My Fake Relationship

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My Fake Relationship Page 19

by V. R. Knight

  “Hey,” I said.

  Grant grinned at me. It was a little sloppy but still Grant.

  “Hey Ollie!” he looked down then up so did the other guys. The girl glared at me. She was wearing a short, short red skirt and a black knit top that was very low in the front. I just ignored her.

  “So what have you been up to?” I asked. The other guys and girl started their own conversation.

  “Good! Great! I’ve been great. You know Kendra and I broke up right?”

  I laughed and nodded. “Yeah, Candice told me.”

  He nodded, not seeming bothered by it.

  “What about you?” he asked me.

  I shrugged.

  “Same, same. Just been going to the hospital to see Zane.”

  He ignored that.

  “Want to go upstairs and talk?” he asked out of the blue.

  I stuttered then finally said.

  “Sure.” That wasn’t what I wanted to do but hey I did want to talk to him right. He took my hand and I almost jumped as all the memories we had together came back. The times he took me out and we made out in a movie or went back to my house to make out in my room until my parents came home. Or the way he would tell me he loves me when he was touching me. My heart beat raced. We walked up the stairs and he stumbled a second.

  “You ok?” I asked loudly over the music.

  He nodded and kept on walking. We walked into a dark hallway spotted with people making out. I wanted to talk to Grant and I hope that’s what happens.

  Chapter 46

  We opened up the last door on the right and saw no one was in then walked in. It was dark and only a small light on the wall showed. It had a bed and band posters. It was a guy’s room, I think - probably Jonathan’s. I was about to turn around and say something when Grant’s lips crashed onto mine. I was so stunned, I didn’t move. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. His lips felt sticky and wet and beer taste filled my mouth. I pulled back.

  “Grant.” I whispered feeling weird.

  “Mm?” he asked pulling back.

  “I don’t think—“

  “Olivia, I love you. I can’t you get off my mind. I broke up with Kendra because I want to be with you. I love the way you smile and laugh. I couldn’t stand Kendra. I have to have you.” he started kissing me again and this time I let him. He really felt that way for me? He was confessing his love for me. Like he did in my dreams. We sat down on the bed and he moaned in my mouth as I started kissing him back not really closing my eyes though, still thinking. I forgot how much I liked Grant I guess. This is what I wanted, wasn’t it? Isn’t that why Zane and I got together, to get Grant and Kendra back? This is what we had planned on. Right? Not having sex with Zane or falling for him!

  Grant pushed his tongue into my mouth and I frowned slightly at how I didn’t quite like that. But I ignored it. He put his hand on my knee. I realized his hands were hard. They weren’t soft. Not like Zane’s. They went up my leg not making me shiver or have goose bumps. Then his fingers were under my skirt. I shifted a little not feeling comfortable. Why was I doing this?! Come on Olivia! This is what you wanted! You want him and now you don’t! What the hell is wrong with you?! I yelled at myself. “I love you…” he murmured over my lips. “I love you Ollie….” I frowned again. I hated that nickname! He pushed me back on the bed and I limply did it trying to find a reason I shouldn’t want this. He pushed himself down on me and I gasped from his weight. He thought it was from the kiss and groaned. “Oh baby…” he said turned on. I then realized something. I didn’t like Grant. The feelings I was feeling, where old feelings. Not new ones. The news ones I felt were……oh my gosh! I was in love with Zane Walker! My eyes opened and I pushed Grant off me grinning like an idiot. “What’s wrong baby?” his words slurred together and I knew for a fact he was drunk.

  “Ha. Nothing. But you know what?”

  He leaned in forward toward me, trying to put his hands on me.

  “What?” he asked.

  I pulled his hand off me and looked him straight in the eyes.

  “I don’t love you anymore. Actually I don’t even think I like you as a person.”

  His mouth came open and his eyes got wide, stunned that I would say something like that.

  “What?” he asked confused.

  I stood up still grinning and looked down at him.

