m not usually so…so…Well, I just don’t do that kind of thing, usually.”

  Jessie laughed at that. “I didn’t really mind, you know. The whole ‘coming on to me thing,’ I mean. It felt good to think that you wanted me like that. And,” she said, suddenly becoming shy and blushing slightly, “I have a confession to make, of sorts. You know, I’ve had a crush on you since I saw your first movie. I’ve always kind of fantasized about this.”

  Stephanie smiled at the ‘confession.’ “Well, I’m glad to hear that you’ve always wanted me. It takes away the fear that you don’t. But Jessie, I don’t want you to just think that I want you. I want you to know that I want you,” Stephanie said, leaning in and kissing her lightly on the mouth. “There’s a huge difference.”

  Almost afraid to voice her biggest fear, Jessie bit the bullet and asked anyway. “What about when you leave? You can’t stay here forever and I don’t want to be alone again.”

  “Oh, Jess…you won’t be. We can work it out,” Stephanie answered confidently. “LA’s not that far away. We can fly back and forth, spend long weekends, holidays and vacations together. We can make this work.” Pulling Jessie to her, she kissed her again, putting her heart and soul into it. When she finally released her, she said, “I want and need this to work, Jessie. I want you. No one else.”

  Overcome by Stephanie’s words, Jessie felt a tear slip unbidden down her cheek. Sniffing, she said, “I want this too, Stephanie. I need you more than I ever thought possible.”

  Wiping away the stray tear with her thumb, Stephanie whispered, “Then we’re in agreement? We both want to try and make this work?”

  Looking deep into Stephanie’s eyes, Jessie swallowed and said, “Yes.”

  Stephanie kissed her again. This time, when they finally broke apart, it was only for air. “I think…” Jessie said quietly, “that we should take this into the bedroom. I’d like to give you that massage now.”

  Stephanie nodded and let Jessie pull her up off the couch. As the brunette checked the doors and the alarm, Stephanie went into the kitchen and brought back two bottles of water. When she stepped back into the living room, Jessie took her free hand and led her down the hallway.

  Arriving at the bedroom, Jessie took the water bottles and set them on the bedside table. Then, she led Stephanie to the bed and waited while she climbed in, lying on her stomach. Joining her, Jessie straddled her legs and slid a hand up to move the curly auburn hair to the side. Leaning down, she planted a kiss to the side of Stephanie’s neck. The resulting shiver that ran down the redhead’s spine made her breath catch.

  Sitting up again, Jessie started at Stephanie’s shoulders, working her fingers into the smooth muscles. All too aware of a change in the redhead’s breathing, she moved her hands lower. Forcing herself to keep her hormones in check, she worked on Stephanie’s back until the redhead was almost moaning with pleasure.

  “You okay there, Steph?” she asked, not wanting to take her hands off the beautiful woman.

  “I’m all right, Jess. It just feels really good…what you’re doing,” Stephanie answered breathlessly.

  Smiling, Jessie moved down to her lower back. Beginning to work the muscles at the base of Stephanie’s spine, she slowly slid her hands under the hem of Stephanie’s t-shirt. “This doesn’t bother you, does it Steph?” She asked hesitantly, afraid to go too far. She didn’t want to rush things. But, after having that warm, soft skin under her hands Friday night, even if only for a moment, she just had to feel it again.

  Stephanie shook her head, almost afraid that her voice might betray her growing need. “It…it’s okay…Jessie,” she said, struggling for air. “Feels good.”

  Smirking at how breathless the redhead sounded, Jessie slid the shirt a little higher, exposing more of the smooth skin. Reveling in the feel of it under her hands, she leaned down and placed a series of small kisses to the base of Stephanie’s spine, causing the other woman to tremble.

  “Jesus, Jessie…” Stephanie moaned. “My shirt…take my shirt off. Help me?” she asked, lifting up slightly.

  Hearing the desperately panted pleas, Jessie didn’t hesitate. As Stephanie lifted up, Jessie slid her hands under the shirt and pushed it off and over Stephanie’s head. Tossing it carelessly to the side, she looked down at the redheads’ gloriously naked back. Swallowing hard, she leaned down and began kissing her again. At the same time, she never stopped allowing her hands to roam over those smooth, toned shoulders.

  Under Jessie’s skilled hands, Stephanie was rapidly finding it difficult to think. Every spot that Jessie kissed was on fire with the feel of the brunette’s lips on her skin. Between shallow breaths, Stephanie tried to tell Jessie what she wanted. “Je…Jessie…I need your…your skin touching mine. Now…please?”

  The words making their way to her brain through the erotic haze she was in, Jessie didn’t hesitate. Yanking her own t-shirt over her head and throwing it across the room, she wasted no time. Leaning forward once again, she began kissing up Stephanie’s back. When she reached the redheads’ shoulders, she began running her tongue along her shoulder blades, causing Stephanie to inhale and bite her lower lip.

  Licking her way to Stephanie’s ear, Jessie whispered, “Sit up on your knees, Steph.”

  “Wh…what?” Stephanie breathed out, confused.

  “Just do it,” Jessie said, moving back to do the same.

  Still confused, but desperately wanting to find out what Jessie had planned, Stephanie pushed up until she was sitting on her knees. Then, Jessie slid up behind her and wrapped an arm around her until her hand was resting on the redhead’s stomach. Suddenly, Jessie pushed up against her from behind until her breasts were in direct contact with Stephanie’s back.

  At the first touch of Jessie’s bare breasts on her back, Stephanie couldn’t suppress a loud groan. “God Jessie…!” Needing something to do with her ha
nds, Stephanie leaned back into the brunette and planted one hand solidly on Jessie’s knee. The other hand came up to rest on Jessie’s hand, which was still firmly attached to her stomach.

  At the first sensation of skin on skin, Jessie threw back her head and let out a silent scream, arching into the redhead. Jesus, Stephanie felt so good! As the redhead grabbed her hand and began squeezing, Jessie moved back to her neck and shoulders and began lavishing her with kisses. Unable to stop herself, she moved her other hand from the bed where she’d been using it to steady herself. Trailing her fingers up Stephanie’s side, she slowly slid the other hand around until it came to land directly under the redhead’s left breast.

  Stephanie’s breath caught as she felt Jessie’s other hand slide up and around. “Jesus, Jessie! Please…touch me.” Her head thrown back, Jessie’s mouth attached to her neck, she nearly screamed when the brunette’s hand slid upward and at last began lightly squeezing her breast.


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