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Healing Fire

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  “I’m okay while the sun is up. It gets cold quickly. So we must hurry to the caves. Get there before it becomes dark.”

  “Yes. I’ll be fast. I promise.”

  He squeezed Jules’ hand. They started moving again, heading up toward shelter. Jules stayed close, eyes as big as bowls.

  “Big, isn’t it?”

  The mountains simply were enormous. How much bigger must they seem to someone who couldn’t even see beyond the walls of the castle, let alone leave it?

  Jules nodded and seemed to shrink even more.

  “I like how big they are. It reminds me that no matter how hard things seem, how terrible, the mountains will always be bigger than anything I am, than any of my problems.”

  “I... Okay. I’m very frightened.”

  He stopped immediately and hugged his prince to him. Then he turned. “Climb on my back.”

  “Are you sure?” Before he answered, Jules had climbed up.

  Nodding, he began to climb, and Jules warmed his back, his shoulders. It took little more than an hour of climbing to reach the western caves. He squatted so Jules could climb down.

  “Let me make sure it’s safe.”

  “Should I stay here?”

  “Yes, my prince. Hide behind this outcropping. I won’t be long.”

  He made short work of checking out the cave. There were no animals in it, and there were leaves, mosses, things to make the rocks soft. It would make a good place to take shelter for now.

  Lem went back out for his prince.

  Jules was gathering berries in the edge of his cloak, so careful not to bruise them.

  “Smart prince.” He offered Jules a smile. “For someone who’s never been out of the castle, you’re doing very well.”

  “I read.” Jules looked up at him with a worried look. “Tell me that my books are waiting for me at home.”

  “I’m sure they are, my prince. I’m sorry I couldn’t bring any with me.” Privately, he wasn’t sure how he was going to get Jules home. He wasn’t even sure if there was a home to go to. Would it be safe? How would he know?

  Now was not the time, he told himself. Now was for basic essentials. He helped Jules gather more berries, then led his prince into the cave, finding a rock that would make a natural seat and putting Jules on it.

  “You eat. I’ll gather wood for a fire,” he suggested.

  “Should I do something?”

  “Eat, my prince. I won’t be long.”

  “I’ll save some for you.”

  Lem stole a berry, tasting it and making sure that it wasn’t poisonous. Then he nodded and gave Jules a very quick kiss. “I won’t be long,” he promised again.

  “Please.” Jules nodded, offered him a wavering smile.

  He wouldn’t have gone at all if he hadn’t known they needed the firewood. It got cold at night, and he needed to keep his prince warm. Lem gathered firewood, as much as his arms could carry, before returning to the cave. As he did, he kept his eye on the sky, on the direction they’d come from, but he saw nothing to worry him.

  When Lem returned, Jules was nowhere to be found, the berries half eaten, a cloak left for him. Panic filled him. Fear for his prince.

  “Jules! Jules!” He roared.

  “Here! Here, Lem! I found water and warmth!”

  Relief flooded through him. He dropped the wood and ran deeper into the cave, toward Jules’ voice. There was a tunnel that led back and back, a light at the end making the opening glow.

  Jules was standing at the edge of a huge pool with the sun streaming down from high above. “It’s warm!”

  “You didn’t drink it, did you?” He needed to taste it first, make sure it was safe.

  “No. No, but it’s warm. That’s good, right?”

  “Yes, yes. Warm is good. It’s nice back here. I’ll check the water and make sure we can drink it.” He wrapped his arms around Jules, shivering. “You scared me.”

  “I felt like I should help.”

  “You do just by being you, my prince.” He gave Jules another tight hug, the worry that he’d lost Jules fading. Still, he was left somewhat shaken.

  He’d done well. He’d saved Jules, kept his prince from being taken, or worse. He wouldn’t lose Jules now to some wild animal or a rock slide, or anything.

  Jules snuggled in, and Lem could feel the tiny tremors shaking his prince. As scared as he’d been that he’d lost his prince, Jules was no doubt just as scared he’d just lost everything he knew.