  “I was never really in love with you Grant! At least I’m pretty sure I wasn’t. Maybe it was a puppy love but nothing more. But I was so interested in you that I forgot I had this deep down weird strange most interesting feeling toward Zane, this whole time!” I said throwing my hands in the air. Admitting it out loud made my heart pound and it made me want to cry with joy, or at least jump up and down like a school girl.

  “You mean Walker?” Grant asked loudly.

  I nodded staring off at the wall. I need to tell him tonight. I have time. It’s not too late. I need to. Then maybe we can be together, for real, for real. Oh my gosh Zane! I’ve always been in love with you! I looked back down at a frowning and confused Grant.

  “Grant…I got to go.” I said and ran toward the door.

  “Wait!” he called.

  I swung open the door, scaring a couple in the corner.

  “Oops sorry!” I said, still giddy.

  “Ollie wait!” he said.

  I turned toward the door. He stared at me his eyes dull and his hair matted. He looked like an average guy to me.

  “Oh! Sorry! I forgot to thank you.”

  He frowned.

  “The hell?” he asked.

  I grinned even bigger.

  “Thank you for being an asshole and dumping me. If you hadn’t I would still be with you and probably unhappy. And thanks for calling me Ollie because I actually hate that name with a passion!”

  He was looking at me as if I was insane. The couple in the corne,r I couldn’t tell who they were, but they were watching and listening to us.

  “You’re such a bitch Olivia!” he yelled furious.

  I laughed still grinning.

  “I know!” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek then patted his arm. His eyes rolled back a little in his head. “But if you didn’t dump me I would be a much bigger bitch of an idiot for being with you,” I confirmed.

  He was about to curse at me when his eyes rolled back into his head and he flopped to the ground and was snoring. I laughed then ran down the hallway at full speed. I have to go see Zane! I have to tell him how I really feel! I love him!

  Chapter 47

  I raced into the hospital and running down the hall toward the doors that gave me to Zane. A nurse was coming out and about to lock the doors when she turned and saw me.

  “Miss, visiting hours are—“

  “Please!” it came out as a hoarse cry.

  She jumped, surprised. I grabbed the nurse by the shoulders and glanced down at her nametag. “Peggy! Listen you have GOT to let me in. The man I want to spend the rest of my life with is about 5 feet away from me and he has no idea! Please! Please! Let me in for my happiness! For the sake of my sanity!”

  The woman stared at me then her lips twitched.

  “Miss, I was just going to say you have an hour to visiting hours still.”

  I loosened my grip on her shoulder.

  “Oh.” I said and she smiled. I finally let her shoulder go.

  “I was just doing that to be dramatic—“ “Go get your man!” she called waving me to the door.

  I grinned.

  “Thanks! Oh and sorry about the…” I pointed toward her shoulders and knew there would be a mark.

  She laughed.

  “Just go.”

  I ran into the white hallway and then stopped at Zane’s room. It was shut almost the whole way but just a crack. I took in a deep breath. You love him Olivia. And I can’t believe you JUST realized that now. You’re such an idiot! I just need to tell him. I pushed open the door and Zane was standing up. He looked sharply at the door his eyes were
dark and his brow was furrowed like he was mad. He was perfect though. Everything I wanted was him. I loved everything about him.

  “Zane!” it came out as a gasp as I ran over to him. “I have to tell you something,” I said quickly.

  “That you slept with Grant at the party tonight?” he said bitterly making me flinch.

  “What?” I asked confused, losing my train of thought.

  “Wait, no I didn’t sleep with Grant. Listen I really, really need---“

  “Yeah right! I heard you were all over him!”

  I frowned, my happiness leaving me quickly.

  “Zane, no, I didn’t do anything with Grant. I mean we kissed but that was it. But I found something out. I—“

  “So you admit that you did!” he said. “I can’t believe you! You know, even if we don’t really like each other you could have at least slept with someone who wasn’t Grant. Way to go in making me a pathetic looser!” he yelled loudly.

