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Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12)

Page 14

by Bowles, April

  “Okay.” Cadence said. “This is it. Let’s make this quick and don’t make eye contact with anyone.” Lana and I nodded as she climbed the ladder first and lifted up the floor boards in the closet. She looked around to make sure it was clear before climbing out. “Come on.” We came up after her and approached her from behind at the door. “Remember, make it quick.”

  We nodded and Cadence slowly opened the door and looked out to make sure no one was coming. Once she knew it was clear, she stepped out and waved for us to follow. I was just so anxious to get this over with. We should have been out of this country by now. Cadence led us around the corner to the stairs and we snuck up them to the second floor.

  We traveled down the hall, passed three other doors before Cadence stopped. “She should be in here.”

  I nodded and used my vision to see inside the room. It was clear of Blake and I quietly turned the door knob as I brought my vision back. It came free and I gently pushed on the door as it creaked open. The room was dark all but for one lit candle over by the bed. As we walked over, I could see Naomi laying on it asleep.

  I got right next to her and leaned over her but when I did, Naomi quickly sprung up and swung a dagger at me. I grabbed her hand and she saw who it really was. “Bryce?”

  “It’s all right, Naomi. We’re getting you out of here.”

  She dropped the dagger and quickly hugged me. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know. You’re all right now.”

  “No, I’m not. He’s already gotten to me. I’m tainted now.”

  I looked up at Cadence and Lana to the realization that this was actually happening but I still held my arms around her.

  “Oh, sweetie, you’re not tainted.” Lana said, sitting beside her. “You shouldn’t say that you are.”

  Naomi was still in tears as she pulled away from me and looked at Lana. “How could you say that? You of all people should know.”

  “But it wasn’t your fault. When I realized that, I knew that I wasn’t going to let it affect me and neither should you.”

  Naomi was still crying and I wiped away her tears. “She’s right and I could never see you any differently than what I always have because I love you and I want you to never forget that, ever.”

  Naomi started to calm down.

  “I think we should go.” Cadence said.

  Naomi got wide eyes and she quickly got out of the bed, gathering her things. “You’re right. He’ll be coming back for me again. He said he would.”

  Lana and I got up off the bed and we all headed over to the door. Cadence poked her head out to make sure that it was clear before she stepped out. She waved for us to follow and we all quickly went down the hall to the stairs and back down into the servant’s supply closet, closing us inside.

  Cadence sighed in relief with her back up against the door. “We made it. Let’s hurry back.” She went over and took up the floor boards and one by one, we all climbed down into the tunnel.

  “What is this place?” Naomi asked.

  “How Rory has been surviving out here alone.” Cadence answered. “Now, let’s go.”

  We traveled through the dark tunnel and made it back to the brewery basement quickly.

  “There you are.” Seth said as he and Dirk stood up.

  “Are you all right, Naomi?” Dirk asked.

  Naomi looked over at Lana who was getting out of the servant uniform and raised her eyebrow. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “Well, good.” Seth replied. “Now, let’s get out of here before they notice you’re gone.”

  Everyone agreed and we walked back to the stairs and started heading up them while Rory was looking for a thank you. “It was my plan you know? I’m the one that showed them the easy way in so none of you would get killed.”

  Lana sighed. “Yes, we get it. Thank you, all right?”

  Rory smiled as we reached the top step but all stopped to see three men standing in the broken down doorway. Rory’s smile quickly faded from his face and moved in behind Dirk. “Did they see me?”

  “Times up, Rory.” The man in the middle said.

  “I think they saw you.” Lana whispered back.

  Rory swallowed the bubble in his throat and stepped out from behind Dirk. “Evening Fergus and your monstrous pets.”

  “Do you know how long it’s been for me to have to come down to this retched place you call home and personally make you repay me?”

  “I’ve meant to stop by. I’ve just been, you know, busy.”

  “Enough! You’re passed your deadline and you know what that means.” The two men beside him began to crack their knuckles.

  Seth put his hand on Rory’s shoulder and pulled him back. “You best recognize who you’re threatening. You will not put a hand on the Kaluian Prince.”

  Fergus laughed. “Prince? He’s no Prince! Just a cowardly child trying to outrun the inevitable so just hand him over for he is no use to you.”

  “If you want the kid, you’ll have to go through us.” Seth said. Dirk and I helped block their path to Rory.

  “So be it.” Fergus said as he looked on both sides of him. They took off their jackets and revealed their weapons strapped to their bare torsos.

  Dirk and I looked over to Seth and he nodded. “So, you want to play show and tell, do you? Our turn.”

  At that moment, we took off our shirts revealing the Great Seni Fighter symbol over our hearts. Rory peeked around us as Fergus gasped and collapsed down to one knee, bowing. “Forgive me. I did not recognize you, my lords.” Fergus hit the two next to him in the legs and they dropped to their knees and bowed as well.

  “That’s all right.” Seth smiled. “Simple mistake. Now, if you don’t mind, we’re taking the young Prince back home where he belongs.”

  We started walking to the door while they stayed where they were, bowing. Rory walked up to them and was about to kick one of them but Dirk pulled him back. “No.”