  Lem rocked Jules, rubbing his hands along Jules’ body. Maybe a distraction would help. “Would you like to swim, my prince? It’s like being in the tub, only much bigger.”

  “It’s safe? Okay?”

  “I’m going to find out.”

  He helped Jules to sit on a rock next to the pool, then dipped his foot in. The water was warm and felt good, like the fountain with its healing powers back in Jules’ courtyard, only warmer, softer somehow. He put his other foot in and went a little deeper, the water up to his thighs just two steps in.

  “It seems to be harmless.” He sniffed the water, the scent clean if a touch sulfuric.

  Then he brought some to his mouth, licking first, then taking a larger sip. It didn’t taste great, but it wasn’t foul. He didn’t feel any poison entering his system.

  Smiling, he went back to Jules. “It’s safe. Come in and swim with me. Then we will make a fire and a place to sleep for the night. Tomorrow will be soon enough to see what’s what.”

  Jules stripped down, careful to fold his clothes. His prince was so beautiful, and Lem reached out and touched Jules’ skin.

  Jules jumped, then turned toward him. “When can we go home?”

  “I don’t know, my prince. But look around you. What an adventure we’re having! Like in one of your books.” He knew Jules had believed he’d never go anywhere, never see the mountains, but now Jules was here and anything was possible. He would help Jules find his dragon and teach Jules to fly.

  “What if I’m not good at adventures?”

  “Then we won’t go on any others after this one. But I bet you’ll be great at adventures!”

  He drew Jules close, enjoying their naked bodies sliding skin on skin.

  His prince had found food, water, and sunlight. His prince was going to be amazing at adventures.

  “Come into the water. It feels good.” Holding onto Jules’ hands, he backed slowly into the pool.

  Jules followed, gaze fastened to his. His nostrils flared as his feet hit the water, but his footing remained steady.

  “Does it feel good?” asked his prince.

  “Yes, Jules. Like being surrounded by silk.”

  He kept walking backward, pulling Jules into the water with him. Jules followed him, sighing as the water surrounded them.

  He held Jules close, bobbing with his prince in the warm waters. “Was I right?”

  “Yes. Yes, Lem.” Jules refused to let him go.

  He leaned back, floating with Jules in his arms.

  “I’ve never been... We came so far. This is your home, though. Yes?”

  “It’s where I was born, where I would come whenever I could.” He kept floating, slowly moving them in large, gentle circles. “I can’t wait to show you my mountains.”

  “You’re not frightened?” Jules was slowly relaxing.

  “No, I am not. Not here. I know I can protect you here.” Not that he couldn’t protect Jules at the castle, but here was his home ground. This was a good place. A place Jules could be free.

  He would teach his prince to love it here. What was he thinking? Was he thinking of long term? There was such a draw to that. Just him and his prince with their freedom and nothing there to hurt them. No walls. No fear.

  Wait. He could not simply run away with a prince. He shook himself. “Did you get enough to eat, my prince?”

  “I left you half.”

  “But did you get enough?” He had learned to go a long time without food, to use his body’s stores.<
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  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You’re never hungry.”

  “I saved the lemon candies.” Jules looked at him, eyes huge. “I’m not allowed to leave, and, yet, here I am.”

  “I had to do it to save you, my prince.”

  Jules nodded. “I... Yes. Yes, to save me.”

  He touched Jules’ face and then kissed him. “Maybe on our adventure, we’ll find out why you have been kept a prisoner so long.”

  “Just stay with me. I’m frightened.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without you, my prince.”

  “You swear? You swear you will not leave me here?”

  Lem swam them to the edge of the pool, climbed out with Jules, and looked into his prince’s eyes. “I will never leave you. Not here, not at the castle. I will never leave you anywhere.”

  Jules wrapped around him, held him tight.

  Jules was his to keep. His. And Lem would never let him go.

  Chapter Ten

  Lem slept hard, but there were so many noises and no books and no blankets. Jules couldn’t sleep. So he simply stared, afraid to move, afraid to breathe.

  What if the fire went out? What if there were bears? Monkeys? Pirates?

  Lem shifted, turning and wrapping an arm around him. Jules tried not to cry out, not to cry at all.

