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Healing Fire

Page 9

by Sean Michael


  He was flying.

  They were up past the tops of the trees, and Lem let go of his claws. He dipped, but only a bit, only for a second, then his body took over, the magic pouring through him.

  Lem flew around him, then went straight up, flying in a twirl above him. Show off.

  Jules laughed and pushed himself toward Lem, toward the magic.

  Lem twisted and turned midair, flying back to him. Lem was magnificent. Even more so looking at him through dragon eyes. He reached out, touched Lem’s hip, so careful. Lem flew closer, somehow not tangling up their wings

  *Flying* Jules repeated.

  *Flying!* Lem circled him once more then took off, flying high and leading him through the night sky.

  Surely this was a dream.

  They flew for a bit longer, then moved to land, Lem going first, showing him how it was done. He managed, mostly, with a bunch of stumbling. Lem shifted back to human, which drew his own human back out. It felt like he was shedding his skin.

  “Jules! You were flying!”

  Jules ran to Lem, held on tight, too overwhelmed to speak.

  Laughing with joy, Lem wrapped him in a hug and picked him up, moving them back to the cave. “You are magnificent, my prince. The most beautiful dragon I’ve ever seen.”

  “We’re different, you and me.”

  “I am a guardian dragon. You are... I have never seen anyone like you. But you are most like the healer dragons I have seen.”

  “A healer dragon? Like a nurse?” He was going to sleep soon. He wouldn’t be able to fight it.

  “No, like something magical.” Lem laid him on their mossy bed and added wood to the fire.

  “It was real. We flew.”

  “It was. You went for the stars.”

  Lem lay next to him, wrapping those strong arms around him.

  Jules wanted to cheer, to say thank you, but sleep had him and refused to let him go.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lem was up early, finding a pair of rabbits, which he cleaned and set to roasting over the fire. Then he boiled some water, dropping in mint leaves to steep so it would be ready when his prince woke.

  His prince.

  Lem sat back on his haunches by the fire, remembering the great, purple dragon his Jules had become. So special. Lem wasn’t the brightest dragon out there, but he knew when someone was rare and different and, yes, special.

  How could that beauty be forbidden? How on earth could it be wrong?

  He shook his head. He didn’t understand the laws, why so few had such strong sway over the rest. He just wanted Jules to be happy. He had a hunch many were like him, simply having their heart for their loved ones.

  Jules woke suddenly, sat up. “Lem! Lem, I had a dream!”

  He moved to Jules’ side immediately. “A dream, my prince?”

  “I dreamt I flew! With you!”

  “That was no dream, Jules. We flew. Together. It was wonderful.”

  “Not a dream?” Jules smiled at him, eyes sparkling from within.

  “It was real. You let your dragon out, and we flew together.” It had been magnificent.

  Jules made a grand little noise and pounced on him. Laughing, he fell backward, cradling his sweet prince.

  “We flew!” He got a wild, happy kiss.

  He kissed Jules back, hands sliding over Jules’ silky skin. Jules moaned for him, the sound almost a purr. He slid his hands down to cup Jules’ rear and rocked up to meet Jules’ body. This hunger was new, interesting, fascinating, even. There was a new confidence in his prince.

  He let Jules deepen the kiss, following Jules’ lead. Jules moaned deep in his chest, fingers tangling in his hair.

  “I am yours, Jules,” he whispered against his prince’s lips.

  “And I am yours.” Jules’ cock was hard as stone where it rubbed against him.

  “Made for you.” He bucked, rubbing them together more.

  “Yes!” Jules’ legs wrapped around him, holding him.

  He loved that, Jules taking charge, holding him. Soft nibbles tasted him, and their cocks slipped together. He purred deep in his chest and put his head back, offering his throat.

  “Mmm. You taste good,” Jules told him.

  “For you, Jules.”

  “Yes. I was a dragon, like you.”

  “I told you.” He’d told Jules one day he’d bring his prince here, that one day Jules would fly. He’d had faith.

  “Thank you. Thank you for finding me.”

  “It is my pleasure.” And he meant that literally.

