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Drake's Rock

Page 11

by Alex Riordan

  “Oh God,” Jessie whispered at the first touch of Stephanie’s breast under her hand, the nipple hardening instantly. She could barely believe this was happening. She’d wanted this for so long…to be holding Stephanie like this was a dream come true. “Jesus, Stephanie…you feel so good. God I want you so much.”

  “I’m yours Jessie…all yours,” Stephanie managed to gasp out. Biting her lower lip, she said, “Whatever you want, Jess.” Just then, she felt Jessie’s right hand slip down a little lower and she came back to her senses. As she tried to slide her fingers down below the waistband of Stephanie’s sweats, Stephanie caught her hand and forced herself to say, “But…we need to slow down.”

  Exasperated, Jessie whined, “But, you just said, whatever I want? I want you, Steph. Now.”

  Stephanie smiled lovingly and kissed Jessie deeply, allowing her tongue time to explore the brunette’s mouth before saying, “Jessie, two hours ago you were afraid to let me give you a back massage through your shirt. I don’t want us to rush this. I just think we should wait a little longer, that’s all.”

  Okay well…when she put it like that…Jessie could see her point. Still, they were both worked up and there was no release in sight for either of them if Stephanie stopped her now. “Steph…at least let me finish you? There’s no need for you to suffer…”

  The redhead shook her head. “No, I’ll be okay.” She kissed Jessie again. “I promise.” As badly as she wanted Jessie to do just that, she knew without a doubt that once they started, they wouldn’t stop. There’d be no stopping until they were both naked and writhing under each other’s touch, and Stephanie knew that Jessie was too afraid of commitment right now. And, for reasons she was only beginning to understand, she really wanted Jessie to commit. She was sick and tired of games, and she really, really, didn’t want another short term fling.

  “But I…”

  “Jessie…” Stephanie said quietly, “I want us to do this together. You and me, making love to each other. I don’t want our first time to be just one of us. Not that I don’t appreciate the offer,” Stephanie said, smiling again. “I’d just rather orgasm with you.” She kissed Jessie again.

  “Oh…” Jessie said shyly, blushing when Stephanie released her mouth.

  Stephanie laughed. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” Moving out of Jessie’s arms, she maneuvered around until she was lying on the bed on her back. Missing the feel of those gorgeous hands on her skin, she reached out, and said, “Come on, Jessie. Lay down here and curl up with me. I need to feel you close.”

  Taking hold of Stephanie’s hand, Jessie allowed herself to be pulled down until she was lying curled up next to the redhead. With her head resting on Stephanie’s shoulder and a hand on her stomach, she said, “Thank you, Stephanie.”

  “For what?” the redhead asked curiously.

  “Just for being you,” Jessie said, kissing her collarbone. “And for keeping a calm head when I’m about to lose mine.”

  “You’re welcome,” Stephanie said, wrapping an arm around the brunette and pulling her as close as she could. Within minutes, both women had fallen to sleep, lying wrapped up safe and secure in each other’s embrace.

  Chapter 12

  “So?” Theresa said, as Jessie walked into the office alone Monday morning.

  With her back still turned to Theresa, Jessie smiled to herself. Tossing her gym bag into the corner, she sat down in her chair and looked over at the blond. Quirking an eyebrow, she said, “So…what?”

  “So…what happened after we left Saturday night? Did she stay, or did you take her home?” Theresa asked, knowing that Jessie was fully aware of what she was asking.

  Jessie shrugged. “I don’t think I should share something like that with you,” she said, teasing Theresa.

  Theresa gave her ‘the look,’ and said, “Jessie, I swear to God, you’re going to kill me. What happened?”

  “She stayed,” Jessie answered shyly, giving in. “But,” she added, “Nothing happened.”

  “Come on, Jess. You don’t really expect me to believe that you slept with her two nights in a row and nothing happened either time? That’s just beyond belief,” Theresa huffed.

