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by Joy King

  Chantal managed to obtain a top notch LA criminal attorney who had bail set. Somehow she was able to post the money for the million dollar cash bail, and it was rumored from reliable sources that Chantal planned to plead insanity.

  Although a restraining order was issued and she wasn't allowed in the same vicinity as Andre or Tyler, she was still free as a bird and walking the streets. The worse part was that his daughter, Melanie was caught in the middle. Every time Andre would see Melanie, she would ask him why he wasn't with Mommy, and why didn't they get married. Or why Mommy was crying all the time. It was overwhelming, especially since he was supposed to be the prosecution's star witness.

  Tyler was going to testify, but she didn't have a clear memory of the events that transpired that evening. They were counting on Andre's testimony to put the nail in Chantal's coffin. Andre knew that would destroy Melanie and she might never forgive him. Even though Melanie was too young to understand exactly what was going on, he knew that Chantal, her family and friends would make sure Melanie knew that it was Daddy that put Mommy behind bars. That was weighing heavy on his heart and mind.

  Chantal took a long shower so she could think about the meeting she had with her attorney in a couple of hours. Never did Chantal imagine she would be facing 25 years to life for attempted murder. This was her worst nightmare, losing her freedom and her daughter. That was exactly what would happen if she got convicted of the crime. She was determined not to let that happen.

  After lathering her entire body with La Mer, Chantal pulled her shoulder-length honey-blond hair up in a loose ponytail. She dabbed a bronzer on her face to bring it life and applied Chanel Berry Cherry lip-gloss, then headed towards the closet to pick out something to wear. She chose her Marc Jacobs cream slick fitting pencil skirt with a waist-length tapered tweed blazer. Her Louis Vuitton leather ankle-strap pumps and monogram canvas soft briefcase were the finishing touch. Chantal might have felt like a wreck but she surly didn't look it. When she strutted out of her subleased apartment in Beverly Hills, she put her best foot forward, determined to win the battle of her life.

  "Andre, I'm so happy to be home. I know this isn't a permanent residence but it's a whole lot better than that dreadful hospital."

  "It can be permanent if you like. Did you check out the view of the beach?" Andre said as he opened the white silk drapes from the vast windows, exposing the breathtaking coastline and whitewater.

  "Yeah, it is definitely inviting. I could stay here with you for the rest of my life. But in reality it isn't that simple. Honestly, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed regarding this case. I'm so tired of this scrutiny from the media. I wish this would all go away. They're actually portraying Chantal as a victim. What is this world coming to?"

  "I've been wracking my brains out trying to figure out that out too. But more than that, I'm dying to know how in the hell Chantal's lawyer is going to maneuver her out this bullshit."

  "Good afternoon, Chantal, have a seat," the distinguished looking attorney said. "Can I get you something?"

  "No thank you, I'm fine," she lied.

  "How are you holding up? I know how tough things have been but we're making progress," he said confidently.

  "Really? Tell me more, Mitchell. I need some good news."

  "I believe this insanity plea just might work. After my investigators interviewed the officers that arrested you that night, one said that he made the statement that you might end up in the loony bin. They agreed that you seemed awfully delusional."

  It aggravated Chantal that people were referring to her as nutty, but if it could get her off then so be it.

  "But is that enough?"

  "It's a great start. The fact that the initial reaction of the arresting officers was that you were crazy would make it seem more believable to a jury. It isn't beneficial for them to lie for you. Plus my team has been dropping well placed leaks to certain news programs, and the media outlets are actually starting to see you as a victim too. Of course the amount of sympathy you receive will never reach the level of Tyler Blake. She is the real victim, but at least you're not being seen as the villain."

  "If people don't see me as the villain, then who is?"

  "Andre Jackson of course-if this case makes it to trial, which I'm hoping it won't. We can't drag Tyler through the mud. The jury would hate us. But it's open season on Andre Jackson."

  "Not make it to trial, how would that happen?" Chantal asked, not seeing how that would be possible.

  "I'm hoping we can plead this out."

  "Plead out! Mitchell, I don't want to go to jail! I would rather take my chances with a jury."