  Jules reached out, stroked his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose. He nuzzled into the touches.

  “My own.” Jules kissed him again, so hungry for him.

  He brought Jules down onto him, began rubbing up against his prince’s body once again. His hands explored the familiar lines of Jules’ body, dragging down along Jules’ spine. He would know Jules anywhere just by feel, no matter how dark it was. He closed his eyes, testing to see if the scent of his lover differed now, since the change. Jules still smelled like himself, only it was deeper, more. Lem approved.

  “Do I need to bathe, Lem?”

  “No, you smell perfect just as you are.” He wouldn’t change a thing.

  Jules smiled for him, then reached for their erections, stroking them with a slow, dragging touch. Lem’s eyes dropped shut, and he opened his mouth to let out the needy sound that was inside him. It felt so good.

  Jules touched them, stroked them, over and over. He made himself open his eyes, wanting to see Jules’ face, to watch as pleasure grew in his prince. There was a heat in Jules’ eyes, an inner glow. Finding his dragon had brought confidence to his prince. Growling happily, Lem brought their mouths together, tasting that confidence and pleasure for himself.

  By the winds themselves, Jules had deserved this.

  Lem began to rock up, meeting Jules’ eager body and driving the rhythm faster. Lem would swear their hearts were beating together, pounding in unison. A deep growl pushed out of him, his pleasure too big to contain. Jules growled right back, surprising and filling him with joy.

  He bit at Jules’ lower lip, letting his teeth sink in to sting. The surprised growl tickled him, the sound pure dragon. He wanted to roll them, put Jules beneath him and drive them together. That honor went to Jules today, though, so he did not. The rhythm was rough, untried, but his Jules managed it.

  “Soon,” he warned, the pleasure heavy in his sacs.

  “Yes. Yes, soon. Us.”

  “Making my pleasure so big.” He bucked into Jules’ touch.

  “Good. Good. Us. Good.”

  “Yes!” He cried out, his pleasure spilling from him in uncontrolled waves.

  Jules followed right behind, as if the splash of heat drew more from his prince. Lem pulled Jules down onto him, panting as he fought to catch his breath. Jules cuddled in, stomach rumbling quite audibly.

  “You’re hungry!” It was a good sign.

  “Starving. Is there food?”

  “Two rabbits roasting over the fire.”

  “Is that what I smell?”

  “Uh-huh. There’s that and leftover berries for you.”

  “Us. Here we’re us.”

  “Yes, Jules.” He gave Jules a kiss, smiling.

  “Yes, Lem.” Jules laughed for him.

  “Absolutely yes.”

  He would do his best to make sure that laughter always filled their days.


  Jules found himself walking about the trees, completely unsure of what should happen next. He wished that time could stop for a moment so he could catch up to the world.

  Lem was scouting, looking to see if he could find anything out. What was there to find? Was he going home? If he went home, would they smell the dragon on him?

  As he looked, a dragon appeared in the sky. Jules recognized his Lem immediately. His own dragon tried to come to the fore, and he tamped it back down.

  Flying in, Lem
landed a few feet away, the huge wings folding up. The rush to join Lem hit Jules again, tore at him.

  Lem looked at him, then growled softly, the sound encouraging. His dragon growled back, like he had no control.

  Lem vocalized again, calling to him. *Fly with me*

  Just like that, Jules’ dragon escaped, eager and needing his mate, his bonded. *Fly!*

  Lem took to the sky with him, and they climbed together. Lem was beautiful, silvery and shiny, tempting him into the sky. They circled each other, flying higher and higher. The wind rushing past his skin made him ache, made him want to go faster and faster still.

  Lem began to twist and turn, doing loop-do-loops and circles in the air. Jules vibrated, curious and eager, but scared. Lem’s encouragement made him bold, had him following.

  He found his wings weren’t necessary, more for landing and taking off than moving. The wind did all the work, his body using it instinctively.

  He could see the magic in Lem, the strands pouring off him like mist. It made him wonder if it came from him, too.

  Lem circled twice, then began to fly down toward a large lake. Where was Lem going? Jules followed, his curiosity too big to ignore. Lem flew over the lake, claws dipping down to slide through the water.

