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by Joy King

  T-Roc sat attentively listening to William. He always respected the Oscar winner as an actor but he was also digging his business skills. William knew what he was doing. There were no half ass street movies coming from him. Everything was top of the line. He wanted minority actors to shine in a way Hollywood wasn't used to. His movies had glamour and well written storylines. T-Roc knew he could learn a lot from the Tinsel Town icon and felt good to be on his team.

  "So what do you think, T-Roc?"

  "I think it's fantastic. This is just the type of role I've been waiting for. Although I have to admit I was very disappointed that I didn't get the part as Damian in `Angel'."

  "I know, so was I. But young man, in life there is a reason for everything. It took me many years to accept that fact. Once I did, the world was mine. I know you wanted `Angel', but now you have this. `Angel' will no doubt make Tyler a bigger star, but the movie she is doing with you will make her a superstar. If you play your cards right it can do the same for you."

  "No doubt. How is Tyler doing anyway? It's so tragic what happened to her. A sweet girl like that shouldn't have to deal with so much drama. I know with this whole trial hanging over her head it has to be stressful," T-Roc said, fishing for information.

  "Yeah, it is," William said, tapping the pen on his mahogany desk. "I'm hoping it won't come to a trial. There is good publicity, and then there is too much publicity on a bad situation. Right now the outpour of sympathy is doing wonderful things for Tyler's image, but a long trial might tarnish her golden girl status. Chantal has one of, if not the best, LA criminal attorney. How she maneuvered that is still a mystery, but regardless, he plays hardball. I'm sure he will pull out all the stops to make Chantal appear as the victim; the betrayed and heartbroken fiancee who went ballistic because her long time boyfriend and father of her child had dumped her on their wedding day for beautiful starlet, Tyler Blake. The public might see Tyler as a selfish Hollywood home wrecker. You never know what these jurors are thinking. But honestly, too much time and money has been put into Tyler for us to even take that chance."

  "I can understand your concern, William. Also, with a trial I'm sure it will be difficult for Andre to testify against the mother of his child."

  "Don't even get me started on that son-of-a-bitch! He is the reason for all of Tyler's problems. What I wouldn't give to have him out of Tyler's life once and for all."

  Those closing remarks was all T-Roc needed to hear, to know that his plan might just work out indeed. He was patiently plotting for just the right time to reveal the newly discovered skeleton his informant pulled out of Andre's closet. T-Roc was waiting for the perfect opportunity to play his cards. When he did, T-Roc had no doubt it would be adios for Andre Jackson.

  Tyler was lying on the couch reading through the movie script William had delivered yesterday. She was impressed and actually excited to get back to work. Of course Andre thought it was too soon and he really exploded when she revealed T-Roc was her leading man. After a long heart to heart he finally understood that it was business.

  They also finally spoke about their baby that Tyler lost. Andre was actually taking it harder than her. He felt solely responsible for the loss of their child. In his mind if he'd never agreed to marry Chantal in the first place, he wouldn't have triggered any of the tragedies that followed.

  Tyler tried her best to reassure him that he wasn't the blame. They decided after filming her movie with T-Roc they would work on starting a family. That was something Tyler was looking forward to.

  "You scared me! I didn't even hear you come in," she said after the touch of Andre's lips on her forehead pulled her out of daydreaming.

  "What had your mind so far away?" Andre wanted to know.

  "Actually I was thinking about the beautiful babies we're going to make together."

  "Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. But I was thinking about all the fun we would have making the beautiful babies," he said grinning. Andre walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink.

  "Andre, you're having a double shot of Cognac in the middle of the day. What has you so stressed?"

  Even before Tyler finished her question Andre was pouring his second glass. "I didn't want to tell you this but they'll be calling you anyway."

  "Who are they?"

  "The District Attorney's office. I had to meet with them today," he revealed with frustration in his voice.

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I didn't want you to worry. The last thing you need to agonize about is this fucking case. This bullshit is driving me crazy."

  "Andre, what's wrong?" Tyler asked, concerned with the torture on his face.

  Andre just stood quiet for a minute with his head down, rubbing his chin. "Chantal's snake ass lawyer is really trying to do a number on me. The DA told me how he's basically going to put me on trial. Talking about I'm a drug addict and I got Chantal hooked on drugs. That I physically and mentally abused her which drove her insane and caused her to have a nervous breakdown and try to kill me."

  "What?" Tyler said, just feeling the walls closing in on her.

  "Tyler, I ain't no saint, never claimed to be. But I've never laid a hand on Chantal. Yeah, we dabbled in drugs and would get fucked up, but neither of us was addicted. I know I wasn't. Chantal was a party girl before I met her. Yeah, I did fuck around on her a lot, but she knew what type of dude I was before she locked me down with our daughter. I was never in love with Chantal and she knew it. They are going to try to paint me out to be some monster. The DA said he would try to make it so a lot of that stuff is inadmissible, but they'll find a way to get it in. My family, my daughter is going to hear that attorney try to tear me down, and then I'm going to have to turn around and tear Chantal down. That woman disgusts me, but to be honest with you, Tyler, there is so much pain in my heart because I do feel responsible."

