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Saving Georgia

Page 14

by Kristin Flynn

  As the last bell rang I sauntered my way to the student parking lot and I found Jenn waiting not-so-patiently at my car.

  “Georgy, we got to go get mom! I have to see if that dress is still at Belk’s!” Jenn says, flailing her arms in the air so dramatically.

  “Keep your pants on, I’m coming.” I scoff back. She can be so juvenile sometimes, but as much as she may get under my skin there isn’t anything on this world that I wouldn’t do for that crazy chick.

  “Come on!” She urges, jumping up and down like a dog that’s been holding it’s bladder too long, wanting to get out.

  Sighing heavily, I gave her a crooked smile from under my breath. I rolled my eyes melodramatically, laughing as I opened the car door. She hopped in with such a quickness and clapped her hands repeatedly telling me to get a move on it. I thrust the car into drive and sped on down to the Hyde’s property. Once we reached the house, she was already sitting outside waiting for us. We got out the car and Jenn just walked right up to Mrs. Hyde’s car waiting to be let in.

  “Mom” she complained, tapping her foot impatiently.

  “She’s been a bit antsy” I explain, shrugging my shoulders,giving Mrs. Hyde the ‘I know she has been bugging me too, I am so sorry’ look.

  “Don’t you want to come in and get something to eat or drink, Jennifer?” Mrs. Hyde asked sweetly as she was standing up.

  “No. We have to go! I need to see if that dress is still there!” Jenn huffs and puffs. Whatever this dress is – it better damn well be worth it! I have never seen her act this way. It’s entertaining but also slightly impossible to deal with.

  Without another word, Mrs. Hyde brushed off her pants and made way to her SUV. She climbed on in, and I took seat behind Jenn, who rode shotgun. We made our little trip to Raleigh, back to Crabtree Valley Mall. Jenn made a beeline for Belks. I think Mrs. Hyde and I actually lost sight of her. The back rack was stuffed with dresses, and once we caught up there was still no telling where that girl went. I tried to see if I could see her, but there so many other girls around that it was near impossible.

  “Mama Hyde, I’m just going to look around. If I find anything I’ll come find you.” I smile, giving her a wink.

  I made my way around the racks, and I found a few dresses that were my size and not too over the top. I picked a few out in various shades of blues, black and pinks. There was this one dress in the back against the wall that looked nice, and it was a lavender shade. I tossed that into the pile I’m holding above my head. I made a quick look around to see if I could find Mrs. Hyde but she was nowhere to be found. Sighing, I made my way to the fitting room. Once I was inside, I hung the dresses up and began to undo my top when I heard a familiar voice shriek. Quickly I opened the door and peeked my head outside of the changing room. I see Jenn running at full force with a dress flailing above her head. It was such a vast and quick movement that I couldn’t even see what color the dress was. Mrs. Hyde was easy to spot behind her because she bowed her head down in embarrassment so low I thought she could lick the floor. But, when I really stopped to look at her I could see nothing but smiles creeping out from her thin, beautifully pigmented lips. Before I could put two and two together, Jenn comes barreling into the dressing room with me. Mrs. Hyde was a little more respectable about my privacy and waited outside.

  “Don’t you want to try on more than just one dress?” I ask Jenn.

  “Nope, this is the one.” She beams. I could tell in her eyes that her mind was made up, her heart was set on this dress and there was no way anyone could talk her out of it.

  “OK then. Well, put it on and help me decide.” I smirk slinking off my blouse and shimming off my shorts.

  First I grabbed the pink one and slinked it on. Jenn put hers aside and I still hadn’t gotten a good, full look at it. The pale pink dress had spaghetti straps, and was an A-line dress. It hugged me nicely, and went beautifully with my skin tone. I liked it overall, but I wanted to see what the rest looked like. Jenn furrowed her brows and asked me to spin around. She didn’t seem as enthused as I was. I pranced around for Mrs. Hyde outside the dressing room and she seemed to like it. Quickly I went back in and tried on the black one.

  The black dress was backless and was also an A-Line but it had a halter-type top to it. It clasped around my neck and Jenn quickly decided against it.

  “It just doesn’t scream ‘Georgia’.” She said. I think it’s because it was along the same color palette as hers.