  "My dear, I would never settle for jail time. I'm thinking a short stint in a mental facility, probation, and community service. I'm scheduling you for a psychiatric evaluation with a top specialist. Your case will be so well prepared that hopefully we'll shake some sense into those prosecutors before they waste a ton of taxpayers' hard earned money on a long drawn out trial."

  Chantal left Mitchell Stem's office with newfound hope. She heard he was the best, but if he could get her off without a trial or jail time then he was damn near a miracle worker.

  Chantal still couldn't figure out who was footing her legal bills. After the longest week of her life sitting in jail, Mr. Stern appeared out the clear blue sky. At first the Judge had denied bail, and like magic Mitchell not only got that changed, but he also came up with the money. When she insisted on knowing who had hired him and put up the money, he simply told her someone who had her best interest at heart. Chantal didn't know anyone who had pockets that deep who gave a shit about her besides Andre, and she would swear on her life it wasn't him. But who-that was truly the million dollar question.

  Tyler felt like a new woman after having a masseuse and a pair of women from her favorite spa come over and pamper her. She got the deluxe treatment and she was now so fresh and so clean.

  Tyler had Chrissie bring over some sexy lingerie she ordered from her favorite spot, La Perla. She planned on making love to Andre tonight for the first time since the accident. Tyler finally felt beautiful again and wanted to share her happiness with Andre.

  When he came home she was lying in their Clive Christian hand painted cream canopy bed with vanilla candles surrounding the room. The moon was cascading a light that had her body luminous. "Baby, I've been waiting for you," Tyler purred, sliding her body out of the bed.

  "I wasn't expecting this, but I'm pleasantly surprised. You look unbelievable. You feel unbelievable," he said, gliding his hand down her exfoliated skin. He placed his face under her neck breathing in the lethal aroma of her perfume. "Oh, Tyler I've been dying to be inside you again. I just didn't want to rush you. I wanted to make sure you were ready," Andre whispered in her ear.

  "I'm ready. Mybody is calling foryou," she said seductively, leading Andre to the bed. She pulled his taupe colored silk and cashmere blend turtleneck over his head revealing his chiseled dark almond colored arms and torso. Tyler practically tore off his wife beater so her tongue could explore his carved chest and diamond-hard abs.

  "Ohh, Tyler!" he moaned as her tongue made circles around his hard nipples. "Baby, stop, let me please you," Andre said, feeling as if he should be the one bringing Tyler this sort of pleasure.

  "No. When I please you it pleases me," Tyler said, now unzipping Andre's jeans. When she finally reached his manhood it was rock hard and perfectly smooth. Before she tasted him she let her hands get lost on his firm sculpted buttocks and used that grip to guide him inside her mouth. It was as if Tyler was famished and she couldn't get his penis further down her throat. She wanted to swallow every part of him and Andre could feel her energy. It aroused him to the point he felt out of control. Instead of being gentle with Tyler the way his mind reasoned he should, he wrapped his hand around her frail neck and pushed her back on the bed. But once he dove inside of her, the warmth and serenity of her pussy calmed him. He tenderly rocked inside of her and passionately kissed her soft lips. H
e followed her lead as she rolled her body so she could ride him like the black stallion he was. Andre watched her willowy torso move in rhythm as her voluptuous breasts bounced to the beat that was buzzing in his head. He couldn't believe this beautiful creature was his. When both reached their climax in unison, they wrapped their bodies around each other tightly until they fell into a deep sleep.

  Chantal sat on her living room couch watching some new modeling reality show. She wondered why it always seemed that the black girls they picked for these sorts of shows had the jacked up weaves and the goofiest smiles. She figured it was some sort of conspiracy to make Americans think these women actually represented African American beauty. Oh please! Chantal said to herself. She knew beauty and they weren't it. In the middle of her sizing up the finalist her phone started ringing. "Hello."

  "What's up, Chantal? I was calling to check on you," Shari said.

  "Girl, I'm watching this simple ass modeling reality show. Shari, you need to be on there competing for that million dollar contract and layout in the magazine. You look more like a model than any of these chicks. One of the hosts on here talking about no matter who wins that all the women should know they are the cream of the crop. What crop are they plucking from? These shows kill me," Chantal said, smacking her lips.

