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Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12)

Page 15

by Bowles, April

  “See, I knew he would warm up to you soon enough.” Trever smiled. “But the real trials have yet to begin as you must ready him for the coming of his sixteenth birthday, four weeks from tomorrow when I want you to present him with this.” Trever turned to the side as a servant handed him a long bundle of cloth. He turned back and revealed what lied beneath. “The Great Lion Sword of Kalu.”

  My eyes were open wide upon it and we all stepped closer. Trever handed it off to me, letting me touch this amazing piece of history. The sword was of black and gold, consisting of a lion-head handle with diamond eyes, attached black wings and a wraparound tail acting as the guard. It was just beautiful.

  “I don’t believe it.” I said. “The winged lion sword?”

  “The very same.”

  “But this sword was said to be lost to the world after the great founder of Kalu fell centuries ago. How did you get it?”

  “It was never lost. Only buried away in the city vaults and has now been rediscovered.”

  “And you’re giving it to Rory?” Dirk wondered.

  “Are you sure that’s wise, uncle?” Bryce asked. “For such a well-known treasure I would think you would see to uphold it yourself.”

  “I’ve already thought it over and have decided to pass it down to him. With this sword, maybe he’ll understand more of who he is as I hope you will not feel withheld from giving it to him when the time comes.”

  “Of course not.” I replied. “But are you sure you don’t want to be present for the unveiling of the sword, I mean, the eyes will glow, right?”

  “What does that mean, the eyes glow?” Lana wondered.

  “Tales tell of this sword to glow in the eyes when the true bloodline of Kalu has once again been found after the start of the break centuries ago.” I explained. “It’s the missing piece of the puzzle to reform the country with its true leader. Since Trever is the true heir that means Rory is too and the sword will bind itself to him.”

  “How do you mean?” Naomi asked.

  “That’s what we don’t know. It’s never happened before. Are you sure you don’t want to be there to find out with us?”

  “I may as well be.” Trever answered. “But if I’m not, I’m sure I’ll hear all about it once he returns so for now you three must prepare yourselves for the coming weeks and get a good night’s rest.”

  We all nodded and I wrapped the sword back up but continued to hang onto it.

  “And as for my lovely Assassins. I have a different task for you now, if you so choose to take it.”

  “We don’t really have a choice.” Naomi said.

  “Yes you do. You always have a choice. You can either go on this mission for me or you could accompany them in their journey back to Seni with my son.”

  The Assassins looked at each other with wide eyes.

  “Sorry, guys.” Cadence smiled. “So, where are we going?”

  Trever laughed. “Don’t worry yourself with that tonight. Just get some rest and I will brief you in the morning.”

  They nodded as Trever turned and left the lounge. We soon also left and went to bed to await the morning.

  Everyone woke early and readied our horses for the five day ride back to Seni. I concealed the sword on my horse so Rory wouldn’t see it just as he walked into the stables.

  “There you are.” I called out. “We can’t leave without you.”

  Rory smiled. “Oh, don’t worry. I wouldn’t have let you.”

  “All right.” Dirk said. “Just get your stuff and let’s get going.”

  “What stuff? I was taken against my will, remember? I don’t have anything!”

  Dirk laughed. “Oh, yeah. Well, get on your horse then and let’s go. We can provide you with belongings when we get there.”

  Rory got up on his horse and we were about to get on ours.

  “Hey!” Cadence shouted. “Planning on leaving without saying good-bye?”

  “Of course not!” I smiled as we walked over to them.

  Cadence laughed as she hugged me. “That’s what I thought.”

  Lana and Naomi hugged Dirk and Bryce and we all pulled away at the same time.

  “So, where are you headed?” Dirk asked.

  “South.” Lana answered. “To Maaki for a quick visit.”

  “Watch each other’s backs, would you? We wouldn’t want anything to happen.”

  “Awe! You’re cute when you act like you care.” Lana smiled as she leaned into him, putting her hands on his chest.

  “That’s because I do care.”

  “You up to proving it then?”

  “Mmm. Tempting offer. You’re making it hard to refuse.”

  “That was my plan.” Lana leaned into him more and they started kissing.

  “All right, you two.” Cadence said. “That’s enough. They have to leave and so do we.”

  Lana sighed as she stepped away from Dirk. “Okay, I’m going.” She walked to her horse and started to put the saddle on.

  “We’ll see you when you get back.” Bryce said. “And don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine.”

  “We know you will be.” Naomi smiled as she kissed him. “If we were going to worry, it would be about him.” Everyone looked back at Rory on his horse watching us say our good-byes.

  “Well, don’t.” I replied. “He’ll be fine as long as he behaves.”

  Cadence laughed. “Ooh, I feel bad for him then.”

  “You know, I can hear you.”

  “I know but you best keep your mouth to yourself when you’re alone with them. Just some advice. We won’t be there to save you this time.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” Rory muttered.

  She smiled again and kissed me. “We shouldn’t be too long. Two weeks at the most.”

  “That’s fair.” I got on my horse. “We shouldn’t even notice because we’ll be previously distracted.”

  Dirk and Bryce got up on their horses and we started to ride to the head of the stables.