  Next went the blue dresses. I slinked on three in various shades; a teal, a turquoise and a pastel. Princess sleeves, sweetheart necklines, and a backless. There was embroidery and rhinestones and lace, tulle and satin. Jenn wasn’t any more impressed with any of them as the others. I was starting to get discouraged. Finally the last dress on the rack in the dressing room was the purple one, I hesitatingly put it on.

  It slinked on so easy, and it was this lilac and silver hues that at some points dipped into a deep purple. The top was crusted in sequins and it faded out down to the skirt of the dress. The dress had a sweetheart neckline and was also an A-line. There was tulle on the skirt that over lies on the satin. I turned around and Jenn’s mouth popped open a bit and curled into a smile. Her eyes brightened up and got real big. I guess I have finally found the one! I went and pranced around for Mrs. Hyde while Jenn got her dress on. I swirled around and lifted the tulle up and dance around barefoot in the changing salon. Mrs. Hyde laughed and smiled with a gentle sparkle in her eye. I felt elated and relieved. As I spun around Jenn opened the door and I swear I felt my jaw on the floor.

  The dress was a tan satin with intricate black embroidery on the bodice of the dress. The top of her sweetheart neckline was crusted with a delicate lace. The dress had a black satin bow that hung low in the back, which has a corset line going up the bodice which will cinch’s Jenn’s figure beautifully. The skirt fills out only a little and has light or faint black tulle with tons of glitter than sparkles in the light, on top of the tan satin. Right under the bust on the bodice is a black band that is ever so slightly ruffled. She was breathtaking.

  “Oh my word,” I whispered under my breath.

  “Do you love it?” Jenn asks, sashaying over to me.

  “I definitely do” I sigh, trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. It matches beautifully with her skin tone and chestnut brown hair.

  Mrs. Hyde clasped her hands looking up at the two of us, standing side by side. I think I see a slight glistening in her eyes, but the smile is what really got my attention. I grabbed my best friend’s hand and we both smiled back at her.

  “My beautiful girls,” Mrs. Hyde says, standing up and walking over to us embracing us in a big hug.

  “Oh mom,” Jenn says, smiling sweetly at her mother.

  “You both look so wonderful.” Mrs. Hyde says, releasing us and taking a step back.

  “Thank you.” I smile, sheepishly.

  I headed back to the changing room and let Jenn twirl around and bask in the adoration of her doting mother. It’s hard for me to admit, but my heart broke a little bit watching them and their love, knowing that my own mother cannot be present for this moment. Sullen from my memories and lack of maternal comfort, I shimmied out of the dress and laid it back on the hanger. I put my shorts and top back on, and made my way back out into the parlor. Jenn hurriedly ran back into the changing room herself. I was making my way over to the register when Mrs. Hyde stopped me.

  “What are you doing?” She asks me.

  “What do you mean?” I blink, putting the dress on the register.

  “No daughter of mine is paying for her own Prom dress.” Mrs. Hyde accosts me, but with a sweet smile. Firmly she places her hands on her hips and tells the sales lady to hold off; we’re not done shopping yet. “You didn’t even find shoes yet.” Mrs. Hyde says, pointing a dainty finger at me. My jaw just drops and I am humbled by the Hyde’s generosity yet once again.

  Jenn comes bouncing down the sales floor and hands her dress off to
the sales lady.

  “I heard someone say shoes!” Jenn squeals, linking her arm into mine and pulls me off into the shoe department. We spend about another 45 minutes there, looking for shoes until we finally found the right pair for both of us. Since Jenn is gloriously tall she went with a kitten heel. I opted for a silver stiletto. Jenn also got some black, satin elbow length gloves and then we went into accessories. Once we were finally done, Mrs. Hyde paid for it all, no matter how long or hard I objected. I admitted defeat, again humbled and we went on our merry way. I was starting to get excited!

  Once we were on the way back home, Jenn and Mrs. Hyde were talking about Prom and makeup and hair; all that fun girly stuff. Suddenly my pocket chirps and I got a text message.

  Thinking of you…


  I smiled, giggling softly to myself, as my thumbs deftly responding to his text.

