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Hellhound in a Handbag

Page 7

by Viola Grace

  “Sure, if she can cut our tie, she has a chance to claim me again. She can file for a reassignment. She can’t kill you, but she can maim you.”

  He scowled. “She would have a hard time doing that.”

  “She doesn’t play fair. She uses concealed charms and throws them like hand grenades.”

  “I stand forewarned. She still isn’t getting her hands on you.” He touched her cheek and stroked her skin with his thumb.

  She desperately wanted to lean into the touch, but this was war, for lack of a better term. She met his gaze and kept her expression soft. “Well, if I am here for the night, I had better get to work.”

  Benny sighed. “You are too stubborn for your own good.”

  “It is the demon zone leaking through.” She wrinkled her nose.

  Benny groaned. “Right. Of course. Well, we have seen your performance on the stage, so now, we have to return to work. Keep us posted as to your situation. I will text you near dawn.”

  Freddy hugged her. “Of course, buddy. Now, take your team and go fight crime, or wait for me to start a riot. Your choice.”

  Benny looked her in the eye, and she winced. “Right. We are leaving. Come on, fellas.”

  Freddy stood with her bejewelled arms crossed and watched them go. When they had left the booth, she sighed in relief. “Whew. I thought I was going to have to strip naked on the main stage.”

  Symon stared. “You would have done it?”

  “I don’t make empty threats. She knows it.”

  “I see. Well, we have customers, so do what you do so well.”

  Freddy nodded. “Off I go, Mage Symon.”

  She sold an illusion of masculinity to a merman in the form of an arm cuff, earrings that would muffle sound to a werewolf with keen hearing, and a pair of large wedding rings were sold to a troll woman who was shopping for her son.

  Each receipt was written up, recorded, and the funds were processed before the item was handed over. There were two attempts at shoplifting, but Freddy wandered over and offered to hold the mirror while the vampire tried them on.

  The vampire’s companion was snickering, but Freddy merely asked if they wanted the companion piece to the bracelet they had just palmed.

  Both items were returned to her, and the vampires left.

  She worked through the night when the gong sounded. She smiled ruefully and shook her head. “Well, there goes that contract.”

  Symon came toward her, and he frowned. “What?”

  “Mosk was supposed to have food delivered to me. Nothing has shown up, so the deal is off.”

  He smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes. I am depending on folk to keep their word.”

  “Fair enough. Are you ready to shed your extra weight?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, Symon. Take it off... take it all off.”

  He snorted and took her hand, guiding her back to the workshop. He removed her metal wear and placed it on dummies for safekeeping. When she was clear of the extra silver and jewels, he smiled. “If you want to change into your regular clothing, I will wait outside.”

  “Please.” She smiled and kept that smile in place until he was out of her sight. Freddy could feel her face pulling into lines of pain. The ward that he had put on her had stopped the agony, but the muscles that had felt the abuse were still sore.

  It took all her effort to remove her outfit and put on her underwear and sundress. The sandals were a delightful relief. She didn’t think she could tie her own shoes at that point.

  When she was texting Benny to let her know that she was going to Symon’s place, she wandered out into the booth, and Symon nodded. “Wait here.”

  She looked around and took a mental inventory of the stock that was left in the booth. She heard a knocking at the door to the booth, but the shield had kicked in while she was changing. The dark figure at the edge of the booth was insistent, and it knocked again.

  Freddy saw the outline of the body, and she froze. “How the hell did she get here?”

  Symon walked out of the back in jeans and a tight shirt. “Who is here?”

  “She is here.”

  “You are serious?”


  “So, this is going to happen here.”

  “Apparently. Remember, try to get her to challenge me. I will do my own taunting.”

  He gave her a dark look, and he stepped toward the doorway with a determined stride. Freddy walked behind him, and when they passed through the doorway, the figure was gone. The flap of the cover fell across the shop opening, and their backs were covered.

  Symon reached back and took her hand, leading her toward the open space of the stage.

  There was a rustle of energy before the first fireball came toward them.

  Freddy tackled Symon, and the projectile sailed over their heads.

  The British voice said coldly, “Where is she?”

  Symon got to his feet. “Who?”

  “My familiar. The dog. Where is my damned dog?”

  Freddy slowly got to her feet. “You don’t have a familiar. The transfer was ratified by the Mage Guild, both here and in the UK.”

  “Bullshit. No one told me that. Where is she?”

  Freddy scowled. “Standing right in front of you, asshole.”

  Martha stared. “No. My familiar is a dog.”

  “No, your familiar was under a curse administered by the guild. It is transferable, and now, you don’t have one. Tada.”

  Symon came to stand next to her but slightly to the front. “I have volunteered to take her on, and now, she is my familiar.”

  “You can’t have her. She is my familiar.” Martha used her power move and blasted at Symon with all of her energy.

  Symon was struck, and he staggered back. Freddy watched, and when he struck back with the metal and fire, she placed her hand on his shoulder. The demon fire mixed with his energy, and the bolt that struck Martha sent her back twenty feet, and when she landed, she was smoking.