  “Jules? My prince?”

  “Y... yes, Lem?”

  “Is something wrong?”

  He shook his head, trying to be so brave.

  Lem drew him in closer and kissed him. “You’re trembling, Jules. I wish you weren’t scared.”

  “I do, too. I’m trying so hard.”

  “I will protect you, I promise. No one will ever be able to hurt you.”

  “It’s so different and dark.”

  “We could go out of the cave and look at the sky. The stars are so bright.”

  “Out?” Would that be less scary?

  “Yes, out.” Lem got up and tugged him up, too, leading him out into the open.

  His entire body was shaking, but he followed. They were bare. Naked. Nude. Lem was warm, though, keeping him from being too cold in the night air.

  “Look up,” Lem whispered, pointing to the sky.

  Jules blinked up, and his lips parted. Lights. There were thousands of little star lights.

  “You see? It’s not so dark,” murmured Lem.

  “Oh.” It was lovely. Truly lovely.

  “There are too many to count,” Lem told him. “They are forever.”

  Jules nodded and relaxed a bit, leaning into Lem’s body. Rocking him, Lem touched him gently, fingertips sliding on his skin.

  “Mmm.” Jules hummed, so pleased.

  Lem kissed the top of his head. The simple touch eased his fear. Lem’s next kiss was placed on his shoulder, then his collarbone, and finally his neck. That made him shiver, made him shake.

  Turning him, Lem placed the next kiss on his lips. He surprised himself by pushing up into the kiss, suddenly wanting. Lem’s arms circled him, warming, making him feel safe. His body hardened, his breath matching Lem’s. Lem picked him up, and his legs automatically went around Lem’s waist. They were touching under the lights.

  “The stars make your skin glow,” Lem told him.

  “Do they?” Jules looked, but he couldn’t see it.

  “They do.” Lem kissed him again, and he could feel Lem begin to swell.

  The wind blew on his skin, the sensation so odd. One kiss after another followed, and they felt wild somehow, out here in the mountains, in the fresh air. He sucked in one deep breath after another, his world spinning.

  “I would bring you pleasure, my prince.”

  “Please. Yes.” Jules would do anything to ease this fear.

  His mouth was taken again, Lem bringing one hand around to touch his nipples. Oh. Oh, dear. That felt fine. Lem’s fingers were clumsy, but warm. They pinched, a shudder going through Jules in response. Lem’s little chuckle was husky, low. Happy.

  He was laid down, the grass cool, tickling at his skin as Lem covered his body. The sensation was so foreign that he wasn’t sure whether to gasp or cry out, so he tried both. Lem swallowed the sound, tongue sweeping through his mouth and making everything bigger.

  Lem stroked his belly, his hardness, the tender sac beneath. He could feel the reverence in each touch, the care. At the same time, Lem fed him eager, needy sounds. Jules found himself caught in arousal, the sensations delicious.

  Lem’s kisses moved to his jaw, licking and nibbling at his skin. He felt everything—the grass, the air, Lem. The press of Lem’s teeth on his throat felt wicked, delicious. Surprising, as well, as if Lem wanted to mark him. Lem’s tongue licked the spot and then his teeth returned. This time, Lem did bite, the sharp sting making his sacs ache.

  “Lem.” Jules didn’t want Lem to stop, but to continue on.

  “I’m sorry, my prince. My desires are strong.”

  “Yes. It. Good, Lem. I ache for it.”

  Groaning, Lem bit again at his throat, teeth dragging down to where his throat and shoulder met.

  “Oh!” Jules grabbed Lem’s shoulder and arched, sucking in a deep breath.

  Lem’s body pushed his back into the ground, rubbing against him. He found Lem’s rhythm, met it. Groaning, Lem bit again, this time on his shoulder.

  Jules’ dragon rumbled inside him, and he wriggled, frowned.

  “I feel you,” Lem told him. “I feel your need, your beast.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not trying.”

  “You don’t have to try; it’s natural.”

  “You... It’s as if something in you calls to it,” Jules confessed.