  What about me? :)

  I hit send, softly touching my lips with the pads of my fingertips, hiding my own secret smile. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was anxious to get a response from him. Soon my phone chirped again.

  I was thinking of your beautiful face, and your smile. I want to hear you laugh. Meet me tonight. Please?


  My secret smile turned into a full on grin. I swiftly responded.

  OK! Meet me at the fair? Under the Ferris Wheel. 8:30


  It wasn’t two seconds later that Jason responded over enthusiastically. I have a date with Jason Grimes and I am over the moon. It’s been awhile since we have gotten to spend a lot of quality time together and I am hoping that we can have a little romantic rendezvous; nothing overtly sexual obviously, but something mildly hot ‘n heavy and maybe some great conversation would be nice.

  Once we got back to the house, we put our bags in our rooms. I quickly went through some of my outfits and found a nice summer dress to wear. I wanted to look nice for Jason. I was hoping we could talk and really try to get to know each other a bit better.

  I tied my loose and crazy curls into a bun on the top of my head, and slapped on some lip-gloss. I quickly threw on some eyeliner and mascara and took a step back to look in the mirror. I felt pretty, and maybe even attractive. I want to look like I belong on Jason’s arm, and not get the looks like ‘he is with her?’ that I have grown accustomed to at school.

  I found some wedges to complete the look with some dangling earrings. I grabbed a clutch and made my way into Jenn’s room.

  “Do I have your seal of approval?” I ask her, spinning around.

  “Gosh, yes! You look hot, Georgy!” Jenn springs up from her bed. She threw her cell down and spun me around to get a good once over. “Where are you going? Got a date with Shane?”

  “Nuh huh. Jason.” I said, smiling.

  “Oh! But, wait!” Jenn squeals, tilting her head to the side and pouting. “What about the fair?”

  “I’m going to meet him there. Double?” I smile, pointing to her recently tossed cell on her bed.

  “Yes!”, her eyes lighting up like the fourth of July. She expeditiously grabs her cell phone and squeals “Nick! Can you meet me at the fair? …. I know it was going to be a girl’s thing but now it turned into a double date… Yes Georgia…” Her eyes suddenly dart back to my face. “No… Jason Grimes… Yes really…. See you soon!”

  “OK, what was that about?” I put my hands on my hips, giving Jenn a slight smile.

  “Nothing, he is going to meet us. He just thought you were Shane’s girlfriend is all.” Jenn says hurriedly, probably so I wouldn’t catch it.

  “Huh.” I sputter under my breath, but refusing to acknowledge the remark I usher her out the door. We made it down to my car in no time. Elsie has been running like a champ since Shane fixed her. I bit my lip, and smiled thinking of that day in Shane’s garage. It is a delicious memory.

  We stopped off to grab a quick sandwich on the way to the fairgrounds in Johnston County. We pulled up to the abandoned old farm lands that was now used to house fairs and the sort. The sun went down about a half hour ago and it still was warm outside. We waited for Nick to meet up with Jenn and we started to walk around. I quickly glanced down at my phone and found the time. I had ten minutes to be at the Ferris Wheel. I grabbed Jenn’s arm and told her that I was off to find Jason. I made my way around the fair and found the bright lights of the ride up in the beautiful Carolina night sky. I checked my makeup to make sure I was still presentable. I felt like I had a million eyes on me at once. Butterflies were fluttering in my mid-section, and I put a hand on my belly to calm them down. The smell of deep fried foods, cotton candy and popcorn filled the air. Laughter was the noise that surrounded me. There were a ton of people out here tonight, and I hoped that I could find Jason.

  Suddenly broad hands clasped around my middle, and I was pulled back against a strong frame. He smelled of musk and bergamot. His mouth was inches from my neck, and I can feel his breath tickling my skin.

  “I’ve missed this.” Jason says, with a low growl in my ear.

  “I know. I’ve missed you too. But I was hoping we could do more than just kissing.” I said, leaning back into his broad shoulders.

  “I was hoping you’d say that” Jason smiles against my exposed throat. Slowly his hand started to glide from the nape of my neck down to my cleavage, where I abruptly put my hand on top of his to stop him.

  “Not what I meant Jason.” I said, softly but sternly.