  "I'm glad you can be so upbeat under the circumstances." As long as Shari and Chantal had been friends, Shari could never quite understand how Chantal's crazy mind worked.

  "You mean facing all that j ail time? I actually had a meeting with my attorney a few days ago and he is feeling optimistic with our temporary insanity defense."

  "Well you have to be insane to try and run over your exfiance."

  "I'm serious, Shari."

  "What, you think, I'm joking? I'm serious too. When I first heard about it, I just knew it was a bad joke. Never in a billion years did I think you would seriously try to kill Andre."

  "Shari, like I told you before I just lost it. Seeing him and Tyler holding and kissing each other on what was supposed to be our wedding day just made me snap. I only planned to go over there and beg Andre to reconsider taking me back, but when I arrived and saw him with that bitch, I realized the reason he didn't want to get married was because he got back his little princess. I couldn't take it anymore. I put my all into Andre and then that snake came along and snatched him up. The nerve of her!"

  "Damn, Chantal, who did you mean to run over? By the way you're talking it seems you did hit the intended victim," Shari said, baffled by her best friend's statements.

  "Honestly, in a perfect world I would've run over both of them," Chantal stated matter of factly.

  When Tyler woke up the next morning she was rejuvenated and alive. Great sex is definitely the cure for a quick recovery. She wished Andre could've made love to her again this morning but she knew he left early for an important meeting, which she also had. William Donovan, Chrissie and her manager were all coming over shortly to discuss what basically summed up to spin control.

  Tyler took a quick shower and put on a comfortable pink terry cloth jogging suit. When she went downstairs she was happy to see that the maid prepared the pastries, and fruit platter with bottled waters, and her favorite mimosa. She heard the door bell ringing right on time. No doubt it was William. He was a punctual freak.

  "I'll get it!" she yelled so the maid wouldn't bother coming to the door. "Good morning, William," Tyler said with a beaming smile on her face. She was actually ecstatic to see her mentor and former lover.

  "Good morning, beautiful. You look incredible."

  "I feel incredible."

  "Great. Then you won't mind me telling you how crazy you are for being with that Andre Jackson. I don't understand, Tyler, a woman who has the potential to have it all, throwing her life away for a two bit thug."

  "I knew you were going to grill me, but damn, can we at least sit down first?" From the look on William's face, Tyler quickly reasoned William wanted to discuss it now. "Listen, William, I'm not throwing my life away. I know you don't want to hear this but I'm in love."

  "My darling Tyler," he said lovingly rubbing her face. "It's that naivete that makes you a star."

  "Help yourself to the goodies," Tyler said, ignoring his comment and going to answer the door. Chrissie and her manager arrived together. Although she loved all three of her team members in their own way, the quicker she wrapped up this meeting the quicker she could get them out of her house.

  "Wow, Tyler you look fabulous!" her flaming, delightful manager Felipe gushed. "Doesn't she look awesome, Chrissie?"

  "Yes she does, but I saw her yesterday, so unlike you, we had our moment."

  As Tyler led them in the living room where William had made himself comfortable, Chrissie and Felipe went straight for the alcohol-laced mimosa while health conscious William sipped his bottled water, just as Tyler expected.

  William stood up and passed out a perfectly typed letter to everyone. "This is an outline of what I propose we do for the next six months regarding Tyler's career." They all took a few minutes to read over the well detailed plan. As always, William meticulously covered everything. He was truly ten people in one person. "I know it seems like a lot, but now that I've seen you Tyler, I'm more confident than ever you can handle it."

  "This movie that you want to start filming next month, is it the one starring T-Roc?"

  "Yes. Why, do you have a problem with that?"

  "I'm not sure. You know how Andre feels about T-Roc. I don't think he'll be happy about this."

  "Tyler, this is business," Chrissie said before William had a chance to speak his mind. "You have to be able to separate the two.

  "I understand that, but Andre and I are getting married and he will be my husband. I have to take his feelings into consideration."