  “Good luck in your mission and see you back home!”

  Chapter 28


  This was going to be interesting. We journeyed for three days until we reached the mountain pass of the north and stopped for the night.

  “Are we stopping now so you can teach me how to fight like you?” Rory asked.

  “First of all, who said anything about teaching you how to fight?” Seth wondered. “We’re merely teaching you how to be a mild citizen then how to uphold your title as Prince and secondly, no. We’re stopping to rest the horses for the night as we could use it ourselves.”

  “So, why aren’t you going to teach me how to fight like you?”

  “That will come later, if it does at all.” Bryce told him as he gathered sticks for a fire. “So, for now, we’ll start with the basics.”

  Rory sighed. “The basics of what, dear cousin?”

  Bryce just smiled but I answered. “Etiquette. You need to know proper etiquette if you ever want to be a step closer in learning how to fight.”

  “What the fuck is etiquette?”

  Seth sighed and walked over to the freshly lit fire after securing the horses. We clearly had a lot of work to do. “Manners. We’re going to start by teaching you proper manners like when and when not to say stuff. Sit.” We all sat down around the fire and Rory’s first lesson in his four week training period had begun. “All right, first, something you’ll always have to remember is that just because you’re a Prince does not mean that you can do whatever you want. Yes, your range of power does exceed passed most but as a Prince, you are expected to behave a certain way at all times, especially around your elders.”

  “Okay, example?”

  “Example?” Bryce thought about it to give him a proper answer. “A good example is what you’ll see when we arrive in Randal and are in the presence of the six most respected people in the world. A bad one is the way you greeted your father upon arrival.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You hes
itated.” I answered. “To hesitate is to be at a loss of words and is to show disrespect for those higher than you. You must remember that when you come into the presence of one, you must immediately bow not before or after you greet them but during your greeting.”


  “It shows your confidence.” Seth explained. “You are neither a fool to know who you’re speaking to but nor are you showing fear to speak to them. They recognize it as you showing respect and therefore will offer it in return. Understand?”


  “Good. Now, second, the way of proper introductions. As being a Prince, you always have someone announce you to a crowd. That’s when you kindly nod and wave to your guests then graciously take your seat to signify the start of the festivities.”

  “Doesn’t that seem so conventional?”

  “Yes, but as is the way.” I replied. “You will learn everything you need to know in this matter through us as you will then become a custom to hearing the way you’d be announced.”

  “And what would that sound like?”

  “Well, it consists of things like your accomplishments, family history and most importantly the weapon you wield as it will be known to define you.” Seth explained.

  “Okay, so how would someone announce you?”

  Seth looked over at Bryce and he nodded, doing it for him. “Presenting, his royal highness, son of King Zayden and her lady Queen Adele of the Senian court. Second generation Great Seni Fighter Leader and master of the sword of the Senian Way, Ashvanghosha, Prince Seth.”

  “Shit, that was good.” Rory said. “But don’t you ever get tired of hearing it?”

  Seth smiled and nodded. “Oh, yeah but it’s something you’ll learn to live with as I have.”

  “So, how would I be announced? I don’t have any accomplishments or a weapon.”

  “Not yet.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You’ll get one at the end of your four weeks when you turn sixteen.” I said.

  Rory got excited. “Really?”

  “Yes.” Bryce smiled. “That’s when we got ours.”

  “Well, it was delayed because of some things but we still got it.” I said.

  “What is it? Do you know?”

  We could only smile.

  “We might.” Seth said.

  “Well, tell me! I doubt it could be as noble as yours but I still want to know!”

  “Oh, you shouldn’t doubt that.” Bryce cut in.

  “What do you mean?”

  “At the end of the four weeks, if you are ready for it, we will be presenting you with my sword’s brother.” Seth said.

  “Brother?” It didn’t take him long to get it. I guess that meant he wasn’t as dumb as I always thought. “You mean the Great Lion Sword? I get the founder of Kalu’s sword! Are you kidding me?!”

  Seth smiled. “No. Your father rediscovered it down in the city vaults and wants it passed to you.”

  “Oh, shit! I don’t believe it! This is incredible! Can I see it?!”

  “No.” We answered at the same time.

  Rory’s excitement faded. “What? Why not?”

  “It must be kept secret until it’s unveiling to the world during your final ceremony.” Seth explained. “So, until then I want you to forget about it and we’ll continue with more of your lessons later. For now we should get some sleep.”

  Seth stood up and used his gift to create a shelter for us to sleep in. We still had a few days until we were there. He was going to be whining about it for days.

  Chapter 29


  We got up with the sun and immediately got ready once more to ride east toward Randal. Rory eventually settled on us letting him see his weapon early and we finally reached the top of the hill in two days in the evening.

  “We’re here.” I said. “Let’s see how you handle your first test.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Meeting our parents.”

  Rory sighed and looked to the palace at the top of the hill. “Oh, great.”

  “Just remember what you’ve learned and you’ll do fine.” Dirk said, slapping him on the back.

  Rory still didn’t seem enthused about it which made it all the more enjoyable for us.