  Tyler could see the hurt in his eyes, and it was killing her. "Andre, I don't know what to say. I'll admit that I've had nightmares about going to court and facing the million questions they will throw at me, but it doesn't compare to the havoc they'll throw at you. I feel terrible that you're in such a no win situation."

  "Don't feel sorry for me. You're the one that was in the hospital damn near on your death bed for over a month and lost our baby because of my immature behavior."

  "What do you mean your immature behavior?"

  "Don't you understand that I did mislead Chantal and treated her like shit? I used her because I couldn't have the woman I really wanted, which was you. When she slit her wrist that was a clear sign she was off her rocker. Then I turn around because you say you don't want us to be together and I ask her to marry me, knowing I didn't give a fuck about her in that way. I'm a bastard, because as soon as you came back I tossed her to the side like she was nothing. The crazy part is, if you hadn't come back I would've married the conniving broad. She would've been overjoyed finally being Mrs. Andre Jackson and I'd still been pinning over you and fucking mad other bitches to avoid facing my miserable existence."

  Tyler was shocked by the rawness of what Andre was saying. He was judging himself in a light that she could've never seen him in, but at the same time it did make a lot of sense. They fell in love so fast that she didn't have the opportunity to know or understand that part of Andre. The self destructive man that was trying to take responsibility for his less than stellar past behavior, it made her love him even more. The truth be told, Tyler didn't know if she could be so honest about her own checkered past or the emotional baggage she still carried around.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Andre finally asked after Tyler sat staring at him.

  "I was somewhere else for a minute," Tyler said, now standing up pouring herself something to drink. "Andre, I admire the fact that you're being so candid about your feelings. What do you want to do? I mean honestly. I'm so tired of turning on the television and seeing our names splashed across the headlines over this bullshit. It's a nightmare. Maybe something can
be worked out where a trial can be avoided. I definitely don't want to become infamous as the actress who was hit by the deranged would be bride," Tyler said, finding laughter in the whole incident for the first time.

  "You're too much. What are you saying that you want to end this?"

  "I've been wanting to end this," Tyler remarked, stressing the word been. "I don't think that Chantal should walk away free as a bird, but if we can avoid a trial, then by all means let's make it happen."

  For a moment Andre felt like this was the beginning of putting the whole Chantal nightmare behind them, but he wasn't sure if Tyler was saying this because that's how she felt or if she wanted to protect him. He didn't want to pressure Tyler into doing something she didn't want to do, especially since out of the three of them she truly didn't deserve any of this. "Tyler, I want you to really think this over carefully before you make any decisions. I'll admit, I don't want to get caught up in some freak show trial, but if you want Chantal to pay for her actions then I will see this through with you until the very end."

  Tyler walked towards Andre and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then she gazed in his eyes and could see how sincere his words were. She knew that he would stand by her side even if it meant unlimited scrutiny and breaking the heart of his family, especially his daughter. Tyler couldn't allow that to happen. The love she felt for Andre ran way too deep. "Baby, listen. A major part of me wants Chantal to rot in jail. She has to be the most destructive woman I've ever encountered. But at the same time, part of me can understand her pain. In Chantal's mind you all truly belong together and I came along and ruined everything. She has to be dying inside thinking about all of the what ifs, and I know that has to hurt you too."

  "But I don't want you doing this for me. You were the one that got hit by a car and almost died. I have no right to ask you to protect me."

  "I'm not protecting you, I'm doing what I believe is best for us. Even though we're not married yet, we're family, and one day Melanie will be my step daughter. Just like you don't want her to resent you, I don't want her to resent me either. Chantal does need to get help, but Melanie deserves to have her mother in her life."

  "You continue to amaze me. What did I do to ever be blessed with a woman like you? You really are too good for me."

  "My sentiments exactly," Tyler said before being distracted by the sound of clicking heels. Both she and Andre turned their heads to see who the unexpected guest was.

  "Mother! What are you doing here?"

  "That's a silly question. I'm not supposed to come see my daughter?"

  "How long have you've been standing there?" Tyler asked, feeling annoyed that her mother was interrupting a serious conversation between her and Andre.

  "Long enough to know you're planning on letting that nut job that tried to run you over get off with a slap on the wrist. I can't decide who needs to be institutionalized, you or that Chantal Morgan."

  "Woman, enough already," Andre barked, unable to contain the built up anger he had towards her.

  "Don't you speak to me in that tone, you minuscule thug!"

  Before the firecrackers could start, Tyler intervened. "Mother, stop!"

  "You need to tell him to stop. He's the one to blame for all this nonsense."

  "No he's not."

