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Hellhound in a Handbag

Page 8

by Viola Grace

  “So, your opinion is that you have been tortured.”

  Freddy cocked her head. “No, I am concerned that I was used to torture others. Aside from my connection to the demon zone, I am not a monster. The shape that I have to wear during an attack is one that has been forced on my bloodline. I hate that it was used to hurt anyone.”

  They paused to deliberate again. When he leaned forward again, he sounded tired. “Would you be willing to testify against your previous mage when we hold her tribunal?”

  “Yes, but I will not undergo the orb again. You can use a writing book or other means. The images you have recorded today are sufficient for your purposes.”

  “Of course. Mage Symon Smith, do you have anything to add to these proceedings?”

  Symon took a deep breath and inclined his head. “I believe that Freddy has said it all. She is a good woman, an excellent mage, and what has been done to her is horrendous. I am appalled that the guild has allowed it to continue as long as it has. She may be a familiar, but she is a mage first and entitled to as much representation as any of us.”

  The head of the council nodded. “We find the charges against Fredericka the familiar to be unfounded, and a motion for reparations will be entered to assess her family’s continued penance. The mage Martha Smith will be held pending an investigation into misuse of a familiar and abuse of memory magic.”

  A gavel slammed down and light swirled. When Symon looked down at Freddy, she was grinning and crying.

  Chapter Twelve

  Freddy leaned up and kissed Symon right on the lips. He paused for a moment and then wrapped his arms around her and returned the affection.

  When she pulled back, he gave her a heavy-lidded look. “I am guessing that the arms-length situation is over?”

  “I couldn’t risk it, knowing that she was going to try and manipulate the system. If we had slept together and they knew it, it would have tainted our testimony in the eyes of the guild. They always think the worst of familiars.”

  Freddy noted that his hands were still around her waist. She leaned against him. “Once Martha has been sentenced, we can do whatever we want.”

  She pressed her forehead to his chest, and she could hear the thudding. “On the other side, I don’t need to stay quite so close to you anymore.”

  He sighed. “Isn’t there some other peril out there that you could get into so that you can stay with me?”

  She grinned, keeping her head down. “I think I can manage something. I mean, I do have to help you with the Faire for the next week, right?”

  He sighed, and his hands flexed against her back. “Yes. That isn’t enough time, but I suppose that I could ask you out on a proper date after that.”

  Freddy’s heart lifted. “Yes, you could do that. Or I could ask you.”

  Symon chuckled. “There is that.”

  She heard a chime and looked around. “What time is it?”

  “It isn’t past noon. We have plenty of time.”

  She saw her phone and the flashing light. “Damn. I forgot about Benny.”

  She ducked away from Symon’s embrace and picked up her phone. The texts scrolling by in a heavy cascade spoke to Benny’s agitation.

  Why is the guild calling me about your returning from your summons banged up?

  Where are you?

  OMG, what the hell happened?

  Are you okay?

  Is Symon okay?

  Why aren’t you answering?

  I am coming over there.

  Wait, I am at your place. Where are you?

  Shit. I am heading to Symon’s.

  Freddy checked the time of the last text, and she winced. “Sorry, Symon. Brace for invasion by the XIA.”

  “They are coming?”

  Freddy heard the thud of vehicle doors. “They are here.”

  She headed down the stairway that attached to the loft, and Symon followed her.

  The quartet in black came through the door, and Benny rushed at her, hugging her tight. “I got a briefing from Hyl. What the hell?”

  “She is in custody, and she isn’t able to cast her memory spell, so she will have to admit to some of her activities.”

  Symon took the men into the other room, so Freddy sat down with Benny and explained the activities of the evening and morning.

  * * * *

  Symon served iced tea to the three agents, and they sipped it and looked him over. The elf asked him, “What are your intentions toward our Freddy?”

  Symon blinked and looked at them all. Each was looking at him with the glare of an older brother.

  “My intentions are to help her to be happy and then maintain that state. She is learning how to live again, and it will be delightful to be at her side while she does it.”

  The elf leaned forward. “What if you are not what she wants?”

  Symon blinked. He hadn’t considered that. “I suppose I would have to encourage her to seek out whomever it is that makes her happy, even if it isn’t me.”

  The shifter cocked his head and then grinned. “Good answer. Make sure that you do what you can, and she will put her own weight in the relationship. Freddy may be light-hearted, but she is also a good soul. That goodness can get her into trouble, but if you need help defending her, feel free to call.”