  We rode down the hill and entered through the gates at the military base then straight through the plains to the inner city gates. Along the way people greeted and bow to us and Rory clearly liked how they respected us. He would get that kind of respect too back home. He is a royal after all. It was best if he started to get used to it.

  “Okay.” I said as we reached the palace and got off our horses. “We’ll make this simple as we can then we can continue with your other lessons.”

  Rory nodded and we started walking to the palace but there was no one anywhere.

  “Wow, what an alive place.” Rory muttered.

  Dirk hit him in the back of the head. “Don’t do that. This way.”

  We led him to the conference room and walked in to see our parents all in there, sitting at the table in their line. We walked in and all bowed at the same time, including Rory.

  “May I introduce the residents of the house.” I said. “Starting at this end, Bryce’s mother, seventh generation Kalu Assassin and possessor of the uniquely inspired dual ring blades, Link and Jamin, her grace Lady Jaylyn. To her left, Bryce’s father, first generation Great Seni Fighter and artist of the sword, Ravanta, his excellency Sir Troy. To the other end, Dirk’s father, first generation Great Seni Fighter and wielder of the heavy broad sword, Aergad, his excellency Sir Darius. To his right, Dirk’s mother, seventh generation Kalu Assassin and guardian of the twin blades, Chiwa and Chava, her grace Lady Ruby. Then, in the middle, my mother, seventh generation Kalu Assassin Leader, keeper of the collapsing sword, Aeolus and co-ruler of all of Seni, her majesty Queen Adele. And lastly but certainly not least, the most powerful man in the known world and my father, first generation Great Seni Fighter Leader, master of the paired short staffs, Evin and Sota, his majesty King Zayden.”

  “Well, good to have you back.” My father said. “But what’s with the formalities?”

  I nudged Rory forward and Rory looked back at me with wide eyes like he didn’t know what to do.

  “Introduce yourself.” I whispered.

  “I thought someone was supposed to do that for me.” Rory whispered back.

  I looked up at the table and smiled for the delay. “Can you excuse us for just a moment?” We took Rory a few steps back and huddled around him.

  “Next, lesson.” Bryce whispered. “You introduce yourself to those higher than you.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. Couldn’t you have told me that sooner?”

  Dirk hit him in the back of the head―again. “Watch the mouth.”

  “Just go back there and tell them who you are properly.” I whispered. “You’re showing them disrespect by making them wait.”

  “But what do I say?”

  “Just wing it. Best advise I’ve ever got.”

  “And remember to stay down if you want to live.” Dirk added.

  Rory swallowed the bubble in his throat as he nodded and we turned back to the table.

  “That wasn’t necessary.” I whispered.

  Dirk just smiled. “I know but it was funny.”

  I laughed to myself as Rory stepped closer to the table and immediately bowed down on one knee. “Forgive me if I’ve shown you any disrespect. For I am Rory, son of King Trever of the Kaluian court and newfound Prince of Kalu.”

  Rory kept his head down and everyone at the table was shocked but no more than Jaylyn. She immediately stood up and walked to him, kneeling down in front of him and taking his hands as she brought him to his feet.

  He didn’t know what was going on while she was looking at him and he leaned back to us. “This isn’t custom, is it?”

  I laughed to myself. “No. Just go with it.”

  Jaylyn could see her brother in him better now and
was still shocked. “This can’t be. All these years.”

  “It’s true, mother.” Bryce said. “He is his son.”

  “That I can see.” Jaylyn smiled as she walked around him and looked him over more. “But why the sudden exposure of his identity?”

  “We’re to train the young Prince for his new future.” I answered. “He’s our responsibility so long as he’s here.”

  “And how long is he here for?” My father asked.

  “Four weeks, father. Then we’ll be taking him back to Kalu as a man and honorable member of society.”

  Rory got a smile on his face and was about to say something but Dirk thankfully put his hand over his mouth and pulled him back. “I don’t think so. You keep that shit to yourself.”

  “Take him away.” I said. “There’s something they need to see.”

  Dirk and Bryce saw me holding the long bundle of cloth with Rory’s sword in it and nodded.

  “All right, let’s go.” Dirk said as he removed his hand and pulled Rory away.

  Rory looked back at me and tried to stop while Dirk kept dragging him forward. “Is that my sword?”

  “Just move.”

  “Come on, you can’t be serious? Why can’t I see it?”

  “You know why.” Bryce answered. “Go.”

  “Not even a little?”

  “Go!” Dirk and Bryce shouted together, pushing him out completely.

  “It looks like you’ve got some work to do.” Ruby smiled

  “Believe it or not he’s gotten better already but I just needed him gone so I can show you this.” I held up the bundle of cloth and walked to the table with it.

  “What is it?” Troy asked.

  “Rory’s weapon, a part of history that has been reborn.” I set it down on the table in front of my mother and father.

  My mother had to already know because she just stared and couldn’t even come to finishing her sentence. “You don’t mean—”

  “I do, mother. May I present The Great Lion Sword of Kalu.” I uncovered it from its cloth binding and everyone stood up to see it.

  My mother was the first one to it and picked it up in her hands. “I don’t believe it. He really found it.”


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