  They approached her, and she was moving slightly, but her body was so full of drugs and scorched tissue that it was doubtful she would get up again.

  “Call the Mage Guild.” Freddy whispered it softly.

  A voice behind them spoke. “Unnecessary. So, this is the idiot?”

  Freddy turned to see Hyl as he approached. “Yes, this is her.”

  “I have this. Go and get some rest, possibly a healing spell. You are damaged.”

  Freddy nodded and leaned against Symon. “I think we should go now.”

  Symon nodded and looked down at his hands. “What was that?”

  “That was properly harnessed power from the demon zone. Come on. You can buy me breakfast again.”

  He smiled slightly. “You want to go for food after that?”

  “Blasting the wicked makes me hungry.”

  He laughed and watched as Hyl casually flipped the scorched mage onto her belly before cuffing her hands behind her back.

  “She will be held and charged with interference between a mage and familiar. Were there any other assaults?”

  Freddy nodded. “I was under a blood attack earlier in the day.”

  “I will look into it. It is a serious charge, so I look forward to slapping her with it.”

  “I will put any memories into a display if necessary.”

  “I will make a note of that.”

  Hyl disappeared with his prey. A moment after he had spoken, the spot was empty.

  Symon looked at her. “You still want food?”

  “I need to eat, and you said you would take care of me. I am holding you to it.”

  He cocked his head. “Really?”

  “Yes, and the guild is going to need to see what happened, so it is easier if they can get us both at the same place. They tend to haul away the familiars first and torture them before questioning their mages.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “In that case, let�
�s return to my home, and we will have something to eat and get some rest.”

  Freddy nodded. “Please. I am feeling a little vulnerable right now.”

  He smiled and offered her his arm. “I would be honoured for you to accompany me.”

  She wrapped her hand around his forearm, and they walked to the gate. Sure, there were witnesses to the event, but they gave the mages a wide berth. It was mage business, and the extranaturals stayed out of it.

  Chapter Eleven

  The snug Tudor-style home suited him. Freddy sat in the kitchen and watched as he made them each a cheese and mushroom omelette.

  “How big is the property?” She smiled as he set the plate down in front of her.

  “Five acres. I have my forge out back, but the rest is wild.” Symon flipped his own omelette once and then slid it onto a plate.

  Herbal tea took the place of coffee as they were going to try to get what rest they could.

  “Do you have a garden?” Freddy’s question was anything but casual.

  “No. I bought this place five years ago, and I have been going non-stop ever since. No time for landscaping or horticulture.”

  She nodded and took her first bite of the food. “Wow. This is good.” Freddy said it as she was sucking air into her mouth. The omelette was also extremely hot.

  He sat next to her. “It is my go-to when I am working. I am never more than five minutes from a hot meal.”

  She chuckled. “How much longer is the Faire running?”

  “Only a week.”

  She nodded. “So, ideally, I would be there with you for the rest of the week.”

  “That is the plan. Why are you suddenly talking like you aren’t going to be here?”

  Freddy wrinkled her nose. “I have no idea what the guild is going to say. My ancestor was punished for fighting a legal duel against a bully, so I am not confident in their judgment.”

  “Ah. That. I will stand with you.”

  She smiled at him. “I know you will, but that doesn’t really matter to them.”

  “When do you think they will call?”

  Freddy snorted. “At the most inconvenient time.”

  Symon nodded. “That does sound like them.”

  She finished her meal and took her empty plate and his for a trip to the sink. She quickly washed them and set them on the draining board.

  She turned and leaned back against the sink. “So, where am I sleeping?”

  “I am not trying to be forward, but I can protect you more easily if you and I are in contact. So, with clothing on but my room?”

  She nodded and let out a tremendous yawn. “I think that is fine.”

  He chuckled. “Right. This way.”

  He led her through his home and up to a loft that overlooked a huge living room. Freddy kicked off her shoes and climbed into the bed, her eyes drifted shut before he had climbed in next to her. She felt him wrap an arm around her waist and spoon her, but the smile on her lips was the feeling of security that he was giving her.

  Even an hour of sleep would be enough to wash away the stress of the day.

  Someone was shaking her shoulder. “Freddy. They have come for us.”

  She nodded and sat up. The three guild officers surrounding the bed were not a surprise. Hyl’s grinning face behind them was the surprise.

  She scooted off the bed and put on her sandals. Symon put on his own shoes, and when he was ready, the guild officers surrounded them.

  There was a surge of power, and when the light faded, they were standing in the middle of a hall in the Mage Guild.

  Symon moved to be next to Freddy and took her hand. She squeezed his roughly textured hand and looked at the tribunal that was lined up on a dais.

  The guild officers urged them to approach the dais, so Freddy stepped forward and smiled brightly.

  “Honour of the day to you, sirs and madam.” Freddy bobbed a curtsy.

  “Fredericka, cursed familiar of the Shokar clan. You stand accused of assaulting a mage.”

  She looked at them. “That account is incorrect.”

  The mages looked at each other, but there was contempt in the central mage’s eyes.