  Oh! He tried, but he missed the water. He saw himself, though, a large, shiny beast in the water.

  They made another pass, this time Lem dipping even deeper into the water. Jules touched the water once, then bounced off it. Lem’s joy rushed at him, and they made yet another pass over the water. This time he did it, his claws dragging through the water.

  Lem flew upward again, toward the wide blue sky and the sun. Should he play in the water? Follow Lem? So many choices.

  Lem circled the water, using the air over it to send him higher into the sky.

  He followed, driving hard after his Lem. *Bonded!*

  Joy came back to him, Lem banking sharply and turning to twist with him. They curled together, arms and tails entwined. It was magical, the joy even bigger than when they made each other swell. Their muzzles rubbed together, and they zoomed past the clouds.

  The sun was hot, the air was cool, and Lem was his world. He’d never felt so happy. Never.

  Lem dove back down toward the lake, plunging right in this time, then coming up, drops flying from him, shining like jewels in the sun. Jules slowed, landing in the water with a flop. Oops.

  Low chuffs sounded, and Lem landed on the water, sailing to a stop next to him. He splashed idly. Laughing at him. Lem splashed back, using his wings, the laughter increasing.

  Oh, no fair!

  Jules couldn’t move as much water, but he was fast. They chased each other on the lake for the longest time. Then Lem nuzzled him and took off again, scales drying in the wind and sunlight. Jules was tired, and it took so much to lift himself from the water.

  Lem was right there, nudging him on. Then his bodyguard flew ahead of him, moving with purpose. In short order, they were back at the caves where they’d started.

  Lem came in for a landing, watching as Jules joined him. He didn’t fall this time, but he could barely hold his head up.

  Lem shifted back into his human form. “Time to rest, my prince.”

  His dragon fell away, and Jules collapsed into Lem’s arms.

  Lem picked him up like he weighed nothing, carrying him to their cave. “You did so well, Jules. Like you’ve been flying all your life.”

  “Yes?” He wanted to be a good dragon.

  “Yes. You’re a natural.” Lem was so warm.

  “Tired, huh?” He could barely get the words out.

  “Of course you are! You worked muscles you didn’t even know you had today.”

  “Yes. But it was real. We went higher than the clouds.”

  “We did. And we played in the water.” Lem laughed, the sound deep and hearty.

  Jules chuckled. “You were beautiful. Completely beautiful.”

  “Not compared to you.”

  “I never saw me.” Only a bit of a reflection in the water that he could scarce believe was him.

  “I wish you could. You’re purple. Deep and dark, and lighter, shining. It makes me happy to look upon you.”

  He trilled softly, the sound new, yet old as time. Lem called back to him. Oh. Oh, that noise.

  He moaned and pressed closer, his soul responding. Lem pressed a kiss to his lips, Lem’s taste wild, flavored by his dragon. His body ached to twine with Lem, even though it was exhausted.

  “I need to feed you, my prince,” Lem whispered against his lips. But Lem’s hands moved on his skin, never stopping the warm, intimate touches he craved so much.

  He nodded, yes. Feed me. My hunger.

  Groaning, Lem rolled him, putting him beneath the strong, muscled body as Lem took his mouth. He opened, his heart pounding, his erection aching and hard. Lem’s tongue slid inside his mouth, hot and wet and perfect. He wrapped around Lem, clinging.

  Lem’s shaft was so hot and hard and large, and it felt so good rubbing against his own and his sacs. He bore down, the pressure on his most sensitive orbs so good, so deep. Rocking against him, Lem slid their bodies together, the wonderful kisses continuing.

  “Please.” He moved harder, faster, driving them together.

  Lem pulled back and pushed forward again, his shaft sliding behind Jules’ ass against his sacs, against his buttocks. He nodded, moaned low. More. He wanted more.

  Groaning, Lem pushed harder, shaft pushing at his hole, rubbing and stretching it a little. He didn’t understand, but he wanted to. Then Lem was pushing harder, the thick shaft opening him up.

  “Oh, Jules.” Lem moaned.

