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Drake's Rock

Page 12

by Alex Riordan

  Theresa nodded. “Sure Stephanie, of course.”

  “Well, when I heard you asking Jessie Saturday what had happened the night before…” she felt herself blushing again, and sighed. “What I told you was true. Nothing happened. But…nothing happened only because Jessie was kind enough not to take advantage of me. You know I had too much to drink Friday night?” At Theresa’s nod, she went on. “Well, when we got back to my room, I could barely stand up. Jessie helped me into the bedroom and tried, very honorably, to help me get dressed for bed. Unfortunately, I had other things on my mind, and came on pretty strong.” Embarrassed, she stopped talking and swallowed hard. “I think I scared her.”

  “She said she stayed and just held you all night,” Theresa said, adding, “She never mentioned any of the other things, though.” Seeing that Stephanie seemed really uncomfortable, she continued. “Stephanie…Jessie’s never, as long as I’ve known her, been shy about sex. She has never held anything back from me when I’ve asked. As a matter of fact, she’s told me things I’d really rather not know, sometimes. But when I asked her what happened Friday night, she could barely talk.” Seeing the look in Stephanie’s eyes, something akin to panic, Theresa hastened to say, “Stephanie, that’s a good thing. I know you don’t know her as well as I do, so believe me when I tell you…it is a good thing. If Jessie didn’t care about you, she’d tell me everything and then some.” Growing silent for a moment, she waited while the redhead let the words sink in. Then, she said, “You know, I asked her this morning about Saturday night, and she accidentally let slip that you were at her place all weekend?”

  Stephanie had the grace to blush at that, but nodded shyly in confirmation. “Yeah, I was.”

  Theresa reached over and laid a comforting hand on Stephanie’s arm. “I’m going to tell you something about Jessie, but if you tell her I said this, I’ll deny it,” she said, smiling at the redhead.

  When Stephanie looked at her expectantly, Theresa said, “In all the time I’ve known Jessie, the only real relationship she’s ever had was with Bobby. Since then, she’s never slept with anyone more than once. Well, except for Alex. But there’s nothing really there, either. I see that now.” Taking Stephanie’s hand, she squeezed it gently and went on. “Stephanie, I think Jessie’s falling for you. I’ve never seen her act this way. Trust me when I tell you there’s no wrench in her plans. I don’t even think she’s made any real plans for her future.”

  Stephanie smiled shyly at that. “So, you think she’s falling for me?”

  “Yeah, I do. Hasn’t she said anything that might tell you how she feels?”

  “Actually, she said that she’d like whatever we have to ‘have strings.’ I took that as a good sign,” Stephanie said hopefully.

  Theresa grinned. “I’d say you’re on the right track,” she said, encouragingly. “So, can I ask you one more thing before she gets back and finds out we’re talking about her?”

  Stephanie nodded. “Sure.”

  “How do you feel about her? I mean…you do care about her, I can see that. But…”

  “Am I in love with her?” Stephanie interrupted. When Theresa nodded, she said without hesitation, “Yes. I never expected it, but…yes.”

  “And you two still haven’t…?” Theresa asked, a huge smile spreading across her face at Stephanie’s answer.

  “Not yet,” the redhead admitted. “After Friday night, we both thought we should slow down. I know Jessie had a hard time with Bobby. I don’t want her to rush into this, and I don’t want to pressure her. Besides, I want her to be comfortable with me and the idea of a relationship. I want her to trust me,” Stephanie said, laying it all out there. For some reason, she really wanted Theresa to know that she could trust her with Jessie’s heart.

  Theresa stood up and surprised Stephanie by pulling her into a hug. “God, I love you! The two of you are perfect for each other, you know that?”

  Laughing at Theresa’s reaction, Stephanie hugged the blond back. “Thanks, Theresa. I’m glad you approve.”

  “Oh, I more than approve. The two of you just need to get busy and consummate this thing,” she said, laughing at the look on Stephanie’s face. “The anticipation is killing me.”

  Stephanie rolled her eyes. “You think it’s killing you?” She shivered and asked, “So, would you like the full report, or the condensed version?”

  Theresa was about to answer when she saw Jessie headed their way. “You’ll know what’s appropriate,” she said, winking at the redhead and turning back to her paperwork.

  * * * *

  “Hello?” Nancy Winters’ voice said over the cell phone.

  “Hi Mom!” Stephanie said, as she heard her mothers’ voice. “How’s everything going at home?”

  “Oh, Stephanie! Everything’s fine, sweetheart. Your brothers are here helping your dad move some furniture. The kids are running all over. Just a typical evening,” she answered, laughing as Stephanie’s nieces and nephews ran past, chasing each other and squealing. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m really good, actually,” Stephanie said.

  “How did your date go Friday night?”

  Stephanie sighed. “It wasn’t a ‘date,’ Mom. I told you…Theresa and I just went to watch Jessie’s band.”

  Nancy was smiling, all too aware that Stephanie had more to tell her. Since she was small, Stephanie had never been able to keep much hidden from her. “Okay,” she said, playing along. “How was Jessie’s band, then?”