  “You can believe whatever you want,” Jessie said nonchalantly. “It’s the truth. And, while we‘re on the subject…why is that beyond belief?”

  “Come on, Jessie. This is you we’re talking about. You don’t just hold someone while they’re sleeping.” Leaving the statement to hang out there, she fell silent momentarily. Finally, looking around, Theresa changed tactics. “So, where’s Stephanie this morning?”

  “She’s here. She stopped by the break room to grab a coffee on the way in,” Jessie answered. “Would you believe she has a harder time getting out of bed for work in the morning than I do?”

  “Did she stay last night, too?” Theresa blurted out, surprised and excited all at the same time.

  Jessie nodded. “Yeah, she did.”

  “And you two still haven’t…?”

  “Nope,” Jessie answered. “We’re trying not to rush this, Theresa. She’s not Alex and I don’t want to treat her like that.”

  “You bet your sweet ass she’s not Alex,” Theresa agreed. “Alex wouldn’t be content to wait so long. Besides, Alex doesn’t strike me as the type to enjoy cuddling in bed.”

  Jessie raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why would you say that?” She was really curious now. After all, she knew for a fact that Alex did like cuddling. The only reason they didn’t do it more often was because Jessie refused to call in sick to work.

  Theresa shrugged. “I don’t know. She just never comes across that way to me. She’s more of the fuck ’em and leave ’em type.”

  “Ah. So, what does that make me?” Jessie asked, truly curious to hear Theresa’s opinion.

  Suddenly shy and feeling cornered, Theresa shrugged. “I don’t know…commitment shy and looking for an easy lay?”

  “Gee thanks, Theresa,” Jessie said, slightly disconcerted that her best and oldest friend would see her in that light. Sitting down on the corner of her desk and opening a Diet Coke, she asked, “So basically you think I’m the typical rock musician. Someone who fucks everything that moves and can’t…I don’t know…settle down because I’m too afraid? Or, do you think I'm too immature?”

  Worried that she’d hurt Jessie’s feelings, Theresa rushed to say, “No! Jessie no, that’s not what I think. Jesus, let me explain before you get upset.” Seeing Jessie gesture with a ‘go ahead,’ motion, Theresa attempted to dig herself out of the hole she’d dug for herself.

  “Look Jess, I was there after Bobby left. I'm the only one that knows everything he put you through,” she said, watching the brunette carefully. “Believe me when I tell you that I don’t think you’re a bad person or anything. I just think that you’ve spent the last five or six years trying to run away from having a normal relationship. You’re afraid to get hurt again. I don’t blame you. I'd be afraid, too.” She stopped and took a drink of her water. Setting the bottle down on her desk, she continued. “It’s just that…knowing you and your…habits, the way I do, it just seems strange to me to think that you’re actually worried about sleeping with Stephanie.”

  Quietly, feeling the need to explain her feelings to Theresa, Jessie said, “She’s different. She’s not someone I want to treat like a one night stand. She’s not just a good time and nothing else. Not to me.”

  “I get that,” Theresa said. “I was the one who told you to go for it Saturday night, remember? It’s just nice…to see you falling in love and willing to take a chance again. That’s all. I just want you to be happy, Jessie.”

  “Thanks, Theresa, and...I am,” Jessie agreed. “Happy, I mean. I don’t think I’ve felt like this in…God! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way.” Falling silent, she took a drink from her pop. “I do…I mean I am…maybe…falling in love with her,” Jessie confessed quietly, licking her suddenly dry lips.

  Theresa’s smile grew hug
e. “Have you told her, yet?” As Jessie shook her head, Theresa laughed and walked over and hugged her. As she released the brunette, she said, “Tell her, Jessie. I truly believe she loves you, too.”

  Just then, Jessie noticed Stephanie headed toward the office. Walking next to her was Bob, from accounting. As Jessie watched the two approach, it appeared that Stephanie was irritated with him. It was obvious from her body language that she really didn’t want to talk to him, but he didn’t seem to be getting the hint.