  “But what about his debt?” Fergus asked as he stood up and turned around. “He still owes me.”

  Seth stopped and turned back to him. “Consider it paid.”

  He tossed a sack of gold in front of Fergus and he bent down and picked it up. “Thank you, my lord.”

  Seth turned back with us and we headed to the gate.

  “Shit! That was amazing!” Rory said. “Where can I get one of those?”

  “One of these?” Dirk wondered as he pointed at his chest. “Kid, you’re far from ever being ready to join our crew.”

  “Well, what do I have to do?”

  “You’re serious?” I wondered.

  “Yeah, tell me!”

  “It’s not just a simple task.” Seth explained. “We’ve been training for this our whole lives. It’s not something you can simply choose to do. It takes years of discipline and practice to become worthy of baring this mark. Besides, you have another duty to tend to. Your duty as Prince in Kalu and someday King.”

  “But so do you and you still do it.”

  “Yes, but I was born into this. My father was one and so passed the task down to me.”

  “Lucky.” Rory muttered. “All my father will ever give me is a swift kick in the—”

  “Hey!” Dirk interrupted. “Watch the tongue around the ladies. You don’t live here anymore and should learn to show some respect.”

  “Sorry.” Dirk hit him in the back of the head and Rory was jumped. “Hey! What was that for? I said, sorry!”

  “It was the way you said it. Don’t do that.” Rory sighed and looked away as we reached the gates and walked out, back to the docks.

  “Jinx will have the ship ready to leave so once we get there, we’re out of here.” Cadence said.

  “Good.” Naomi replied. “I’d like to get out of here quickly.”

  “Yes, it’s best if we do.” Seth said. “Because who knows what Blake will do when he finds out you’re gone.”

  “Can we please not talk about him?” Naomi said as she began to walk a little faster ahead of

  “What’d I say?” Seth asked.

  Lana looked over at him and shook her head as she caught up with Naomi and put her arm around her. Cadence and I looked at each other.

  “You tell them.” Cadence said. “I can’t.” I nodded as Cadence walked up with Lana and Naomi.

  “Did we miss something?” Dirk asked.

  I took Rory by the shoulder and pushed him forward. “Go with them."

  “No, I want to know too.”

  “No. I don’t want you to know so go.”

  Rory didn’t argue it but he sighed and walked up with the girls.

  “What is it?” Seth asked.

  “Are you really going to make me say it?” I sighed. “What do you think he wanted her for?”

  Seth and Dirk looked at each other, shocked.

  “Fuck. Sorry, B.” Dirk said. “You don’t think she’s—”

  “No!” I cut in. “I mean, I hope not.” I didn’t even want to think about it.

  “Well, can you tell?” Seth asked.

  “It’s too soon. I guess I’m just going to have to wait before I know.”

  It was quite a depressing thought and I didn’t want to go on about it. I just wanted to get out of here.

  We boarded the ship and Jinx immediately set orders to leave from the helm. “Heave up the gangplank and hoist all anchors! We’re ready to shove off!”

  The moment the ship was set to leave the port we began our journey south to the shores of Kalu and out of this dreadful place. I never wanted to be back but with Naomi gone, I knew Blake would be coming to us―eventually.

  Chapter 27


  We arrived at the western Kaluian port the following evening where we were set to escort the young Prince Rory home.

  “We’re going to miss you, Jinx.” Cadence said as they hugged.

  “Oh, I know but we’ll see each other again.”

  They parted and Lana walked over to him next, hugging him. “You’ve made my horrible time at sea worth putting up with. Thank you.”

  Jinx smiled. “Awe, Lana, that’s sweet but I am glad you decided to journey my way.” She smiled as Naomi went to him and just stood in front of him for a moment. “Don’t you dare start crying on me, girl.” He held out his arms and she rushed into them. “Remember, this is not your fault and this is only good-bye for now.” She nodded and wiped her eyes as they parted and she got up on her horse. “Farewell and be sure to send Honey looking for me so we can keep in touch.”

  “Where will you go?” Cadence asked.

  “Everywhere. I’m setting our course due south and will journey back to the northern Senian docks the long way.”

  “Well, good luck with that. We’ll write soon.”

  “As I hope.” Jinx smiled, bowing his head.

  We rode off the ship and started on the road to the east, heading for Dorlin.

  We rode for two straight days before we reached the city and went straight for the palace but before we got there, I was sure to prep Rory for the meeting with his father. “First things first. When we get there, you need to not run your mouth like you have been and show your father respect. He is the King after all. Understand?”


  “Good. Now, let’s hurry. We wouldn’t want to keep him waiting.”

  We made our way to the palace gates and were let right in.

  Trever greeted us and stood up from his throne. “Son.”

  There was a pause. Rory was just standing blankly in front of his father and I lightly nudged him in the back. Rory stepped forward and bowed his head. “Father.”

  “I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me.” Trever said to us. “I hope he wasn’t too much trouble.”

  “Nothing we couldn’t handle, uncle.” Bryce replied.

  “Uncle?” Rory wondered. “Do you see what I said about the surprises? There’s always something with you. It’s like a never ending tale of discoveries and I’m always the one that has no idea about any of it.”

