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Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12)

Page 13

by Bowles, April

  The King was silent for a moment until I heard him stand from his throne and approach. “You have returned.” I lifted my head and took his offering hand as I stood up. “So, it’s true. You have become one of Kalu’s great Assassins.”

  “Yes, father.”

  “I knew you’ve always had greatness in you. If you only were born a son to me, you could have done great things for this country.”

  “Forgive me, father. I’m sorry I was a disappointment to you.”

  “I do not blame you for your outcome, my child. After all, I still have your brothers.”

  Why did I even want to walk in here? I hated how he demeaned women. I guess I was turning out more like Adele than I always thought.

  “So it’s true!” I turned around and my brother Blake was walking in, seeming very happy to see me. We were twins but we had absolutely nothing in common. He grew up in this wretched place, I didn’t. “We’ve been wondering when you would dare show your face around here again. It’s been a long time.”

  “Hello, Blake. How are you?”

  “Great as always.”

  “And where is Gavyn?”

  My father laughed a little. “You know him. He’s been spending all his time at the base. He’d much rather be General than King.”

  “That’s why you have me, father.” Blake said.

  “And I’m thankful for that, my son. You’ll make a fine King.”

  “How long are you staying?” Blake asked me.

  “Not long. I have to be getting back to Kalu soon.”

  “I figured as much with your friends waiting outside.”

  My father looked confused for a moment. “You have others waiting outside?”

  I just froze and didn’t want him to know who they were but Blake did it for me. “Yes, father. The Great Seni Fighters are here with the other two members of the Kalu Assassins, one of them being the one fit to carry my son.”

  My eyes got wide. Naomi! I should not have brought her anywhere near here. What was wrong with me? I didn’t I think of that until now?

  I didn’t know what to say but my father was thrilled. “She’s here? Well, bring her in!”

  “Father, no!” I said, trying to stop it but they had only ignored me and Blake went back to the door.

  I could hear his loud voice from here. “Dismount! The King thoroughly requests your presents!”

  I could hear them approaching and looked to see Blake force Naomi’s arm on him.

  “Father, I must protest.” I said.

  “No, Cadence. It’s not your place. Blake needs a son and if he says this is the one than I will grant her to him.” I put my hand up to my face as the King walked passed me to them. “Welcome.”

  Blake freed Naomi’s arm and she bowed down in front of the King. They all respectfully did.

  “That’s enough.” My father said. “Rise.” Everyone stood back up and he held out his hand to Naomi. “Come child.” She was hesitant but took his hand as he started to look her over. “So, this is the one? Her health and quality seem to be in order. Yes, a fine specimen to produce you a son.” Naomi’s eyes got wide and she looked back at me. I didn’t say anything; I couldn’t no matter how much I wanted to. “Possession granted. She’s yours.”

  “Now, wait a second!” Bryce said as he took a step forward.

  Naomi turned to him and shook her head. “Bryce, no.”

  My father was displeased that Bryce spoke out and proved it by speaking harshly. “Watch your tongue, boy. You haven’t the authority.”

  “She’s not an animal!” Bryce said enraged. “You can’t treat her like one!”

  “What rights do you have with her? Are you married?”

  “No but—”

  “Then she belongs to me, being in my lands. I have rights to her over you!”

  Bryce was only getting madder about this and I had to do something. I approached my father from behind and got in between them. “Father, please! He didn’t mean it!”

  This was bad. My father only seemed more offended by my interference. “You’ve been gone for too long and have seemed to forgotten your place.” He slapped me across the face but I just looked away and took it. I knew it wasn’t my place but the next thing I knew, Seth was punching the King to defend me.

  “Father!” Blake stepped forward and punched Seth back.

  This made Dirk and Bryce both angry and they went after him. Nine guards immediately came over, restraining everyone but Blake as my father got to his feet. “Fools! You will pay for your discourtesy! Take them away!”

  Six of the guards walked off with our Great Seni Fighters. I’m sure Dirk wanted to use his strength against his captors but I’m also sure he knew it was too risky at the current time so he let them take him.

  “And as for you!” My father shouted at me. “How dare you intervene?!”

  “Father! Please! You must understand!”

  “You will learn from this night! May you see firsthand what shall happen to those who strike me! Blake! Show these ladies to the torture chamber where they will witness the fall of the Great Seni Fighters!”

  “No!” I shouted as I tried to pull away.

  “With pleasure, father.”

  My father didn’t say another word as the guards holding us followed Blake down to the torture chamber. Once there, the guards left us alone with him in a dark room with a curtain on the wall.

  “Have a seat.” Blake said angrily as he walked over to the curtain. “And be ready to watch.”

  We sat down close to comfort each other as Blake pulled on a rope and the curtains opened. On the other side of the glass barrier, Seth, Dirk and Bryce were being chained to the wall with their shirts and weapons stripped from their bodies.

  “No.” Lana said to herself. “This can’t be happening.” She lowered her head and I took her in my arms.

  “It should be over quickly.” Blake said. “But I could stop it if you cooperate.”

  “What’s in it for you, dear brother? You care not for them.”

  “No. I care about my future and for that I need you, Naomi.”