  The vampire snorted. “Call Benny. She isn’t great at transporting, but she will have us here in minutes.”

  Symon chuckled. “I will.”

  They fell into silence, and he still felt the judgment that was washing over him. When the elf leaned in and asked, “How much do you make?” Symon was on familiar ground. Finally.

  He explained his financial situation, and the men nodded in approval.

  The elf murmured, “Benny’s birthday is coming up. Could you make something for her?”

  Symon went to a drawer on one side of the kitchen island and pulled out a pencil and paper. “What would you like and what kind of enchantment?”

  They gathered around and discussed what they thought they should give to their partner, and Symon waited patiently until they were done debating. Freddy and Benny were laughing and chatting in the front room, and it was a lovely sound.

  They had six hours before they had to be at the Faire, so that was plenty of time to get the XIA to make up their minds.

  * * * *

  Freddy swirled on the stage in Mosk’s arms. He lifted her, and she bent, twisted, and twirled using her grip on his arm as her balance point.

  The crimson and silver skirt swirled outward, and the costume added to the drama of the dance. When the pipes and strings wound to a quiet murmur, she settled on her feet, with her back to Mosk.

  His apology for the night before had been sincere and accompanied by a new pair of boots and a cloak. Today, the moment she left the stage, the page would be dispatched to get her some food. Yesterday, the young male had gotten distracted by the object of his desire. Today, they were using a different and less horny page.

  The applause was deafening, and she curtsied to Mosk before leaving the stage.

  Familiar faces in the crowd got her attention. Imara and Argus were there, with her small kitten riding high on her shoulder.

  “Good evening, Imara, Argus, Mr. E.” Freddy bowed to all of them.

  “Freddy, you look fantastic. I have been hearing that things have been exciting, and I am glad to see that your soul is brighter.”

  Freddy looked at Imara, and the young woman smiled slowly. If there was anyone who knew what a soul looked like, it was the Death Keeper and Master Mage. “Thanks for letting me know. It is good to have corroboration.”

  “Not a problem. I call them like I see them.” Imara winked.

  “So, are you two out on a date?”

  Argus grinned. “Yes. Finally. I have the night off, so we decided to check in on you. Mr. E was worried.”

  Freddy reached out and softly stroked the familiar. “Thanks for your conce
rn. I am fine now, and I think I might be getting better.”

  I am glad. The mage you had was a psycho, and I know whereof I speak.

  Freddy nodded and replied just as silently. They are examining her behaviour, knowing that memory was manipulated, they will be able to launch an investigation.

  Good. I think she would benefit from a few decades as a familiar. The kitten letting out a sinister, hissing laugh made Freddy grin as wide as her mouth could manage.

  She had to admit that Martha as a familiar was an excellent thought.

  “I am heading back to the jeweller’s booth. You are welcome to come with me.”

  Imara grinned. “I think I will leave you to it. We just arrived, and I still want to go exploring. This place is just too fun.”

  Argus grinned. “I will have to see if we can find the same tailor that you use. The outfit is great.”

  Freddy wrinkled her nose. “It can get a little drafty when I spin. But thanks.”

  She waved at the trio and headed for the booth. There was a woman in there who was walking around with a frown on her face.

  Freddy knew her from somewhere, but she couldn’t place her. “Can I help you?”

  The woman nodded. “I am looking for a pendant, bracelet, or earrings that can be enchanted to hold a memory spell.”

  Freddy nodded and dismissed the elf that had been admiring herself in the mirror.

  “This way. How large do you want the pendant?”

  The woman smiled. “I need two. I need one large and one as small as can be made.”

  “Just a moment. I will ask the artisan.”

  The woman nodded. “I will wait.”

  Freddy went to the forge where Symon was working on one of the custom orders from the first day.


  He kept his gaze on the metal between his hands. “Yes, Freddy?”

  “I have a client who needs two pendants. Both need to be able to be enchanted for memory spells, but one has to be big and one tiny.”

  He paused his work and turned to her. “I can do it.”

  Freddy nodded. “Good. I get the feeling that it is urgent.”

  “Tell her to come back in two hours.”

  Freddy grinned.

  She returned to the front of the shop, and a buffet of meats, cheeses, fruit, and meat pies were on a board with flagons of beverages. Mosk had come through.

  The woman with chalky skin and dark hair was standing with a slight smile on her lips. “Two young women delivered it.”