  "Married! You can't be serious! His fiancee almost killed you. He is surrounded by unstable and shady people. Marrying him would be the biggest mistake of your life. Even Jennifer Lopez had enough sense to get rid of that deadweight P. Diddy before he ruined her career. Please don't jeopardize your future for that lowlife thug," William warned.

  "I have to agree, Tyler, especially after this tragedy. You're lucky to be alive," Chrissie added.

  "You don't have an opinion, Felipe?" Tyler asked sarcastically.

  "Tyler, sweetie, you know I'm a romantic. Plus, I'm wise enough to know that you can't change the heart. I'll support you with whatever decision you make."

  Both Chrissie and William gave Felipe the look of death. But Tyler knew he didn't care. Felipe had too many neurotic relationships to pass judgment on anybody.

  "I appreciate that, Felipe. I also appreciate both of your concerns," Tyler said, looking at Chrissie and William. "But I need you both to respect my decision. Andre is the man I want to be with. I will do the film with T-Roc and your other long list of commitments, William. So can't we compromise?" Tyler asked, giving William the smile she knew he could never resist.

  "Whatever you say. The last thing I want to do is upset my star. You have a busy schedule ahead of you. `Angel' is premiering at the end of the month so you and your significant other have a lot of press ahead of you."

  "William, I don't understand why the studio isn't pushing the film back. Especially since I just got home from the hospital and I'm surrounded by all this media because of that psycho, Chantal."

  "There you go. The studio is trying to milk the publicity for all it's worth. They couldn't have paid for a better setup. You're on the front page of every magazine and the top headline for every tabloid show. To the studio execs this is the perfect opportunity. If it wasn't for the fact that you're my best friend I would agree with them from a publicity standpoint. But I know how this is affecting you," Chrissie explained.

  Tyler stood up and walked towards the window overlooking the beach. She wanted to run in the water and get swept away by the waves. She honestly didn't know how much more she could take.

  "Tyler, I know this is hard but you have to be strong.
Eventually this too shall pass," William said, reading her mind. If only he could make it pass now.

  T-Roc was looking forward to meeting with William Donovan. The untitled movie project he was about to embark on was long overdue. There seemed to be one stumbling block after another. First Andre unjustly stole what should have been his starring role in 'Angel'. Then when William finally gave the green-light for T-Roc to star in his next movie with Tyler, crazy ass Chantal ran the chick over. The last thing T-Roc wanted was some long drawn out trial, and with Chantal sitting in jail and ending up with a lackluster attorney or worse, a court appointed defense lawyer, the case would've dragged on forever. That's why he took it upon himself to hire Mitchell Stern to handle the case. Stern would turn the whole ordeal into a circus that neither Tyler nor Andre would want any part of. T-Roc rationalized that Tyler would become so overwhelmed by the media coverage she would want the whole thing to just go away. And Andre would feel so torn, because although he was in love with Tyler, Chantal was the mother of his child. Sending her to jail and leaving his daughter without a mother would be hard on even the coldest hearted man. If it all worked out the way he imagined, Chantal would do a Paris Hilton and get off with a slap on the wrist. Her freedom would eventually drive a wedge between Andre and Tyler. While working on the movie with Tyler he would be there to console her and soon they would be the King and Queen of Hollywood. Oh if only it could work out that smoothly, T-Roc hoped.

  "Good morning. I'm here for my meeting with William Donovan," T-Roc said to the secretary. He glanced around the office space and liked William's style. There was nothing ghetto fabulous about his taste; it was upscale and classy. I suppose like the man himself.

  "Just one moment sir."

  A few moments later William came out and greeted him. "Hi, T-Roc, it's good to see you," William said as they walked to his office. "Have a seat." T-Roc rubbed his hands together as he sat down anticipating good news. "I must say I'm awfully excited about this movie." It was clear to T-Roc that William was telling the truth because of the big smile on his face. "It's an urban version of `Pretty Woman' with flavor, and instead of the leading lady being a prostitute she's a struggling actress on the rise. You see what the role did for Julia Roberts. I have no doubt in my mind it will do the exact same-if not more-for Tyler. Of course your spin on the Richard Gere character will make you the most sought after leading man in Hollywood since... I guess me in my prime. This is the kind of vehicle that will make everyone shine, if it's done properly."


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