  Everyone standing around him just kind of sighed and looked away.

  “Seth. Dirk. Bryce. Can I speak to you privately for a moment?” Trever asked.

  “Certainly.” I replied then turned to Cadence. “Take the little nuisance into the lounge, we’ll be back for him.”

  Cadence smiled and nodded as she turned to Rory, pointing in that direction. “That way. Move it.”

  Rory didn’t say anything. He just rolled his eyes and started walking that way.

  “Are you sure you really want him to be here because he is nowhere near ready for this kind of responsibility.” I said.

  Trever laughed to himself. “I know he’s a little rough around the edges but with a little training, he’ll have the potential to be as noble as you.”

  “Yeah, more like a lot of training.” Dirk muttered.

  Trever laughed again. “Possibly but I trust his teachers will put him on the right path to success.”

  “Are you sure they’re mentally capable of handling him?” Bryce asked.

  “Why don’t you tell me? Do you feel you three are mentally capable of handling him?”

  “What?” We said at the same time. “Us?!”

  “You want us to train him?” I wondered.

  “There’s no one better in my eyes. You three are just what he needs to help turn his life around and become the man I need him to be.”

  “But it may be a long time before he ever becomes what you need, uncle.” Bryce said. “How much time are you granting us?”

  “You have four weeks.”

  “Four weeks!” Dirk bursts out. “I’m sorry if I’m over stepping my boundaries here but four weeks is not enough time to teach that kid anything! He’s reluctant to learn so far!”

  “I know what I’m asking of you is a bit of a challenge but you are the only three I can trust this to. Underneath his unpolished exterior, I know he is much like myself and therefore will adapt well to your teachings and who knows, he may even surprise you.”

  I looked at my brothers and it seemed he was right in putting his trust in us but I didn’t even know where to begin

  “So, how do you want us to do it then?” I asked.

  “Good. Take him with you back to Randal so he may see you in your own environment. He needs to learn how to become more distinguished in life and needs to know proper values as what will be expected of him in his coming days.”

  “Very well. You have my word that when he returns, you will have the son you need.”

  “That’s good to hear. I am forever grateful and don’t be afraid to do whatever it takes to reach that said goal.”

  We looked at each other and smiled this time.

  “Whatever it takes?” Dirk wondered.

  “Whatever it takes. I leave his life in your hands.”


  “If you don’t mind me asking, why haven’t we heard about Rory before this?” I asked.

  Trever sighed and sat back in his throne. “I always thought about telling you but believe it or not, I haven’t exactly been the best of fathers. He was very close with his mother and when she—passed and he found out that I knew it would happen, he became distant and ran off. I wasn’t worried, I had help in always knowing where he was but now that I’m King, I needed him to come back and take his place. I know that his time away made him forget such things as dignity and manner but I trust that you can reteach it to him.”

  “Not to sound too forward or anything but mother is going to freak.” Bryce said.

  Trever laughed and started to stand. “I imagine she would, yes but it’s something I think she’ll get over quickly. She’ll just be glad that it actually happened.”

  “Yeah, I guess I can see that.”

  “Now, shall we tell him the news?” We smiled and he led us to the lounge and was first to address his son. “Rory, your training in this new life shall begin immediately as I present to you, your teachers.”

  We just sm
iled at him but Rory sighed and covered his face. “Oh, no. Please not them, father.”

  Trever held up his hand to silence him. “That’s enough. You will give them your full respect as you journey back to Seni and undergo your four week training session until you are to return back to me. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” Rory answered with his head down.

  Dirk smiled as he walked over to Rory and put him in a head lock. “Well, it looks like we’re going to get to know each other very well, kid. You’re going to be with us day and night and by the end, you’ll be begging for us to take you back.”

  He let him go and Rory sighed again. “Forgive me for not leaping with joy but I must assume to just start begging you now?”

  “Awe! It won’t be so bad.” I smiled. “We’ll teach you everything you need to know to be just like us. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “You mean, you’ll actually let me join you?!”

  Bryce laughed. “Don’t push it, kid. First, we’ll start with the basics to see where you are then we’ll get into the real tests.”

  “All right, I’m ready!” Rory said in excitement. “When do we leave?”

  “In the morning.” Trever answered. Rory started to mope. “Everything should be ready by then and you can all get a good night’s sleep in the meantime.”

  “Very well.” I said. “So, it’s settled. We leave first thing in the morning and you better be ready.”

  “Oh, I will!”

  Trever turned and signaled for a servant to come in. “Do escort our young Prince up to his bed chambers and make sure he has whatever he needs to be comfortable.”

  The servant bowed as she stepped aside from the doorway and held her arm out to it. “Right this way, your majesty.”

  There was a pause. Rory didn’t move.

  “That means you.” I said, giving him a light push forward.

  Rory snapped out of it and walked over. “Oh, right. That’s me, sorry. I’m not used to that.”

  The servant smiled and nodded as she followed him out the door.

  “It’s almost cute how he looks up to you.” Cadence smiled.

  I laughed. “What?”

  “It’s only been a few days and we can already see he’s changed.” Lana answered.


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