  As she and Theresa watched, Bob followed Stephanie right into the office, still talking. “So yeah,” the slightly paunchy middle aged man was saying. “If you’re not busy tomorrow night, I’d like to take you out for dinner. Maybe we could go dancing, I’m a great dancer?”

  “Sorry, Bob, but I actually have plans already,” Stephanie answered him sweetly. “But, thank you for asking.” To Jessie and Theresa, it was obvious she wanted the man to leave her alone. Still, he didn’t seem to want to take no for an answer.

  “Oh, well…how about this weekend? I’m free if you’d like to go then?” he asked, disappointed that the actress would turn him down.

  Stephanie shook her head. “Sorry, but I’ve got a full schedule. You know, going over my notes and studying the scripts as they’re sent to me."

  Jessie, who had until now, sat quietly by and watched, took pity on her. No one should be subjected to Bob for long. “Uh, Bob? Could I…help you with something?" She asked, eyeing the man curiously.

  Turning his attention to Jessie, Bob seemed to become nervous. Apparently, he hadn’t realized he’d entered her office. “Oh, uh…no. I was just uh…just talking to Ms. Winters. I’ll just…be leaving now,” he said, throwing a thumb over his shoulder and pointing toward the door. “Another time, Ms. Winters?” he said, turning and leaving dejectedly.

  “Goodbye, Bob,” Stephanie said, relieved that he was finally leaving.

  Once they were sure he was gone, she slumped into her chair and took a drink of her coffee. “God, it’s too early for that.”

  Jessie and Theresa both laughed. “I was wondering how long it was going to take for him to latch onto you,” Jessie said with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Bob’s the office playboy,” Theresa said by way of explanation. “He’s hit on every woman who’s come through this office.”

  “So naturally, he had to hit on me,” Stephanie said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “I have to say, I hate that part of my job sometimes.”

  “Poor Stephanie, cursed to be beautiful and lusted after,” Jessie said, teasing her.

  “Mmm hmm, keep it up, funny girl,” Stephanie said. “I think I might be busy the rest of the week and have to break those appointments we had scheduled.”

  Jessie snapped her jaw shut right away. “Sorry, just kidding,” she said, desperately hoping that Stephanie was just kidding as well. They didn’t really have any ‘appointments’ scheduled, but they did have plans for dinner almost every evening. And, Stephanie was either staying at her place, or Jessie was staying at the hotel with her. She didn’t want to blow it now. Still, she felt compelled to add, “But if he bothers you again, let one of us know. We can talk to Susan and let her know he’s at it again.” As she looked at Stephanie, the redhead raised one brow and smiled, taking another drink of her coffee.

  Theresa, sitting down at her desk again, watched the entire exchange with an amused expression. If she didn’t know better, she’d think the two were just innocently joking around with one another. As it happened, she did know better and she could feel the undercurrent running between the two. Pursing her lips in thought, she turned to get started on her paperwork for the day. Jessie definitely had her hands full with Stephanie, and she laughed to herself, thinking about it. This relationship was going to be interesting to watch.

  * * * *

  Later that day, when Jessie stepped out of the office, Theresa turned to Stephanie with a huge grin on her face.

  Glancing up from her paperwork, Stephanie noticed Theresa grinning at her like a madwoman. With a slight look of fear and uncertainty, Stephanie asked hesitantly, “Uh…why are you looking at me like that, Theresa?”

  “What? I’m not allowed to smile and be happy?” Theresa asked innocently.

  “Not when you’re looking at me like you’re crazy,” Stephanie said, smiling back, certain that something was going on. She had a feeling for these things.

  “Relax Stephanie, I’m just smiling because I feel like it. And, because I think that you and Jessie are getting along really well. Better than well, if I’m any judge,” Theresa said, obviously fishing for information. “But, before I get nosy, I do have something to ask you,” she said, turning to make sure that Jessie was nowhere in sight.