  “Because I was made for you.” Lem wrapped his lips around Jules’ nipple, tugging on it, the suction strong.

  It amazed him, the way ache and arousal mixed together.

  “Let yourself go,” Lem told him.

  “What?” Jules couldn’t.

  “I want to show you how to fly.” Lem moved to his other nipple, making it swell and ache.

  “It is forbidden,” he whispered.

  “So is you leaving the castle, but here you are.” Lem rose over him again, looking into his eyes. “You are meant for bigger things than rules, my prince.”

  Then Lem took one of his hands and kissed his palm, tongue dragging along it. Jules tried to pull back, to curl his fingers up. No one had ever touched his palms. No one. A fire began inside him, deep in his belly. Lem nibbled before grabbing his other hand and licking it, too.

  “Lem. Lem, he’s trying to get out,” he warned.

  “It’s not him, Jules. It’s you.”

  Jules shook his head. No. No, it was the dragon.

  Lem dragged his teeth along Jules’ palm. A roar escaped Jules, tore from his throat. Lem growled in response and bit the pad of his thumb. Jules pulled away, frightened and overwhelmed, his skin so small.

  “You have to let go, Jules. Let yourself be free.”

  “My skin doesn’t fit!”

  “You need to shift. Or to come,” Lem prompted.

  Jules roared again, his knees pulled up against his chest.

  “I’m right here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  He couldn’t. He didn’t know how. He didn’t want to. He felt like his flesh was splitting.

  Lem’s lips slid across his breastbone, tugging at his right nipple, and then his left.

  “Help me!” He stood, then crouched, desperate for air.

  Lem grabbed his hands, placing their palms together. “Look at me, Jules. Look at me and let me be your anchor.”

  His palms flared, and he winced, but Lem wasn’t burned. Wasn’t even singed.

  “Made for you, Jules.”

  “Lem.” His mouth didn’t work right, and his eyes saw everything. More than everything.

  Lem roared, the sound calling to him. Jules called back, his world spinning wildly. Lem had shifted, the big dragon beautiful and calling out to him again. Light filled his e
yes, and he felt as if the air displaced. Lem stepped back, and the big dragon bowed, smoke coming out of his nose.

  Jules roared, the sound panicked and scared. He turned, trying to figure out why he was so close to the leaves of the trees.


  The word was like a sound in his head.


  He looked around, confused. *Lem?*

  *Dragon Lord*

  He continued to look around, then down. He was leaner than Lem, his fingers curled with wicked talons. He was not silver like his Lem. Instead, his scales were bright purple.

  Lem bowed to him again and opened his great big wings. Wings.

  Did he have wings? Jules tried to see.

  Lem raised one clawed talon, and he could feel it moving along his back, spreading something out.

  Jules gasped, the wings on his back spreading impossibly wide. An approving sound rumbled from Lem, and he flapped his magnificent wings.

  Jules’ eyes went wide. That was him. Him.

  Lem flapped again, encouraging him to follow. But he didn’t know how to fly.

  *Wings!* Lem flapped, not going anywhere, just creating a great wind.

  Jules flapped in return, trying to make wind of his own. Lem seemed pleased by his progress, wings slowing their beat and wrapping around him. He pushed in, cuddled in close. It felt different, but the same, too. It was his Lem, even if their forms were different.

  Lem’s heartbeat was so loud, like the biggest music, the best song. Jules felt like he was in the safest place in the world. He groaned softly, the sound huge. He felt Lem’s happiness inside him, more than heard any sound from the big dragon.


  Their muzzles rubbed together, the caress instinctual and right. A rumbling noise came from Lem, breath heated as it caressed him. He looked up at the stars, the light seeming to call to him, to draw him upward. Lem began to flap his wings again, and Jules felt the push to do the same, to leap into the air. His wings began to move, without his thought, as if it were natural as breathing.

  Lem rose slowly, his wings carrying him upward. Jules held Lem’s clawed hands, held the happy gaze, refusing to be left behind. They went up, Lem strong enough to carry them both. His wings worked hard, adding to Lem’s flight. Lem’s pleasure was clear, ringing in his head as they moved toward the stars.


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