  “What magic is this?”

  “Love magic.” Lem kept pushing, filing him slowly.

  “Love...” He moaned, his entire body on fire. “Lem. You. You’re inside me.”

  “I am!” Lem beamed down at him, a look of wonder and pleasure on his face.

  Jules shook his head, overwhelmed, amazed.

  Lem’s mouth pressed against his, tongue sliding along his. They shared breath. They shared bodies. His eyelids went heavy, and a low groan filled the air. He could feel Lem everywhere. Lem pulled away, then pushed forward again, rocking like he had been before.

  They found a rhythm. The pressure inside him made him whimper. His own swelling was caught between their bellies, rubbing and rubbing as they moved together. He reached down for it, touching it, pulling hard.

  Lem called out to him, voice deep and strong. He nodded, his own touch forbidden, delicious.

  When Lem moved faster into him, he followed suit, his hand speeding to move with it.

  “Yes. Yes, prince. Good. Good, more.”

  He nodded. More.

  Lem roared, pushing in hard, filling him again and again. He began to meet each thrust, pushing back.

  “Jules. My prince. My dragon. My master.”

  “Your love.” He knew that. Knew it.

  The pleasure that bloomed across Lem’s face was beautiful to watch.

  My love. The words weren’t spoken. They echoed everywhere.

  “I will spend, Jules.”

  “Yes.” He wished to as well.

  “Soon,” Lem insisted, driving deeply into him.

  Something deep within him was touched, lightning flaring inside him. He cried out, and Lem pushed harder, hitting the same spot. Seed poured from him, sending him spinning. He could feel Lem spending as well, filling him even deeper. The connection between them seemed to get deeper and deeper.

  Lem collapsed onto him, gasping softly. “My prince. My love.”

  “Yours.” He had nothing left. Nothing.

  Lem held him tight.

  Maybe nothing was enough.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lem had to admit, he didn’t have a plan. All he knew was that there had been smoke still at the castle when he’d flown to check. He would not lead Jules back there until he was sure it was safe. Nor would he risk his own skin to check mo
re thoroughly because he wouldn’t leave Jules alone in the mountains.

  He had found more game early this morning, and it was cooking in the coals. Now that Jules had found his dragon, he would need to eat a lot more. And Lem still wanted to go to the caves on the north-facing mountain. They were bigger. There would be more game.

  A tiny voice inside him whispered that they could make a life there, build a home. It was so tempting. It was beautiful and fun, and he and Jules were free out here to do as they liked.

  Jules’ dragon had come to life here, so beautiful, so special. Very special. His Jules was destined for greater things. It was clear in every purple scale.

  He’d never seen a purple kin that wasn’t a healer. And never a purple like this. He knew the color denoted a soul healer. A soul healer. The highest magic possible.

  Lem couldn’t understand why Jules had been tossed aside, locked in his rooms and made to feel like nothing. Perhaps someone had suspected. Had tried to hide it.

  Jules should have been revered, taught by the elders. A soul healer. There hadn’t been a true soul healer in thousands of years. Jules’ purple had been deeper than any he’d ever seen, even in pictures.

  He’d known that it was important to protect his prince. Now it was more important than ever.

  He went to the mouth of the cave, looking out again, making sure they were still alone. They weren’t though. Someone was coming. He felt it in his bones. Friend or foe or something in between, he didn’t know. But that someone was coming he knew.

  They should move. Go north. Head up before the snows got too deep. He nodded to himself and went back to wake Jules up, get him fed and moving. They’d make the trip much, much faster if they shifted.

  Jules was curled up in his cloaks, a happy look on his sleeping face. Again, that voice whispered in Lem’s head that they should stay in the mountains and never go back.

  He ignored the voice and went to Jules, fingers lingering on the soft skin. “My own. It’s time to wake.”

  “Already?” Jules woke with a smile. He turned his head, kissed Lem’s fingers.

  Lem’s shaft responded immediately, Jules fanning the fire of his need immediately. “Yes, we have a busy day.”

  “Okay.” Jules sat up, tried to brush his fingers through his hair. “Oh, tangles.”


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