  “Never. I will never bare your demon child.”

  Blake smiled. “Very well. We’ll begin with ten lashes—each.”

  He turned to the glass and knocked on it three times. Three guards approached the guys and stuck a small wood dowel in their mouths before turning them around. Then they each picked up a whip and unraveled it. I tried my best to hold back my emotions as the guards started with the first thrash. Seth and Dirk got the most of it while Bryce’s immediately healed. The guard torturing him looked back at the glass barrier to Blake from the surprise of it.

  “My. It looks like we have a healer on our hands. I guess we’ll just have to up the pain of the initial strike.” Blake nodded to the guard and the guard put down the standard whip and picked up a larger metal one.

  Naomi started taking deep breaths when she saw it and I took her hand, grasping it tightly.

  The guards continued to thrash the bare skin of their backs and ripped it apart four more times before Naomi had enough and broke. “Please stop it!” She went over to Blake and got down on her knees in front of him. “I’ll do whatever you want! Just don’t hurt them anymore! Please!”

  Blake looked down at her but let the lashing continue.

  “Please! You have me! I’m yours! Just stop this! Please!” Naomi begged, gripping the leg of his pants in a desperate plea to stop the torture.

  Blake tapped on the glass and held up his fist. The guards stopped. “That’s a wise choice.” He looked back down to Naomi and brought her to her feet. “Then you will provide me with the son I need, anything less and you will be killed along with the child. I won’t tolerate any disappointments.”

  “So be it.”

  Blake smiled as he turned back to the glass and signaled for the guards to release them. They nodded as they dropped the whips and unchain them from the wall. Seth and Dirk immediately fell while Bryce kept to his feet
and spit out the wood dowel.

  Blake closed the curtain, blocking our view of them. “Then it is done. You’ll be escorted back to your ship where you will wait for them there but Naomi, you’re staying with me.”

  She put her head down and cried as two guards came in and took me and Lana.

  “Naomi. No.” I said as I was being pulled away.

  “Tell Bryce I’m sorry and that I love him.”

  “This isn’t over, Blake!” I shouted as we were forced out of the room. “I won’t let you get away with this!”

  The door slammed shut and they were gone. The two guards holding us brought us all the way back to the docks and Jinx’s ship. We boarded with our horses and Jinx immediately knew something was wrong. “What’s the matter? Where are the others?”

  “They’re coming.” I said. “But we have to go back and get Naomi when they get here.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “She traded her life for theirs. It was the only way or else they would have been killed.”

  “You mean to tell me you went to your father?”

  “A mistake, I know but we’ll get her back.”

  Chapter 26


  We were thrown out of the palace and our stuff was tossed to us like we were lower than dirt. I really felt lower than dirt at this point but at least I was first to my feet.

  “You’re permitted to rejoin the others back at your ship where you will leave immediately.” The guard told us. “And don’t come back.”

  He slammed the door shut and I turned around and saw Seth and Dirk still on the ground. “Here, let me help.” I walked over and kneeled down next to them. Seth rolled over and I saw what they did to him. His back was just oozing blood from the long slashes that covered it. “They shall pay for this.”

  “Oh, they will.” Seth said, holding in the pain. “Once my father hears about this, they will.”

  I agreed and put my hands on his back as my eyes started to glow. His wounds were still causing him pain but he suffered through it until he was healed then I turned to Dirk. “Let me see yours.” Dirk rolled away from me and I put my hands on him to heal his wounds that looked just like Seth’s.

  “Why did they let us go?” Dirk wondered.

  Seth shrugged his shoulders as he climbed to his feet. “I don’t know but there must be a reason.”

  “There. Finished.”

  “Thanks.” Dirk replied as I helped him up. “I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t. Now, let’s get back to the ship.”

  Seth and Dirk agreed while putting their shirts and weapons back on. We rode out of the city and back to the docks as fast as possible, hoping the girls were already there.

  “There you are.” Cadence said, hugging Seth immediately. “I’m so sorry I let that happen.”

  “It’s all right. We’re fine. Now, let’s just get out of here.”

  There was a pause when Cadence, Lana and Jinx looked at each other.

  “What?” Dirk asked.

  That’s when I noticed it. “Wait. Where’s Naomi?”

  “We have to get her.” Cadence said quietly.

  “Get her from where?!” I demanded.

  “She traded her freedom for yours. That’s the only reason why they let you go.”

  “She’s with Blake?!”

  “Don’t worry.” Lana said. “We’re going to get her back.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” I turned, ready to leave the ship.

  “Wait!” Cadence shouted. “We need a plan first.”

  We heard a splash coming from the starboard side of the ship before I could lash out about a stupid plan and a member of the crew yelled out. “Captain! He’s escaping!”

  Jinx sighed and we ran over to the starboard rail and looked over.

  “Damn it, Rory.” Cadence said to herself. “We don’t have time for this.”

  She lifted up her hand toward him swimming to shore and lifted him up out of the water, slamming him down on the deck behind us. “Ouch.”

  “What are you doing?” Cadence demanded. “On your feet!” She pulled him up and he was still soaking wet. She put her hand up to him and pushed off all the water. “Get back to your room!”