  “Oh? My apologies ma’am,” Jason laughs, spinning me around to look at him. And boy did I look at him. He had on snug fitted jeans, and a plaid button up shirt that was open at the collar. The sleeves were rolled up and he had a watch on his left arm that made you notice the athletic tone his body has. His hair was a hot, blonde tussled mess. My eyes quickly shot to his strong jaw line, and that ever inviting mouth of his.

  “I thought we could talk tonight” I plea in a breathless whisper.

  “I’d like to do a few other things as well” He says, pressing his self against me, and with his sexy side smile, Jason looks down at my lips. I bite my lower lips in response to his heated glare, hoping to either draw him in or hold him off. He leans in even closer and I can practically taste his breath, full of mint and lemon. My chest rises and falls with my hard and nimble breaths. I closed my eyes, and Jason takes my hand and pulls me from the gate that I was pinned against. Briskly my eyes flew open, while my heart is asunder. I wanted him to kiss me so bad, but I knew we needed to talk to see if any of this is going to work.

  “Step it up, I want to ride this thing.” Jason tugs my arms pulling me behind him. He gets us in line for the Ferris Wheel. “I love this ride. I feel like I am on top of the world.” Jason said, looking at me. Quickly his put up his hands and cupped my face. “I can only imagine it would feel better with you by my side.” And then he finally kissed me! But it was sweet, and swift. He was a little playful, and quickly licked the tip of my top lip.

  We hurried past the line and were able to get a cart to ourselves. It was a beautiful sight, being lifted up into the darkness, surrounded by beautiful, colorful lights. Jason held my hand and put his arm around me. Slowly we were being lofted up into the skies. He smiled at me and brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear.

  “What are you thinking beautiful?” Jason asks me, looking me in the eyes. He was searching for something, what I do not know.

  “I want to know more about you. Tell me things about you, the good, the bad and the ugly. I want to know where are seeing yourself in the future.” I turn, looking at him with tons of adoration.

  “Where do I see myself? OK. Why don’t you tell me about you first, and then I will tell you about me.” Jason turns to face me, smiling his cute half smile.

  “OK. Well like I was telling you I want to go to ECU. I don’t know what I want to study quite yet but I want to still do some things with music, and singing. I also want to help people and give back to my church as much as possible. I want to travel a bit – like bein
g kissed under the Eiffel Tower is something on my bucket list. I want to see Venice, and oh! I want to see Ireland too, and Greece.” I ramble on excitedly.

  “Is there anywhere you don’t want to visit?” Jason asks me, laughing, softly stroking my hand with his thumb.

  “Hmm…” I started to think. “Antarctica for sure, I don’t like the cold that much.” I laughed. “Where do you want to go?” I ask him, making sure I made eye contact so he can understand my sincerity.

  “With you, the only place I want to be is closer.” Jason strokes my hand with his thumb, looking me deep in my eyes, his stare unwavering.

  My heart fluttered, and I felt a drop in the pit of my stomach. I can hear everything around me as pristine and clear as day. The aroma of the fair wafted up into the sky where we are perched on top of the Ferris Wheel, where we both were on top of the world.

  “I have a scholarship to State. It’s only an hour and a half from ECU. And we can visit all the time, especially weekends. It’s not the end of the world, after high school. Graduation is not going to be the end of our story. And I’d love to kiss you anywhere you want to be kissed. We can start with here, the Ferris Wheel.” Jason takes my face in his hands and pulling me to him.

  His pulls me into a soft kiss; well, it was soft at first. I can taste his minty-ness on his tongue. His hands stroked my cheek, his lips parting mine he slowly licked the inside of my upper lip. He skillfully tugged and probed my lips into submission and entered my mouth with his tongue. Our heated breathing became almost rhythmic and our exhales danced with each other. My chest is dramatically rising and falling, my body is scorching with passion and I need to find a way to calm down, but my body reflexively responds to every touch of his. He places his right hand on my thigh and my body shuddered under his expert touch. Slowly his fingers arch up under the light fabric of my dress. My mind asunder, my body wants this and almost needs this and slowly I can feel his fingers reaching the apex of my thighs, heading ever so slowly to the center of my ache and need.


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