  I stared shocked and frozen. Who did he hear this from?! I didn’t sleep with him! Why can’t Zane let me tell him how I really feel?! Why can’t he know from the way I’m looking at him right now?

  “I knew you were just like Kendra,” he said so cold and cruel.

  I flinched again. He towered over me and I felt like I was filled with coldness. He doesn’t love or like me now. Tears filled my eyes.

  “Zane….I didn’t—“

  “You know!” he said cutting me off and stepping back away from me. His eyes were black looking and I felt like no warmth could ever come to me again. “Save it. I don’t care about anything you say. We can basically say this stupid, idiotic, pointless fake relationship is over!” he said slicing his hand through the air to modify it was over. It was silent. I stared at the ground tears falling helplessly.

  I can’t let him do this to me. I thought. I can’t let him cut me like this. I looked up and I saw his body loosen its stiffness. Find your strength Olivia. Find it now!

  “The fake relationship was your idea!” I yelled.

  He glared.

  “You’re the one who approached me and asked me! Don’t you forget that!” I pointed a finger. Then I stepped back feeling like my legs were Jell-o. They won’t support me for long. I quieted my voice as I stared straight into his eyes. He saw it coming.

  He knew.

  “Pointless? I guess you think my virginity was pointless?” it was silent and he didn’t say anything. I clenched my teeth. Be strong. Do not show him your about to barf everything you had eaten today onto the tile floor, or that your heart hurts like someone stab a pen through it. Act like you stubbed your toe and it’s the aftereffects. I bit the inside of my mouth hard my hands already in fist. I stepped back again and looked at him. Without another word from both of us I left. I didn’t even bother to stop as I started running. I ran outside and into the cold air hoping it would help the hard sobs that hurt my chest so bad I wanted to scream.


  Oh fuck. I can’t believe I just did that! Oh man…..I will never forget that look Olivia gave me; that sad broken hearted look. I shook my head.

  “Get it out of your head!” I yelled out loud. She broke your heart stupid! She cheated on you with Grant! I will thank Greg next time I see him. He said he was standing there next to Grant when Olivia walked up and told him to come up stairs with her. She was practically throwing herself at him! Why shouldn’t I be mad?! Greg was a good friend of Grant’s and I hated the jock but why would he lie to me? He actually was nice enough to come and warn me. I should be happy. But I’m more upset then I thought I would be. I waited in bed thinking maybe she would come over after the party and tell me she had a good time and all, then I would confront her and yell at her and she would admit that she cheated on me and then she would beg for forgiveness. But she didn’t. She just listened trying to tell me something. I didn’t care what she had to tell me! I was downright pissed! She is making me look a fool! Maybe she’s been seeing Grant all this time. Greg also told me that Grant and Kendra broke up. Why didn’t Olivia tell me that! I crushed my hands to my head feeling the head spasms. I can’t believe what I just said to Olivia. I couldn’t help it. It all sort of rushed out. I felt like I was yelling at Kendra. Or maybe that’s what I wanted to do. But still Olivia hurt me more than she knows and she didn’t even care! I have a right to be pissed. A bigger right then she does……because I actually fell for her.


  I wanted my mom. I wanted to feel her warm embrace. Like I did when I was 5 and a thunderstorm was coming in and lightening made the sky light and scary. Then the thunder rumbled and I would push my face into my mother’s neck trying to get away from it. She would shush me telling me that it was alright. Then dad would tell me it was ok and rub my back. I wanted both my parents more than anything right now. I wanted to be 5 again and be running from a thunderstorm, instead of having my heart be split into two. I jumped out of the car and ran to the door. It was locked. I quickly unlocked it, sobs breaking my chest. I threw open the door and stumbled in. I stopped as not a sound was made. The lights were turned off and everything was quiet. No one was home. With a sick retching sob I screamed. I’m sure the whole neighbor could hear it. I didn’t care.

  “Why is no one home when I need them the most?!” I screamed as I raced toward the fire place ripping off the stockings with our names on them.