  “All right. All right. I’m sorry.”

  “Wait.” Jinx approached him. “You sneak into the palace and get Naomi back. I have a different room to put him in. One with no windows.”

  He took Rory by the arm and started leading him that way. “Hang on! You’re going to the palace? I can get you in. I know a secret passage.”

  “Yeah, sure you do. Let’s go.” Jinx said as he tried to get Rory below deck.

  “No! I really do! I’m not lying! I built it myself! I can get you in!” There was a pause as everyone looked around at each other. “Come on. Give me a chance. I promise, I won’t try to escape again. You want to save your friend, don’t you?”

  Of course I wanted to save her and I this point, I’d do whatever it took.

  “Just let him.” I said.

  “We better not regret this.” Seth said. “Come on. We’re leaving now.”

  “Ah ha!” Rory shouted, pulling his arm away from Jinx. “No windowless room for me!”

  “You’re still going in one if you don’t behave.” Cadence replied. “Now, come on.”

  “Ah ha!” Jinx smiled at Rory as he was walking over to us. “I’ll have one waiting for you then.”

  “I’m not really going to be put in a windowless room, am I?” Rory wondered as he reached Cadence’s side.

  “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see but you are going to be tied up for the trip.”


  Dirk came up behind him and pulled his arms behind his back. “Tough break, kid but we still can’t trust you.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. Here I am, trying to help you and you say you can’t trust me. That’s so disrespectful.”

  “Yeah, get used to it. Now, move and limit the talking along the way.” Dirk pushed Rory forward and we started down the gangplank.

  “Good luck!” Jinx shouted. “And hurry back! I’ll have the ship ready to set sail the moment you board!”

  Cadence waved and we headed to the gates on foot this time.

  “So, where is the tunnel you spoke of?” Seth asked.

  “Oh, so I guess I’m permitted to speak now?” Rory wondered.

  “Just tell us before you get what’s coming to you.” I replied. “We don’t have time to play games. Where is it?”

  “All right. You don’t need to get all stressed. It’s back at my place.”

  “You mean the place we found you?” Lana asked.

  “Ah, yeah.” Rory answered like it was obvious.

  Dirk hit him in the back of the head with an open hand. “Hey, you’ve been in this country too long. Show a woman a little more respect, would you? It’s getting annoying.”

  Rory was getting frustrated and stopped. “That’s getting annoying? I’ll tell you what’s getting annoying, you always pushing me around. That’s what.”

  “Too bad. It’s what I’m good at. Now, get moving.” He pushed Rory forward and we continued to walk.

  “Oh, yeah. I see.” Rory muttered. “Just because you’ve got the monstrous sized muscles. I get it.”

  “Don’t be jealous because you don’t have any.”

  “I have some! You just can’t tell when I’m standing next to you!”

  “All right you two. That’s enough.” Seth said.

  “It’s his fault.” Rory said, pointing to Dirk.

  Dirk’s eyes flashed red and Seth turned to him. “Rory, I swear to you, you’re lucky they were sent to bring you back to Kalu because if they weren’t, I would set a personal mission and kill you myself. Stop picking fights you cannot win.” He turned back around and we continued the rest of the way in silence until we reached the broken down door at the brewery. “Okay, we’re here. Where to now, Rory?”

  “This way.” He entere
d and we followed down to the far corner of the old basement. “This is it.”

  He stepped aside and let Cadence get a better look at this dark hole. “Where does this go exactly?”

  “It comes up under the floor of the servant’s supply closet. See, I even have their uniforms to wear so I don’t get noticed but I only have three.” He kicked over a box with three sets of the servant’s uniforms in it.

  “How often do you do this?” Seth wondered.

  “Whatever it takes to survive. How else do you think I’ve been living out here on my own for so long?”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” Lana said. “So, you rob from the rich and give to yourself?”

  “Oh, like you would understand. You probably grew up with money in wealthy families.”

  “So did you.” Seth said.

  “Not since I lived out here. Besides, I just do it enough to get by. They ever notice anything is missing.”

  “Okay, let’s just go and get her and get out.” Cadence said. “I don’t want to linger here.” She took a uniform from the box and started putting it on as Lana did the same.

  “Would you untie me now?” Rory asked.


  “I’m coming with you.”

  “I don’t think so.” I said, taking the last uniform from the box. “She’s my girl, I’m going.”

  “But you don’t know where to go. I can take you right to Blake’s room which is probably where she’ll be.”

  “We’ll do fine.” Cadence said. “I think I can find my own brother’s room without your help.”

  Rory looked utterly bewildered while staring at her. “No way. You’re the Princess? You people are just full of surprises.”

  Lana laughed. “Yeah, for being twins, they’re really nothing alike.”

  “What?!” Seth asked. “Twins?!”

  “Yeah.” Cadence said shyly. “Blake is my twin. He got all of the bad qualities from our father while I got all of the good ones from my mother. It’s messed up. I know.”

  I felt sorry for having to cut it short but getting to Naomi was much more important. “Let’s go. We have to get to her.”

  Cadence nodded and turned into the tunnel first, ready for me and Lana to follow. We hurried through and came up to the spot under the floor at the palace.


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