  Still unsure what was happening, Stephanie said, “Okaaay.”

  Realizing that Stephanie seemed worried, Theresa attempted to put her at ease. “It’s really nothing to worry about. I was just wondering if Jessie had mentioned that her birthday’s coming up?”

  “What?” Stephanie said in surprise. Shaking her head, she said, “No, she never mentioned it.”

  “Hmm, I’m not surprised,” Theresa said, nodding. “She never brings it up to anyone, so I thought I might mention it. Did she ask you about going to John and Lacy’s this Saturday?”

  Stephanie nodded. “Yeah, she said something about a Deck Party?”

  “Yeah, that’s what we told her. John and Lacy are putting a deck on their house. We’re all bringing hammers and helping them finish it up,” Theresa explained. “What she doesn’t know, is that it’s also a birthday party for her.”

  “Oh! That sounds like fun,” Stephanie agreed. “She won’t be mad though, will she, throwing her a surprise party and all?”

  “No,” Theresa answered, laughing. “She never gets mad about the party. She just doesn’t want people to feel like they’re obligated to get her anything.”

  “Ah, I got it,” Stephanie said, laughing too. “So, should I get her anything? Or…?”

  “I’m leaving that up to you,” Theresa answered. The mirth in her eye causing Stephanie to blush as she said, “I’m sure you can think of something she might want.”

  “I’ll see what I can come up with,” Stephanie said in answer, not willing to put her foot in her mouth.

  “Mmm,” was the only answer Theresa gave to that.

  “Did you have something else you wanted to ask me, Theresa?” She asked. Noticing the confused look on the blondes’ face, she prompted, “You said ‘before you get nosy?’ What else did you want to ask?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Not my business, really,” Theresa said, backpedaling. She wanted to know what was really going on between Stephanie and Jessie, she really did. She just wasn’t sure she should ask Stephanie about it. She didn’t want the redhead to think she was butting in.

  Giving Theresa ‘the look,’ Stephanie sighed. She knew what Theresa wanted to ask her about. Sighing, she stated, “You want to know what’s going on with Jessie and me.”

  Grimacing, because she was caught and she knew it, Theresa nodded. “Only if you don’t mind talking about it. I don’t want to be the nosy, butting in, best friend. I just…care about Jessie, is all.”

  Stephanie shook her head. “I don’t think you butt in, Theresa. As a matter of fact, I think it’s great that Jessie has you in her life.” Getting up from her desk and walking over to lean on Theresa’s, Stephanie said, “She told me about everything that happened after Bobby left. And she told me how much you helped her. Only a true friend does that for someone.”

  “She’d do the same for me,” Theresa said quietly, shrugging off the compliment.

  “She would, wouldn’t she?” Stephanie agreed, smiling.

  “So, you don’t mind if I ask you something…about you and Jessie?” Theresa clarified. “I mean, I don’t want to be nosy, it’s just that Jessie’s been…acting kind of out of character, I guess you’d say.”

  Stephanie licked her lips, wonder
ing exactly what Theresa wanted to ask that was making her so nervous. “Out of character?”

  “Yeah,” Theresa said, checking once more to make sure Jessie wasn’t headed their way. “Jessie usually tells me pretty much everything, but lately she’s been…I don’t know…”

  “Hesitant?” Stephanie supplied, finally understanding what Theresa was getting at. When the blond nodded, she said, “I think maybe my coming here put a wrench in Jessie’s plans. For her future, I mean,” Stephanie elaborated, sounding just a little sad.

  Confused, Theresa asked, “A wrench in her plans?”

  “She never expected me in her life,” Stephanie explained. “And I don’t think she expected to feel the way she does. Or…the way I hope she does, anyway.” Taking a drink from her water bottle, she went on. “Theresa, I need someone to talk to about this, and I trust you enough to talk to you. Is that all right with you?”


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