  "Tyler, you don't have to defend me to your mother or anybody else," Andre said as he held Tyler's hand. He then turned to Maria. "I apologize for how I spoke to you, but only because you're the mother of the woman I'm in love with and who I plan to make my wife. I don't take kindly to anybody speaking to me in a derogatory manner, and that includes you. I understand that you're concerned about your daughter's welfare, but so am 1. So when you come into our home, you treat me with respect or visit your daughter off of these premises. Now that I've made that clear, I'll give you two ladies some time alone." Andre gave Tyler a kiss on the lips before making his way upstairs.

  "The nerve of him to make such a threat to me!" Maria said once Andre was no longer within earshot.

  "He didn't threaten you, Mother, he simply stated the facts. Whether you like it or not, Andre and I are together. We will be husband and wife and you need to accept that. And I won't tolerate you disrespecting him, especially not in his own home."

  "How can you pick him over your mother?"

  "This isn't a contest. I'm not picking Andre over you. This is more about respect than anything else. Just like I would never allow him to degrade you, I'm just asking you to please respect the man I love. Is that really asking too much?"

  Tyler is asking entirely too much of me. But I've lived long enough and know Tyler well enough not to push any further The last thing I want to do is alienate her and I can feel that I'm beginning to do just that. If I want to get rid of Andre, I have to make Tyler value my advice and that means first gaining her trust, Maria thought to herself.

  "My sweet, beautiful daughter, I'm so sorry I've upset you. I just adore you so. If Andre is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with then I will respect your wishes."

  "You mean that?"

  "Of course I do. You know I never say anything that I don't mean. I promise to be polite to my future son-in-law, and to actually try to make amends."

  "Mother, you're the best. Thank you so much. For my mother and future husband to be close, that would mean the world to me."

  "I know it would. So don't you worry, my little princess. Mother will make it right," Maria said as she hugged her daughter.

  Little did Tyler know that making it right meant Andre had to go, if it was the last thing Maria Chambers had to do.

  It was a Friday night and Chantal was feeling more than alright. Earlier that day she met with her attorney, Mitchell Stern and he had given her some very promising news. After weeks of going back and forth, he was finally making some constructive leeway with the District Attorney who was prosecuting her case. Initially after he offered to have the charges reduced, he insisted that Chantal do some jail time. But Chantal had been decided that was out of the question, and her attorney agreed with her one hundred percent.

  To show he meant business, Mitchell had Chantal do an exclusive interview with Larry King. Of course all the questions were given to Chantal in advance and she was well rehearsed on what to say. And with her attorney right by her side the interview went off more smoothly than even Mitchell had anticipated. The thousands of dollars spent on a media trainer had more than paid off. Chantal came off as poised, intelligent and a victim of love. Not only did she have Larry King eating out the palm of her hands, so were the callers:

  "Ms. Morgan, I sympathize with you for what happened on what was supposed to be your wedding day, but can you explain how it drove you to try and run over your ex fiance?" a caller asked.

  Chantal let out a passive sigh and stared at Larry King for an endearing moment, and then turned to the camera as if speaking directly to the caller. "Have you ever been so in love with a man that you lose your sense of better judgment? Well, that's what happened with Andre. He is the father of my child and I believed we would spend the rest of our lives together. I feel horrible for the mistake I made, but I was a victim of love..."

  The next morning the District Attorney was almost begging to get the case closed. Not only was his office getting hundreds of calls in support of Chantal, but Tyler's and Andre's mouth pieces wanted damage control on all the bad press the two were getting, especially since their Hollywood premiere of `Angel' was right around the corner.

  Chantal was snapping her fingers to the music as she and Shari drove down Sunset Blvd. headed to the club. "Money can truly buy freedom, I can attest to that," Chantal belted over the loud music."

  Shari turned down the volume unable to hear what Chantal said. "Repeat that. I couldn't hear you."

  "I said, money can truly buy freedom," Chantal beamed.

  "I'm assuming you're talking about yourself, and you damn right. I still can't get over the turn of events. God forbid, but if I ever get caught up in some mess,
please let me have Mr. Stern to the rescue. His bill gotta be ridiculous."

  "I wouldn't know. I still haven't seen one."

  "You still don't know who's been kicking out all that bread to your attorney?"

  "Hell no, and at this particular point I don't even care. Just as long as the bills keep getting paid, what the fuck ever."

  "But you got to be curious about who is spending this type of dough to keep you out of the slammer. You sure it ain't Andre?"

  Chantal gave Shari the gangsta look. "Bitch, now you know that asshole ain't helping me with shit. He so wrapped up in that Tyler Blake he probably forgot what I look like."

  "I doubt that. After Larry King, a few motherfuckers know what you look like, and I know Andre saw you on there just like everybody else."

  "Yeah, well regardless, he wouldn't dare be footing my bill. I don't know who my secret Santa is, but whoever it is the angels were truly looking out for me on this one."

  "So what's next with the case?"

  "Thelma, that is why we're going out to party tonight because I'm this close to getting off with probation. Plus, the two lovebirds have their movie premiere tonight and I don't want to be sitting at home thinking about that."

  "Girl, you fucked me up with that one. You haven't called me Thelma in like forever. I know that's right."


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