  “It is my price to dance with one of the elves on the main stage.” Freddy turned to her. “If you can return in two hours, the pendants will be ready.”

  The woman smiled. “Excellent. I will be back in two hours.”

  Freddy was going to offer the woman part of the feast, but she was gone in seconds. She thought about the client and tried to remember details, but they slipped away. She remembered dark hair and pale skin as well as huge eyes. Freddy had felt the effects of a memory spell before, but this was different. It was as if the very air around her was trying to hide this woman from sight.

  She gathered some food and brought it to Symon, and then, she returned and started grazing, stopping only to attend to shoppers.

  Time spun past, Imara and her fellas came by for a short visit and to show off a fancy new cloak that Imara could wear on Death Keeper jobs. When the dawn gong was only a few minutes away, the mystery client returned.

  “Are they ready?”

  Freddy produced the two items, each on fine chains.

  The woman handed over a large sheaf of cash. “Here. Take it.”

  Freddy took the money and counted off what she needed. When she looked up, the woman was gone.

  The gong sounded, and she walked over toward the forge while Symon was coming out. He saw the cash in her hand. “What is that?”

  “She shoved the money at me and disappeared.”

  Symon looked at the bills. “Did you see this?”

  She looked, and small words were printed along every edge. Remember Me.

  There was something very sad about that woman, and Freddy was going to make every effort to remember her and her... dark hair?


  Packing up the booth had been sad, but going back to Symon’s where the entire cast of the Faire came over for a Perpetual Night barbeque was fascinating.

  Freddy was sitting and laughing with some of the dancers when an imposing figure arrived at the party.

  Hyl was standing there in all of his black and threatening glory. The basket of fruit on his arm was incongruous.

  “Hyl, what are you doing here?”

  He smiled. “Adrea wished you to have a portion of your first harvest. It is a slow start, but your trees are bearing fruit twisted together.”

  Symon came out of the conversational group that he had been in. “Really?”

  Freddy grinned.

  Hyl snorted. “They bloomed and fruited two days ago. There is no question why. Just take your little sex apples, and I will be on my way.”

  Freddy was laughing, and she walked up to him and hugged him. “Adrea is a lucky lady.”

  “She knows it.” He winked at her and shoved the basket at her. “I would not recommend eating these in a public forum.”

  Symon took the apples, and Freddy linked arms with him. “I will keep these in a safe place.”

  Freddy laughed as he left her and went to the house to put the apples somewhere that folks wouldn’t get a hold of them.

  Freddy returned to her conversational partners. She tried to pay attention, but her mind crept back to Ritual Space.

  When Symon returned, she looked at him as he heckled Hector at the barbeque. What kind of fruit would be produced by the tree of fire and metal?

  It was going to be a while before they found out, but that would mean a trip to Ritual Space. There was no way that whatever came out of there was going to be safe to hand around.

  * * * *

  The barbeque turned into an orgy when someone got into the apples and handed them around.

  Freddy couldn’t stop anyone, so she just headed up to the roof and kept the shadows lit with balls of fire from the demon zone. Now that Symon had put release valves into the links, she was free to vent her energy when she needed or wanted to. For the first time in her life, she was as free as a familiar could be.

  The rest of her life was looming in front of her and fear was no longer part of the equation. She chuckled and let another orb of fire float down across the yard. Altering her behaviour to reflect her newfound security was going to take a lot of energy, but Symon was willing to hold her hand and help her out. He knew when to help and when to keep his ideas to himself, and that knowledge made him an easy person to love.

  Her fire flared as she realized what she had just admitted to herself. She glanced over at him where he was sitting with a sketchpad and drawing a picture of her. Yeah, it was love. She didn’t care who would say it first; it was going to last until both of their fires went out.

  Author’s Note

  Apologies for the delay. In January this year, my siblings and I purchased a plot of land, and when we got into it in mid-April, we got to work. We have put in a garden (planters), an orchard (deer got at it), and made a bee yard.

  That’s right, we are now beekeepers, and we have a YouTube channel and an Instagram. Mystery Bees Apiary. Yes, it is named after the infamous kitten, Mr. E.

  So, now that we are on summer maintenance, I hope to be able to work a proper schedule with my writing once again. If you want to know what I am doing... check YouTube. We are putting up beekeeping videos every few days.

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  About the Author

  Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thri
ll of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.

  An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the cheap laugh.




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