  “You didn’t ask which mage we were referring to.”

  She smiled. “There has only been one mage who attacked me in the last two years. This one person used to be the mage I was attached to, and she assaulted my current mage, my intended mage. He defended himself, and I acted within my purview to assist him.”

  The mages blinked and recoiled slightly. “That was not the account we were given.”

  “Well, if it came from the so-called victim, she would have a self-interest to protect.”

  The three murmured to each other.

  Freddy looked to Symon, but his brow was furrowed, and he was trying to speak. She whispered, “Don’t bother. They won’t let you talk until they want to hear you.”

  He pressed his lips together, and he nodded. She squeezed his hand without moving, and he smiled slightly.

  The mages finished speaking to each other, and their spokesman turned to her. “The officers indicated that they found you in bed with your mage. Are you using your body to gain his agreement?”

  Freddy shook her head. “Did your officers mention that we were both clothed and on top of the covers? I am dressed now as I was then.”

  The mage looked to the officers, and they nodded.

  “Your previous mage has made grievous claims against you.”

  “I have no doubt. If I can be pressed to a truth orb, you can ask me whatever you like.”

  Symon was squeezing her hand, but she ignored him.

  The mage raised his brows. “You want to be pressed to the truth?”

  “I want this over and done. One day’s pain may buy me the rest of my life. It is a risk I accept.”

  The mage trio nodded. “Done. Officers, summon an orb and bring in the plaintiff.”

  Hyl and one of the other officers summoned a truth orb that was nearly as tall as they were.

  It took ten minutes, but Martha was escorted in, and her skin was healed and bright red. The expression on her face was smug. She loved causing trouble.

  “Mage Martha Smith, we are here to hear your grievance against your former familiar, and something has come to light.”

  Martha frowned. She hated being questioned. “What?”

  The mage blinked and then followed up. “It appears your description of events was not the only version. We are here to press the truth out of your former familiar, and she will answer what we ask.”

  Freddy nearly belted out a hoot of laughter. Martha had turned green.

  She whispered to Symon. “Make sure they ask about what she used me for. It is important.”

  He nodded.

  “Fredericka, will you please enter the orb.” The mage spokesman leaned forward.

  She nodded and walked into the orb. Her hands and feet were pulled toward the edges, and the magic pressed in on her.

  “Familiar, what are your recollections of last night? The altercation between your mage and your ex-mage?”

  Freddy held still as the magic pressed in on her. She thought of the moment, and she felt it leave her body.

  * * * *

  Symon watched as Freddy’s face barely contorted with what had to be an agonizing pressure. The memory emerged from her and floated up above the orb, playing back from the moment she saw the shadow at the door until she added her power to his to stop the other mage.

  The council looked confused.

  Symon raised his hand, and suddenly, he was free to speak. “Would it benefit you to learn why her ex-mage wanted her back so badly? What purpose she was fulfilling?”

  The council nodded, and the central one asked, “Familiar, what did you do for your previous mage?”

  Bubbles began to flow up hard and fast. Within the orb, Freddy was screaming as hundreds of images left her memories and were d
isplayed above.

  Images of animals fighting surrounded by cheering mages filled the bubbles. She bit, clawed, and was savaged in turn.

  Symon looked toward Martha, and it was apparent that she had tried to exit the room. Two guards held her fast as they stared in horror.

  When Freddy’s hellhound body was used to attack another mage, that was enough for the council. They stopped the orb, and Freddy fell to her knees.

  Symon helped her to her feet, and he kept an arm around her. She was coated in sweat, but her jaw was set. She was determined. He helped her stand straight.

  The council looked at her. “Were you used in fights against standard animal familiars?”

  Martha was actively struggling now.

  Freddy nodded. “I was. I was a fight dog with an enchantment placed on me that made the other combatants’ mages forget that they had ever seen me before. I would fight the same familiars over and over for Martha’s profit.”

  The council leaned back and talked to each other for a moment before nodding, and the central mage looked at Freddy with accusing eyes. “Why was this matter never brought to the Mage Guild’s attention?”

  Freddy straightened her shoulders. “I tried. On seventeen separate occasions, I petitioned the guild for a hearing, but I was denied under the assumption that I was petitioning for my freedom. All I wanted was a respectable mage, and now, I have one.”

  He looked at her. “How did that come about?”

  “I was attending an event at Ritual Space which caused me to be unable to respond to her summons. When I was out of the constricted area, she summoned me and then attempted to kick my familiar form to death in front of witnesses. When I returned to my friends, they got me to a healer and provided me with these cuffs, which were wrought by Symon. They stopped me from being pulled to her until things could be corrected.”

  They looked at each other. “Do you have witnesses to your state?”

  “Sure. Minerva is my friend and healer. She took care of me with her mate and sent me home when I was physically ready.”

  Symon knew that name. She was a tremendously powerful mage who was living in a distant city with a dragon.

  “Minerva? The spell-maker?”

  Freddy nodded. “The very same. I have known her for over a decade, and she is a very reliable witness, as is Beneficia Ganger. She has seen me bloody and torn more than once.”


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