  “Mom, they’re really good,” she gushed. “Jessie’s just an incredible performer. I couldn’t believe how good she is. Then, after the show, she invited us to the bass players’ house for a party.”

  “And I take it you had a good time at this party?” Nancy said, stating the obvious.

  “Yeah, I had a great time…” Stephanie answered, allowing her words to trail off slightly.

  “Is there something wrong, Steph? I know you said you liked her. Does Jessie not like you?” Nancy asked, slightly concerned, and afraid that this Jessie woman had turned Stephanie down and hurt her feelings in the process.

  “Oh, no. No, nothing’s wrong, Mom. Actually,” Stephanie stopped and took a deep breath, before continuing. “I was calling to fill you in on the news. If you can call it that,” she said.


  “Yeah, you said you wanted me to tell you if anything happens? Well…” Stephanie chewed on her lower lip nervously, afraid of her mothers’ reaction. “Actually, I’ve been staying with Jessie. At her house.”

  “What?” Nancy asked, excitedly. “So, I guess that means she likes you?” Nancy said jokingly.

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Stephanie laughed.

  Nancy was happy for her oldest daughter. Still, she felt she needed to be a mother too, and asked, without trying to sound judgmental, “Stephanie, aren’t you moving a little fast, sweetheart?” She really didn’t want to rain on Stephanie’s parade; but she didn’t want Stephanie to get hurt, either. They’d been down that road before.

  “I know it sounds that way, Mom. But…” she had always told her mother everything, and Stephanie didn’t feel a need to hide anything from her now. “We haven’t had sex yet, Mom. I mean…” Stephanie slowed down and took a deep breath. Then, she launched into the events of the last couple of evenings.

  “So…you’re sleeping with her in the same bed, but there’s no sex?” Nancy said, making sure she understood what Stephanie was telling her.

  Nodding, Stephanie answered, “Right. But…don’t get me wrong, Mom. There’s plenty of kissing and…other stuff. It’s just…Jessie’s been hurt really bad once. I don’t want to push her. Besides, I really like just being wrapped in her arms.”

  “You really do like her, don’t you, Steph?” Nancy asked. She knew her daughter well enough to know that. If Stephanie saw something she wanted, she’d go for it. And she wasn’t afraid to work for it, either. Apparently, she’d decided to be patient and wait for Jessie, as well

  “I think I’m in love, Mom,” Stephanie said quietly.

  “I thought as much, when you told me about her Friday night,” Nancy said. “I could hear it in your voice, then.”

  “That’s not possible, Mom. I don’t think I even knew Friday night,” Stephanie said, not believing her mother.

  “Trust me, Steph. When you have kids of your own, you’ll understand. I always know these things, just by the tone of your voice,” Nancy said, amusement coloring her tone. “And…just so you know…I think it’s wonderful that you’re in love. I just hope she knows how special you are.”

  “Mom…” Stephanie said, rolling her eyes.

  “Speaking of Jessie,” Nancy said, changing the subject only slightly, “Where is she? You’ve been on the phone a while, and I haven’t heard any interruptions.”

  “Oh, she’s out in the kitchen, going over everything for a case that’s going to trial tomorrow morning,” Stephanie explained.

  “Does she work from home often?”

  “No. This is the first time, actually. She’s presenting the case to the jury tomorrow morning for the lead counsel. He’s still tied up in court with another case, and she agreed to fill in for him. She just has some catching up to do,” she said, not wanting her mother to think Jessie was a workaholic.

  “Well, don’t let her work too hard, Steph. You know what they say about all work and no play,” Nancy said. She was a firm believer in not bringing work home if you could help it.

  “I know, Mom. I promise, I’ll go out and distract her soon,” Stephanie agreed.

  “That’s my girl,” Nancy said, stifling a yawn.

  “I should let you go, Mom. It’s getting late,” Stephanie said, when she heard the yawn. Besides, she needed to get to bed, too. She always had a hard time getting up in the morning regardless of how much sleep she got.

  “Okay, Stephanie. Call me in a few days and let me know how things are going,” Nancy said. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Mom,” Stephanie said, ending the call and plugging the phone in to recharge it. Smiling to herself, she headed out to the kitchen to say goodnight to Jessie.

  Three hours later, Jessie opened the door to the bedroom carefully. It was after two, and she didn’t want to wake Stephanie up. Careful not to trip over anything, she crawled into bed and pulled the covers up. Just as she closed her eyes, Stephanie rolled over and asked sleepily, “What time is it?”

  “It’s after two. I thought you were asleep?” she answered, wrapping an arm around the redhead and pulling her close.

  “I was, but I woke up a while ago,” Stephanie said quietly. “Did you finally finish?”

  “Yeah, this trial that’s starting tomorrow’s gonna be tough. I just wanted to go over everything one more time,” Jessie said, turning her head slightly so that her nose was buried in Stephanie’s hair. She loved the smell of her shampoo and delighted in breathing it in.

  “I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” Stephanie said, tilting her head to kiss Jessie lightly on her lower jaw.