  “Why is it my parents don’t give a rats ass about me?!” I screamed as I kicked a picture frame of us in Paris smiling on one of the stands. I ran toward the staircase where the pretty ribbon wrapped around the railing. I pulled it off ripping it making a tearing sound.

  “Why can’t my parents care more about me than themselves?!” I was in rage and nothing could stop me! I ran toward the Christmas tree we had gotten and glared up at it.

  “Why can’t Zane listen to me?” With another rage, I had strongly knocked down the Christmas tree and all the ornaments fell and shattered. With that, my legs finally gave out and I crumpled to the ground. I held myself tightly together as I let out the last cries.

  After I was done my hands bled from the glass as I picked it up. I threw it away with a blank expression. I had to get out of here. I went up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed a big black duffle bag and threw my clothes into it. As I got my things from the bathroom I stopped and stared at myself. My makeup had come off and made my cheeks black with eyeliner. My tight shirt and skirt felt almost claustrophobic. I don’t look like myself. I don’t think I have for a while now.Since I wanted to make Grant jealous I changed my whole personality. I hate this person, I thought looking in the mirror. I can’t believe I let Grant walk all over me like that! He was controlling me and I didn’t even know. I felt the most like myself when I was with Zane. I felt braver and stronger when I was with him. Don’t think about him. I told myself. With another set of rage, I tore my black skirt taking it off of me along with my shirt. I yanked it off hearing it tear here and there. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a warm sweat shirt. I got everything I needed from the bathroom and then wrote a note. Before I left I went to my jeweler box and opened it. A picture of my grandma and I sat smiling at me. I didn’t smile back; I grabbed the key and shut it. I put my duffle bag over my shoulder and headed out to my Jeep. I need to get away from it. I need to get fresh air.

  Olivia’s note---

  Mom and Dad,

  I’m going away for a while. I just can’t be home. If you need me you can call the cabin phone number because I don’t get reception there. Please, don’t come up. I just want to be alone for the holidays like every year. I’ll call you when I get there. Love you both,


  Chapter 48

  I stayed at the cabin for two weeks. I smiled as I ran my fingers over the soft old couch. It felt smooth and just how I remembered it when I was 8. I looked at the coffee stain on the floor and put my head on the arm of the couch to stare at it. I remember that my grandma had given me a taste of her coffee and me being only 4, wanting a littl
e more. The cup tipped back to far and got it all over my face, then I dropped the cup and screamed because it was a little hot. It made the stain on the floor. I closed my eyes and I swear I could almost hear my grandma humming in the kitchen, and the sound of the microwave turn on, as she heated a cup of coffee or tea. But I could hear nothing. I reopened my eyes and looked at the fireplace in front of me. There were no Christmas decorations, no Christmas tree or any presents. Just a fireplace. Christmas was over but sometimes you could still feel like it was still there. The smell, the sound….but no. there was nothing. The only thing I did for Christmas was make myself a small turkey and mashed potatoes. Plus I went into the closest town and bought myself a couple books. The TV here has only 5 channels. My mom had called the day I got there at midnight. She was worried, of course. But I wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. After that, she called once a day, then later once every couple days. I hadn’t heard anything from Zane either. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t either. School would be starting back up soon, too. Tomorrow actually. Today was New Year’s. I could hear fireworks going off miles away. I stood up and walked to the window pulling my sleeves down around my fingers and watched fireworks shoot up from the towns below me.


  I watched the fireworks as one of the moronic party-goers threw a firework and it bounced back to hit him in the leg. He screamed. I sighed and took another long drink of my beer. I had gotten out of the hospital a week ago. I was finally mostly better. The bastard Scott was in jail for a couple years and my mom was happy. But I wasn’t. I didn’t know why, though. I should be happy, Olivia and I aren’t together. She cheated on me! No bitch cheats on Zane Walker! I clenched my hands tightly. But Olivia isn’t a bitch. I had thought I was in—


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