  “Mmm, probably,” Jessie answered, smiling. “I just get nervous. So, did you and Theresa have a good talk about me today?” she asked, surprising the redhead.

  Stephanie looked up at her, a look of fear in her eyes. Shaking her head, she said, “Jessie, it was nothing…”

  Jessie smiled even bigger. “Hey, relax. I just know Theresa. She was probably asking you about our sex life, if she’s true to form?”

  Stephanie nodded shyly, her face reddening. “She did ask.”

  “And what did you tell her?” Jessie asked more out of curiosity than any real concern. She didn’t care if Stephanie told Theresa every detail. The only reason she hadn’t, was out of respect for Stephanie. She didn’t know how Stephanie would feel about Theresa knowing everything. If Stephanie told Theresa herself, then that was just fine with her.

  “I told her that I really care for you and we decided to take things slow,” the redhead said. “I really want you to feel comfortable with me and trust me, Jessie.”

  “I do trust you, Stephanie,” Jessie said, pulling her closer and kissing her gently on the mouth. When she pulled away, she said, “I don’t mind if you talk to Theresa.”

  “You’re sure, Jessie? I don’t want you to think…that I…I mean, she's your best friend….” Stephanie stammered.

  “Hey, I told you that I trust you. I mean that. And I don’t think for a minute, that you…you know, talk to just anyone,” Jessie said, kissing her again. “Theresa’s the best. You couldn’t ask for a better person to talk to about stuff. You can tell her anything you want. I just haven’t told her everything because I didn’t want to disrespect your privacy in case you didn’t want her to know our private business. And, just so you know….I care about you, too.”

  “Mmm, I like hearing that Jess,” Stephanie said sleepily.

  Jessie kissed Stephanie on the temple as she settled back down, falling asleep with her head on Jessie’s shoulder. “Get some rest, Steph. I’ll see you in the morning,” Jessie whispered as she slid down into sleep herself, content for the first time in years.

  Chapter 13

  Arriving at John and Lacy’s Saturday afternoon, Jessie pulled the car into the driveway and turned off the ignition. Hopping out, she went to the back and was just about to begin unloading, when John and Lacy’s twin boys, Aaron and Jason came running up to her.

  “Aunt Jessie! Aunt Jessie!” they both yelled in tandem.

  Turning around when she heard them yelling, she bent down and hugged them both. “Hi guys! How ya doin’?”

  “We got new Airsoft guns, Aunt Jessie! Will you play with us later?” they both asked.

  Releasing them and standing back up, she said, “Sure guys, in a little while. Here,” she said, handing each of them a bag chair. “Would you guys carry these out back for me?”

  As they each grabbed a chair and nodded enthusiastically, Stephanie stepped around the corner of the SUV. When they saw her, they both looked at Jessie and then back at Stephanie. Aaron asked, “Who are you?”

  “My name’s Stephanie,” the redhead answered him, smiling. “What’s your name?”

  “That’s Aaron, and I’m Jason,” Jason said, speaking for both of them. “Are you Aunt Jessie’s girlfriend?”

  Unsure how to answer that question, Stephanie spared a glance over their heads to look at Jessie, who smiled and nodded. Smiling back at her, Stephanie bent down and said, “Yes, I am.”

  “Cool!” they both agreed. “Will you play Airsoft with us, too?”

  “Uh…yeah, sure,” Stephanie said, totally unprepared for their total acceptance, and not quite sure what Airsoft was.

  “Well come on, then,” Jason said. “Mom’s in the kitchen.”

  “Ok guys,” Jessie said. “Go ahead and take the chairs out back and then go play.” Laughing and shaking her head as the twins trotted off to the back of the house, she looked over at Stephanie. “Sorry about that. I should have warned you about them.”

  “It’s okay, Jess. Whose kids are they?” Stephanie answered as she grabbed the cooler out of the back of the car.

  “They’re John and Lacy’s boys. They’re nine, and…I should probably warn you. They know more than they should for kids their age.” She rolled her eyes, hoping Stephanie caught her meaning.

  “In other words, being the sons of people in the porn industry, they’ve…” Stephanie started to say.

  Jessie nodded. “They’ve heard more than they should, by accident, I’m sure. Anyway, don’t be surprised by anything they say. They’re good kids, just…precocious.”

  “I’ll try to contain my shock,” Stephanie said dryly. Jessie just laughed at her feigned sarcasm and led her into the house.

  As they entered the kitchen, Lacy turned around to greet them. “Hey you two!” Setting her dish towel down on the counter, she came around and hugged each of them. “The boys said you were here,” she said.

  “Yeah, we saw them out
front,” Jessie answered her, handing her a bag full of various types of chips and dips.

  “I hope they didn’t say anything embarrassing?” Lacy asked, accepting the bag.

  “Nope, not yet,” Jessie answered the blond. Looking around, she asked, “So, where’s everybody at?”

  “Oh, they’re out back getting ready to start. You two get on out there, or John will think I’m in here talking you to death.” She grabbed a few items out of the fridge and placed them on the counter. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”


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